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Blockbuster raises Total Access prices again
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Blockbuster raises Total Access prices again

article published on 21 December, 2007

As part of new CEO Jim Keyes' bid to bring the cost of its Total Access program under control, Blockbuster has increased the price for two tiers of the service and stopped offering the highest tier entirely. Total Access is the name of the program that combines online movie rentals with in-store returns. With prices comparable to mail-only plans offered by online rental leader Netflix, Total ... [ read the full article ]

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22. December 2007 @ 20:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I didn't read it that way so my bad.
And I'm not the one that needs to 'cool my guns'. When the posts get 'heated' like these are - the members involved need to cool their guns.
22. December 2007 @ 21:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Mr_Pink:
I was just pointing out your arguments lack any foundation.

When did I ever say that the concept of Netflix or Redbox is "stupid," as you quoted? I never said it was "assbackwards" or illogical to get movies through Netflix and Redbox. Where are you coming up with this? Again, in my post, I was just pointing out your arguments lack any foundation.
blah, blah, blah.
You DID say they didn't rip off the Netflix business model. Explain how they didn't?
Oh, that's right because you can go to their store...that makes it soooo, original.
Your not arguing that MY points are weak, because i make perfect sense.

Here's a buttload of foundation for you.
Spin this.
another fact
Funny and all true
People hate Blockbuster, and they should.

They even screw over their own employees:
Employees sue Blockbuster

Some more foundation....
Some more Fact

Interesting tidbit about the genius that is....Blockbuster:
Could have bough Netflix...but uh was probably smarter to copy them and FAIL

One of my Favorites:
Great factual points about the company

This is classic...
They royally screwed this guy


So long story short, my point (as it always was) is Blockbuster is a horrid company that deserves to be hated. A fading monopoly that just doesn't get's salad days are over. And people are so sick of their high prices, unoriginal copycat B.S. ideas, and constant shady policy tweaks meant to confuse customers so they can entrap them into hidden fees. That the people left (in doves) to Netflix and RedBox Kiosks over the last few years.

My intial post stands strong on Foundation, It's sadly you that has no foundation.

>Yes they are an evil empire, a monopoly.
>Yes, they ripped people off for years before their ever was a Netflix...and their throttling.
>Yes, Blockbuster is unoriginal and copies everyone elses ideas but somehow screws it up in the translation (i.e. Hollywood Videos 5-day rental policy, Netflix's online rental concept, Redboxes kiosks, etc.)

So how is it i don't have a point? Your the one that chose to take my first post and disect it with baseless opinion, then insult me with a link to But as you can see i can firmly stand by my points i made with plenty of "logic" & fact to back me up. you can't, but your welcome to continue to try.

Here's a Definition for you.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. December 2007 @ 12:25

Suspended permanently
22. December 2007 @ 22:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Mr_Pink:
Originally posted by Mr_Pink:
Originally posted by jookycola:

Let's remember Blockbuster was and still is the original evil empire. They cheated customers (rediculously high and unfair late fees), and treated them like crap loooooong befor Netflix came along and throttled people. As far as i'm concerned BB could give movies away and i wouldn't take it because you know somewhre they've got a back scheme to get money out of you. They have the worst business model around, they can't come up with an original concept of their own. All they can think of is how to take someone elses innovative idea and apply new ways to use it to treat the customer like sh*t and cheat them out of money.
You know, I couldn't care less about BB. I don't care if they go out of business. But I hate logic like this person states.

1- They treat their customers like crap? What big company DOESN'T treat their customers like crap? Netflix flat out denied throttling AND then admitted to throttling. Then, they said if you're going to sue them over their false advertising, you have to meet their clauses. Beyond that, big companies don't care about 1 or 2 little customers. So why is this a fault against BB? You can say the same thing about Netflix (OR ANY OTHER BIG COMPANIES)

2- They can't come up with their own original concept? Give me a break. So because they stole the same idea from Netflix, they're bad? Is Pepsi evil because they stole the cola idea from Coke? Is Infiniti evil because they stole the idea of the Nissan 350Z and turned it into the Infiniti G35? Companies always steal from each other. Who gives a damn? And for the record, when companies steal from each other, customers benefit from the competition.


Total Access, mind you, is entirely their own. They didn't steal that from Netflix.

