Blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)
Senior Member
1. May 2009 @ 06:40 |
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Originally posted by bratcher: Originally posted by dr_ml422: @ bratcher Yes it's a good deal. Prodisc not bad. They made the Maxells. Lil OT here, I have a pretty decent supply of blank discs, but stopped burning because it was getting crazy w/storage. Is there a faster way of creating a list of what one has than joining one of those DVD Databases like DVD Profiler? I'll be honest I'm beat man. Lots of work lately. That's why I ask. Thnx.
I don't know. Maybe another forum member can help you on this.
Okie doke.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
AfterDawn Addict
1. May 2009 @ 11:42 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422: Originally posted by bratcher: Originally posted by dr_ml422: @ bratcher Yes it's a good deal. Prodisc not bad. They made the Maxells. Lil OT here, I have a pretty decent supply of blank discs, but stopped burning because it was getting crazy w/storage. Is there a faster way of creating a list of what one has than joining one of those DVD Databases like DVD Profiler? I'll be honest I'm beat man. Lots of work lately. That's why I ask. Thnx.
I don't know. Maybe another forum member can help you on this.
Okie doke.
dr_ml... that's one of the better progies for your needs that I know of. You might get with cincyrob and see if he knows of an easier way to do it. He uses/used DVD Profiler in the past. hth.....
Senior Member
1. May 2009 @ 14:46 |
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One Word of Caution If your Going to Use Profiler Back up your database- your collection info files ( Profiler Will tel you how } One Computerized Brainfart and it's back to square one !!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2009 @ 14:46
Senior Member
1. May 2009 @ 17:31 |
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Thnx fellas. That's 4 guys now that recommended Profiler. I usually go to it after 2 or so. I'm going to start today. I stopped burning onto disdcs, so I'll just put what I have on disc in the database then make a printout. I'll back it up and then I'll just rearrange the discs in my aluminum case according to the printout. So many things going on PC wise w/this 7 and all, that I could only do so much. Gotta admit it looks nice. The beginning page anyway.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
AfterDawn Addict
1. May 2009 @ 20:51 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422: Thnx fellas. That's 4 guys now that recommended Profiler. I usually go to it after 2 or so. I'm going to start today. I stopped burning onto disdcs, so I'll just put what I have on disc in the database then make a printout. I'll back it up and then I'll just rearrange the discs in my aluminum case according to the printout. So many things going on PC wise w/this 7 and all, that I could only do so much. Gotta admit it looks nice. The beginning page anyway.
Here's another one per Linny40. I know nothing about this "media" sorter. ;) good luck with whatever you try...
link to libra
Senior Member
2. May 2009 @ 18:33 |
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Originally posted by greensman: Originally posted by dr_ml422: Thnx fellas. That's 4 guys now that recommended Profiler. I usually go to it after 2 or so. I'm going to start today. I stopped burning onto disdcs, so I'll just put what I have on disc in the database then make a printout. I'll back it up and then I'll just rearrange the discs in my aluminum case according to the printout. So many things going on PC wise w/this 7 and all, that I could only do so much. Gotta admit it looks nice. The beginning page anyway.
Here's another one per Linny40. I know nothing about this "media" sorter. ;) good luck with whatever you try...
link to libra
Thnx greensman. That's a very informative site. I think for now I might just do a printout using Open Office. In reality I just need something to go to so I won't spend useless time looking for a flic in my aluminum dj case from supermedia.
otn The Sony dvd+/-r's are on sale at Staples>
Great price as always.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. May 2009 @ 21:23
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
3. May 2009 @ 00:32 |
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Originally posted by greensman: Originally posted by dr_ml422: Originally posted by bratcher: Originally posted by dr_ml422: @ bratcher Yes it's a good deal. Prodisc not bad. They made the Maxells. Lil OT here, I have a pretty decent supply of blank discs, but stopped burning because it was getting crazy w/storage. Is there a faster way of creating a list of what one has than joining one of those DVD Databases like DVD Profiler? I'll be honest I'm beat man. Lots of work lately. That's why I ask. Thnx.
I don't know. Maybe another forum member can help you on this.
