Problems with The Forgotten
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2. February 2005 @ 23:12 |
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THE FORGOTTEN can be done with DVD X COPY PLATINUM with DVD REGION +CSS running in the background. It worked for me fine.
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2. February 2005 @ 23:21 |
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Glad to see they finally got that ripper fixed. For some reason AnyDVD and DVD Decrypter both had the ARccOS encryption from Sony broken in no time. Region Free was working on it a long time after the others had moved on. I own both Region Free and AnyDVD. Both are good apps, but I prefer AnyDVD because the program is updated more quickly.
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3. February 2005 @ 02:52 |
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well i tried using AnyDVD numerous times on "The Forgotten" in particular AND it simply does not break the encryption on its own. i have read ALL of the forums on this matter and tried ALL of the listed possible configurations - AnyDVD did nothing to help, just as it did nothing on breaking the Bourne Supremacy. when i see evidence myself that it helps, i will consider it.
btw - screw inflation and what is reasonable to most. a program that sometimes breaks new encryptions is not worth $40. why do you think it is one of the most hacked programs out there on the P2P circuit??? its too much if they expect most people to pay for it, just as Windows is as well (consequently the hacking continues). simple economics that the techies are too stupid to get.
i understand wanting the entire dvd, but i would prefer the movie to work and not spend $40 than vice versa. i didn't edit out the problem either, i simply went after what i was looking for - the problem just simply happened to be in the extra/menu portion of the dvd.
Compaq Presario AMD 64 3000+ notebook @ 1.79ghz, 512MB DDR, 60GB hd, LiteOn 811SX (8x) ext burner, Dell 1905 FP 19" flat panel...
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3. February 2005 @ 08:51 |
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kyle2k4 you dont have to pay for
ANYDVD you can download the trail verison and reload it when it runs out.and make sure you have the lastest verison of DVD DERRYPTER and make sure your harddrive is clean do a disc cleanup and a defrag. that might help. its help me in the passed.
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3. February 2005 @ 09:23 |
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Quote: why do you think it is one of the most hacked programs out there on the P2P circuit???
That's an easy one; AnyDVD is one of the most popular programs or they wouldn't bother.
I've been using AnyDVD and Decrypter for quite a while. I didn't realize there was a problem with the Bourne Supremacy until people started talking about it. I'd already done a full backup of it without a problem.
I knew The Forgotten was using unreadable sector encryption (Sony's ARccOS). So, I knew I would have to use overrides with DVD Decrypter and Nero Express; when I used RB/CCE to encode. AnyDVD was working in the background. Unlike others who reported exaggerated times, I was able to enter the override commands and do the backup in the same amount of time I would for a like sized movie without ARccOS. So, AnyDVD and DVD Decrypter work great in unison and for most things AnyDVD can work alone. I've been able to back up all of my movies without a problem. If you're not getting it, then you're doing something wrong. I am talking about doing full backups without the need for editing.
BTW, I was experimenting with The Forgotten, so I did one recording with Shrink. I left AnyDVD running in the background as directed. I used DVD Decrypter to rip to the HD. I opened the files with Shrink and encoded, creating a HD file. I burned the encoded HD file with Nero Express. CopyToDVD can also be used as a burner as well. One could easily set the program to burn automatically. Also, with the HD file from Shrink, most any good burner app will do the job.
One thing a lot of people don't realize, DVD Shrink will correct file structure with encoded files that sometimes show up with problems in other encoders. Just to check it out, I ran files encoded with RB/CCE through Shrink and it corrected a problem. There was bogus info in an IFO file. An override with Nero burned it. Running the files through Shrink at no compression also corrected the problem to where there were no burn warnings with Nero.
3. February 2005 @ 09:53 |
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Good Lord....a plate of linguine with garlic and olive oil is more than
garlic and olive oil.....makes a person sound...maybe a little mayo too...forget the mayo...had a stint put in.....
EVGA 680i....Intel E6600......2 hitachi 120GB sata...striped nvidia raid 0..2 GB Corsair DDR2 1066...NZXT Lexa case....EVGA 8800GTX ...NEC 3550 dvdrw, Toshiba dvd rombof DEll 2405fpw
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3. February 2005 @ 11:19 |
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ok bottom line is this.....i've been using Decrypter and Shrink just as long as you have brobear (because i have been since it came into existence) and know what the hell i am doing. its obvious that every copy of every movie is not the same, period. i have tried multiple configurations using AnyDVD with Decrypter/Shrink - no success. the way that Decrypter is ripping the files to my HD is preventing Shrink from even analyzing it (due to bogus IFO file i believe). AnyDVD doesn't fix that. it doesn't matter if you rip to files or to .iso, same result. and yes i have used the settings that ScubaPete is so often giving out to newbies on this forum.