3- "They got a back scheme to get more money out of you." What company doesn't have a "back scheme" (whatever the hell that is) to get more money out of the customer? If I'm selling my car, wouldn't I want to get the most out of my buyer? I'm not going to sell him my $20,000 for $5,000.

And for the geniuses that complain that you have to sign up for a Blockbuster in-store membership--what do you expect? lol If they say that the online and in-store memberships aren't the same, you're obviously going to need 2 separate ones. Not only that, the in-store membership is FREE!


Since you are so smart and like to make perfect sense then you know that the 350Z and the G35 is owned by the same company nobody stole is the luxury division of nissan.
Um, that's the point. Do you think it's a secret that most car manufacturers can be reduced to about 3 or 4 companies? But thank you for making my point!

What point and reduced what are you saying nissan did not buy infiniti,they started it up to compete with the likes of toyota owned what do you mean by reduced? and one more thing nobody cares about your degree from HARVARD.Because i think most people here got a degree of some sort so you dont sound extra smart to me,and i never tried to insult you i was just making a point.

PS Since when is it inappropriate to make perfect sense, as you allude to? It's hilarious that you're using that as an attempt to insult me.

Originally posted by jookycola:

Mr. Pink could you make it a bit more obvious that you are the worst ?Blockbuster P.R. Mole? ever? It's sickeningly obvious your (most likely) put here to put positive P.R. spin on the company because your working wayyyy to hard to defend it in your replies to just be a casual AD forum member.

Sounds like you need logic...or to hide it a bit more that BB pays you to hit up forums and defend them from people that want to kick sand in their faces. What I said isn't B.S. logic (as your trying to spin it to sound like)
It's truth.
No matter how "stupid" you think it is. It STILL cost less for a person to do 3 @ a time with Netflix and get new releases from RedBox than dumping cash into a lost concept like Total Access. If BB is doing so well with the TA concept explain why it's retooled like every quarter, and they keep raising their prices? Netflix and RedBox hasn't changed their business model, and have actually lowered prices.

Is it assbackwards to get netflix in the mail and new movies from RedBox?
No more illogical than getting Total Access in the mail and going to BB stores for new releases. Only my way cuts the jerkoffs BB out of my cashflow. And I'm good with that, because I agree with the majority that BB sucks.

It?s not poor logic, and no secret BB built it?s entire empire on ripping people off, using hidden fees, and trap door tactics. You burn enough people that they file a huge multi-million dollar class action lawsuit against your shady business tactics?.and they win. Then you deserve public scorn and distrust, they rightfully deserve the public hate and backlash they have.

It?s not a matter of returning late, they made the late fees unusually large without any real justification. Enough so, the Courts ruled in favor of the people, not BB. If they were justified in overcharging people outrageous late fees, just because people were lazy and returning movies late they would have had won the case?.they did not win. Because they were straight up ripping people off hand-over-fist. They managed to piss off enough people, the people turned on them. They screwed themselves.

Just on example:
I had a VHS movie stolen out of my car, I went to tell them and offered to pay for a new one.
The movie I rented sold for $9.99 at the Best Buy in the same strip mall as BB. But NO. Blockbuster told me I needed to pay for the stolen one at $99.99!!!!
That?s right in these days of DVD rental they expected me to pay $100 for a VHS tape worth 10 bucks!? And refused to assist me (a loyal never late customer) at all since it was stolen, and put my membership on hold till I paid. That?s not ripping off a customer?
My VCR ate a tape from Hollywood Video and they understood and let it go. I continued to rent there till I joined Netflix.
Last summer a pair of DVD?s I was returning to netflix disappeared in the mail and were never recovered and they let it slide. And I?m still a Netflix customer.
Now tell me?.who has more respect for the customer logic boy?

Here ya go Blockbuster PR turd: A reference for you!
First, the fact that you think I'm a mole for BB proves just how little you know. I only counter arguments that provide frivolous support, much like your original thought. As your afforementioned cohort said, I only use rational logic for arguments. But according to him, that's a vice.

However, I'm just a BB mole right? Not the working class guy in NYC that works to put himself through college. Yes, you've uncovered my secret identity: The BB Mole.

Anyway, to prove that you don't have any solid arguments, just look at your last response to mine. Instead of countering what I said (the 3 points), you go off on another tantrum.

I never said Total Access was a success for the BB company. Obviously, their company overall is falling apart. This is why it keeps getting reported that they're losing money. I never said it was a success, I was just pointing out your arguments lack any foundation.

