Ok shrink with AnyDVD in the background wasn't working for me, so for the hell of it i tried ripping to hard drive with AnyDVD. I put those output files into shrink and it worked fine. I'm using AnyDVD
It may be quicker using other methods, but just letting you guys know it works this way too.
Does the AnyDVD ripper still have FixVTS incorporated for doing compliance processing?
I remember not too long ago Slysoft said the best ripping could be done with AnyDVD + CloneDVD 2. Unless wanting to use an encoder, why would anyone want to go that route when they could go ahead and transcode? (rhetorical question)
Everyone here is beating around the bush. My big hairy one. In order to burn 'special movies' like casino royale and stranger than fiction...well, here goes fellow techjunkies:
RipIt4Me - 1 Click
(DO NOT SHRINK YET - there will be errors)
Instead use:
DVD FAB: Copy it like you're going to put it on a cd..but don't. Save it somewhere else on your computer and let FAB rebuild the files and save the 'new' files in its temp folder.
Open up Shrink and you'll have no errors compressing the TEMP folder of DVDFAB.
Compress to an ISO with DVDShrink
and burn ISO with any good ISO burning software.
Originally posted by chauchymg: OK FOLKS.. YOU ALL READY FOR THIS TAD OF INFO.
Everyone here is beating around the bush. My big hairy one. In order to burn 'special movies' like casino royale and stranger than fiction...well, here goes fellow techjunkies:
RipIt4Me - 1 Click
(DO NOT SHRINK YET - there will be errors)
Instead use:
DVD FAB: Copy it like you're going to put it on a cd..but don't. Save it somewhere else on your computer and let FAB rebuild the files and save the 'new' files in its temp folder.
Open up Shrink and you'll have no errors compressing the TEMP folder of DVDFAB.
Compress to an ISO with DVDShrink
and burn ISO with any good ISO burning software.
Peace homeys.
Casino Royale is old news and nothing special. I wonder about why you would even post to this thread after it lying dead so long.
Any of the decrypting programs can handle Casino Royale. The process doesn't need the redundant steps included in your method. Either DVDFab HD Decrypter or RipIt4Me can bypass the copy protection. Only one is needed, plus the decryption only needs to take place once. Any compliance processing can be handled with FixVTS. FixVTS is included in RipIt4Me. Compliance processing is rarely needed with the updated decryption software. Once the source files are "cleaned" and on the hard drive, it's no problem to open them with DVD Shrink or another transcoder or encoder. A person can auto burn with Shrink using a supported burner or record the output to the hard drive and burn manually with a burner of choice. It doesn't matter if the output is ISO or Files. That depends on the chosen burner software. Casino Royale is now one of the simple backups; decrypt, transcode, and burn.