Compaq Presario AMD 64 3000+ notebook @ 1.79ghz, 512MB DDR, 60GB hd, LiteOn 811SX (8x) ext burner, Dell 1905 FP 19" flat panel...
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3. February 2005 @ 11:21 |
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and this is all, btw, with "The Forgotten". thought i should clarify. i have 100's upon 100's of full DVD backups, it ain't that hard.
Compaq Presario AMD 64 3000+ notebook @ 1.79ghz, 512MB DDR, 60GB hd, LiteOn 811SX (8x) ext burner, Dell 1905 FP 19" flat panel...
AfterDawn Addict
3. February 2005 @ 13:17 |
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@ kyle2k4,
Quote: here is the FAIL SAFE way to get movies like "The Forgotten" and the like....
all you need is Shrink to rip, and Nero OR DVD Decrypter to burn
A news flash:
DVD Shrink doesn't have the ability to rip "The Bourne Supremacy" with the ARccOS encryption OR "The Forgotten with the Settec ALPHA-DVD encryption.
Sorry but DVD Shrink doesn't do it - probably because those encryptions weren't around when last Mr. "DVDShrink" was upgrading it as Brobear knows because he was given an advanced beta copy for his personal use prior to it's public release and I had an advanced copy as I was a beta-tester for DVD Shrink from then during it's original release through it's "tweaks" released, to the current proggy being used at this time.
For the ARccOS encryption you'll need either AnyDVD, VOBBlanker or the DVDD which "LightingUK" upgraded to specifically handle that type of encryption and released it on Jan. 05,05. As for the Settec ALPHA-DVD encryption, which came into being on Jan. 18th, 2005, you'll need AnyDVD as even the DVDD released on Jan. 05 won't work without a PSL attachment.
Addressing the "Jumping Jack" AKA "Running Kid", encryptions, DVD Shrink can handle those types by "freezing" the "clips" in the menus OR the Unreferenced Materials. Be advised that they are completely different than the ARccOS and Settec ALPHA-DVD encryptions.
At this point in time, AnyDVD is the only ripper, driver type or otherwise, that is capable of ripping all of the encryptions out there. If you don't think that $40.00 (USD) isn't a super deal then I don't know what is -
3. February 2005 @ 13:31 |
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Quote: Nero OR DVD Decrypter to burn (i recommend Nero for quality reasons)
Could you please explain what makes such a difference in the burning quality -
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3. February 2005 @ 13:47 |
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hey Scuba if you would read my post - YES DVD Shrink does work they way that i described it, because i did it last night and watch the movie last night - so you need update your reportoire of ways it can be done my friend.
as for Any DVD....if anyone can explain why they think that i might have not had ANY success using AnyDVD along with DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink then that would be great. i used numerous times with continual failure. AnyDVD is not the automatic magic trick to this equation.
you know its SO NEAT that you think you are the experts about all of this, but there are others that bring some insight to the whole copying ballgame. i have used your advice in the past to some successes and some not successes - you aren't perfect just i am not, brobear is not, and AnyDVD is not.....
btw - Nero, again IMHO, produces a better looking DVD on my tv screen. this is after burning some 250-300 DVDs over the last six months alone. again IMHO..
Compaq Presario AMD 64 3000+ notebook @ 1.79ghz, 512MB DDR, 60GB hd, LiteOn 811SX (8x) ext burner, Dell 1905 FP 19" flat panel...
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3. February 2005 @ 14:25 |
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_ 18. January 2005 @ 23:24 _ Report an offensive post Send private message to this user
Any error message? cause I ripped with DVD Decrypter (newest version
my case in point (by one of the Moderators no less).
Compaq Presario AMD 64 3000+ notebook @ 1.79ghz, 512MB DDR, 60GB hd, LiteOn 811SX (8x) ext burner, Dell 1905 FP 19" flat panel...
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3. February 2005 @ 14:26 |
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Compaq Presario AMD 64 3000+ notebook @ 1.79ghz, 512MB DDR, 60GB hd, LiteOn 811SX (8x) ext burner, Dell 1905 FP 19" flat panel...
