gameshark 2 version 1.1 codes for kingdom hearts 2
26. June 2006 @ 18:03 |
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(if I get new ones i will edit this specific post)
Please note either no (M) be code needed or will work with same (m) be code on Palverez first post here
-------- SORA/ROXAS CODES -------
Max Magic points -SORA
0033FECA 000000FF
Max Magic Sora (I think this changes to higest levels of magicks like fire)
0033FECA 000000FF
Max Level for Valor Form
00340B26 00000007
Max Level for Wisdom Form
00340B4E 00000007
Max Level for Master Form
00340B76 00000007
Max Level Summon
00340C8E 00000007
Max EXP Summon
20340E4C 000F423F
SORA SLOT 67 -aerial recovery
1033FF84 0000009E (see text below to vary ability)
Aerial recovery
Max Strength
0033FEC9 000000FF - change FF to lower numbers to get less like AA BB etc
Max Defense
0033FECB 000000FF - change FF to lower numbers to get less like AA BB etc
Max HP
0033FEC5 000000FF
I reccomend changing last to like BB otherwise will hide bottom option
Ability sora slot / 68
1033FF86 0000006a Glide level 1 (change 6a to 6b for lev 2 to 6c for lev 3 6d for max glide)
(do not know if it actually works but shows up in ablities and may require other abilities like high jump first))
All Forms Active All of them (may require having at least 1 form) also allows selecting ANTI-FORm AND reverting
*** Warning do not view FORM abilities with ALL FORM CODE of new forms may cause game to freeze ***
---- Gummi codes -----
Have All Material Gummies (999 of each)
00349BE1 000000FF
10349BE2 0000FFFF
00349BE4 000000FF
Have All Deco-Gummies
10349BEA 0000FFFF
10349BFA 0000FFFF
10349BFE 0000FFFF
10349C04 0000FFFF
00349C06 000000FF
10349C12 0000FFFF
40349C14 00030001
FFFFFFFF 00000000
10349C20 0000FFFF
10349C26 0000FFFF
00349C38 000000FF
00349C45 000000FF
200-255 of most deccos.. weapons wings etc
****WARNING ***** 00349C38 should probably be not used (crown/g) may affect game so simply do not add that
99 AP for GUMMI ShIP
00349C8E 00000063
Ancient Highway (first 1)level 3
All treasures-
100% Treasure
20349800 42C80000
Ancient Highway (first 1) Level 3 999999999 SCORE
203497E0 05F5E0FF
Everything Gummi (255 everything see *WARNING*) (use above code for all decco and all material much safer)
00349BE3 00000012
40349BE4 00400001
FFFFFFFF 00000000
-------Modified above code ------
00349BE3 00000012
40349BE4 00400001
05050505 00000000
-----5 of every Gummi object (will make 5 total everything
(even if you had 30 before will now be 5)Including abilities/
upgrades/objects so have ship with upgrades
prior and also follow note below on point upgrade -----
-----NOTE if you make the 05050505 01010101 it will do all objects
1 (total of each) like the 05050 makes it 5 total of each----
Crown/G (OG)
00349C38 000000FF (is in all decco gummi set)
(requested) (see note)
Gungnir/G (IG) (200 or more) (is in all decco gummi set)
00349C45 000000FF
---------------- MISC CODES --------------
9 DRIVE guage max
20340C90 0A090964
Mysterious Abyss Keyblade (82 of them)
00340DF3 00000052
Fatal Crest Keyblade (82 of them)
00340DF4 00000052
Bond of Flame Keyblade (82 of them)
00340DF5 00000052
00340DF6 00000052 Keyblade (82 of them)
Ultima Weapon
00340DF7 00000052 Keyblade (82 of them)
Donalds - Save the Queen
00340DE5 00000052 (82 of them)
---------To change amount change the 052 to 001 to 062 (only on keyblades) -----
0033FFB9 000000FF
003400AD 000000FF
MAX MP donald and goofy
0033FFBB 000000FF
003400AF 000000FF
----- as before change ff to lower numbers if causing problems)
*WARNING* Do not build ship over 800 (or 1200 if you had ability 2 drop off 2 gummis prior to this) points will instantly explode on mission Also you will no longer be able to change abilities
Gives thousands of ship points but you can only use 800(or 1200 if you had ability 2 drop off 2 TEENEES prior to this) (and prob 200 on teenees)
i am only going to post codes i have personally tried on Gameshark
**** All codes are converted from another code software
add a http:// before below link to get where I am getting these codes if you wish to test yourself (note alot will not convert why I never posted whole text) remember add a http:// first Please feel free to test those I do not show help me out BUT MAKE SURE THEY WORK before posting thanks!
