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What The Recording Industry Association of America are REALLY doing!! (PLEASE READ!!!)
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27. April 2004 @ 04:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the only things it mentions about copywrite material is.
posting or disseminating material which violates the copyright or other intellectual property rights of others. You assume all risks regarding the determination of whether material is in the public domain.
**ISPname** reserves the right to refuse to post or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, that it, in its sole discretion, deems to be offensive, indecent, or otherwise inappropriate regardless of whether such material or its dissemination is unlawful. This includes, but is not limited to: obscene material, fraudulent or deceptive statements, threatening, intimidating or harassing statements, or material which violates the privacy rights or property rights of others (copyrights or trade marks, for example) or is likely to be defamatory of another person.
so Im not 100% sure
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15. May 2004 @ 19:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Are they telling you to stop uploading because of a letter they recieved or because u upload too much?
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15. May 2004 @ 23:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
after reading all the articles in this thread i would like to point out that quite some time ago on this forum i stated that i had stopped dl music when the RIAA started all this suing people bull shit but i also stopped buying music as i felt it was the only way to make a stand against at some point the powers that be will probably try to make it illegal for me not to buy music and force me to listen to the crap bands that are being pushed as so called (artists,you ve got to laugh).i see a day when money is taken directly from my wages just in case i accidently heard a bit of a song on the radio or off someone playing a cd,ooops i think ive just given them a new idea.
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15. May 2004 @ 23:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
to rebel -aus my isp has just upgraded all of its packages so they are 50 percent faster free of charge permanently.the 512 is now is over 750 the 1 meg is now 1.5 meg and the 2 meg is now 3 megs not bad for us pomms and they dont limit you on uploads or downloads .telewest rules
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16. May 2004 @ 13:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ye this whole music copyright thing is gone too fucken far really! And the grip that the RIAA hold on the music industry is starting to loosen so I'm happy about that! Personally, im not gonna buy any cd's from them till they get their act together!
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16. May 2004 @ 14:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im not gonna buy any cd's from them till they get their act together!
cheers to that statement!!!
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16. May 2004 @ 14:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, im right man :-) we all should seriously stay well away from them until they give us some sort of offer maybe like lowering the price of their VERY overpriced CD's!
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17. May 2004 @ 00:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The markets determine the prices. Thus, their Very high priced cd's are a direct result of us.
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17. May 2004 @ 07:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No they're not! even when cd's were at their all time highest sales we saw no drop in price. Fuck the RIAA anyway, cant wait to see those 5 go down in flames to this, fighting a battle they cant win, when will they ever learn?
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20. May 2004 @ 23:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ive got peergaurdian up and running. isn't there an automatic one in emule that you ahve to update manully?
and for my problem it was because of what i was downloading not how much.

and with this whole issue "they" have NO power.
they can raise cd prices and say its our fault they are only hurting themselves by making more people get their music this way.
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21. May 2004 @ 10:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What i cant stand is the attitude of the RIAA, they are only 5 companies and they call themselves the recording industry. Remember that, they are only 5 of them and they believe they ARE the music industry! Fuck that, there are a lot more independent labels in the world, P2P holds the key to defeating this shit!
ive got peergaurdian up and running. isn't there an automatic one in emule that you ahve to update manully?
yes IPFileter.dat, under preferences - security!
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21. May 2004 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no matter how many times you say it the RIAA is never ever going to take a realistic approach to any thing that is involved in this issue.You would of thought that by now that they would of seen the bigger picture, but i guess when you have millions to squander the only way to make more is to sue every one for everything.They already get a bigger than normal slice of the pie, they got greedy and now want it all.

I like this idea of P2P and FTP , LETS HOPE IT LASTS!!!!
21. May 2004 @ 20:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just a thought.

The RIAA consists of only 5 companies. How much of the music we want & desire do they produce?

OPEC is no where near being the majority of oil producing countries. Yet we give them so much power on the stock market, in political circles and politics.

If people would only wake up to the fact that these two entities are actually a minority, and then treat them as such, maybe they would change their ways. Of couse it will take a majority of the people expressing themselves to do this.

Too bad so many people gravitate to the perceived centers of power, wealth, fame & fortune. A mirage is what they see.

P2P is intrinsically a good thing. Just like freedom of speach. Freedom of assembly. Aw hell, the US Bill of Rights.

