Kazaa Partcipation Level
24. February 2003 @ 10:23 |
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I use the kazaa lite version from http://www.k-lite.tk . Seems ok, but im about to get the newest version, didnt know there was a new release. It includes participation hack & lots of other stuff, if u want to install it.
Staff Member
24. February 2003 @ 13:17 |
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Actually, kazaalite is what i meant to download and then K++ and thats it. K++ is a patch (about 100kbs) it isnt a full kazaa at all so what are you on about?? Its just as powerful as what you suggested. However when its kazaa its not powerful because even with K++, its still ranked low on the top p2p list! You seem to be someone who likes to argue and really exagerate what people are saying. So emm, how shall i say this, your post made no sense whatsoever and no, regardless of what you think, you didn't make me look like a fool!
27. February 2003 @ 19:59 |
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oh sorry i took so long to respond, i was too damn busy downloading all this great stuff. now hmm let me see... OF COURSE YOU NEED THE ORIGINAL KAZAA IN ORDER TO USE AD SORT OF PATCH FOR IT!!! now what im trying to say, that is if this time youll actually pay attention, is that why in the world would you have any need for kazaalite all you need to do is download kazaa then kazaalite++, i mean come on use some common sense. look first thing is first kazaalite++ is shit shit but of course there is better programs out there. silly me i just had a weird idea that we were talking about KAZAA!!! fuck any other p2p agents. is you want the best file sharing program out there what you need to learn how to use is MirC now thats the SHIT!!! anyone out there that also uses MirC would know what im talking about. FUCK p2p. its all going down. p2p agents are too easy to shut down. unlike kazaa MirC wont be shut down so easy. id explain y but its hopeless to try to tell someone whom is unwilling. i assume you unwilling because of how you so quickly dismissed kazaalite++. so forget you learn how to use MirC on your own. and if you learn good for you. if you already knew GREAT. too bad for you im not going to be ale to continue this bull$hit conversation anymore. im leaving for 2 months this weekend. good luck with your p2p agents.
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28. February 2003 @ 07:22 |
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I use mIRC hardkore so amm what are ya on about??
Also you dont need the original kazaa to patch for ++. But work away and keep loosing the head over nothing, i think im aloud make a suggestion on the forum!!
As for p2p, ye it sucks compared to mIRC but kazaalite++ really sucks compared to it and to DC++ and eMule! Kazaa hasnt got a long life left and i cant wait until its gone so then no-one will be thinking that tmd are the coolest thing since sliced fucken bread when they dont even know that tmd just re-encode and destroy releases that groups work so hard to make. No more people on the forum saying they got files that they cant play and when we tell them they are fake its all like "oh thanx a lot that really helped me!!!!"!!!
lol, ok gotta calm down here. I dont even know why we are arguing over a p2p app thats gonna go down in flames ;-)
I agree mIRC is the shit and people are just too lazy to learn how to use it. And if anyone is wondering why i never mention it, this is a p2p forum so whats the point, you tell someone use mIRC, they say oh where do you download that?? how do you search?? oh you cant search, you can only do a genral web based search, that sucks, kazaa rules blah blah blah blah, no-ones listening to ya, lol
Hardkore, lol we are fighting over kazaa here, lmao, who cares how you install it, this is just getting childish here!!
28. February 2003 @ 10:06 |
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OK, so I downloaded the 2.1 ++ version and I'm still 39 (after opening from kpp.exe. What do I need to do?
2. March 2003 @ 18:46 |
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I have had normal Kazaa for quite sometime and just came across Kazaa Lite. Its better for the ads and stuff but someone told me I can download the latest version of Kazaalite which he thinks is 2.0.3 or something. I found the Kazaa cheat a few days ago and thought that might help for my participationlevel being so low but it doesnt!! It sucks, it doesnt go anywhere!! it just sits there at and goes down fast as soon as i download anything!! my limit is at max and my bandwidth is at max which is what the instructions told me to do, but still it goes up reeeeeeeeeally slow! I have read the messages some other guys have posted about staying at 1000 forever and to download some patch but it doesnt work!! I unzip it and nothing happens, it stays low and wont go up. I checked out all those links u guys posted and they all suck. so I uninstalled Kazaa Lite and tried again from one of the links on here and still it wont go up! there is supposed to be some version that u can just download and install and everything is peachy!! sounds great to me!!! hook me up!! wheres it at! im lost!! im greedy!! im impatient!! i cant wait for a day to have a movie! its gay! too long for me! i have things to do! important things! yeah!! so would someone please just give me a alink that sends me right to the pearly gates of heaven so I can download the coolest dopest version with all the bells and whistles in it so I dont have to do anything!! just install it and do my thang! pleeeeeease im very frustrated. I have being trying for days now to get this Participation level at 1000 and nothing seems to be workin. HELP!!!!
