i dunno what's going on but when i start edonkey, it jes won't connect to any sever.there are hundreds of servers in my list but it keeps on saying it can't connect. can any1 help!? (i think it happens to emule too)
Firstly, forget edonkey and use emule because its much more reliable. Then in emule when you are connecting to something, keep your eye on the log for messages and if its saying appears to be full just keep tryin to connect and you shud get connected!
Also click the users button over the list of servers and try the highest capacity servers like Silent Bob or the Donkey Servers.
in eMule, I can't connect either. I've tried many many times. There's only two servers listed, AdaNET and Silent bob. Innitially, this is displayed:
13/01/03 8:00:13 PM: Found 0 known shared files
13/01/03 8:00:13 PM: Creditfile loaded, 0 clients are known
13/01/03 8:00:13 PM: Disconnected
13/01/03 8:00:13 PM: Failed to load server.met!
13/01/03 8:00:14 PM: No part files found
13/01/03 8:00:14 PM: eMule Plus Version 0.24b 4 ready
13/01/03 8:00:14 PM: Web Server: disabled
I can double-click on a server, and I get this message every time:
13/01/03 8:02:33 PM: Connecting to Silent Bob (
13/01/03 8:02:33 PM: Connected to Silent Bob (, sending loginrequest
13/01/03 8:03:03 PM: Connection attempt to "Silent Bob" ( ) timed out
13/01/03 8:03:03 PM: Connecting to AdaNET (
13/01/03 8:03:03 PM: Connected to AdaNET (, sending loginrequest
13/01/03 8:03:03 PM: AdaNET ( appears to be full
13/01/03 8:03:03 PM: Connecting to Silent Bob (
13/01/03 8:03:04 PM: Connected to Silent Bob (, sending loginrequest
I also CONSTANTLY get a error window: DBG HELP not found.
I'm running win98, DSL with SpeedStream modem and Linksys router. Suggestions?
1. using windows explorer, navigate to your emule directory. By default this is c:\program files\emule. find the file named adresses.dat, right click on it and select 'open with', choose to open the file with notepad. You should see a blank text file, paste the following into the top line:
(if there is already a line of text there, then delete it and replace with this line)
then click Save from the File menu at the top.
2. Run emule, at first you'll probably notice no difference, if a serverlist doesn't load then click on the preferences icon at the top to get to the preferences window. when this window appears select the 'server' tab, you'll see a checkbox for "auto-update serverlist at start-up" make sure this is checked, and also a checkbox for "update serverlist when connecting to a server" make sure this is checked. Make the third option "update serverlist when a client connects" unchecked, you don't need this, it wrecks the network and really is no help to you. close and then re-start emule and you should see a large serverlist appear.
3. do you have ports 4662 and 4672 forwarded in your linksys router? This is very necessary, if you aren't sure how to do this then check my guide out at:
4. Adanet is pretty difficult to connect to, each server has a maximum ammount of users and Adanet is usually 20,000 - quite often it is just impossible to connect there because it always seems to be full. Silent Bob is also very popular, at the moment the limit is set at 60,000 and there are a few hundred slots free - so you should be able to connect. Try the edonkey No.1, 2, or 3 servers... these also have large numbers of users but are easier to connect to.