Too many lawyers with lofty income goals in this world.

3. June 2004 @ 06:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Man u are waaaaay wrong
It doesn't matter if the RIAA or OPEC are a minority.

What does matter is that they are united
As the old saying goes united we stand divided we fall
If OPEC decides to screw us it can
Yeah but the RIAA can't cos America's not the only place where music is created unlike the middle east for oil

Not buying music at all from RIAA affiliates is damn stupid according to me. You just got to listen to music and pay for it. I will happily pay for services of iTunes kind. This is the way of the future and yeah the jugglehead RIAA dinossour is worried it will be extinct.

But dont worry guys use IRC or somethin like tht for now as RIAA is just snapping Kazaa. New technology will always overtake RIAA hounds

dEV : I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
3. June 2004 @ 21:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

"Yeah but the RIAA can't cos America's not the only place where music is created unlike the middle east for oil"

Until you said that I agreed with you. Oil production in the Midle East is significant, but not the dominant source for the US or the world.

As the economies of the OPEC nations mature, they will be less likely to use their few natural resources to attack their "customers" in a political, religious or philosophical manner. The "world economy" is becoming so intertwined, that it would be like cutting off your nose to spite someone else.

4. June 2004 @ 06:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lets just leave the opec out cos it wud deviate from the main topic although i still dont agree with u over it;)

RIAA needs to check out somethin more dangerous
Here I can get an mp3 cd with all britney/madonna/beyonce hits in one for 50 cents or max 1 $
These guys download from kazaa and mint money
RIAA need to target such guys instead of personal users who dont earn money from downloads

dEV : I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
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18. June 2004 @ 07:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It occurs to me that the whole copyright subject is at crisis as much today as what it was during the 20th century.
Come on. Back in the old days you could copy records to tapes. You could record any music played on the radio. Sure there may have not been as many people stealing, but who cares?
Let's put it this way.
The RIAA is just a bunch of people who get a salary through putting people in jail
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18. June 2004 @ 13:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dont you mean: (the RIAA who is just a bunch of people who get a salary through putting people in jail are really just trying to play god and arent really doing a very good job of it) or they are just trying to get a more decent salary package at the expense of every one else.
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3. July 2004 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I totally agree to every point made in the original posting, but it's much bigger than just RIAA. You can see the exact same mentality in Irak, where Bush is desperate to get his hands on the oil under the cover of "protecting human rights" (Something that could have been achieved in many other was than war). The root of the problem is that the rich lobbyists and presidental campain contributers have the money! Money is power! This proves that democracy is failing! It's not the people who are voting that has the power, but the big corporations behind the campaigns that has the power. This has to change! I refuse to live in a "democracy" where you are being indoctrinated into thinking that these laws are for the best for you! When I started working with computers I thought that the internet would be the salvation, where WE could get the true information out there! But what did I find out? The corporations have complete control over the ISP, so if you express thoughts and opinions that are not politically correct, or goes against what the ISP/governments think, you will just be shut out! Now you might say that you have alternativ web servers around the world! That's true, but who can find them?: Excactly the people with the same opinions as your self. Most people won't bother to seek out the underground web that expresses the non brainwashed truths. I don't understand how our governments can make any laws regarding the internet in the first place! Noone has a patent on the internet axactly because no one was supposed to be able to control it! But I guess we let our selves be controlled! I for one am sick of it! It's time we fought for our birthrights! There is an imminent danger that Darwins theories are obsolete! The new evoloutionary theory will be: Survival of the richest! Money shouldn't be everything, but it is!
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11. July 2004 @ 13:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have to write a bit pof a better source thread because I wrote that in a rush and on a severe lack of sleep! lol

Basically, some user (i wont go looking) said a few posts ago "If you listen to music you pay for it" but what he doesn't understand is that the RIAA/IFPI/BPI etc are trying to control exactly WHAT we can listen to. These labels and organisations pay radio stations to keep independent music off the air! These labels hand-pick artists and try to turn them into gold for their banmk account! It's music monopoly. This was never supposed to happen with music. Thats the main reason, in my opinion why these labels hate the internet and P2P. The internet is the second biggest invention of the 20th century right there behind the TV lol. It's clear that these labels want P2P to be made completely illegal, because this technology has so many possibilities. Look at Skype, Skype really frightens phone companies. A VoIP service with higher quality than your average telephone for free for its users. So just sit back and wait for the FCC to try to do something about Skype in the U.S.!

