How to buy Pre-Modded ps2?
Junior Member
8. April 2005 @ 14:28 |
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I want a DMS4 Pro installed on NTSC ps2. Does anyone know which site to buy?
Junior Member
9. April 2005 @ 06:40 |
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9. April 2005 @ 18:48 |
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Junior Member
10. April 2005 @ 01:06 |
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Erm.. Why do they install DMS4 Pro on Slim ps2? I think installing mod chip on slim one is quite bad.
Junior Member
10. April 2005 @ 01:13 |
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Does anyone know which site sells DMS4 Pro installed on scph 3xxxx, 5xxxx (except slim one)?
10. April 2005 @ 06:36 |
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You can only get the new slim line now. Unless you send in your own older version.
Putting in a DMS4 in slim is not bad. My slim works great and has been for months. NO problems what-so-ever. Just make sure you get the laser fix applied to the slim and you will have no troubles.
Junior Member
10. April 2005 @ 08:15 |
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But, Does slim one support HDLoader?
Junior Member
10. April 2005 @ 10:25 |
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there are about a 1000 differnet websites where you can buy pre moded ps2s with almost any chip you want in them. I suggests searching "Pre Modded PS2" or somthing along that line on google
10. April 2005 @ 12:46 |
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Not it doesn't, but you can use USB extreme with a USB hardDrive. It's the same thing.
Just plugs into the USB port on your PStwo slimline.
Hope that helps..
Junior Member
10. April 2005 @ 21:25 |
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USB extreme is 3 times slower than HDLoader isn't it?
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11. April 2005 @ 06:14 |
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Try ps2warehouse.com They take long to delivery but they do.....Its cheaper than all the premod websites.
AfterDawn Addict
11. April 2005 @ 06:38 |
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I got my premodded slim PSTwo at http://www.xmodd.com They have the DMS4 Pro chip with the ToxicOS V.02 already on it.
They also have a choice of 3 other chips, but i would get the DMS4 Pro, The Toxic flashes for it give it more features than any other chip out there.
the new ToxicOS V0.3 even has Hard Drive Support and can play DVD9 (dual layer) back ups.
read this post and it will tell you all you need to know about the DMS4 Pro and Toxic OS.
It is very long and very detailed.
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11. April 2005 @ 06:59 |
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SCE, who are you talking about overpriced?
13. April 2005 @ 10:23 |
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I ordered a Pre-modified Slim Pstwo on 4-6 by electronic check from Getiitrepaired for approx $234. By 4-8 the check had cleared with my bank and the money was in Getitrepaired hands according to my bank. All testimonials and reviews stated that orders were received within a week?s time or in a very timely fashion. I later tried to post negative reviews on my situation and they were always deleted.
After 8 days, I decided to send an email on 4-13 to see when my order would ship, it was very cordial and to the point. I was responded to in a very demeaning and aggressive manner, VDO even DEMANDING I apologize. They even threatened to sue for libel after my first email because Mr. Walker claims it is illegal to say almost 10 days instead of 8 days. After giving them the names of people to talk to at my bank w/numbers, they still failed to verify my payment. Michael Walker proceeded to call me at my house and verbally assault me and my attorney here in MI.
I threatened to cancel my order if he kept mistreating me after a simple inquiry into when my product would ship. He then threatened to sue me and has since filed suit, but I have not been served yet. I only posted my experience and copies of the emails we sent to eachother on public forums to warn other consumers. I only asked he ship my product or refund me in full.
I would never do business with these shysters unless you feel like waiting ages and being treated like a second rate citizen. Now they want a 50% restocking fee due to the fact their customer service has been insulting and aggressive.
Original Email to GetItRepaired
It has been almost 10 days since I placed my order and it still shows as processing. I ordered from you due to the good reviews of your T/A. Do you have any word on when this will ship?
Response from G.I.R.
It has not been 10 days since you ordered, it has only been 8 days and two of them were the weekend. You have to allow for order acceptance as our policy states.
That makes six Business days, and we have to wait for a check to clear. That normally takes 7 to 10 days. As our policy states, unless you can prove that it cleared by emailing a screen shot of your account or cancelled check.
You seem to imply that we are now bad since it has been 10 days and you ordered because of our good reviews.
Nevertheless, you are really mistaken here and we expect a retraction of this, we pride ourselves on our product and service. However it sounds more like you did not READ our policy?s that you agreed to by checking the little box when you ordered.
We have the right to refuse orders also and cancel orders if we deem fit to do so, we do not like to be put down when we did nothing wrong.
It is a privilege to own a Modified PS2, not a right?these are made to order and first come first serve, there were 10 people ahead of that already ordered, we are extremely busy because of our excellent quality and reliability. We are properly the only legitimate site on the net, in our opinion.
People are realizing that. Your unit will ship most likely after we receive proof of check clearance and in order of received. You are number five on the list now, down from 10
Thank you
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
Reply from me
The bank already cleared the check,
I was just curious when it would arrive.
