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Blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)
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14. March 2009 @ 10:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
blivetNC- Last batch I bought @ K-Mart Were MIT I realize you were talking about Staples but Don't have one here Best advice is Check when you go ! That's a big Cop out I know but Forwarned is Forarmed !!! ME I alwaysthought that was the thing betwixt me Elbow and me hand ? Goes to show you what I know LOL!!!!!!!

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
14. March 2009 @ 11:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My 2 cents which hopefully will amount to 2 cents taking the so called economic crisis into hand would be to really ask yourself if in fact you need any discs at the moment. If not than just go to this thread for a quick bypass, and if any new product like those LG's or the PI's posted catch your eye then try them out for future purchases. If not then just close out and go about your business. That way at least you keep current w/at least coming to the thread and ensuring future replies. Simple as I can put it.

I too was tired of not viewing or scrolling, but out of habit coming here when I still have stock piled up from Black Friday. Don't need any right now. So I do my part by participating and getting out. Even if I don't post it's noted I passed through.

Try to utilize not analyze. Analysis leads to paralysis.

OT here but that Watchmen was the biggest hyped up flic in months, if not years. Wait for video is my suggestion, then do someone a favor.


Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
14. March 2009 @ 14:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Alas we Need to return to those Thrilling Days of Yesteryears When Our Young Hero Jasper 44 !!!! and several others kept us supplied with Sale information on the retail End atleast several Days in advance Through his connections with the Newspaper industry ! Alas being a college student under A heavy College Credit Load he doe not appear to have the time to perform the service for us that he once did ! This is not a dig or disrespect to our young friend Jasper44 !!! He went above and beyond the call For us when he Could !!!! - And if your listening Jasper 44 ,My friend Thanks a million and Godspeed & God bless and Continued good luck with the studies !!!! . What we need in someone like him ! as Pink Floyd would say " Is There Anybody Out There ???????????" - Able to Leap tall Buildings , Faster than a Speeding Bullet Ect....

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. March 2009 @ 14:26

Junior Member
14. March 2009 @ 15:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, but shouldn't we all be out buying cheap media that will probably end up failing down the road (for US ala Obama) to help support and energize our economy? My analsays (<he-he) tells me we need to go out and spend, spend, spend; 600 ct. superbox of Memorex -Rs for $29.99=BUY ''s your responsibility. Further, .....oh damn, here comes the paralasys....
(Note-the above sale was utilized only to make a point; it is not meant as an offer to sell or suggestion of said sale. You may be able to get 600 Memosux for $29.99, but I don't actually know where.)

P.S.-I love this thread just the way it is; most times it prevents me from having to scour website after website. Even if there's one sale listed, if it's a brand you use it's useful.

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
Senior Member
15. March 2009 @ 09:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
RippDogg" -My anal!!! says (<he-he) tells me we need to go out and spend, spend, spend!!!!!" Gee YouR talent knows no Bounds Or Sphlincters apparently either all My Oval office says is Toot Toot TooT!!! - But I guess Some are just naturally talented that way ??? Let's see Prawn-0 Director , Dumpster Diver , song writer , comedian and Anal Vent- Triloquist LOL!!!!!!! . I would say that makes you a Real Reneassance Man !!! if there Ever was one ? Don't fret it none buddy Cuz it ain't braggin' if you can do it ? Though I suppose it would add a Hole new Literal Meaning to Talking out of Your A** LOL!!! - J/k Buddy and I'm sure that you'll be the hit of The RE-Education Camps with all That Talent Wolverines !!!!!!!!!!LOL Ciao My friend !!!

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. March 2009 @ 09:20

Senior Member
15. March 2009 @ 10:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To those who feel it is too difficult to scroll thru these wonderful rants and ravingsd present in this thread, I suggest the old fashioned way, buy a newspaper (kill some trees starve a beaver) thumb thru many pages of print getting ink all over your hands, pants shirt etc, depositing paper dust everywhere as well, then find that one glorious sale which you have been patiently awaiting for all of 35 seconds. Imagine if Indiana Jones had the same mentality.
Indiana Jones and the lost bed covers! Indy struggles to recover himself in time to prevent his body temperature from plummeting one degree! Can he muster up enough motivation to open up his eye and determine the location of that elusive bed cover corner? Can he muster up enough enthusiasm to actually reach over and grab the blanket? Is all lost for our hero as he realizes he is too lazy to pull that blanket back? Our hero, to lazy to call out for help suffers hypothermia laying in his 65 degree bedroom. Can anyone save him?

I think if someone is pressed to scan thru these pages of wit and wisdom, how do they get the shrink wrap off the spindle to begin with?

Senior Member
15. March 2009 @ 11:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BESTBUY SALE !!! Verbatim 16x DVD-R or DVD+R
$12.99 per 50ct.
Spindle - sunday 03/15/09- Saturday 03/21/09 .

