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18. December 2002 @ 08:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In order to copy a DVD, why is it not just a case of decoding the DVD and then copying the data onto your hard-drive and then to a blank DVD? Everything else with a Mac is this simple.
24. December 2002 @ 16:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
For most DVDs' it is that simple. As long as the DVD is less than 4.7 gig in size. Do the following. Copy the DVD to your HD with DVD Backup(V1.3 Latest) It'll de CSS, de region, etc. Once you have the DVD on your HD, Open Toast Titanium. Select DVD from the Other menu. Make a new DVD named exactly as the original. Drop the Video_TS folder of your copied DVD onto the window and select record. Whats so hare about that?
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28. December 2002 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have tried burning a dvd with the exact name, but after it does not run neither on the iMac nor on the living room dvd.

i used toast 5.1 under the dvd menu, do i need to choose something else?

what dvd-r did you used?

the backup work fine in imac, but the burned backup doesn't. need help!!


28. December 2002 @ 18:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree. This is complicated. Never seems to be any "directions" anywhere that simply states how to break up a >5GB DVD on to 2 discs for use. Always, "check the forums" which is rather cumbersome. I'm currently messing around with converting the VOD files into DIVX so I can view them one by one on my G4. Once I figure out which VOD file does what, I'm going to just burn the VOD files I want (like English 5.1 version) and simply dump the French, Spanish, subtitles, and bonus sections. I imagine this would bring it down to 4GB thus burnable
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7. January 2003 @ 07:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I successfully use DVDbackup and Toast and I have found it can be that simple.

However the first time I tried I put the VIDEO_TS folder into Toast without creating new DVD. So the DVD burnt was called VIDEO_TS and the player could not find this.

You can call the DVD whatever you like, it doesn't need to be identical to the original disc.

Also it doesn't hurt to add an AUDIO_TS folder which is empty. Though this isn't essential.

Some DVD players won't play DVD-Rs

I have not been able to figure out DVDextractor it is very time consuming and complicated.

I have a Dual Gig G4 and I can have a finished disc from scratch in about 1hr using DVDBackup and Toast.
12. January 2003 @ 21:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
where can i get a copy of DVDBACKUP?? please let me know the URL. Thanks!!!
13. January 2003 @ 13:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think has it
14. January 2003 @ 08:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I went to, but they didn't have it...anyway, i did find a site that has it:

Thanks again!
25. January 2003 @ 07:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've only managed to rip 1 DVD with DVD Backup (v1.3). I just tried Rambo III and The Usual Suspects. After everything was saved to the Video_TS folder, I fired up the Apple DVD player only to get the error message that a valid media file was not found. I tried again a few tiems with various options on or off (Macrovision, CSS, Region code) but was unsuccessful.

Is DVD Backup incapable of properly decrypting some DVDs or am I doing something wrong?
26. January 2003 @ 13:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It does pay to read the instructions sometimes! DVDBackup uses the key DVDPlayer uses to play the movie. So first start up the movie, play a wee bit, quit, Fire up DVDBackup and rip the disc! Then to watch the movie just start up DVDPlay choose Open VIDEO_TS folder from the File menu, choose the appropiate folder and press play! To burn use Toast (Other... DVD) or just plop in the Disc and drag the folder to the DVD, but doing the latter, will only make the disc ready for Macs. (see below)

Also DiscCopy can copy a DVD, but it takes ages, and it makes is a Mac disc, so it will only play in your Mac. DVD discs need to be UDF or ISO-9660 in order to play in normal DVD-players. (Some DVD-Players don't play DVD-R or RW at all by the way)

Some DVD use different keys for different chapters. DVDBackup tells you which file, just skip to that chapter, play a second, quit and backup that file. (alas file nrs and chapters don't match, but sometimes the previews have a different key than the main movie)
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30. January 2003 @ 04:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DVD Backup does work great on small disks, but what are you folks using to split the files onto 2 DVD's when they are larger than 4.7g ?

I have a VIDEO_TS folder sitting on my hard drive that is 6.7g's. Works fine, but now, how do I split it ??

Do you think there will be a version of DVDXCOPY for the Mac someday....