Anyways I gotta go now :-) Looking forward to replies later on!
9. August 2004 @ 03:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Seems to me that the RIAA has the govt in its pocket, but let me ask this question. The govt is lead by George W whom according to Michael Moore's doco portrays GW as an incompetent, corrupt rich guy who never ran a successful business in his life, the same guy who wnet on vacation while the dust was still falling and had dinner with the enemy on 13/11, this same gent and his collective cronies are running the govt and the RIAA is waving money in front of pigs at the pigs trough...well anything is possible.Everyone went to war for WMD that do not exisist, what are they prepared to do to P2P I ask you. If you are a US resident and you didnt vote and failed to evercise your democratic right then you deserve the govt you get. Too many rich men in power and remember that power corrupts and absoloute power.. you know how it goes. So bloody well vote next time and dont complain about the govt you get/ Money talks BS walks/.
The so called threat to the music industry is a bit of a weak argument but valid nontheless as the distro method would undermine the record comapnies. Its the little people who make the big boys rich, we spend a large % of income on things like cd's and dvd's they spend a small % and get rich by selling dreams.
Some form of P2P will get off the ground and find a way around any stupid attempt to outlaw p2p so let them try, they will be chasing theor tails for generations, as for suing folks they are just getting a bad image with the general public and have achieved little except create enemies and anarchists who will stop at nothing to get free music and movies. The definition of what is copyright if the file format is MP3 and not CDFS means you have breached no ones copyright becasue you have a file that can not be proven to have been infringed let alone by whom so downloading it for personal use has got to be seen to be within reasonable fair use, they may have an argument if you download an album as you can no olonger argue samples and fair use. I would like to see the transcripts of trials to see if the isse of format ownership has ever been clarified and that may put a lot of miinds at ease. My defence would be that I did not copy or rip the item therefore I did not breach your stupid law/ I got it from someone who may or may not have done the rip or he may have got it 3rd hand etc, etc. Personally I think it was a scare tactic and the ones sued have many thousands of mp3s but I still wonder how the RIAA could say that and mp3 or AVI file belongs to thenm or that they had any legal right to the mp3 and AVI format, perhaps they should sue Billy Gates for making windows wma and putting so many PCs on the planet, surely cause an effect if you can sue the gun maker why not the OS maker and IBM for all the clones that make all this shit an idiotic argument in the first place. Nothing exceeds like excess. I have spoken...
9. August 2004 @ 03:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
666, he made me say it.....
And another thing, ban P2P? your kidding me right? no one has stopped WAREZ sites where you can do the same thing, get games appz music and movies. Kick P2P anyway it is too darn slow and I can download form a warez site 10 times faster so can get 10x more wares.
I don;t care if P2P gets banned , good luck to them I say, there has to be a better and faster way and that is from warez, so go for it you LAME dummies take away P2P anytime you like. I hate P2P anyway can't get what I want and its slow. Oppressing the masses is fine by me. Lose P2P and millions will no longer want their ISP so many ISP's could go broke and any way, I can borrow a dvd or cd from the local library and video store and rip it and the dumn schmucks will never know if I burn a 100 copies to give to friends or sell on the black market. Yhey tried to outlaw the compact cassette and the VCR. why is that you can now buy a dvd recorder if copuright is so friggin precious , simple, its for personal use and thats allways been the point. If you steal and sell you are a pirate, if you record at home and then go out and buy the prodict becasue of the preview you would not have otherwise ever even known about then I ask you what is all kefuffell about? MY pc is my home entertainment centre and I do not appreciate or ever give permission for the RIAA or anyother idiot permission to look inside my PC while I am on line, where is your search warrant?
This is little more than illegal phone tapping and that should be outlawed, I am entitled to my privacy. The internet is both good and bad, I cna get lots from it but I also unwittingly let spies into my PC and it aint limited to the RIAA I can assure you, even police and FBI can snooop into your pc, done nothing wrong and they can still look, if they find something then look out, but is this not an illegal search and what is stopping them from entrapment?
If I unplug my modem no one can spy on me anymore and I can do what I like, hmm maybe, I still don't know about that sattelite aobve.1984, someone is watching and he aint your brother he is just BIG... > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - p2p software > what the recording industry association of america are really doing!! (please read!!!)

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