2. March 2003 @ 21:02 |
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OK OK im a moron!! I know!! I got it!!! all i had to do was type in "participation level cheat" in google and it gave me a cheat I hadnt found on kazaa that actually works!! woohoooo supreme being, i feel cool! but NOW... I have been hearing about being able to download off of 40 users with some cool new patch or some shit instead of the gay 8 users im used to. someone wanna hook me up?? please :D i'll....ummm.....like....thankyou i guess ;)
3. March 2003 @ 09:07 |
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See now u guys were no help at all! I had to find all this shit on my own!! im an independant male!so.......proud :'( but anyway if one of you guys had posted this link http://home.hccnet.nl/h.edskes/mirror.htm#kazaa202ec and told me to download the Kazaa Lite K++ 2.1.0 at the top of the list, the world would be a much happier place! I was searching all over and had no idea that there were really that many versions. This was the only site where i found the dope version, no patches...nothing.....these are the pearly gates i was talking about ;) K-lite master all the time, auto search more, unlimited sources to download from and it comes with all the cool stuff too like speed up and shit. SO for all the newbies out there that dont know shit like me I'll post it again http://home.hccnet.nl/h.edskes/mirror.htm#kazaa202ec and download the Kazaa Lite K++ version 2.1.0 at the top of that section and ur done! do i get three cheers for being the bomb or what!! WOOOOOOOO peace
3. March 2003 @ 11:32 |
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Hey, good job to the guy above ^^^^ but I kinda just wanted to try the patch that dela posted, but I can't figure out how to do it. Would you mind helping me out dela? After I extracted the files and opened the kpp it says you need the <filename> and stuff. But how exactly do you do that, and what exactly do you use as filename, just kazaa? Are you supposed to just rename the kpp.exe to kpp.exe<kazaa> ? I have no clue :) thanks a lot for your time
Staff Member
4. March 2003 @ 00:34 |
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Extract the kpp.exe into the kazaa program files folder. run kpp.exe, this will wither launch kazaa or ask you to find kazaa.exe. if it asks you to find it just double click kazaa.exe. If when you get it loaded up its still not at supreme being participation level, then try and run the kpp.reg first and try again!
4. March 2003 @ 08:54 |
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why bother with that stupid patch?? it just does the same things my link does but my link is just open and install!! 1,2,3,A,B,C...easy peasy lemon squeezy. I dont get why u would want to try the patch?? the new version probably has the same aspects of the patch and more. can someone tell me what is better about the patch than the version I posted??? dont waste ur time dude =P
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4. March 2003 @ 09:48 |
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What you posted is basically the same thing ye, just some ppl like to patch things themselves!! lol ;-)
4. March 2003 @ 19:11 |
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thanks for the extra help Dela
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5. March 2003 @ 01:29 |
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lol no problem =)
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9. March 2003 @ 03:07 |
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just download kazaalite ++ from the link kindly posted by "HOUSELIFE". TOP LINK . installed and working brilliantly.
thanks again
22. April 2003 @ 03:00 |
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Um, McAffee is probably the WORST virus scanner there is...Norton Antivirus is about 100 x's better...
22. April 2003 @ 03:04 |
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Anyway, MiRC used to be good, now it's crowded with faggots and wanna-be 'hackers'; Hardkore probably fitting one of those categories. And what the hell is the point of downloading Kazaa and then Kazaa++ when you can just download the whole thing in one package (Kazaa Lite) ?
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22. April 2003 @ 11:02 |
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Because before they werent packed together and you had to do it. Then some guys started planting their lovely trojans in with what they called packud up versions but now http://www.k-lite.tk pack it all properly!
mIRC, still rules but yes it is full of wannabe hackers who have no idea that they are gonna lose their provider soon! As for p2p, the donkey network and DC++ still rule over all :D