Blank media questions/answers here....ALSO a discussion for DVDRW drives
AfterDawn Addict
13. September 2007 @ 18:16 |
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I think the LG's are great drives BUT remember they won't do quality scans if you plan on doing any of that. I did some quick research and it seems that the drive you have chosen is as follows but in an external case. I see that you are from the UK but that shouldn't matter when comparing drives. :)
videohelp link
newegg link
The VideoHelp link shows your model but nothing other than that. :) Sorry...
The Newegg link shows some GOOD reviews but we all know how accurate that can be. LOL. Anyway I think you have chosen a pretty good drive if your main interest is burning. If you want to do some scanning I would look at the Lite-on LH-20A1* series or the Samsung SH-203B {which is SATA but you can get an external case I"m sure....;)}
edit: NOT to confuse anyone but the link from Newegg was the closet thing that I could find with the same read/write characteristics as the LG GSA-E40N that darren mentioned. If anyone has more info please don't hesitate to add something. ;)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. September 2007 @ 18:41
Senior Member
13. September 2007 @ 18:42 |
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We meet again. It's too bad that creaky closed down all your other threads and directed you here instead of another as this (greensman's) thread is more directed to media Q&A & discussion of drives than to solving individual problems. But mods are mods and creaky is one of the best in my opinion, so we just say yes sir, yes sir and carry on.
But as that may be...
I purchased an external LH-20A1HX (Lite-On external) drive & love it. In my experience it performs better than the same drive as an internal. Maybe because they designed the enclosure.
It also allows me to burn faster, up to 20x on certain media, compared to 12x max for an internal slim drive.
I got mine from newegg for $57 US plus shipping. don't regret the price to this day. It also allows me to do multiple burns with my desktop.
Hey, go ahead and take the plunge and buy something.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. September 2007 @ 21:04
AfterDawn Addict
14. September 2007 @ 02:52 |
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Originally posted by hobbit112:
Hey, go ahead and take the plunge and buy something.
OT: Is that directed at me MISTER!! :P My wife said you can no longer link, talk about, mention, or even think about a NEW optical drive. LOL. She says the influence at AD and another forum I visit have corrupted my mind and depleted our pocket book. :P hehehe.
Looked at that LO 20A3* series drive and the GM might have to buy another LO drive soon. :D I want CK to work out the kinks first on the f/w and then GM will have to get one for sure. LOL. Gotta love third person.......
Where's that bleeder of the RED's fellow at??? :P
Senior Member
14. September 2007 @ 04:07 |
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Quote: Originally posted by hobbit112
Hey, go ahead and take the plunge and buy something.
OT: Is that directed at me MISTER!! :P My wife said you can no longer link, talk about, mention, or even think about a NEW optical drive. LOL. She says the influence at AD and another forum I visit have corrupted my mind and depleted our pocket book. :P hehehe.
Nope, that comment was still directed at darren22.
I also have itchy fingers for one of these, luckily, I wasn't able to find a 20A3S for sale in the 'States. :D
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
14. September 2007 @ 04:18 |
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Originally posted by greensman: Originally posted by hobbit112:
Hey, go ahead and take the plunge and buy something.
OT: Is that directed at me MISTER!! :P My wife said you can no longer link, talk about, mention, or even think about a NEW optical drive. LOL. She says the influence at AD and another forum I visit have corrupted my mind and depleted our pocket book. :P hehehe.
Looked at that LO 20A3* series drive and the GM might have to buy another LO drive soon. :D I want CK to work out the kinks first on the f/w and then GM will have to get one for sure. LOL. Gotta love third person.......