Kmart ! Maxell 16x DVD-R & DVD+R 25Ct. Tub $4.99 { out of stock for online orders ?}
Sony DVD+R Media, 10pk with Jewel Cases-Sony DVD-R Media, 10pk with Jewel Cases $7.49
these are available online ( For now ?)
0fFICEdEPOT - tDK -16X dvd-r OR dvD+R -100CT. SPINDLE @ $22.99 EACH!!!!- hEY jASPER44 I ain't But I'm trying to help FWIW Cioa Y'all!!!

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
15. March 2009 @ 11:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Left holding the blivet... LOL. NOT a biggie reading thru the drivel but seeing that siggy is killing me.. LEAVE that rogue in his cage I say!!!! ROFL

Thanks for the info... We're heading to KMart this morning so I'll give that a quick look. btw I've had some great luck with TDK stuff for some reason. I know that some members cough *creaky* cough would have a MI hearing that but it's twue, it's twue. LOL. Good luck to ye seekers of media!!!

[img]quoted from creaky, "I think i need a break away from this thread, you are just talking absolute and utter nonsense now. Im off to ban myself and hit myself repeatedly with blunt objects. And if im still conscious after that im going to install Windows Me."[/img]
PC build thread blank media thread Ultimate DVD Backup resource thread what did binkie7 do to me???
Senior Member
15. March 2009 @ 11:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
-greensman tHE New Ones {TDK ) are Riteks Correct ? I've inly used Tdks a little a long way back Some 4x DVD+R's ( Can we say RicohJpns) Boys and girls and those were Pretty good 100 out of a 100 with no drips no runs no errors !!!!!, and some old 8x when they were'nt old 8x's Tdk Mid codes on those TTGO 2'S From what the ones I stil1 have say !!! Anyhow I'm good for now But Kmart is supposed to email some coupons That I might apply to the purchase of some kind or other of media Let me know how your Travels Pan out there Big Fellow ?

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Junior Member
15. March 2009 @ 11:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ blivetNC - That whole shrink wrap thing has been a thorn in my side for years. I can't tell you how many discs I've had to throw away because of stab marks and gouges. I bought a table saw to take care of the CD cases (trim 1/16 off the end and they crack open easy), but those spindles are a....well, they're a damn mystery.

@BigT - "Gald darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue pertier than a twenty dollar whore." Slim's all I got this morning; I cain't spar linguistic with you; my head hurts and I think I may have partook too plentifully of the green ale. The good news is, our goodly Sasquatch has provided our daily sales bread, so my scrolling finger shall be preserved to deal with my cognitive constipation.

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. March 2009 @ 11:59

AfterDawn Addict
15. March 2009 @ 12:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by RippDogg:
@ blivetNC - That whole shrink wrap thing has been a thorn in my side for years. I can't tell you how many discs I've had to throw away because of stab marks and gouges. I bought a table saw to take care of the CD cases (trim 1/16 off the end and they crack open easy), but those spindles are a....well, they're a damn mystery.

@BigT - "Gald darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue pertier than a twenty dollar whore." Slim's all I got this morning; I cain't spar linguistic with you; my head hurts and I think I may have partook too plentifully of the green ale. The good news is, our goodly Sasquatch has provided our daily sales bread, so my scrolling finger shall be preserved to deal with my cognitive constipation.
Oh, it's TWUE, it's TWUE!!!!

sorry to hear ye has such issues with the cellophane. ROFL. I've had some issues in the past but I manage to get them out w/o harm. :P I just love those cake boxes... I have them surrounding me in a sea of cylindrical buoys!!!! Or maybe I'm on the archipelago of cake boxes. lol. Any way you look at it I've got to many according to me wonderful bride. ;)

[img]quoted from creaky, "I think i need a break away from this thread, you are just talking absolute and utter nonsense now. Im off to ban myself and hit myself repeatedly with blunt objects. And if im still conscious after that im going to install Windows Me."[/img]
PC build thread blank media thread Ultimate DVD Backup resource thread what did binkie7 do to me???
AfterDawn Addict
15. March 2009 @ 12:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Has anyone used the TDK +R DLs from Office Depot. I believe a spindle of 25 is $20 this week. They any good?????

Senior Member
15. March 2009 @ 12:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by BIGTOXY69:
-greensman tHE New Ones {TDK ) are Riteks Correct ? I've inly used Tdks a little a long way back Some 4x DVD+R's ( Can we say RicohJpns) Boys and girls and those were Pretty good 100 out of a 100 with no drips no runs no errors !!!!!, and some old 8x when they were'nt old 8x's Tdk Mid codes on those TTGO 2'S From what the ones I stil1 have say !!! Anyhow I'm good for now But Kmart is supposed to email some coupons That I might apply to the purchase of some kind or other of media Let me know how your Travels Pan out there Big Fellow ?

I'm one of the few on here that Love TDK's. Have been using them for years, and will always buy them when I can afford them. Lately, the ones I have purchased since january (the spindles now have a screw on top), using dvd identifier, code out as RitekF16. I just bought out the stock from the 2 closest radio shack's to me, as the 50ct. spindles were $10.99 for +r/-r.