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26. June 2006 @ 18:21 |
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Tnx for the new codes
Wat i mean by Crown gummy, is the optional gummy called Crown. When ur gummy ship is equiped with the Crown gummy u must recieve 100% on all misions in all gummy stages (tats the efect, well.. at least that says on the KH2 Oficial Strategie Guide.) And i cant fin this gummy anyware. Im not asking for codes, just the locatios of this gummy.
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26. June 2006 @ 19:19 |
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Crown G is awarded on 100 % completion all gummi missions
further note: It just is an award that tells you you have completed all missions as 100% as said before - once gotten when equipped drops ships hp to 1 and starts ship in berserk mode when played.
If you won all levels at 100% gawd why need this sheesh :(
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27. June 2006 @ 13:14 |
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oooooh, ok ok, tnx.
27. June 2006 @ 16:32 |
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Soras Code ammendment - these codes are not added because untested but sense first 3 work these should->
change the last 4 digits of this to the following:
1033FF86 0000****
SORA Ability SLOT 67
1033FF84 0000****
(Untested change 84 to 82 or 80 to get 2 more slots)
(these are last slots sora can get so should not affect game early :)
005E = High Jump Level 1 (Ability)
005F = High Jump Level 2 (Ability)
0060 = High Jump Level 3 (Ability)
0061 = High Jump Max Level (Ability)
0062 = Quick Run Level 1 (Ability)
0063 = Quick Run Level 2 (Ability)
0064 = Quick Run Level 3 (Ability)
0065 = Quick Run Max Level (Ability)
0066 = Aerial Dodge Level 1 (Ability)
0067 = Aerial Dodge Level 2 (Ability)
0068 = Aerial Dodge Level 3 (Ability)
0069 = Aerial Dodge Max Level(Ability)
0089 = Upper Slash (Ability)
008A = Scan (ability)
009E = Aerial Recovery (Ability)
00A2 = Combo Plus (Ability)
00A3 = Air Combo Plus (Ability)
the code works.. the abilities need to be tested though
I will test more of the ability codes in a few days including adding more slot but some codes i test will not work and it takes time loading up gameshark and testing I will check for at least 5 different slots for abilities this one is just for 1 slot and worked on the glides
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27. June 2006 @ 18:27 |
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i did the 98 of all items and i cant equip sword or shield or staff
how do i fix this?
27. June 2006 @ 20:36 |
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Srry i forgot to tell u guys that, with that code u cant equip weapons to donald and goofy (u stay with the ones before the code.) Im going to edit that. O and some soras weapons like the ones that apear like maps in the screen (weapons that do not belong to the game, maby deleted) cant be equiped. Or the game may freeze. So be carefull.
Great contribution man! keep posting codes, we users tank u!
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28. June 2006 @ 14:25 |
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is there a code that can change it to only 50 of every weapon?
28. June 2006 @ 18:13 |
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in regards of this:
is there a code that can change it to only 50 of every weapon?
I figured out what you wanted via the converted codebreaker codes, however it would be as 1 code at a time not a lot. Reason why you could not swap weapons was you had to discard original and there was 99 of them so no free space
check my codeset with new codes above with several of the keyblade upgrades (82 each not 99)
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30. June 2006 @ 10:54 |
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PLEASE KEEP CHECKING earlier message of mine I have ben adding alot of new valid gameshark for broadband codes :)
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11. July 2006 @ 16:53 |
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I want the code for all synthesis items for Gameshark version 1.1 I've tried many place but it doesn't seem to work out in the end.