My old PS2 bit the dust.
Thanks for the quick reply
Response from G.I.R.
WE need proof that it cleared.
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
Reply from me
It cleared 4-8, from CFCU Phone (877) 937-2328 Account ********** Share draft 2430.
Response from G.I.R.
You telling us is not proof. We have had others try that and try to get a free Xbox, not saying you are, of course, we need visual proof.
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
Reply from me
I will call my bank and stop payment on the check, thanks for nothing. Expect negative reviews on every PS2 related forum.
Response from G.I.R.
Apparently you cannot prove that the check cleared, but you were 2nd on the list, but we also do not like threats, READ BELOW.
Well, here?s how we handle that. We will file a small claims lawsuit against you, in Wisconsin, you agreed to this as you read and agreed to our polices.. read our policy?s you agreed not do that by contract I will immediatly file a small claims lawsuit in Wisconsin today against you for the total amount due as the unit has already been bought and in the process of being modified.
Plus there is a 50% cancellation fee, there will also be a Court filing Fee of $82, and a process server of $35 to $75 or more.
The amount will total more than $275.00 by my calculations..
Read our Policies here..
I will scan the lawsuit the and email the copy to you, you may call the court to verify a court date has been set, I will also hire a process server in your area to serve the papers on you, we do not tolerate this sort of abuse from a customer at all. We take this very seriously and we take immediate actions.
So if you want to get sued, stop payment, if not then go by our polices that you already agreed to. It?s legal binding contract, if you libel us, with libelous posts on the net we will also sue for damages in a separate lawsuit.
We take action do not think that we do not.
ORDER CANCELLATIONS: If you cancel there is a 50% fee, it is not a restocking fee it is a cancellation fee, it is part of a sales contract and by law we pursue collection of it. By law we have 30 days to deliver an order to you, after that if we cannot provide the item, you are allowed a cancellation without charge. We do this as it costs us money to take credit cards, place backorders etc. We have by law 30 days to deliver the product according to law. If we cancel the order due to an exception, you agree that we will be allowed to access a minimum fee of $15. You also agree not to perform a credit card chargeback against Us for any reason. If you do, you agree to pay all of the chargeback fees and damages that We Specialties incurs for doing so. You also agree that if you cancel the order on your behalf and perform a credit card chargeback, you will pay US the fees that they incur to collect the $35 chargeback fee and all attorney and collection costs, and the 50% fee of the total order amount. Shipping is non refundable and will be fully reimbursed and collectable by US. If you pay by check and perform a stop payment or we receive a account closed or NSF check, you agree that we have the right to again re-write the check and attempt to collect the amount due plus $50 for the Bad Check, Account Closed Check, Stop Payment Check, or NSF check, or charge any credit card on file for you.
STOCK AVAILABILITY: It is the customer s responsibility to check stock if they feel there
Reply from me
The check has cleared and your bank has the funds, I verified this with my bank.
I left you the number to call if you want to verify it yourself.
They are willing to send you verification if you ask. I recommend you get your process in order as this is a huge disappointment to me.
I would hate to be forced to use my consumer advocacy rights.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. April 2005 @ 08:35
13. April 2005 @ 11:36 |
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The whole story is so much funnier.
He is now threatening to sue me, and claims to have a law dergee, maybe he couldn't pass the bar?
I have the local police involved now, I hope to get him for check fraud or some other trade violation.
Junior Member
13. April 2005 @ 19:32 |
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that is funny stuff
i feel like spaming accross the net dont buy from GetItRepaired.com
what a buch off @ss holes, i work at a grocery store and we are taught SO much about costomer service it makes me sick. This is HORRIBLE customer service.... imagine suing your customers wtf?! are you on crack?
If they take you to court there is no way they should win. U should go public like on the news or sumthing
14. April 2005 @ 05:19 |
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That is actually a good idea. I need to record the phone conversations we have too. He keeps calling me a kid and saying I need mommy to sign anything. I happen to be 30 yeears old and a professional.
Junior Member
16. April 2005 @ 22:59 |
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you'd be best NOT to record the phone calls......THAT will get you into trouble....at BEST they would get thrown out the window in a lawsuit....worst case scenario he COULD sue you for invasion of privacy for recording a phone call without his knowledge....
19. April 2005 @ 06:44 |
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Actually it depends on what state you are in and what the circumstances are. I think in Michigan we can record conversations without their knowledge, I have a good website for state info on these laws. I will dig it up.
