AfterDawn Addict
1. June 2003 @ 01:45 |
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Well now you've GOT proof that he has actually got the unit - just be careful that he doesn't come back with 'I sent it via blahblah on such a such a date' - and you don't receive it.
Really he should send it insured/registered or at least proof of that he has sent it.
Anyway it seems like you may have got a result - let us know of the outcome.
BTW - Check it out BEFORE the courier leaves, as he may have doctored it (ie knackered/put in a dodgy laser) - I believe then it is criminal damage - hello Mr policeman would you like to know..........about a cowboy!
...............PIO is no go, DMA all the way...............
Beware of the Pixies - they move in over night and turn your life upside down

AfterDawn Addict
7. June 2003 @ 14:03 |
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Have you got receipt of postage and did you send it by recorded? Also, is the company registered as a company, or is it operating illegaly? Find out its registered business number, every company MUST have one.
Never send anything to an unregistered company
Junior Member
8. June 2003 @ 09:56 |
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you bet I do. He emailed asking if sending my PS2 on June 2nd was okay or that I was going to file my suit. I told him it was fine. He has been emailing every day now, which is quite odd since he hasn't emailed me in months.
AfterDawn Addict
8. June 2003 @ 12:24 |
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Where is it then............?
He's calling your bluff if you haven't received it yet - do the deed.
He may also be reading this thread quite regularly, and thinking your not going to file the suit - Do it man, do it now - and maybe try the darthnip suggestion.
Hope you get there m8..
...............PIO is no go, DMA all the way...............
Beware of the Pixies - they move in over night and turn your life upside down

Junior Member
14. June 2003 @ 12:53 |
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He said he sent it via the U.S. Postal Service through priority mail. Usually that would ship in 2 or 3 days. It's been 12 days since he said he sent it and it still hasn't arrived.
For a second, I was actually believing he finally did the right thing and sent it to me. I guess I was wrong.
I was hoping that I didn't have to file the suit, but I'm going to contact the post office and see what info they can give me. Then I'll start getting the report together.
AfterDawn Addict
14. June 2003 @ 18:50 |
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Well as I am in the uk, if I had sent it via a certain carrier then I would have a reference number to qualify it, it seems he has not provided this to you - therefore I think he is reading this thread and not taking your suggestions seriously.
Pull out the hardstops now, but keep it to yourself exactly what you are going to do.
no need for you to wait this long for ANYONE to return you your rightfully owned property.
You have my support anyway, and I shall help in anyway I can....... good luck....
...............PIO is no go, DMA all the way...............
Beware of the Pixies - they move in over night and turn your life upside down