Okie doke.
dr_ml... that's one of the better progies for your needs that I know of. You might get with cincyrob and see if he knows of an easier way to do it. He uses/used DVD Profiler in the past. hth.....
ive used dvdprofiler for a bit. but after 50 movies you have to pay to use it. i have and use a differenet online program. cant think of the name of it right now, havent used it for a while....ill post it soon... it is alot better than dvdprofiler
Senior Member
3. May 2009 @ 00:49 |
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Hi cincy would it be personal video database?
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
AfterDawn Addict
3. May 2009 @ 01:55 |
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This is how I keep track of them. I use a running WORD table and just keep adding the dvds as I burn them in a new table row. I have a table some many+ dvds from very first to the last one I did Tuesday. Might be like this:
[Titanic XpressDVDCopy-321Gone-A*1 ]all i was inputting at first.
the A being the first 64 cd-dvd holder and the 1 first disc that was put in the 1st slot. So it goes up to A*64 When I stated the next book it was an 90dvd I believe but I'm now using 200 leather case holders. I'm now on case 7*1 I began using numbers instead of letters after"D".I have since added more data about the burn and parameters. Each disc has on it the programs used to rip and encode and burn, time of movie burn date and it's original release date along with screen size in lets say 2.40:1 widescreen. Also the burner that was used and since I do only main movie the % of comprssion One of the last burns was
Support Your Local Gunfighter AnyDVD-NeroExpress-100%ExactCopy-NEC-7*13
Nothing But The Truth DVDFab-NeroBRom-100%-NEC-Optiarc-7*14
At the beginning of each month I highlight the whole table and alphabetize it and copy and paste it into a new word file. So with just knowing the movie's names I can find them quickly in the alphabetized list and find it's location in which ever dvdleather case. I have both tabled BACKED UP on another drive so the list is never lost and also on a DVD RW disc every so often. It would be hard work to start from the beginning. But it was easy as pie as I did start at the beginning. So just adding a couple of lines for several movies a week is no big deal
It's also FREE!! and foolproof. I have also been known to print it out so I don't buy the same old movies. JM2C
Senior Member
3. May 2009 @ 08:20 |
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garmoon- Good Idea there Garfish !!!!!- J/k ( about the Garfish Part !!!} I Got profiler And i'm slowly adding titles to it for the same raeson! Iknow basically most of what I have atleast the more recently acquirred titles but something from several months to a a year or so back That may stretch The limits of my Human memory ! I may just Take the Digitaal Camera and Photo each Movie Then I can slide show yhrough the Pictures and know which ones I have on sight ! I'm A Freakin' Genius ! Damn this little Bottle is Cramped ! And where is Babrbara Eden Does'nt she really live in Here ?????????
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
3. May 2009 @ 14:30 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422: Hi cincy would it be personal video database?
its something like mydvdcollection..pretty basic i know. i cant think of the name of it. i actually dont have the link to it here at home but i sent it to my email at work i can get it tomorrow and post it. i havent used it in a i do have alot to add to
Senior Member
3. May 2009 @ 15:53 |
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AfterDawn Addict
3. May 2009 @ 19:57 |
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the Office depot sale TDK brand are coding out as Ritek F16-001s for $19.95/100, just as their old store brand was. I have been using these for giveaways and testing software and burners.
Senior Member
3. May 2009 @ 20:36 |
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Originally posted by garmoon: the Office depot sale TDK brand are coding out as Ritek F16-001s for $19.95/100, just as their old store brand was. I have been using these for giveaways and testing software and burners.
My burner seems to like them although it does better with Verbatim meaning I get better test results with Verbs.
Both TDK & Memorex 8x +R DL seem to code out as Ritek SO4. Second layer is worse than the first one but still useable. Again Verb +R DL give me better test results....
AfterDawn Addict
4. May 2009 @ 20:31 |
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I just got through leafing through the staple's ad. Those HP's are worth checking out for 15 cents each. I haven't touched them since the +8x HP cmags.
They also have the sony for $22.99
Since my last 1 tb hardrive purchase for $130,then they had them on sale 2 weeks later for $100: Staple's has the WD 1 tb for $99.99
That's the price that I was looking for to slap onto my backup pc.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
Senior Member
4. May 2009 @ 21:27 |
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Originally posted by saugmon: I just got through leafing through the staple's ad. Those HP's are worth checking out for 15 cents each. I haven't touched them since the +8x HP cmags.