AfterDawn Addict
11. July 2006 @ 17:04 |
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no double posting of the same question on multiple threads please
11. July 2006 @ 19:05 |
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In response to this:
Kanae865 (Newbie)
I want the code for all synthesis items for Gameshark version 1.1 I've tried many place but it doesn't seem to work out in the end.
Does any of the earlier codes i posted work for that system? if so try the codes with the link i shown above. test the item synthesis section.
BE SURE TO ADD (M) be on code from the first codes on this thread
I have not really been testing codes been off to other things but try modding the cbreaker ones
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17. July 2006 @ 15:33 |
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is there a code that you can select specific items like ap boost and str def and magic boosts also
17. July 2006 @ 17:55 |
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GLUGG1234 those i have tested for individual item aquirment have failed for Gameshark for broadband have failed when it was objects such as AP Boost. Those specific codes work with the other cheating software codebreaker sorry
The first codes here 98 of everything may work (page 1 this thread) however can affect gameplay giving everything
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24. July 2006 @ 17:15 |
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omfg,u found action reaplay codes,plz plz tell me where u got'em plz,i got an action replay and i have never found any 4 this game,help a guy out plz
24. July 2006 @ 17:24 |
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omfg,u got action replay code 4 this game,can u tell me where u found em plz,i cant find any for my action replay,come on man hook me up,thx^^ sry 4 the repost i didnt see my message
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11. August 2006 @ 17:16 |
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these codes work good together if you do it right... here is how to make it so you can change donald and goofy's weapons...
Stock x98 Of Every Keyblade For Sora ( ill call this C2)
0480B628 1E34771E
1480B631 1E34561E
1480B630 1E34563E
0480B529 1EB4770E
0480B528 1EB4572E
0480B529 1EB4772E
4410B528 16A4571C
66D09569 3430C10C
Stock x98 Of Every Item And Weapon (and this C1)
4450B508 56B4571C
66D09569 3430C10C
a. ok start new game without cheats
b. play untill you are sora and go buy donald and goofy a weapon and equip the weapons only (make sure weapons are destroyable)
c. dont equip anything else, makes it eaiser.
d. save and load game with c2
e. equip sora with sword that he wil use until endgame.
f. save and reload without cheats.
g. ok now destroy all of the weapons donald and goofie are using so you can change weapons.
h. equip weapon you wanna use for them. (only equip weapons you can destroy or you wil not be ablt to cnage weapons again)
j. save and load game with c1
l. once you equip item (all items now) you cannot change it!!! so chosoe wisely
m. now everytime you gain another sword slot it will be empty so choose well cause the sword is a permenate decision.
n. enjoy
if you loading game you have to messaround until you getit right sora's sword it harder to get it working because the sword code ie a random number you have to load it once and reset it after you found out what sword gives you the least and equip that and so on.
11. August 2006 @ 18:17 |
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look above for my codeset for keyblades if you wish to be able to choose. some of the special missions such as the breaking of the pots require specific blades. if you choose the codes i posted they will not fill all available and you can pick and choose evern use same blades for diff forms
30. September 2006 @ 20:53 |
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is there a way that the codes posted my graffik can be converted to Action Replay Max PAL codes?
30. September 2006 @ 20:56 |
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is there a way that the codes posted by graffik can be converted to Action Replay Max PAL codes?
