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Squeezing Goodfellas to 1 disc
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17. April 2003 @ 07:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What a long discussion that was but finally I managed it,thanks guys.

carlitob- when you open up the vob list scroll right to the bottom of the page. When you get there start scrolling up slowly looking for the last navigation pack. When you see the last pack click on it and on the right hand side you will see a list which contains the vob id in it. Then when you are joining the clips with vobedit just use the number above that vob id.
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17. April 2003 @ 07:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Glad to hear you figured it out, it really isnt a difficult process once you read the guide.
17. April 2003 @ 14:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
where on this page is the vobid?

sorry bad link will post again soon.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. April 2003 @ 04:48

21. April 2003 @ 16:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
woohoo! I got it, I did it. found the navigation pack. It actually said navigation pack. duh! well. i got it done.
21. April 2003 @ 19:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Great, now can you mail me a copy so I can have a non flipper?
22. April 2003 @ 01:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Guys, before you break any rules, go to PM for that please :-)

23. April 2003 @ 06:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
testing my signature

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8. May 2003 @ 21:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i did it all fine, twice, and still it stops half way in the film (chapter 20?). ..y does this have to be so vob id is 3 for the 1st vob of the 2nd disc, everything seems it instant copy thats making the error which doesnt seem possible because all that does is shrink n burn, it must be my ifoedit process..someone..help_


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. May 2003 @ 21:32

9. May 2003 @ 05:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
jussrock stop using that crap and use dvd2one. it has worked perfect for me.

3 product reviews
9. May 2003 @ 06:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

DVD2One has continually worked perfect for me too...I went mad for it when it got updated and was able to do episode discs a while back

10. May 2003 @ 00:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i did it using dvd2one and it burned but when i play it, the end of the 1st side, you know the part where the bartender kid gets shot and pesci says what like its the 1st grave ive dug or whatever, it suddenly stops at position 64: something and the begining of the 2nd side, the part here she rings the bell is like 74: somethin'. Did it cut footage out, or did it copy fine just having a 7 minute pause for no reason........fuck y cant they comeout wiht a special edition so its one ya and the reason i use instant copy is because you can take out some unwanted shit, and the program seems more professional looking but dvd2one is wayy faster like 400minutes on instant copy to like 30min on dvd2one


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10. May 2003 @ 16:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok...i am having a difficult time with compiling this movie onto one disc...i use decrypter, VOBedit, IFOedit, DVD2one, and nero. i am following the guides to the T, specifically, "Complete idiots guide to making single DVD backups of episode discs with DVD2ONE". everything works great until i process the joined folders with DVD2ONE before burning with nero. during the DVD2one compression, the program stops halfway through, at Vts_01_5.vob. i can't figure out why this is happening. any suggestions? thanks.

12. May 2003 @ 07:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok I am going to try writing a how to for this movie only

1. Extract all files from each side to 2 different folders name the folders 1 and 2 respectively.
2. First rename the files of folder 2 to the following order:
3. Open the first VOB file (VTS_01_001.VOB) with VobEdit, and choose the Menu: 'Edit -> Join Clips':
4. A filedialog will apear, where you have to specify a destination directory for the final VOB file-set. You better choose a new empty directory for that.
A second dialog will pop up, where you have to specify a starting VOB-ID. specify Nr: 3 :
5.When the joining has finished, you will have a new set of VOB files named:
6.Now you simply can rename them to:
and move them to the same directory that is containing the folder 1 files.
7. Erase everything in Folder 1 except for the vob files, this means all the ifos, bups, etc
8.Open IFOEdit and Create ifos
9. Use Dvd2One to process the movie. This is a little tricky it might look like its not done, it might only be at 50% but when Dvd2one stops thats it, even if it is at only 50% the movie will be good to go. before burning make sure to test it with any Vob player.
10. Burn with your favorite software.

Hope this helps

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12. May 2003 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK Carlitob, thanks for that, it's exactly what I needed but, it is not idot proof. I would like to add to the "how to" to clarify somethings, correct me if I am wrong.