Where's that bleeder of the RED's fellow at??? :P
if you dont BLEED RED your not right..
the same thing GM wife SAYS....lmao
gonna do some more reading from the CK and check into those new LO's
Senior Member
14. September 2007 @ 11:26 |
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God I love show bussiness LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
14. September 2007 @ 14:09 |
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ok i found one the new lite-on DH-20A3P.
there is only 1 review as you will see... and his problem is basiclly the same as i had with the LH-18A1P being so new the FirmWare sucks...but the CodeKing has a patch for it.. here is a link for it at newegg. $26.99 with $5.84 shipping so a total of $32.83 get ya the newest toy out
AfterDawn Addict
14. September 2007 @ 15:18 |
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Yeh I found that one too cincy. :) I looked closely as to what it was and read the review and thought of my little RED buddy. hehehe. I think that hobbit wanted a SATA drive.
CK was testing the IDE version and I only found the SATA version over seas atm. :D
Senior Member
14. September 2007 @ 15:36 |
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And THATS the only reason I don't have one in the mail to me right now!
But I did receive my Valueline TYs today. :) They code out as TY03s. I will be giving them a test this evening. :D
(edited to correct spelling)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. September 2007 @ 15:37
AfterDawn Addict
14. September 2007 @ 21:12 |
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Originally posted by cincyrob: ok i found one the new lite-on DH-20A3P.
there is only 1 review as you will see... and his problem is basiclly the same as i had with the LH-18A1P being so new the FirmWare sucks...but the CodeKing has a patch for it.. here is a link for it at newegg. $26.99 with $5.84 shipping so a total of $32.83 get ya the newest toy out
I'll wait for the FREE shipping and see what it ends up at.... ;) If it hits under $30 shipped I might be sporting yet another LO drive. :)
Hey hobbit how's those TYG03's (or are they YUDEN000 T03's??) working out. Got to 18X yet?? I still think for the MONEY the MCC 004's are really hard to beat. Sometimes you can get them for under $25 with tax at B&M stores for a 100 pack. That's pretty danged good I think. :P
Senior Member
15. September 2007 @ 12:08 |
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they're TYG03s, I went with the -Rs this time. Burn one so far @ 8x and not great. Got another in the burner now, trying @ 12x.
AfterDawn Addict
15. September 2007 @ 13:03 |
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Originally posted by hobbit112: @gm,
they're TYG03s, I went with the -Rs this time. Burn one so far @ 8x and not great. Got another in the burner now, trying @ 12x.
hobbit try them babies at 16X with the LH-20A1S and see what you get. :D I normally got better burns at 12X and 16X when I used the TYG03's. To tell you the truth they were all pretty good at 8X, 12X, or 16X. :P
What "setttings" do you have your drive set up with SmartBurn?? That might make a difference. :D
Senior Member
15. September 2007 @ 16:58 |
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If I remember correctly, I have everything "on" in smartburn.
I am burning them with the LH-20A1S. The one I mentioned was the first one for the drive. #2, burned @ 12x, was better, something I'd actually keep. #3 is in process, will try 16x for Ss & Gs.
AfterDawn Addict
15. September 2007 @ 17:26 |
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hobbit I have SmartBurn enabled and eos enabled but everything else un-checked. :)
It works best for now but I haven't done a lot of serious comparisons. I found something that worked more than once and stuck with it. :)
Senior Member
15. September 2007 @ 17:52 |
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Hey all Cincy just catchin up on the reading were the papa6 Verbs in the new packaging and how did your scores show? At Micro Center but had to pass them up Another benq started to bow out that i made as a reader so bought another mobo, case,memory hard drive to put the plextor 716 sata I picked up the other day in.Duh like I needed another build.The Epson 260 took a nose dive so Epsons sending out another one and don't even want the old one back. Chris
Just read what I said and didn't mean for it to be a one person conversation.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. September 2007 @ 17:54
Senior Member
15. September 2007 @ 19:50 |
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AfterDawn Addict
15. September 2007 @ 20:26 |
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hobbit found this for you. This is the "version" of Shrink that I have and it's easy to follow the "instructions" for replacement of existing Shrink. Nice change to a great progie, give it a go. :)
I don't think the scans are that bad personally. You had 3-4 spikes in the first scan which kept you from a 95 score but the PIE's were good tho. You might want to burn those babies at 12X. Have you tried 8X with any success? I'll do one and report back in a few minutes. I have a hand full of TYG03's left. :D
added some scans in the scan thread hobbit.....have a L@@K... link
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. September 2007 @ 21:34
Senior Member
16. September 2007 @ 04:38 |
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Thanks for the modified version of shrink, I was kind of looking for that!