1. October 2006 @ 02:35 |
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Action replay max codes: Go here:
do a sarch on it for 'Action Replay Max codes' i do not have that so you'll have to try it yourself and see if they work
REMEMBER the all weapons codes always give you too many you may not be able to unequip them once you get them making some of the jiminiys journal stuff impossible And POST only once same messages
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1. October 2006 @ 21:20 |
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the codes there are for the NTSC (us) verson of ARMAX, i checked with the official codejunkies website and compared them. The codes are identical. thanks anyways :D
P.S~ sorry for the double posting above, my internet froze up when i was posting lol
8. November 2006 @ 13:49 |
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Originally posted by Palverez: Gameshark codes just arrived at but there are more codes created by someone, I dnt know if theyl work in ur version but they worked on mine (brodband enabled). Here they are:
F417107C 182C8CCA (M) code
1490136E B4B4535E Have antiform unequip from donalds armor slot
24CDB628 9EB61784 use to have lvl 9 drive needed for anti form
1410136E B4B4535C Have final form unequip from donalds armor slot
Stock x98 Of Every Keyblade For Sora
0480B628 1E34771E
1480B631 1E34561E
1480B630 1E34563E
0480B529 1EB4770E
0480B528 1EB4572E
0480B529 1EB4772E
4410B528 16A4571C
66D09569 3430C10C
Stock x98 Of Every Item And Weapon
4450B508 56B4571C
66D09569 3430C10C
This code gives u random amounts of all items. In weapon selection ul have 2 or 3 new weapons that apear as maps in the screen (ul see wat im talking about when u try this code) This weapons, can freeze ur game be cause they are like deleted weapons that are usless, so they may look cool or new but u have a chance of freezong the game. Other effects of this code are: U cant equip donald and goofy weapons anymore, so they stay with the ones before te code for ever (if u save the game after the cheat) aaaand that the item screen will always say NEW. This efects stay even if u disable the code. ( Wt I mean by this that if u use the code and save the game, u go to sleep and tomorow u start the game without the gameshark, u still be unble to equip weapons to dnald and goofy.)So be carefull befr using this code. Its a good code but it may be triky, so thik before using it.
98 Orichalcum+
0480B429 1EB4770E
Multiply EXP gain x8
24D11468 317E4CD8
24D01468 347445F8
24C03E60 1464C548
24507640 1C6DC468
24D67642 186DC452
24D03E6C 116ECC78
Insanely Slow Gauge Consumption
24D9F688 02BD56AC
24D9F688 02BD569C
25B971C8 00F9D638
Infinite Drive Gauge
24D09428 34F44508
2446DC96 B9EC0CB3
Infinite MP For All characters
2490B528 34F44598
*Still drains completely when using Cure type spells and Limits
Infinite HP For All characters
24D036E8 9057C148
24C03E7E 1866C968
24D036E8 1057C159
24D195E8 11FE4A94
Quick Level Up All Characters
2444973E DF3D5F1E
* Level 99 In One fight
Infinite Munny
2455117E B824524E
--Gummi Mission Master Code--
Not needed for gameshark
25B09628 34B041EC
Quick Medal Gain
2577F0E8 962155BD
Medals Never Decrease
25B09268 1630473C
*Do not use this code if you're playing on a new gummi stage that hasn't been completed through at least once. There?s a CHANCE the game will freeze. Doesn?t always freeze
gummi ship limit to 1200 mod
05901669 B474D1EA
(don't use cost converter)
Points for teeny ships 500 cost mod
05D01669 B474D3E8
99 AP for gummi ship
05001669 3C74D3EA
For Gameshark (x98) Synthesis Items (converted from codebreaker)
05C01669 3C3047EA
14C03570 3EB0F4FE
05801669 3C3055AA
05C01669 3C3057AA
24819444 04FE841B
2491B050 A6FE520D
24911A14 ACFE46DF
2481B652 0CFE048D
24919246 27FE501B
24813A02 A5FE4649
24819506 8D7E12DB
2491B154 2F3ED08D
24811910 2D3EC45F
2491BD14 853E924D
24819340 A63EC293
24813B06 2C3EC4C1
24919F02 0C3E9053
2481B356 A63E4205
24911012 A43E1697
05C09229 3C3045EA
248A1651 08F0E22B
14C01530 3EB0E4BE
14C03530 3EB0E6BE
Dual-Weild Roxas
24D0A428 D6BC572C
Hope it helps, if thease codes do not work then go to be cause codes just arrived.
Bye Bye!!!!
Stock x98 Of Every Keyblade For Sora
0480B628 1E34771E
1480B631 1E34561E<<how do i add this part of the code(i can only use one line)
1480B630 1E34563E
0480B529 1EB4770E
0480B528 1EB4572E
0480B529 1EB4772E
4410B528 16A4571C
66D09569 3430C10C
please help me
8. November 2006 @ 20:19 |
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If you can only type the first half you apparently are not using gameshark if you are.. Gameshark simply type them from left to right and it starts second row.
Many of the codes i posted previously for codebreaker will also work on gameshark for broadband