Okay now.
Let me answerer your tirade, HAYMARKET, my ?perception? is that it was not light hearted banter. Unless you are a hardcore contributing member to MoveOn.org.
"Do as I say not as I do": I was not talking about the political affairs of other countries. I am sure that the USA, and numerous other countries, have engaged in guiding the political affairs of other sovereign nations. They all do it to ensure that their sovereignty is not endangered. And to ensure that the way of life they know does not deteriorate. I am not and do not support the subjugation of other countries/peoples to servitude for me, to live the American lifestyle.
But what is the history of Mankind? Take offense at me not saying ?humankind? if you like. I am not PC anymore.
You cited nations that were entitled to vote for their President. Huh? Maybe south Korea. Iraqi news said that the populace overwhelmingly (like 100%) voted to for Sadam
You took me out of context on whether or not GW Bush is doing a good job. Has there been a terrorist attack in the USA since 9-11? On the scale of 9-11? Might I add, what about the economic growth we have seen?
As for Iraq, the last UN Security Council resolution threatened IRAQ with military action if it did not provide evidence that it was complying with previous resolutions. If you want to quibble about what amounts to a WMD.....I guess we are only talking about the quantities found. Not the fact that we found some. As for OIL, how much does the USA actually get from Iraq? Did we go there for only oil? If it was only for Oil, why are still paying high prices? Guess a ?co-alition? only means if the French, Germans and Russians say they are with us.
What do you mean he had nothing to do with terrorism outside his country? Wasn't he paying $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers attacking innocent civilians in Israel?
Kyoto. Why infer that we (the USA) didn't sign it because the Russians didn't? Seems like industrialized (Capitalistic) countries didn't go along with it because it penalized them and allowed the developing countries to pollute ?at will?. Kind of like cutting off your nose in spite of your face.
AS FOR ?WHAT I'M ON?? I gave up illegal drugs decades ago. I like beer. I don't drink the Clinton/Kerry electric Koolaide. What was your intent with that remark? The liberal attack on the person and not the message?
As for Abortion: Yes Bush may be against all abortions. But he only signed legislation against ?Late Term? abortions. You know, those where the child could be delivered and still survive outside the womb. I can go along with the protection of the mother argument tho.
Bush never boasted in his State of the Union address in 2003 that his government secretly murdered anyone. You are assuming something. Other than that, would you rather have those people alive and more than ready to take you out?
Ah, Guantanamo. Almost forgot that. Guantanamo is leased property on the island of Cuba. It is not a part of the USA. Guess it is a gray area when it comes to US law. Non-citizens are being held there. And it is not US soil, where US laws apply. Yes we are splitting hairs here. Better theirs than ours tho.
SCUBA: you and i could forge the documents you reported as seeing in your last post. (as of 10 Sep 2004)
I see this thread as another ?Hate Bush? & ?Hate America? rant.
Who do all the terrorists & Socialists want to be the next president of the USA?