Senior Member
15. March 2009 @ 16:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rtm27- Thanx For the help my friend !!!!

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Junior Member
15. March 2009 @ 16:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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15. March 2009 @ 16:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by RippDogg:

@BigT - "Gald darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue pertier than a twenty dollar whore." Slim's all I got this morning; I cain't spar linguistic with you; my head hurts and I think I may have partook too plentifully of the green ale. The good news is, our goodly Sasquatch has provided our daily sales bread, so my scrolling finger shall be preserved to deal with my cognitive constipation.-- Oh Gawd! I just Love Frontier Gibberish!!! Especially when Properly Recited by or Resident Evil -00ps ! I mean Resident Anal- Vent-Triloquist !!! RippDogg One word for when You Decide to Retire The Golden Tone { Well Brown Sound Actually ( Thank you Van Halen ) { BEANO Sponsorship } - While the Pipes are still Calling Danny Boy Might I suggest you Cover Jumpin' Jack Flash !!! -It's a Gas, Gas, Gas,!!!!!- LOL !! TriloQuist Ain't that one 0' dem mysterious lights You see in da' swamps ? Oh Wait a Minute !, That's just the Boys weekly tryouts for the Royal Blue Flame society !!! Chapter President " J'Wally D' RippDoGG esQ!!!. How do ya' Think He got tha' Name RippDogg -AkA Tha' ATOMIC DOGG !!!! RiPPDogg SEZ" let'er RIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!- THe boy needs Therapy !!!! Later y'all

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. March 2009 @ 16:51

Junior Member
15. March 2009 @ 17:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
RippDogg aka Stinky Britches aka the Incontinent Canine digs midgets in diapers. That video tossed me back to MTV circa '82.

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
Senior Member
15. March 2009 @ 19:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by fredo2121:
Finally ive been waiting for this:|prodP

If they're the old packaging I'll get some to try out as I've only had the newer looking neon verbs. Old packaging supposedly were better made. Prolly different than MIT or different MID altogether.


Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
15. March 2009 @ 19:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
RippDogg- yup I remembers lot's of old stuff !!! - member ' when the girls used to Dance naked in front the Amplifiers { I don't know why } I saw some of the best Minds of my time Turn to dirt theRE !! On the whole Flashback Thing " Don't Do the Brown acid & stay off the Towers!!!! " - RippDogg iF YOU CAN STOP pOGO-ING long enough Rent The Movie Naked Lunch !!!! A man of your Vent -Triloquistic Talent would appreciate the Typewriter For sure LOL!!! - It still not weird enough for me ? and The Sound engineers favorite Request " More Blue "

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Junior Member
15. March 2009 @ 22:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is that Sedaris or Kerouac? I think I read the book.

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
Senior Member
16. March 2009 @ 12:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Director David Cronenberg brings William S. Burroughs' hallucinatory, "unfilmable" novel to the screen. Part-time exterminator and full-time drug addict Bill Lee (Peter Weller) plunges into the nightmarish netherworld of the Interzone, pursuing a mysterious project that leads him to confront sinister cabals and giant talking bugs. Special features include an audio commentary by Cronenberg and Weller.- Never Read the Book But The movie was how we say in FRENCH ? { Freakin'Weird Jack !!!!!!}

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. March 2009 @ 12:07

Junior Member
19. March 2009 @ 08:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user has Verbatim 16x -R 100 ct. spindles for $19.99 after [spookyvision>> $8.00 MIR<<spookyvision] with free shipping.

OfficeMax has Verbatim DVD+R 16X 4.7GB/120Min LightScribe 30pk for $9.99.

BestBuy still has Verbatim 50 ct. 16x +/-R spindles for $12.99 (think BigToxy hit on this one earlier).

Meritline has 100 Pack LG 16X DVD-R Branded Blank Media in Cake Box -$23.00 with free shipping. (Not sure what these are).

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. March 2009 @ 09:04

Junior Member
20. March 2009 @ 06:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user has 100 Pack Taiyo Yuden Premium Shiny Silver 8X DVD-R Media Premium Silver Thermal Lacquer - $29.99 shipped.

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
AfterDawn Addict
21. March 2009 @ 00:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here's a little deal for those needing printable media. ;)

Ritek G05 printables 100 pack $26.99 delivered

[img]quoted from creaky, "I think i need a break away from this thread, you are just talking absolute and utter nonsense now. Im off to ban myself and hit myself repeatedly with blunt objects. And if im still conscious after that im going to install Windows Me."[/img]
PC build thread blank media thread Ultimate DVD Backup resource thread what did binkie7 do to me???
Junior Member
21. March 2009 @ 03:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Meritline has 100 Pack Ritek Ridata 16X DVD-R Media White Inkjet Hub Printable Ridata Red Shrink Wrapped - $24.89 shipped. (Edit-Greensman, I think this was the deal you referenced above, but they've sliced the price?)

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2009 @ 03:57 > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)

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