What program you use for file sharing?
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30. March 2001 @ 12:29 |
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What programs you use for file sharing now when Napster's pretty useless -- at least I don't have any motivation to start tweaking the filenames in order to find some good tracks. I just rather use Gnutella or eDonkey.
4. May 2001 @ 13:10 |
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I also use edonkey, its great for movies, divx mostly. I cant seem to find many vcd or svcd's though. tried kaaza a little bit but didn't like it.
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5. May 2001 @ 03:42 |
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I've noticed the same thing in general -- people are gone nuts over DivX ;-) movies and it's getting harder and harder to find decent VCD/SVCD movies nowadays.
Luckily some groups still release their movies in VCD instead of DivX ;-)
And now everyones asking why to release anything on VCD if you can fit the movie in one CD with DivX ;-)... Well, I rather use my stand-alone DVD player to watch movies than my computer.
15. May 2001 @ 06:59 |
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I say, old chap.... use Direct Connect @ www.neo-modus.com
It is(my oppinio) the best phile sharing programs out there.... Lots of guys and gals(not that many gals)! For the most you need to share a min of meg! from 1-10 gb, in return you will have acces to other ppls computers(philes which they share)!! On one hub(thats what every server is called) I encountered a share on 4,5 TB(terrabyte)... give it a try! You'll find Div-X movies there, and lots of other stuff! =))
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1. July 2001 @ 00:47 |
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if a decent alternative to napster is what you're after then i suggest you download WINMX. it is the nearest thing to napster and i would highly recommend it.you can download this programme and many others for free at http://zeropaid.com
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1. July 2001 @ 04:59 |
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I've found that Kazaa / Morpheus is currently the best P2P tool for my needs -- multiple download threads for same file from various users, helluva lot of music videos (#1 reason for me :-) in VCD format and fast transfers.
Program itself hogs memory and CPU resources, but its worth it.
30. July 2001 @ 14:23 |
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there is also a few more programs you can use. Audiogalaxy, Yoink, Sharebear and splooge
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30. July 2001 @ 14:28 |
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im sorry the other one is Bearshare
21. August 2001 @ 19:34 |
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As far as mp3s transfering goes, I'm one of those who feels the artists are being screwed over since the ones making the most money out of this industry are the corporate guys, therefor I use this legal program called Flipr www.flipr.com The music is free and on top of that when I download music, the artist gets paid royalties. It's still new tho but launching this summer, from what the website says..
As for movies, I use Morpheus or Kazaa.. which ever connects first on any given night.
7. September 2001 @ 19:54 |
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if yer usin' Kazaa/Morpheus, Grokster's the same prog w/out the banner!
11. September 2001 @ 15:29 |
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There is one called something nut/nuts
Does anybody know it?
30. September 2001 @ 14:47 |
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If you want Divx movies,I'd suggest Direct Connect.Log onto the Divx Planet hub and you're bound to find something you like. ;-)
Junior Member
7. October 2001 @ 18:19 |
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which has the best connection rate for 56k modems from the uk (aol)? Looking for divx music videos mainly.
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8. October 2001 @ 00:49 |
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I would say Morpheus/Grokster/Kazaa (same app), because of their excellent resume options and pretty good selection of music videos -- although most of the music videos are in VCD format (which I prefer, because then I can burn them on CD and watch them with my stand-alone DVD player :-).
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14. October 2001 @ 07:41 |
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The best and most unique P2P programme available by far is Magi by Endeavors Technology
Down load the Magi Express freeware and you will be amazed. It not only allows you to swap files with trusted buddies it does so securely.
By down loading the software you effectively embed a server on your desktop and the files you share are pure P2P and don't go near a centralised server.
Try it out.
Senior Member
30. November 2001 @ 09:20 |
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I use Morpheus since it´s KaZaA without the spyware. I tried WinMX but it had some serious issues concerning connecting and downloading. AudioGalaxy was good for music but these days it´s hard to find any copywrited material on their server. Directconnect has alot fewer users then Morpheus.
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30. November 2001 @ 09:58 |
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But DC++ kicks ass for HUGE files like movies.
3. January 2002 @ 02:22 |
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I always felt a little guilty when I used the old Napster, because I only had (and still only have) a slow, standard 56k dial-up connection. In return for the wonderful and sometimes *exceptionally* hard-to-find music that kind folks offered me, I could only return the favour at 56k.
I did however, let them choose from about 3 gigs-worth of full albums. What I lacked in speed, I tried to offer back in variety.
Don't you think that, in general, all the P-to-P file-sharing systems are really better suited to those with hi-speed (broadband) connections? Do we have many users here who use these systems with basic dial-ups?
I know that when I was a heavy Napster user (I downloaded 108 full, and sometimes out-of-print albums), I wouldn't be logged-on for more that 60 seconds before folks would begin 5 or 6 or 7..... downloads *immediately*! Many of these people would shortly self-abort their downloads because they were receiving them so slowly, and didn't want to wait. Can't say I blame them really.
Recently, I've fallen in love with the vcd video format. Man! Either receiving or offering a disc's-worth of video would take forever @ 56k! :-( Have any of you tried this?
Based on any reply I might get from you, I'm thinking of installing a P-to-P myself.
Much obliged for any input.
-- KlingonAgent --
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3. January 2002 @ 02:44 |
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Lots, lots of 56k users use P2P tools, but mostly for single MP3 track downloads and that's about it -- then again, certain P2P services, most notably DirectConnect, restricts modem users and users who don't share a minimum amount of files required for each channel, which makes is ideal for broadband users (when downloading full-length movies, the only real option is to use DC).
Senior Member
3. January 2002 @ 03:49 |
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I found DirectConnect a bit hard to use. I use Morpheus for downloading movies. If you´re lucky you can get a full movie in about 8 hours(! ?) But then again i have a broadband connection. These days though you get alot of "remotely queued" messages.
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3. January 2002 @ 03:53 |
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That's exactly why DC++ has been managed to stay out of law suits and morons who share their WINNT directory in order to meet the share minimum and keep the quality of files decent ;-)
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3. January 2002 @ 06:04 |
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26. January 2002 @ 14:50 |
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Source forge has a bunch of file sharing apps that are decent and functional. They have on called Gift that looks pretty cool. WinMX has not produced squat for me. They have MyNapster which is also ok, but it crashed often. Morpheous is the best so far. Gnutella and compatible apps are cool too. Do a search for file sharing on the site... And please if you can develop/code CONTRIBUTE!
26. January 2002 @ 14:51 |
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I forgot to mention Imesh!
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26. January 2002 @ 20:01 |
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even though i read through this column i get a better idea of what there is out there. my question is a little more generalized. which is faster for a broadband divx movie collector p2p apps like winmx and morpheus or setting up an ftp server. and if you have set up an ftp which one would you recommend and what transfer rates did you get from it? most of the time in winmx my transfer rates average about 5-14k/s. though i have had the occassional 95-105k/s connection. any help would be appreciated.