The 16x white inkjet hub printable is cmag & they burn fine in my DVD drive. TY is better....
Senior Member
5. May 2009 @ 00:15 |
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Originally posted by bratcher: Originally posted by saugmon: I just got through leafing through the staple's ad. Those HP's are worth checking out for 15 cents each. I haven't touched them since the +8x HP cmags.
The 16x white inkjet hub printable is cmag & they burn fine in my DVD drive. TY is better....
Which burn fine the HP at Staples? I'll stay w/Staples' Sony. Ever since my last experience w/HP's disintegrating I don't even wan them as throwaways. I'll use TDK's which are a yet for me and Riteks or Sony's for giveawasys or even some for myself, especially Sony.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
5. May 2009 @ 08:29 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422:
Which burn fine the HP at Staples? I'll stay w/Staples' Sony. Ever since my last experience w/HP's disintegrating I don't even wan them as throwaways. I'll use TDK's which are a yet for me and Riteks or Sony's for giveawasys or even some for myself, especially Sony.
I've never bought HP's from Staples. However the ones I bought from Microcenter were Cmage & they burned fine. Ritek is fine in my book too. haven't used Sony in a long time so can't comment on it. Verbs are good to & I love Tayio Yuden.
Senior Member
5. May 2009 @ 08:32 |
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Taiyo Yuden 8X Valueline at
Use this coupon code WP15 for 15% off the order, valid until 05/10/09
Price with coupon and free shipping, $23.80 for 100.
The last ones I got were 16X speed, not sure if there are any 8X in anyone's stockpile.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2009 @ 08:33
AfterDawn Addict
5. May 2009 @ 12:20 |
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Originally posted by bratcher: Originally posted by dr_ml422:
Which burn fine the HP at Staples? I'll stay w/Staples' Sony. Ever since my last experience w/HP's disintegrating I don't even wan them as throwaways. I'll use TDK's which are a yet for me and Riteks or Sony's for giveawasys or even some for myself, especially Sony.
I've never bought HP's from Staples. However the ones I bought from Microcenter were Cmage & they burned fine. Ritek is fine in my book too. haven't used Sony in a long time so can't comment on it. Verbs are good to & I love Tayio Yuden.
Had to buy some for $6.98 per 50 pack. lol. And I did. :P
GO here to see the results with the first disc. NOT as good as the LG or Ativa CMC MAG AM3's but NOT bad either. I'm with some of the other people here that use TY and Verbie. It's called the best for a reason. :)
I haven't used Sony's in quite some time but when I did they were mostly TY's. Soooo good stuff fo sho. ;) The newer Sony media seems to burn fine but haven't used that much to get a real idea. ;)
Any comments are welcome. :D
Senior Member
5. May 2009 @ 13:13 |
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The TY Sony disks have all but dissappeared =(, I have only seen two 50 packs in my life in the 16X variety, and haven't seen the 8X in years, (Made in Japan, Octagonal spacer on top). The newer Sony disks are made either in Taiwan, or in Malaysia. I haven't used the Malaysia disks yet, but am looking for feedback from someone who has.
Junior Member
5. May 2009 @ 14:23 |
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Senior Member
5. May 2009 @ 22:36 |
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Originally posted by jcserver3: Newegg has Verbatim 16x DVD+R 100 pack for $23.99 - $8 MIR = $15.99 with free shipping.
Some report getting Made in India discs, how do they compare to the Taiwan discs?
It's been a crapshoot w/certain manufacturers and country of origin. Some cmc mag's are just awful and some are pretty decent these days. Some made in India discs are garbage and some pretty good also. For that price from Newegg i'd try them and see how you like them. Can't go too wrong for $15.99.
Although I must admit in the last few mos. I've had several items defective from Newegg, and right now am not pleased so I've been going elsewhere and screw the free shipping. That's been my experience lately though.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
7. May 2009 @ 09:07 |
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AfterDawn Addict
7. May 2009 @ 17:25 |
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Picked up a 50 pk of HP +16x for $7.50 at Staple's and they code as Cmc-Mag M01
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!