1. extract files to 2 different folders using dvd decryptor in FILE MODE and select ALL FILES.

2. There is also a VOB file numbered 01_0.VOB. DO NOT change that file to 001, change it to 000. Change the 1.VOB file to 001 and so on.

3. Open the first VOB file IN FOLDER 2, NOT folder number 1. In VOBEDIT, there is no menu tab only an EDIT tab. Under the EDIT tab select "Join Clips" NOT JoinCell VOB files, they are different.

4. When the dialog box opens just type in 3. NOT Nr:3, sounds stupid but, I made the mistake and copied exactly what was in the above post. (Nr:3)

5. After opening Ifo Edit and creating IFO's, the folder where you put them will have 4 files. 2 IFO files and 2 BUP files. All 4 of these files need to go into the folder with the 8 VOB files. Cut the 4 files and paste them into the folder with the 8 VOB files, don't COPY them, CUT AND PASTE them.

6. Now process them (compress) with DVD2One and select another folder or place to put the file after it is compressed.

Now you can burn it with your favorite burning software.

I am writing this before ever seeing the final copy so, it may still not work but, that is what I did.
12. May 2003 @ 17:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK, just tested it out and it works. I had done this all before and I always had this problem. After combining folders 1 and 2 I had a total of 8 VOB files. After compressing using DVD2)ne, I was left with 5 VOB files. 3 are gone! in the past, I never even bothered to burn because I thought the 3 missing VOB files were the 2nd half of the film. I was incorrect.

For some reason after compressing the 8 VOB files are reduced to 5. I don't know why but, after playing the movie, all chapters are ther and it works perfectly.

Now for my question...

The disc flips at chapter 20, 21 is on the other side. I noticed an 8 second delay in my copy, between chapters 20 and 21 where the disc flips.

The question is: Is it possible to reduce that delay of black dead screen to 2 seconds from 8? I would prefer to not have any layer change and have a seamless transition. Is it possible?
13. May 2003 @ 04:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think your problem is this step
2. There is also a VOB file numbered 01_0.VOB. DO NOT change that file to 001, change it to 000. Change the 1.VOB file to 001 and so on.
Do not use that file, or rename it or anything. when you do regular movies that file stays out. It is the little intro into the movie and not part of the actual movie. If youre getting a delay try it again but without this file (01_0.VOB. It should work.

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13. May 2003 @ 06:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am doing it again without this 0_VOB file. One other question:

There is also a VOB file named VIDEO_TS.VOB. On the first version and the second version I included this file. Should this remain as well or should I delete it?
13. May 2003 @ 07:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Removing that VOB file did nothing about the 8 second delay, it is still present.

Any other ideas or thoughts on how to remove it?
13. May 2003 @ 07:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
try it one more time from the beginning. Rip the movie again and try it all over. Other than that I don't know.

Don't ask a question that has been asked a million times already don't be lazy all the info you need is here:

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2. June 2003 @ 16:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have an answer to this.
The guide carlitob has given is just copied off this page

And it doesnt work ! Well it does, but only partially.
It works, but where side A meets side B we get our problems. The one I done skipped over 5 minutes and was bit jumbled. So in other words useless. I got it to work like this; (goodfellas disc)

1. rip only the movie vobs(none of the other crap) in two seperate folders.
2.rename them
VTS_01_004.VOB in side 1

and the same as above but 5,6,7,8 in side 2 folder.

3.put them all into the same folder.
4.load up vob edit, click open
5. double click on the first vob file
6. click on edit (top left hand corner) then Join clips
7.Choose an empty folder to put them in.
8.just leave the vob id as number 1.
9.let vob edit go to work.
10.once done you have 8 joined vob files. demux the mpg stream and the audio channels u want. Forget about the subs coz ifo edit is total crap at putting them back in. Only works when it feels like it.
12. once demuxed, remux them using either ifo edit or Spruce up. Spruce up is way better.
13 once thats done just kick your dvd project down to size using DVD2one. Works Perfect !!!