When did I ever say that the concept of Netflix or Redbox is "stupid," as you quoted? I never said it was "assbackwards" or illogical to get movies through Netflix and Redbox. Where are you coming up with this? Again, in my post, I was just pointing out your arguments lack any foundation.

Again, I never said it was poor logic that BB charges an arm and a leg for late fees. When did I ever say that it was cheap? Once again, where are you getting this from? If you READ what I wrote, you would have seen that I say that for you to pick on BB, and only BB, for overcharges, unoriginal ideas, etc., is wrong, because in this day and age of competition and commerce, they are just like every other corporation. Again, in my post, I was just pointing out your arguments are weak.

As for your example, again, I never said that BB doesn't do the things you cited. When did I ever say that they DON'T rip off the customer? Are you not reading my posts? Do you have me confused with someone else? Yes, that's right you do: the BB mole. The BB PR Turd. Thanks, Mr. Maturity!
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22. December 2007 @ 23:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ITs been such a long time since I rented movies. Maybee because most new ones stink aaahhhhhhTorrent. Excuse me had to sneez.

Anyway back when I was renting I can remember one thing about BB. They are a bunch of coppy cat wanna bes. I remember the day when there was no BB. We had this place called turttles. Great little store when DVD was not even out yet. You you earn stamps per dollar to trade in later for items when you had enough. Prices seemed cheap and was all we had.

One day I went to Turttles only to find A sign in its place saying Blockbuster. I thought to myself,"What is this?" So I go check it out. "Wow theese prices went up a little" "Well I will use some of my stamps to get that tape I wanted" Couldnt do it, stamps where no longer any good. From that moment on I began to dislike BB.

For about a year BB was our only choice so I suffered. Then you began to see these ma and pa shops renting movies. "Wow I can get 2 for the same price as 1 at blockbuster" I thought. So we used this Ma and Pa shop. Unfortunatly you could only rent for 24 hrs and selection was very limited. I belived the value out wieghed it besides I can rent some SEGA master system games while Im here. BB doesnt offer that at all.

TIme goes on and we get a new neighbor comes in. Its a small store about the size of the MA and Pa shops arround. They called it Hollywood video. SO I go check it out. The prices are a little higher than ma and pa but look at this selection and they even have games. BB didnt have games.

Eventualy BB got the games but hollywood was allowing 5 day rentals on non-new release. Hmmm BB doesnt do that. Well time marched on and BB finaly allowed that kind of renting. Whats this? Hollywood now renting new-releases for 5 days and non-new release are a buck?? WOW, BB doesnt do that.

Needless to say time went forth and BB finaly followed Hollywoods example but guess what? Hollywood is no renting at a rediculas low price on all titles for 5 days. BB doesnt do this. Eventualy time allowed BB to follow suite.

Well now a bunch of time passes and this thing comes out called netflix. I check it out. Got me a sub and testing I went. The first few months were great. Eventually there where a few snags. Minor but they where there. Wow Hollywood and BB dont do this. Now I dont have to drive 15 miles to get a flick. May take longer in reality to get it but I dont have to alter my schedual any. Hollywood was still choice over BB if I was out and felt like renting.

Whats this?? BB starting some thing where you rent all you want if you pay a monthly price. Oh yeah I forgot Hollywood was already doing that. But wait a breakthrough?? BB renting movies in the mail, Nah Netflix already doing it. But I must admit there is a first for BB here. You can return the movie to the store and get another at no extra charge. This will go down in history as a BB did it first (ONLY returning the movies to the store for another part). But they still are not choice.

When that movent happened I had already quit renting. so if any new things came out in hollywood that BB has not done yet I dont know. I'm sure there is something. I got curious one day and wanted to know how a chain could survive on a soley copy cat premisis. Turned out BB is owned by Paramount (At least thats what the guys at BB claimed) Never thought the store was worth my time to investigate that. But if true then BB will never die. Money produced through Paramount will just go and fund the franchise.

Forgot one thing on that time line. When BB finaly rented games the Hollywood stores out here became bigger than the BB stores and out numbered them in the city/metro area of ATL GA. Urban areas dont even seem to have a BB at all but you can find a few hollywoods in the Urbans areas. THat has got to be an indicator.

Just my 2 cents here. now i'm sure someone will chop this up for me. Have fun cause I will keep my goat. I only stated facts (The paramont thing may not be true) so Im not scared.