After seeing your scans I don't feel so bad about these tys, it's just going to take my drives learning them a little more.
BTW, the TYs are hub cod GH000135s.
The Verb DL is a PV6Z.
Sorry about cluttering up your thread with the scans, I forgot which thread I was in! :P
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. September 2007 @ 04:51
AfterDawn Addict
16. September 2007 @ 04:57 |
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Originally posted by hobbit112:
Sorry about cluttering up your thread with the scans, I forgot which thread I was in! :P
OH DON'T BE SILLY!!! It's about media and something a DVDRW is doing isn't it. :D I like that you're asking questions and I would hope that someone with more experience than me would kick in here too. Zebadee hasn't made it by yet but they know their stuff pretty danged good.
How's that NEW Shrink working out?? I had to do some surfing again to find it and who had a link?? Little binkie7 of course. LOL. She's such a sweet-tart she is!!! hehehe.
Come by and say "HI"!! :D
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
16. September 2007 @ 07:36 |
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Originally posted by ChrisC586: Hey all Cincy just catchin up on the reading were the papa6 Verbs in the new packaging and how did your scores show? At Micro Center but had to pass them up Another benq started to bow out that i made as a reader so bought another mobo, case,memory hard drive to put the plextor 716 sata I picked up the other day in.Duh like I needed another build.The Epson 260 took a nose dive so Epsons sending out another one and don't even want the old one back. Chris
Just read what I said and didn't mean for it to be a one person conversation.
the verbs i got were in the older packageing.. and they were the 100 ct not the 50. all the 50ct they ahd there were the new orange and blue packageing.
AfterDawn Addict
17. September 2007 @ 16:36 |
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If you make it over here I would d/l some "un-official" f/w for the LH-20A1P.
Go here and scroll down until you get to the f/w that goes with your drive. :) LH-20A1P (KLON FB EOS) Click DOWNLOAD and save to your computer. It's easy and you should be able to "flash" your optical drive with zero problems.
I would d/l this utility as well. SmartBurn will allow your drive to "use" the new f/w you just d/l. :D
I have OS (over speed) ticked only on the utility. I have good success with that combination but you might want to do some burns with OHT and FHT ticked and see what you get for comparison burns (scans) if that means anything to you. :)
17. September 2007 @ 16:45 |
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thanks greensman,
i'm going to checkout the link now.
so how the burner the LH-20A1P??
does it work well with ritek 005??
i use them quite a bit
AfterDawn Addict
17. September 2007 @ 16:52 |
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RITEK 005 ?? RITEK R05 = DVD+R 16X
I've had mixed results with the 2 batches that I've purchased. The last 100 spindle were good until the last 10 or so. I'm not sure on the RITEK's personally. I would go for the MCC 004's over the RITEK's. :D
I've had great luck with the MCC 004's (Verbatim DVD+R 16X). TBH almost as good as the YUDEN000 T02's. NOT quite that good but dang good none the less.
Give that f/w a try and DEFINITELY get SmartBurn for your drive. It might help you with some "difficult" blank media. :D
Any more questions don't be afraid to ask. Someone can answer them. :)
Senior Member
18. September 2007 @ 18:30 |
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I've just ordered some printable Ritek +R DLs, mfr code DRD-RDIW40SD1.
I'm hoping that the batch I'm ordering won't be the D01s but hopefully the D03s or S04s or even something new. I haven't had good success trying to track down all of Ritek's codes. Hopefully they will arrive on Friday. I figure if I get a better than 60% successfull burn rate and the burn holds, I'll be ahead of the game.
The Verb printable DLs are just getting too dang expensive, the latest I saw was $2.90 ea plus shipping!
Will keep you all (or y'all for the Texas folk) informed how they go.
Senior Member
22. September 2007 @ 16:59 |
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