Hi all. New to this scene, but I've been reading a lot. Just bought a LiteOn SOHW-1633S and a 100-pack of SONY08D1 DVD-R media. Very happy.
Here's the main question. Is it better to get into the habit of ripping with DVD Decrypter in ISO or File mode, and how does this effect interactivity with DVD Shrink? Of course, with DVD-5's I'd just use DVDD and rip/burn ISO. But for DVD-9's, questions:
1) Is file mode ripping faster than ISO mode with DVDD?
2) I have PowerDVD 4. If I rip File mode, can PowerDVD play them properly with no audio out of sync issues? If I rip ISO, and use Daemon Tools to mount a virtual disc, does that present any memory/CPU usage issues for the emulation?
3) What I want to do is quickly rip all the info on DVD-9's to hard disk (just bought a 200GB external drive). Then, at my leisure, think about how best to manipulate the data to get it to fit into DVD-5 blanks. But say later I get some new software and want to span it across 2 disks, or I buy some DL media and want to burn the full thing, then isn't ISO mode better because then I can just burn the thing using DVDD? In File mode, wouldn't I have to use DVD Shrink (no compression) to turn the File mode structure back into a burnable ISO?
Basically, is there any disadvantage to using File mode (I have heard it's faster)?
4) What about redundancy and minimizing disk space? I know DVD Shrink can rip non-Arccos titles itself. So should I just use DVDS and only use DVDD to decrypt on problematic titles? Maybe that would make sense if I wanted to copy a DVD in as little time as possible, but as I understand it DVD-S sort of rips on the fly and the output result is either file structure or an ISO that has been transcoded. It doesn't save the FULL INFO unless you set it to no compression.
However, if I do this:
a) rip to ISO using DVDD
b) later, use DVDS to transcode, opening Disc Image (or opening Disc with daemon tools emulating the ISO)
Then doesn't DVDS have to "re-rip" from the "disc" in that case? Does that result in an extra step? What if I do this:
a) rip to File using DVDD
b) later, use DVDS to transcode, Open File mode
Does that save a step?
Anyway, I guess I can have more questions, but I'll wait to see if anybody replies. Very much appreciated.