Junior Member
23. December 2007 @ 10:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It looks like Blockbuster is trying to get rid of customers which is a shame. They want to focus on their brick and mortar stores but they shut down 3 in my area. I was a member using both the mail and the store return (before they shut my store down) they were holding the in store returns for two days before turning them in. So I stopped using the in store return and used the mail strictly after they folded my store. One good thing about Blockbusters mail processing is they process returns on Saturdays where Netflix won't! I went back to Netflix this month and I am still having problems with them. They are holding new releases back on me and shipping from far away states so I am going to cancel again as the service didn't improved. I use Redbox which is great as they are everywhere and the price is right $1 a night so I don't know how Blockbuster is going to compete with them eeven with them dropping their prices to $1.99 do the math..
23. December 2007 @ 11:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by duke8888:
It looks like Blockbuster is trying to get rid of customers which is a shame. They want to focus on their brick and mortar stores but they shut down 3 in my area. I was a member using both the mail and the store return (before they shut my store down) they were holding the in store returns for two days before turning them in. So I stopped using the in store return and used the mail strictly after they folded my store. One good thing about Blockbusters mail processing is they process returns on Saturdays where Netflix won't! I went back to Netflix this month and I am still having problems with them. They are holding new releases back on me and shipping from far away states so I am going to cancel again as the service didn't improved. I use Redbox which is great as they are everywhere and the price is right $1 a night so I don't know how Blockbuster is going to compete with them eeven with them dropping their prices to $1.99 do the math..
Same here, Netflix hate people like you and me that rent a lot i guess. But...that's how they too are going to lose to RedBox. I now only use NetFlix for older titles and T.V. collections. I only go to RedBox for my new releases. If Netflix continues to screw customers on delivery and denying them new releases...RedBox will kill them too. But currently that's RedBox's only weakness, lack of older titles. So sadly that's my only reason to keep Netflix.
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23. December 2007 @ 12:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too do the same as you. Netflix as soon as they get Blockbuster out of the way I can bet you that they will raise their rates and continue to screw customers like they are doing now. They settled the class action suit for throttling customers and then they re wrote their user laws so they can't be sued again.
AfterDawn Addict

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23. December 2007 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Netflix needs to restructure itself from the envelops to the limits on monthly DVDs, whynot state a monthly plan cannot have more movies out that its "at a time que" 3 DVD a month means 3 DVDs a week 12 DVDs a month and at 5+ a month 2/3rds its max, 5X4=20 -32%= 15 a month, now from here one could offer a gold plan for 9.99 more giving the person unregulated unlimited videos as quickly as they can return them, they could also offer a notify button online so when you place thos videos in the mailbox you can alert them and they can send your new movies out.


BB too could change its setup offer 19.00 3 at a time with the ability to take the movies to the store to be scanned so that your next set of movies can be sent to you BUT you ca not get anything from the store on this plan thats extra, for 35$ you an swap movies at the store and such 3 at a time thru on line and 2 at the store a total of 5 at a time, now BB requires the late fees they need that extra money so lets do it like this up the 35 to 45 and have it no late fees now on the 35 plan lets say its 4$ a month after the first 7 days of havign the videos for every 4$ of fees you ave a choice pay it or reduce your monthly dvd viewing by 1 video, what I am getting at is 4$= 1 video from your 3+2 at a time plan if you can cut back for for 2 1/2-4 weeks thos fees vanish.

Innovation in how things work why is everything so damn backasswards!?
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23. December 2007 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Their claim is UNLIMITED that means no ending.... WHen you return they are to send out the next set of 3 or whatever plan you have. If they go to a limited you will see people drop like flys.
AfterDawn Addict

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23. December 2007 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by duke8888:
Their claim is UNLIMITED that means no ending.... WHen you return they are to send out the next set of 3 or whatever plan you have. If they go to a limited you will see people drop like flys.
My Internet says that too but its not, sucks eh?
They are skirting around truth in advertisement but so what most do too, also the public dosent need to know about the internal sausage making of the company they just need to know 2 things on the gold plan you don't get throttled on the normal plan you will get throttled as you "heavily use" the service or when the service is operating near full capacity.

