What program you use for file sharing?
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26. January 2002 @ 23:49 |
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rocketman: It's all up to the other side and his/her connection speed. If you're downloading a movie from a modem user, it really doesn't matter whether you have T3 connection or ISDN, you get max 4kb/sec.
27. January 2002 @ 01:21 |
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Hi Ya'll.
Been a while since I've been here. I'm glad this forum sends out email notices advising of new messages.
dRD, got some questions for you.
I just installed Morpheus the other day, even though I only have your basic 56k-dialup. Not since Napster have I bothered with a P-to-P.
I too, far prefer to watch vcds on a standalone dvd player rather than watch the admittedly superior divx-format-equivalent on the 'puter.
As well, like you, my primary interest in a P-to-P these days is trying to locate a few of those vintage 80's MTV music vids (Van Halen; ZZ Top; David Bowie; Men Without Hats; Queen; Doug & The Slugs; Michael Jackson (T-H-R-I-L-L-E-R-!); Huey Lewis & The News; Boy George (who never really did figure out if he's a boy or a girl); Meatloaf; and a bunch of other memoribilia.
I've only been on Morpheus twice, but I managed to get, via Morpheus's invaluable 'Resume' function, ZZ Top's "Sharp Dressed Man" video.
But it sure didn't turn out to be directly burnable to vcd.
In fact, it was a mess. I know you're a PAL 25-frame-per-second-kind-of-guy, but I had to look for the NTSC 352x240 29.97 fps equivalent.
So I found it. (sort of) Maybe you can save me some time here. Do you find that the videos you get from Morpheus are directly burnable, or do you find you have to process the poop out of them first, to get a burnable file? If it turns out that I'll have to reformat/revamp/reprocess everything I download from Morpheus just to get a crummy-looking vcd vid, I'll probably just not bother with Morpheus at all). - [I got some tasty .mp3s though.] :-)
The zztop video I got seemed to be a direct-satellite video-capture. It was decidedly low in quality. (About 50 megs, give-or-take). I don't know if there are many (any?) commercial, retail dvds of vintage MTV videos out there, or else I'd save myself some grief, go rent a few, and rip the crap out of them.
I see that on Morpheus, the vids are in .mpg format. (Which means, they can be in a s##t-load of differing formats), so I make sure to look for the NTSC (352x240) as opposed to PAL(352x288) screen res. format.
I wonder if it wouldn't be beyond the Morpheus's community-of-members' ability to list global image files for download? Would this be practical do you think? Using Nero (or in my case Sony's CDExtreme - the subject of a personal email which you never did respond to), one could re-create a perfect vcd from the global-image download alone. (I'm probably asking for too much, but you know? - Anyone smart enough to figure out how to use Morpheus, is probably also smart enough to know what a global-image is).
Just random thoughts......
Btw, you've been in the UK for a little over a year now. Do you really regret having moved there?
Warmest regards from Canada, my friend.
-- KlingonAgent --
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27. January 2002 @ 09:07 |
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Hey DRD thanks or the tip but i am looking for a network or any kind o thing that is strictly broadband or at least a program that will let people take advantage of their connection. Even in winmx i will be downloading from a person at 19 k/s average and they have a cable modem too. Yet when i download from the regular internet i get speeds in excess of 150 k/s. Do you know of anything that speeds things up a little bit? I also do not know anything about FTP and a brief description of that would be well appreciated too. Besides speed, is there anything out there that is more reliable in terms of staying connected to the person than morpheus or winmx? From my brief knowledge of FTP i would think it would be more reliable in that department. Well once again thanks again for any info provided.
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27. January 2002 @ 11:12 |
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klingonagent: I've pretty much given up downloading music videos and just enjoy capturing videos by myself from digital cable TV -- 16 music video channels with actual music on them (American MTV is a big joke :-), which kinda eases things :-) But yeah, generally at least 50% of the videos from P2P networks are ****. One thing what eases you is the fact that Morpheus shows you the file size and file details -- download only MPEG files with resolution 352x240 (use the advanced search) and you get 85-95% chance to get working NTSC VCD files.