AfterDawn Addict
3. February 2005 @ 16:00 |
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Well Goodness me, kyle2k4, is correct - There's no way it can be anything than what he's telling us, one doesn't argue with a God . . .
Quote: YES DVD Shrink does work they way that I described it, because I did it last night and watch the movie last night - so you need update your reportoire of ways it can be done my friend.
No worries there kyle2k4, we'll all update our files -
Hey all,
kyle2k4 has a very special DVD Shrink, one that none of us have ever seen and it rips all encryptions that have come into being well after it's release date. We'll also take notice that our "Techno" friend has AnyDVD that DOESN'T work and "Isn't an "automatic" trick to this equation. That would indeed explain everything. AnyDVD doesn't work BUT DVD Shrink does. OK, I'll buy that . . .
Ohhh, thanks for such a technically explained answer - I'm sure our new friend naui3355 understood it, as did we all - had it been explained earlier I would have never suggested burnatonce, imgTooBurn, RecordNowMax, CopyToDVD, DVDD or any burner other than Nero. Quite an equation you've presented, thanks much ~
Pete. . .
PS. Thanks for making me your friend, I'm so gratefull -
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3. February 2005 @ 17:01 |
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screw you ScubaFreak....jack-ass.
its funny that you aren't always right but you love to call other people out. i never said that i had a different version of DVD Shrink, i said that used the reauthor to capture only the start frame to the end frame - nothing else. that DOES work and that is what i said - learn to f***in read and you wouldn't look like a fool.
AnyDVD does not always crack everything - all system settings HAVE to be set appropriately (DIFFERENT FOR EVERY MACHINE - very few are the exact same), AND every single DVD disc has the potential to produce a different set of results even though its the same movie (just look at all of the varied results on the forum), thus i am exactly right in what i said for my set of circumstances and you may very well be right for yours.....
you know you need to acquire some etiquette and quit offending members of this forum - YES you have done it in numerous other posts i have read recently. nobody cares about your silly rules or what has to be done or can't be done here - they come here for help and info, not you or any of the other "addicts" or "moderators"......
Compaq Presario AMD 64 3000+ notebook @ 1.79ghz, 512MB DDR, 60GB hd, LiteOn 811SX (8x) ext burner, Dell 1905 FP 19" flat panel...
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4. February 2005 @ 00:06 |
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It's amazing. So many people are successful, but due to your individual failures, there must be a flaw to the software and methods. The flaw is in your reasoning and the problem is obviously either user error or something wrong in your set up.
Acting like a child and calling names proves just that. You are a juvenile seeking to argue for the sake of argument. The mods should do something about you on this one.
4. February 2005 @ 01:56 |
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Quote: nobody cares about your silly rules or what has to be done or can't be done here - they come here for help and info,
You really think that is true? I think the majority of people follow our rules and think they are quite reasonable.
And IMO AnyDVD is the best at removing css encryption and region codes. I think I've had better success while AnyDVD is turned on and running. Also keep in mind that AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 are updated much faster and more often than Shrink and Decrypter. Not to take anything away from those two programs .... after all they are still free.
4. February 2005 @ 08:11 |
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I'd highly recommend against an outburst like that again.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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4. February 2005 @ 08:14 |
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yeah, just like i would highly recommend against another ScubaPete sarcastic outburst again. i did NOTHING wrong. if you get offended you need to contact your framers of the Constitution my friend, they have set forth some rules themselves.
Compaq Presario AMD 64 3000+ notebook @ 1.79ghz, 512MB DDR, 60GB hd, LiteOn 811SX (8x) ext burner, Dell 1905 FP 19" flat panel...
4. February 2005 @ 09:03 |
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I just spoke to the Framers from the beyond and they said to ban anyone silly enough to equate a website's forum rules with the Constitution. If you can't handle someone's sarcasm without resorting to name calling you need to go elsewhere and indeed you will.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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4. February 2005 @ 09:19 |
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The constitution ensures rights, however the right to being obnoxious on the forums sort of falls outside that realm.
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AfterDawn Addict
4. February 2005 @ 18:53 |
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(Huuummm, > . . . . . . ?)
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4. February 2005 @ 20:20 |
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Hmmm... For some it is a talent. ;)
AfterDawn Addict
5. February 2005 @ 16:53 |
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(. . . ? ? ? )
Does that mean I'm not his friend anymore ?
So sad . . . . :(
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. February 2005 @ 16:54
5. February 2005 @ 18:06 |
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Awwwwww we're all friends here! Group hug! :P
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33