Ok now i know this seems a little long winded but it works. So thats all I'm bothered about

I'm not taking time to explain how to remux and demux coz there loads of guides on that.

Hope this helped. ;-)

9. June 2003 @ 07:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The guide carlitob has given is just copied off this page

And it doesnt work ! Well it does, but only partially.

If it doesnt work then how come i got it to work. you are right i did copy the material from the link you point out... BUT what I did is re-wrote it specifically to fit Goodfellas. The example used there is for the DVD for Pretty Woman. What I wrote is for Goodfellas. If you know how to follow directions then you will have no problems making a backup of Goodfellas.

Don't ask a question that has been asked a million times already don't be lazy all the info you need is here:

Pioneer DVD-+RW DL
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14. June 2003 @ 11:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Carlitob, Will all due repsect, It doesnt work !

Examine the goodfellas you have done.
I followed your guide exactly ! and dvd2one did indeed read only 50% when it was finished.
All the film was on, with sound. But over the middle intersection it messed up. Skips a couple of minutes. What good is that ?

The only way i got it to work properly was rip all the vobs , rename them 001, 002 etc. join them. Demux the m2v and ac3 then join them with Spruce or ifo edit. Then reduce the size using dvd2one. quess what, dvd2one goes straight to 100% without any problems. There's telling u something. Works perfect ;-)

Only thing is, side A has a warner logo at the end of it. its part of the movie file. So now i got a warner logo half way throught the film.its better than getting up to flip the disk i suppose ;-)
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14. June 2003 @ 20:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, Well, Well,
Us OLD twig-sniffers always have to bail out the young bail-me-outs.
Look I have the whole movie of Goodfellas on DVD as I write this. Look the double side crap is hard and I know this. I have taken the long way around and I just had to find a nother way.
So, now I just get a DVD or fresh copy on VHS format and record the movie.
I record it as a mp2 file using an ALL-IN-WONDER 8500 video card.
I then burn the file to disc using neoDVD. Using a -/+R blank dvd. the file will be mp2 but just rename it to mpg and she will work. This is the fastest, most time efficent way to do any film like this. Even if it has 2 VCR tapes or two sides hit the pause button and then you restart recording and the quality is paramount either way. The quality is so good I cannot tell the VCR Tapes from the DVD Disc's.
Note: Other video cards do just as well or better than the one I am using.
So, us twig-sniffers CAN come up with some very nice tricks to accomplish these minor setbacks using our smokey gray matter.
Start thinking on your own once in a while on how you can get what you want instead of the same old frigging questions over and over. Read more then ask...geeeezzzz!!
I was not going to put anything here in the thread, but it is in my nature to help the weak and ignorant.
Oh and DVD2one is a GREAT program just learn how to use it. That is it.

>>Nothing is known! You only know what you know when you know it!<< _


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. June 2003 @ 21:40

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14. June 2003 @ 21:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, one and one more thing - know your video card capabilities. The best results are thru the S-Video out on the TV to the computer(Video Card) Composite-out is OK, but not as good as S-Video. So, here is the skinny.
Do a DVD-Dbl sided or VHS (2 Tape) of any movie and do the mpeg thing and do the neoDVD program and make nice label and put in a new case with a really cool outside cover and put it on the shelf for the next xx years until you watch it again becouse you forgot what it was all about.. OLD by then huh?
So there ya go.
No questions in this thread about neodvd or the video cards. Go to those areas.. OK?
Have a good one.

>>There are no knowns.. You only know what you know when you know it<<

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15. June 2003 @ 09:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Help the weak and ignorant
dont flatter yourself my boy


The way you do it Train,,Stereo 2 channel sound
who the hell wants that ?

Read my guide above and create a 5:1 dvd of the greatest gangster film of all time :0) > forums > archived forums > dvd2one forum > squeezing goodfellas to 1 disc

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