I don't miss U.S., I miss NYC -- two different things :-) But then again, I'm originally from Finland and I really don't have a slightest idea where I'm gonna end up next, maybe Australia (London has two seasons -- the rainy one and the really wet one :-)
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27. January 2002 @ 11:15 |
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rocketman: Direct Connect is pretty much restricted for broadband users, the channels have strict rules on them which makes life easier for broadband users. But then again, the program itself is definately not for newbies, more likely for guys who spend 99% of their time using IRC, FTP, etc.
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28. January 2002 @ 16:41 |
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hey dRD thanks for the recommend or DC it is great and i like it so much better than winmx or morpheus. it is way faster and alot more to choose from. thanks again.
30. January 2002 @ 23:55 |
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<heh-heh> Thanks for the update there, dRD.
Actually, in desperation, I downloaded a demo of Ahead Nero, and as much as I hate to admit it (I'll always be honest), Nero burnt the ZZ Top video 'ok' whereas my Sony CDExtreme would not. Not only that, but other supposedly vcd-ready mpeg-1 files I've downloaded elsewhere also would not work with CDExtreme, but again, Nero came through. Oh frig - I *like* CDE. The Nero will probably expire in 30 days or something, while the CDE will not. Also, the CDE is easier to use.
The pesky Nero burns vcd's that make my standalone dvd player's status screen show, "PBC". I get no track numbers AT ALL as I'm supposed to, and like I normally get with CDE. I looked up "PBC" in the dvd player's manual, and it simply said, "PlayBack Control".
"What Is 'PBC'? - "PBC is an abbreviation for "PlyBack Control" that refers to control codes prerecorded on Video CDs. During playback of Video CDs with PBC, 'PBC' appears on the menu."
Huh ???? What the fu..... ??? That's all the manual said.
I am very restricted in what I can do with the "PBC" vcds that Nero creates. Is this some sort of built-in restriction with Nero? To create a quasi-handicapped vcd? Basically, I can only play them. (I can't "auto repeat" them for example).
Oops, sorry. Off-topic. I am currently downloading a Van Halen video from Morpheus as I write this, but with my pokey little 56k dialup, I'm probably going to have to forget Morpheus altogether. Someone promptly noticed that I had downloaded that ZZ Top video earlier, and tried to get it from me. Three times. And three times aborted because of the slow speed. I had the same problem with Napster.
So yes, if I had direct-digital broadcast, direct capture would make far more sense.
Finland? New York City? England? And now, maybe Australia? Good God man, I see a whole story in there somewhere. You must be military and get posted all over the place or something.
-- Klingy --
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9. February 2002 @ 04:13 |
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Go to pandora's Box it's loaded with lot's of links to some pretty nice sites. there is a $10 members fee but it's worth it. http://pandorabox.info/
Junior Member
9. February 2002 @ 17:05 |
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If you're using morpheus, move the downloaded file from the shared folder to avoid others uploading it and slowing your connection. This is especially important if you're using 56k.
9. February 2002 @ 18:29 |
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Hi Eizoer.
Yep, I wrote a simple batch file & plunked it on the desktop - clickity-click, and the .bat file whisks my new-found file(s) into a separate folder. I keep a lot of .mp3s in there though because it doesn't take folks (even with 56ks) very long to get 'em, and I feel a tad guilty if I don't share something back.
We all need broadband connections nowadays though.
And yes dRD, hovering the mouse over a file does indeed bring up scads of useful information about the file. I use that function a lot, but the music vids, well, I've sort of given up on them too because of creepy quality.
Funny the video rental outlets don't carry music vids on dvd. I haven't seen a one. Not ever.