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30. January 2003 @ 22:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried DVD Backup, and frankly, it was good only on a certain OS. It needs to be both OS 9 and OS x friendly. And to top it off, it only works for DVD-5 movies.

As a long time Mac user, I finally took Apple's advice: Think different. I went out and built a PC (took over a year to convince me, and a year saving up parts) I've waited patiently for DVD x Copy to work for me, and it finally seems like it does.

But the moment someone creates DVD backup software for mac, I'm jumping ship back to my favorite platform.

The PC platform is just a pain, but it's something I'm willing to endure since there is a lack of progress for anything DVD on the Mac side.

Someone stands to make a lot of $$$$ if anything like DXC or DVDSplit ever gets ported/re-written for Mac. Maybe they don't want our money.
4. February 2003 @ 03:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Instead of building a PC for backup, why not get Virtual PC with DVD x Copy?
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8. February 2003 @ 18:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have/enjoy Virtual PC (with Win98se), but too many people were not quite sure if DXC would work through emulation. And as an ironic twist of fate, I upgraded my PC to XP Pro operating system ONLY for DXC (since it wasn't 98/ME compatible). Now it is.
9. February 2003 @ 18:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Its a good thing you upgraded to Xp as 98 (FAT32) doesn't support the larger file sizes that Xp (NTFS) does

Jason Dion
AMD 1700+ 100 GB Western Digital SE
512 DDR 2100, 20 gig, 20 gig, HP DVD 200i
Acer 24x12x48, ATI Vid Capture <-- and I want more.
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21. February 2003 @ 19:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Osex rocks
then use transcoder
and cap that with sizzle
then burn using toast/disk copy

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25. February 2003 @ 06:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mike, I have downloaded all the files you have mentioned. Can you be a little more specific on what to do with these applications. How to make them into the files necessary for the other programs to work. What settings and buttons to use in the applications.

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25. February 2003 @ 13:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To be fair I'm strictly speaking about burning movies as opposed to DVD's with menu systems. To date I've had mixed results recording menu's and movies.

Anyway most movies are one chapter of a DVD so I would select that chapter in osex and choose to split into elementary streams while also deseleting foreign languages and subpictures. I actually thought I'd covered it in another post but just in case I'll go on.

if you split the VOB to M2V and AC3 then you can use transcoder to reduce the size of the M2V file.

Then use sizzle to recombine the M2V and AC3 files asa DVD image.

You can use disk copy to burn but toast has more options (although sometimes toast gives me error messages burning DVD-RW).

Oh and apologies for the briefness of my first response.
Junior Member
25. February 2003 @ 17:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Mike, I'll give it a try. I apologize for making you post it again. I've been searching the forums for what you just gave me and I appreciate it alot.
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25. February 2003 @ 21:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

anytime my friend

(I'm exited to have burnt my first dual layer DVD to two DVD's with menu today!)
2. April 2003 @ 12:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can anyone tell me exactly what programs I need, and somewhat detailed steps to backing up a DVD and burning it. I have a mac with OSX. I have already downloaded DVDBackup v1.3 and Toast Titanium v5.2.1 . I used DVDBackup to rip the DVD
onto my mac and it plays just fine in DVDPlayer.
Unfortunatly, the VIDEO_TS folder is 7.42 gigs. I need to burn the DVD onto two separate discs but don't know how
Please help if you know this stuff.
2. April 2003 @ 13:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
By the way, I want to fit the DVD onto one 4.7 gig DVD-RW, if possible.
2. April 2003 @ 13:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I looked through somw of the other posts pertaining to this area, and I have a question: How do you figure out what part of a DVD you are looking at from VTS_01_1.VOB?
7. April 2003 @ 05:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mike71 stated that most movies are one chapter. Most movies I see have multiple VTS_01_1.VOB, then VTS_01_2.VOB, then VTS_01_3.VOB etc each over a gigbyte and each having part of the movie on it. I tried copying just the main VOBs to a DVD using Toast and it all fit on one DVD, but the movie did not play. Do I have to select each VTS in osex, split it into M2V and AC3 use transcoder to reduce the size then use sizzle to recombine? This would take hours on my Mac. But is this the process?
7. April 2003 @ 05:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
stunfan12, if you use a program called vic, you can play each VTS_01_1.VOB to determine what part of the movie is on that particular VOB.
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