Hell you could reduce the plans by 5$ then add 8$ to the current prices offering twice as many plans the cheaper plans are for a max of 20 movies a month regardless of at a time rate and the higher priced plans are fully unlimited and they wouldn't lose anyone who was not not already thinking of trying BB or another service..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. December 2007 @ 14:14

AfterDawn Addict

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28. December 2007 @ 18:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well Blockbuster has to do this because they are competing with Netflix and they need to try some new things and if that is to have new features but to bring prices up that is also a good idea.
30. December 2007 @ 18:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree about Netfix, that they start holding movies if you rent too many, but so does blockbuster. I've had both and finally cancelled Blockbuster, after they started going up on pricing and changing the instore rental policies. Actually between Blockbuster going up on prices and continually taking longer at sending my movies(even after calling them), I had just had enough. With Netfix at times they seem to ship faster than they do at others. My problem is when I watch a movie, I only want to watch it once and may not care to see it again for quite awhile. I have explained to these people that I have a home business and pretty much watch movies throughout the day in my spare time (because I have to be home whether anything is going on or not). It helped for a little while, but lately they have been back to the same old habit of holding or saying they haven't received it. I've thought about going back to the store where at least they let me rent 10 movies at a time.
AfterDawn Addict
31. December 2007 @ 19:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have had BB for most of the time they have been doing the Netflix thing and Netfix for 3 years before that. For a while I even had both. That is when I quit BB for Netflix then BB started total access. For about 2 months NF actually honored the sales pitch. I was seeing 6-7 disks a week with NF and about the 5-6 with BB. It goes to show how may disks NF can deliver when normally they will only deliver 1.5 a week. As scumy as BB can be they don't hold a candle to NF. They are the scum of the earth! You can contact a human i with BB but not with NF. NF had my 3 per averaging 1.5 disks a week. Once I sent 2 in together. They reported the second being receiver almost 2 weeks after the other one. They also rip you off when you quit. They love to kick you in the ass as you leave. If you quit on the first day of your month, you lose that month. If you try to get smart and quit in the last week they make you pay for the next month. You can't complain because they don't allow that. I am an expert on quitting NF since I have done it at least 6 times. NF only treats new customers well. Old customers who turn disks over each week are treated like scum. They keep throttling you harder and harder till you quit. You have to quit and start up again under a new address to be treated fairly. I will probably never use them again.

I will probably drop BB when they go to the improved plan. After about 6 years of 3 per I have pretty much seen all the old movies and TV shows I have wanted to see. I will go back to seeing 2-3 movies a month with Red Box.
1. January 2008 @ 22:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
All I know is I keep paying more and getting less. Both of these lying, greedy jerk-off companies are just pushing more and more people to P2P torrents. They cry about pirating then they raise prices, throttle and anything else they can think of to screw the customer. They're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. FU BlockBuster and NF.
1. January 2008 @ 23:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ChiefBrdy:
All I know is I keep paying more and getting less. Both of these lying, greedy jerk-off companies are just pushing more and more people to P2P torrents. They cry about pirating then they raise prices, throttle and anything else they can think of to screw the customer. They're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. FU BlockBuster and NF.
Wow, you speak the truth. I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Seriously i can pick 2 movies on a torrent tracker i'd like to watch/own and start d'loading when i go to bed. When I wake up the 2 movies are on my computer ready to watch. That's a lot faster than waiting in the mail...or paying outragous rental costs a BB.

And it's free.
AfterDawn Addict
1. January 2008 @ 23:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's really simple math. My BB charges exactly $5 a movie. I had the $25 dollar 3@a time plan Total Access. I never felt throttled. I always had 3 to turn in on Tuesday to get 3 free new release movies. By at least Thurs or Fri I had 3 new ones in the mail-usually all came together. I was watching average of 6 a week for $25/month. Which, for me, was minimum 24 a month. About a dollar a movie. I actually felt guilty by not ever having to pay for a new movie at the store! It pi$$ed me off when they went to $35 and the day I got the email I canceled. After a week I am back to the $20 3out and 5 monthly returns to store. If I just rent 3 more movies for a total of $15. I'm back to $35 a month. I believe after the next month I'll be on the $35 plan. I can't comprehend why anyone with a BB store near them would be on NF. I was until Total Access came out. But changed to BB.

PS: I'm not a BB mole, just a movie junkie who knows a good deal when he sees one. If someone can beat $1/movie legally, please point out the program. I'll switch again. LOL

Edit: It's not possible for BB to hold the ones you return to the store because they have to enter them into the computer for you to get the free ones with the returns.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. January 2008 @ 23:32 > forums > announcements > news comments > blockbuster raises total access prices again

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