-- KlingerRoo --
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9. February 2002 @ 22:11 |
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A_Klingon: Yeah, the quality is normally horrible in P2P networks whatever you download -- movies, musicvidz, MP3s.. Too many morons sharing stuff that they've created without any basic understanding of how to do things correctly. Luckily there are some groups in musicvid biz that know how to do things "right" and I mainly use their names in my searches instead of artist/song titles. Other good source for good quality musicvids is definately usenet. But I still prefer captuing them myself :-)
And nah, I'm not in the army, just a one very restless soul trying to find the ideal location to live in :-)
Senior Member
10. February 2002 @ 03:17 |
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I recently downloaded a whole batch of musicvidz. I don´t think that the quality is so bad, but then again í´ve only gotten started, i might run in to some bad vidz some day. The only disturbing thing is the small resolution. I did some editing, (cutting out some useless stuff about who ripped the video) but is there any way to blow up the resolution without getting terrible quality ?
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10. February 2002 @ 03:21 |
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ghostdog: Nope, not really. The resolution is normally VCD-resolution if the ripper has any IQ over shoesize as most of (us =) musicvid freaks prefer VCD as a format -- imagine purchasing Sony 300+1 DVD changer that also supports VCDs, fill it up with music-VCDs and you have a pretty decent amount of music in your videoplaylist.
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10. February 2002 @ 03:56 |
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I´m not really in to VCDs for the simple reason that I don´t own a stand-alone DVD-player and I don´t really see a need for purchasing one. I watch DVDs on my PC screen and have been thinking about experimenting with PC -> TV. I like the fact that you can get a DVD on two CDs using DivX opposite to 4 CD VCD/SVCD sollution. But the thought of a DVD-changer is a good one. Untill now i´ve pictured myself getting up from the sofa to change the VCD, sheds some glow on the idea.
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24. May 2002 @ 01:22 |
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I use kazaa its a great file sharing program that allows users to download anything anytime. performance is unbelievable works fine even with a dial-up. It downloads fast and searches for software, images, audio, video or any other file.
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29. May 2002 @ 02:50 |
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i need help!! I'm using winmx as my music downloading programe and have recently installed a intell anypoint home networking system and am having difficulty. I am no longer able to run winmx, and can't figure out why? Is there anyone that can help me solve my problem without getting rid of my intell home network system, i need it to be able to use both my computers online. Please Help!!
29. May 2002 @ 04:04 |
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hey dreams!!! just get rid of the software u r using and instal Kazaa..Ifound itthe best.
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29. May 2002 @ 05:37 |
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Hi Kathylaw,
Is Kazaa better then winmx?? My husband prefers winmx out of all the other ones that we've tried, and i don't know if he'd be willing to get rid of winmx... Are you sure if i get rid of winmx and get kazaa that i will be able to connect by still using my intel anypoint home networking system?? Thankx again
Senior Member
29. May 2002 @ 08:47 |
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I think it´s a question of personal preference. You could try Kazaa (Lite). If you like it there´s nothing stopping you from using both.
29. May 2002 @ 17:13 |
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I want to download dvd's and burn them on to cd format. I have a cd-rw and a cd-r burner. is this possible, and if it is, what (preferribly free) program would i use to do this.
29. May 2002 @ 17:15 |
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I want to download dvd's and burn them on to cd format. I have a cd-rw and a cd-r burner. is this possible, and if it is, what (preferribly free) program would i use to do this.
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29. May 2002 @ 17:30 |
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msuguy, you can do that and it depends what you want, winmx is a good place to get stuff. all you have to do is type in what ever it is that you want, and once you find it start downloading.
Senior Member
30. May 2002 @ 01:25 |
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Msuguy, that depends on what you want to do. Do you want a high-quality movie you can watch with your computer or is a stand-alone DVD-player a must?
Format, quality, size?
The best guides are right here at Afterdawn.
You can find alot of DVD-rips with p2p-applications. Some have decent quality, others don´t.
What kind of internet connection do you have? Don´t even think about downloading dvd-rips with a modem!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. June 2002 @ 00:16
30. May 2002 @ 22:37 |
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kazaa is the best period, it can kick crap out of any other file sharing app hands down. recommended to everyone.
Senior Member
1. June 2002 @ 00:20 |
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Fasttrack is indeed excelent since it´s so puplic. The only problem is the number of people it usually takes to get a decent transferspeed. If a user has a good upstream connection and doesn´t limit it in anyway, then you can get a good transfer-rate. So if the file you want is only available from one user, you completly depend on his good will and connection.