US Xbox 360 price cuts should be coming, says analyst
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article published on 15 March, 2008
Just days after it was announced that Microsoft was slashing Xbox 360 prices across the board in Europe, leading simExchange analyst Jesse Divnich has reported that price cuts in the US are the "only feasible and economic option" if the 360 wants to combat the Sony PlayStation 3's ongoing momentum in the console market.
"Whether there is an Xbox 360 shortage or not, it is clear that ... [ read the full article ]
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16. March 2008 @ 16:24 |
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Originally posted by algtz1: In my mind that's the main reason to get a ps3 over a 360, no stupid little kids can go out and just download and play any game that most normal people worked their asses off to buy.
LOL I still find it hard to believe you guys dont have the best weapon against those damn annoying people online: MUTE BUTTON. Seriously sometimes its not just kids but other people who wont shut up.
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16. March 2008 @ 21:47 |
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Originally posted by algtz1: This one sentence sums it up for me:
"I can backup my games for the 360. You can't backup your games for the the PS3"
that reality finalizes the debate. END OF STORY!!!!
Wow, whoever that quote is from seriously thinks everyone here is an idiot. I don't believe that anyone flashes their drive so that they can play backups. That's probably the biggest joke I've heard. Someone flashes his drive and then while searching warez and torrent trackers and browsing through the entire 360 collection that is available with the click of a button, picks and chooses to download only the games he's purchased. And stays off XBL so that the console doesn't get banned. And craps bricks when playing over an hour, praying not to get the RRoD and have to buy a new console because he voided the warranty. Great way to spend money. I like playing games they way they're supposed to be played. Without a pit in my stomach that I've tossed a few hundred down the crapper.
Well, a price cut from MS may drive Sony to give better incentives to buy their system instead. They probably can't afford to cut the price with all the losses they've taken. I'm not surprised that MS has the money. After all, XBL is the biggest gold digging gimmick around.
17. March 2008 @ 12:00 |
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Originally posted by algtz1: This one sentence sums it up for me:
"I can backup my games for the 360. You can't backup your games for the the PS3"
that reality finalizes the debate. END OF STORY!!!!
End of what story? So what, i can do that too, but i refused, why? To do that, i have to give up the warranty. Do i want to take that risk? Hell no!
17. March 2008 @ 12:21 |
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As i have said before... Any price cuts are good as long as not dead end products. The problem with the X360 is that it got this obnoxious RRoD reputation. Why do you think people *itch about it even though they don't own one? Isn't it to MS's advantage that people don't *itch about it?
Yes, it's market share, all about market share, all about diving into the game with upper edges. The X360 enjoyed it's success, now, it has to face the consequences of the management's "rush" release. The RRoD's problem is never really handled properly. The extended warranty was setup to avoid the lawsuits (yeah, you really think they did it to resolve the RRoD problem). MS probably thinking one stone two birds for the three years red ring warranty, which is fair. But again, there will be consequences...
Lower price is good, the Wii probably opened the door for more gamers (i.e. people never played games in their lives, now they know how to press the A or B buttons). And who do you think that will help?
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17. March 2008 @ 12:29 |
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Originally posted by Gnawnivek: The X360 enjoyed it's success, now, it has to face the consequences of the management's "rush" release. The RRoD's problem is never really handled properly. The extended warranty was setup to avoid the lawsuits (yeah, you really think they did it to resolve the RRoD problem).
That would have been one messy class action lawsuit. Three years is a good number. It gives people that false sense of security. There will probably be a new console in 2 years, and they will abandon the 360 just like they did the XBOX 1. Thank goodness for XBMC. It's the only reason I still have a use for it.
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17. March 2008 @ 15:22 |
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Cant wait till price cut going to get one? Dont really care for 360
but almost the best games come out for it so i guess ima get one
Junior Member
17. March 2008 @ 20:52 |
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Originally posted by donpugz44: Cant wait till price cut going to get one? Dont really care for 360
but almost the best games come out for it so i guess ima get one
most of those games come out for ps3 as well.
also, many come out for the pc, if you have a good one.
unless you're talking about halo 3, in which case, have fun.
just remember your console is the only one with fees charged for online play.
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17. March 2008 @ 21:57 |
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Dude if it's for Halo 3 don't even waste your time. Just get the first Halo for your computer and you won't be let down :)
H:CE is definitely the best Halo there is. Plenty of people still play the online too :P
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18. March 2008 @ 00:05 |
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Quote: This one sentence sums it up for me:
"I can backup my games for the 360. You can't backup your games for the the PS3"
that reality finalizes the debate. END OF STORY!!!!
thats the dumbest statement ive ever heard....dam ppl's brains are just shutting down these days...
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18. March 2008 @ 00:07 |
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Yeppers... Totally agree with that one..