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19. April 2005 @ 08:46 |
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So when I saw the huge post by Odrorir, I thought he was just trying like a baby. So I check out the website that he was talking about. The website is http://www.gwnonline.net/index.php . I was already interested of purchasing a new pre-moded ps2 and I was that hey had great prices. They are selling a matrix infinity chip for $20.00, and I fought that quite strange. I beening researching the chip for quite a well and the average price is $50.00. So there already sent me a read flag. Then, they offered a (new) pre-mod system for $219.99. I was then thinking. The ps2 it self is $150.00+$50.00 for the chip. I dont believe they are only chargeing $20.00 for there service and profit. So I was already a bit skpecital. Then I the company, I told them my concern about the chip, asking them why it was so cheap. and they told me this...........
----- Original Message -----
From: Customer Support
To: Nicholas
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: Enquiry from Get it Repaired
That?s automatically installed. The DMS chips do not work at all in the new slim units, we will never install a DMS in any ps2, we have so many come in for repairs. You do not need flash upgradeable either, that is not a really usable feature. Those upgrades amount to a problem when people try to perform them it renders the box useless.
In our 8 years of doing mods, there actually was never a need to upgrade, by that time a new chip would have to be installed for the new models anyway.
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
From: Nicholas
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:33 AM
To: Customer Support
Subject: Re: Enquiry from Get it Repaired
Will, I need a laser proctor for the slim ps2 when install the matrix infinity? And is it flash upgraded?
----- Original Message -----
From: Customer Support
To: 'Nicholas
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:26 PM
Subject: RE: Enquiry from Get it Repaired
We use a modified version as we had them made for us only, they are made to our specifications with increased capacitor range and diode ranges, that is why we guarantee them for lifetime.
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
From: Nicholas
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:13 AM
To: Customer Support
Subject: Re: Enquiry from Get it Repaired
What version of the matrix infinity do you guys use?
----- Original Message -----
From: Customer Support
To: 'Nicholas
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: Enquiry from Get it Repaired
Because we have references, if you need to call others that have our machines we invented the Modchip in 1995, did you read our site at all, we are the ones that told everyone about fake modchips,
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
From: Nicholas
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 6:20 PM
To: Get it Repaired
Subject: Enquiry from Get it Repaired
I have a question.... I been reading alot about fake modchips. what suretly do I have if I buy a pre-mod chip from you it wont have a fake? And do you guys also sell the DMS4 modchips?
So, I emailed matrix, and this is what they said..........
Thanks Luke..........
Do you know any where that they sell the a premoded ps2 w/ matrix for a good
price. everybody seems to say they do, but i don't believe anyone any more.
----- Original Message -----
From: <info@infinitymod.com>
To: "Nicholas
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Matrix Infinity
> Hi Nico,
> absolutely a bunch of lies.
> The chip that they are selling is called NH9 or blue chip.
> It's a poor quality modchip mass produced in Hong Kong, with no
> advanced feature and no support.
> Best Regards,
> The Matrix Team
> Luke.
> www.matrix-mod.com
> www.infinitymod.com
> -------------------
>> Let me ask you guys a question. I been researching for a bit about your
>> chip. I noticed that the majority of you re-sellers sell the chip for
>> $50.00 I saw a website: http://www.gwnonline.net/index.php that sell the
>> chip for $19.99. I just wanted to know if these guys are selling the real
>> matrix infinity or a fake? They told me that you specially design a chip
>> for them. I just wanted to know if this a bunch of lie or truth.
>> Thanks.,
>> Nico
Now, they just sent me an email back stating this.............
I?m sorry but you are not correct at all, we do not buy the official chips as we stated. We make our own chips as we stated, so why would you go to a place we do not even buy from and ask about us?
That made no sense.
Also as a warning we will forward your threatening email to Bellsouth as it is against their terms o service to threaten and intimidate thru email.
Do not email here again.
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
They are a bunch of lies, they clearing told me that they sold the matrix inifity.........
well can they really comlain about my email that i sent them........
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:51 AM
To: Customer Support
Subject: Re: Enquiry from Get it Repaired
I almost believed you until I email the official modchip team and they told me you guys are a bunch of lies. you guys use the NH9 chip, or a blue chip and it poor quality. sorry, maybe you can fool and another customers. but not me.
have a good day, and p.s. i am going to post to any websites that i see that you are a bunch of thief's...........
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19. April 2005 @ 08:49 |
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19. April 2005 @ 08:51 |
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is it really hard to solder the modchip into the system, or is quite simple for any electrian to do it?
19. April 2005 @ 09:30 |
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Anyone good with a solder gun can do it.
20. April 2005 @ 13:12 |
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I bought a premodded slimline PS2 from Xteam mods, and I couldn't have had a worse time of it. The unit arrived defective. I sent it back, and it was signed for by JVegas. Coincidently the same name as the person recommending them above. After months of trying to get a replacement, and hearing tons of ridiculous excuses and empty promises, I finally had to do a chargeback on my account. If it hadn't been for that, I would have been out my three hundred dollars. Now, I too am looking for a better place to purchase the slimline PS2. Does anyone know about www.xbox-modchips.com ? They offer a one year warranty.
20. April 2005 @ 13:57 |
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