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15. June 2003 @ 01:01 |
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I am sorry to hear about your troubles, however a thought just came to me. Did you pay the guy in cash or by creit card. If you paid by the latter method you may be able to approach your credit card company??. As a man of the law i would not suggest getting a Lawyer involved. I am from the U.K. and to send a letter on your behalf would cost around 75 GBP plus VAT. And remember if he replies to the Lawyers letter then your looking at another 75 GBP plus VAT, thats about $145 USD. Have a word if you can with your Credit Card Company. Kind regards
Junior Member
15. June 2003 @ 11:48 |
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I paid him via a money order. I emailed him asking about what the tracking # of the package is and he said that he didn't get one.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
15. June 2003 @ 23:55 |
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Then Mr fixit he has entered into a contract which is called 'An invitation to treat'. Briefly this means you asked him to do a job, agreed a price, and the work should have been carried out. You are in a stronger position than i first thought. Because you paid by Money Order you have a "Trackable" way to prove he has been paid. Understand though i am NOT grounded in U.S. Law but as previous contributors have said retain all E-mail and correspondence. My final thought however is this, bearing in mind the cost of a new PS2 and Mod Chip are you really going to find it is viable to persue this individual ??. I wish you luck, kind regards.
17. June 2003 @ 23:44 |
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mrfixit - i think at this point it aint about the money, it's the whole point of the thing. it might cost you more than the PS2itself to resolve this, but i know how i would be. the money wouldn't matter anymore, i'd spend $2000 teaching that bastard a lesson over a $200 PS2 just because of all that has happened. think of the next poor soul this guy rips off, you could end his crap right here, to me thats worth any cost. good luck man, keep us posted. - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
18. June 2003 @ 00:06 |
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hi mrfixit
have to agree with fellow member's, although it would be nice to have the cash back in your wallet (or your ps2 back in your hands) does not make up for the fact u have been taken for a ride. it is about the priciple of the matter now!
Set the law on his ass and let him send u e-mails from jail. because of your tireless efforts to get what is rightfully yours back I have now set up a legal defense fund in your honour it has the snappy slogan of: "fix it for MrFixit." lol.
please excuse the joke, i only jest in a friendly way. but again set the law on him and get your ps2 back (or cash alternative).
keep us posted.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
18. June 2003 @ 03:05 |
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Hi Guy's
Yes i totally agree with all your comment's, i was playing Devils Advocate. Personally i would persue him however my advice and knowledge would come free of charge. Please do not be offended by what i previously said, i was only trying to help.
28. June 2003 @ 04:10 |
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Time to put the miserable, PS2-thievin' cockroach deep in the hurt locker.
Depending on how he advertised, this is probably covered under wire fraud or mail fraud.
You might also find these links useful: You might also try giving the police department a call (the police in his area, not yours).
Wanna be a really vengeful mo'fo'? Then turn him in to Sony or the Interactive Digital Software Association. If they ask you what the hell you were doing modding your PS2, just say you didn't know it was illegal and you wish you never heard of mod chips. That should get you off the hook with Sony.
Finally, you might try a simple e-mail, such as:
"Your ***hole before prison --> o
Your ***hole after prison --> O
You will send my PS2 back in tip top shape within a week. Are we clear on this?"
Hmmmm... If you paid him with a money order, you must have a receipt for it, right? Simply ask whoever issued the money order for verification it was cashed. There is your proof of payment.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. June 2003 @ 04:17
Senior Member
10. July 2003 @ 04:59 |
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Any update on this? Interesting thread
: DO the things that people say you cannot :
Junior Member
22. July 2003 @ 22:23 |
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Thanks to everyone for their advice and help...I'll keep ya is now July 23rd...I sent him my PS2 in February...
...I went to the library yesterday and printed out all the emails that he and I sent to each other. Unfortunately, some of the 'business details' were done via Instant Messages, so I don't have copies of them.
God, I've never had so much hatred for one person. He's such a cocky bastard and I found his profile on AOL and one of his hobbies is "hustling'. I saw his picture, too. I should print it out and pin it to my dart board. He's an ugly lil' college punk.
22. July 2003 @ 23:09 |
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Quote: Unfortunately, some of the 'business details' were done via Instant Messages, so I don't have copies of them.
Most IM proggies have logs!
Quote: He's such a cocky bastard and I found his profile on AOL and one of his hobbies is "hustling'.
Save it before he changes it!
Suspended due to non-functional email address
23. July 2003 @ 14:57 |
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If you have his picture and information you can not only deliver that to the police for the legal route, but also many other websites. You can sign him up for just about anything with that amount of information.
Now at the end of July 23 I hope things are starting to get resolved. With this much hassel you may see your PS2 by the time PS3 is released.
Junior Member
8. August 2003 @ 17:29 |
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August 8th now....still no PS2...(sigh)
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2003 @ 17:42 |
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I do feel for you man. How far away is the address you sent it to from your house. If i was you i would get a few of the boys together and go for a day or two trip ;-)
Thats what i would do, and im not joking either. I have a re-enforced aliminium baseball for those situations (and burglars)
8. August 2003 @ 20:01 |
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personally i prefer the good old ice pick to the base of the skull just above the hairline. Takes the coroner forver to determine the cause of death :) - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
Suspended due to non-functional email address
11. August 2003 @ 11:43 |
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Man thats rough, I wouldn't remove any knee caps. If you have the law informed, you don't want any trouble. You should just create a free web page, post all his information with a warning about him and give it an address that everyone can see. So it is easily linked. I would choise that web slander route, that shouldn't get you into too much legal problems of your own.
I am not a number
I am a Free Man

11. August 2003 @ 21:19 |
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Hey, I just think you should do SOMETHING. The longer you wait, the harder its gonna get. You know alot about him now, but if that info changes too much , you could be screwed. Just do something. He is not going to give it back. You need to take it one way or another.
Junior Member
16. August 2003 @ 13:50 |
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i've got acouple of friends who need some cash, why don't you give us the 2g and we'll make sure you get your merchandise back, with pictures too , hahah that gives me ideas. respond if your interested