18. March 2008 @ 12:21 |
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Now that I have given you all a few days to talk sh*t which most of you have without giving any intelligent rebuttle like this dumb *ss:
"thats the dumbest statement ive ever heard....dam ppl's brains are just shutting down these days...
Hey idiot, you made your statement but where is your rebuttle? (dam ppl's brains are just shutting down these days...) Wow that is so profound! You should run for office because you have such great insight in the art of debate. Please do us a favor and turn off your pc and don't bother turning it back on.
Now, I don't think you guys are idiots. I know that a huge percentage of the people who flash their 360s are stealing games off the Internet. And if and when the PS3 can play backups, there will be a million mofos stealing games for that system as well. I'm upset because you think that every fool out there is stealing. Well let me tell you something, I am a grown ass man and I work hard for my money. Hell, I don't even play video games and if I did it would be PC gaming. I have a 360 for my kids and they play the sh*t out of Halo 3, Rock Band and Guitar Hero. And I'll be damned if I am going to pay $60 evertime the disc gets scratched or damaged. I paid the $60 once and shouldn't ever have to pay that sh*t again. That is why I back these games up. And if the PS3 could do the same, then that would have been the console I would have bought my kids. Now this really is "End of Story"
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18. March 2008 @ 22:13 |
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Uh no because Blu-Ray discs have like a semi scratch-proof layer or w/e... They are much more resistant then DVD-9s...
I read that somewhere, and I've had all of my games for at least 3 months and sometimes I'll just leave them lying around when I think I'm gonna put them away later, no scratches...
Oh and I would think stealing is the way to go unless you really want to blow your hard earned cash on $60+ video games that you might not even like ;)
Most of these MoFos have better things to save up for, and Piracy sells consoles which pay for more games. Look at the PSP! The Xbox too. It only lasted longer then it did because it was like a 100% functional Homebrew Media Center... I'm gonna buy one pretty soon just for that.
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25. March 2008 @ 21:21 |
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About the 3rrd ,i don't care.I will stick forever with my XB360;Jasper,Opus and Valhalla are coming soon to kill the 3rrd forever.
Junior Member
25. March 2008 @ 21:56 |
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Originally posted by voyager: About the 3rrd ,i don't care.I will stick forever with my XB360;Jasper,Opus and Valhalla are coming soon to kill the 3rrd forever.
havent we heard that promise before, multiple times?
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25. March 2008 @ 22:30 |
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Originally posted by algtz1: Well let me tell you something, I am a grown ass man
Trying to figure out which two words the hyphen should bridge :-P
Just have a good point. I am also a grown-ass man and can't see myself paying $60 for a PS3 game. All these young peeps and their new games. I have to wait a year before I feel it's worth it to get one at half price :-(
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26. March 2008 @ 02:03 |
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Stealing games from greedy multi-million dollar companies is no sin. Robin Hood's a legend for essentially the same reason!
AfterDawn Addict
23 product reviews
26. March 2008 @ 07:59 |
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Originally posted by vinny13: Uh no because Blu-Ray discs have like a semi scratch-proof layer or w/e... They are much more resistant then DVD-9s...
They may have that but they are prone to fingerprints. I found that out on my friends PS3.
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26. March 2008 @ 08:02 |
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Lol fingerprints won't destroy a disc :P
AfterDawn Addict
23 product reviews
26. March 2008 @ 08:08 |
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True but it gave us a frustrating time to try and clean it and to get the PS3 to read the disc again. Im not against any console, just saying...
26. March 2008 @ 09:32 |
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Originally posted by core2kid: True but it gave us a frustrating time to try and clean it and to get the PS3 to read the disc again. Im not against any console, just saying...
What that have to do with anything? All discs are prone to scratches and finger prints. Of course you should keep your discs safe. I guess that's the reason why people want to backup the discs in the first place.
26. March 2008 @ 09:38 |
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Originally posted by Sabius: Stealing games from greedy multi-million dollar companies is no sin. Robin Hood's a legend for essentially the same reason!
While comparing to Robin Hood is a noble thing, but no matter how you look at it, it's still stealing.
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26. March 2008 @ 11:50 |
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Originally posted by Sabius: Stealing games from greedy multi-million dollar companies is no sin. Robin Hood's a legend for essentially the same reason!
Didn't Robin Hood steal from the King, who was heavily taxing the poor, abusing them and living in excess? He wanted the people to be able to buy food and clothing and enjoy a pint of ale once in a while. You don't have to play video games to survive (or do you?), therefore no one is forcing you to buy them. So stealing from a video game corporation is really nothing like Robin Hood. It's stealing from an entity that created a product and would like to make a profit by hoping that a customer will find their product as valuable as they think it is. I'm not judging anyone. Just couldn't get over how silly the Robin Hood analogy was. Who exactly are you helping but yourself? :P
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. March 2008 @ 11:59