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What The Recording Industry Association of America are REALLY doing!! (PLEASE READ!!!)
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27. March 2004 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My friends, as some of you know I have been offline for quite some time now and in that time I have had a long think about the RIAA and the current p2p situation, I have Noticed a few points that I hope you will read and tell me what you think of it, I promise u, if what I say here is right, u will be filled with anger for the RIAA before the end of this post, even just thinking this put me in a bad mood!


Ok, sound stupid? Yes I know it does at first but please hear me out ok?

What does the "Music Industry" really mean? What it means is every artist in the world, every studio in the world, every label in the world etc etc. But the RIAA have used propeganda to change people's views on the music industry, in todays world the music industry is seen as the following....


Its sad but true! Firstly, people want these millions of dollars that is supposed to be in the music industry, they want to see their videos on MTV, they want to own big houses, play in front of crowds of 10's of 1000's of people around the world and be worshiped! Where did the music go? I'll tell you where, onto the Top shelf at the RIAA label's! But why would they do such a thing?? thats what ud ask right? well i'll tell you why!!

Becuase its profitable to them, each song they get from their artists is worth millions of dollars to them so they keep it locked away in the form of legal documents that say its their intellectual property!

So now ull ask, why im going on about that right? Well because thats the reason they arent after their copied music! Think I'm nuts yet?? Yes? Well read on....

Think if music were to go back to the way it was, all about the music, not about the money anymore, not a legal slip that says the label owns it, they wouldnt profit from it would they? and the artists sure as hell wouldnt care about it spread all over the internet, the more listeners the merrier! Let me tell you something, p2p technology and digital compression is the BEST thing that ever happened to the music industry and the RIAA know this. You could be in a band, record a song, put it on p2p networks and it could be downloaded and shared millions of times for FREE!!, you dont need to sell your copyright to any label, you dont need to have the cd send through the post even, its accross the world in a matter of minutes! and thats why the RIAA hate it! They hate it because people can do that with their copyright right?? thats the main reason? NO its not the main reason! They are afraid of something else...

THEY ARE NOT NEEDED ANYMORE!! A band can become famous online now through websites like mp3 lizards and p2p networks like kazaa and the donkey network. They dont need the RIAA's recording studios and promoters anymore. Its the very best thing to ever happen in music and it would change the music industry so much that it wouldnt be a financial business anymore. Think im mad ye? lol no read on please.......

What has the RIAA been pushing towards??? this is it: THEY WANT P2P MADE COMPLETELY ILLEGAL! if p2p is gone, then that super quick way of getting your music accross the world for free is gone, now u have to go back to their studios. Dont believe me on this, go loook at afterdawn's news articles, you'll see how often p2p has come so close to being made illegal, all over the world they are pushing laws for it!

So their main target isnt their intellectual property being "illegally" traded, its the whole damn system folks, the system is more dangerous to them than the files it has! So they are blinding everyone, even the people who use p2p as to their main goal, except one 17 year old kid from Ireland, you couldnt push that past me guys!


Some people who have been sued might have to pay about $5000 or whatever it is, but the fact is, most people in the world wouldnt spend $5000 on music in 10 years, maybe 20, so they are profiting for every person they sue, thats why they sue, why the fuck else would they sue their customers? Think about it and you'll realise it, its their corruption, they are so corrupt that they dont mind destroying lives to get money! Yes thats right I SAID DESTROYING LIVES. People who have been sued now have that on a permanent record! That means they will have hell getting jobs, and lots of people who are sued are middle ages parents because of their kids activities online. Listen to this Bush and all the rest of the American Government, THEY ARE DESTROYING AMERICA! And yes they are, if they sued 1,00,000 people, thats 1,000,000 people who are gonna need government support to live because they only job they can get is cleaning the sidewalk! They say these law suits will help america, ye fucking right, its driving america into the ground. Im a European and I sure as Hell dont want that shit happening here!


We have a much more powerful weapon, our refusal!


Our Refusal can kill the Recording Industry Association of America!

Will you refuse? I sure as hell will! Thats why i want to start any form of action to hurt them, bring them to their knee's and have them begging their former customers to come back and buy their music, wait a minute, i mean buy a piece of "LEGEL DATA".

Please post what you think about my view on the whole p2p situation! Thanks for reading, id sure love some PM's to if anyone wants to talk directly to me about this, and yes i said anyone, i dont care if you work for Sony Music! lol

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. March 2004 @ 15:00

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27. March 2004 @ 14:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
that is a very valid point, the RIAA hates indy artists, because they use there home studios, or underground labels to produce there music. The RIAA knows that indy artists use sharing sites (, and p2p networks to get there music heard, because they cannot afford the high prices of producing thousands of cd's, on the other hand the RIAA would be happy to promo there music for them, if they sign there life away. They realize that the sales of cd's are becoming an obosolete form of distro, now that the internet can do it better. They are not losing money due to fileswappers, because the teeny boppers will always purchase there favorite nsync cd from the wherehouse.

you're right
because it is a superior form of distro, and it lets all artists, including indy artists, and underground to release there music, without the need of high cost recording equipment, cd manufacturing, executive costs etc. they want control of all aspects of distro, networks cds etc. When napster first came out, I personally downloaded mp3s that you could not buy in stores, underground hip hop mostly, because most main stream artist suck and the RIAA knows that many indy artist are better than what they produce. If they can control all aspects of distro an artists cannot produce anything unless they go through the RIAA, which means that they will be able to charge whatever the hell they want to. You could look at the mpaa at the same way, but that is a whole other problem to be discussed.
Staff Member
27. March 2004 @ 14:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Exactly my point mate and I'm delighted to see that The first reply was pretty much one that completely agreed with me :-) lol

Another problem though is the RIAA have a lot at their disposal. Most of all money, they can easy pay magazines to only promote their artists, and any magazine that doesnt, they can just pay an artist under their label double to diss the magazine or pay professionals to dig up dirt on the owners of the magazine or worst of all, try thr money tempting, win and completely buy the magazine out. Now I'm not saying that is what they do, I;'m just saying they have a massive weapon in money. They should realise however that the money is in us, their customers.

Now, there is a bit of a dilema, to attack the RIAA financially is a problem because, ppl might be bulling to buy a cd or mp3 because one song they heard on the radio really caught them, so they just go download it, accidently leave it shared, get slapped with a lawsuit and end up giving the RIAA thousands instwead of $5 for the single! So p2p is a weapon against them too, but with many many flaws!
AfterDawn Addict
27. March 2004 @ 14:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In the words of Michael Collins, "We have a more powerful weapon, our accept british rule

Staff Member
27. March 2004 @ 14:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually he said Our Refusal first, he didnt say, our refusal to accept british rule, he said the refusal was the weapon, no offense dude, but this is a serious thread with a serious topic, and i dunno whether u wrote that there just to clarify more on what michael collins said or to make me look bad to british afterdawn users, in fact, im gonna remove it from my post!

EDIT: My appologies, i took that too seriously the first time around, im not pissed that u clairified more on what michael collins refused to accept im just pissed that because of that people who read the thread might stray off the main point thats all! No hard feelings obviously, i just dont think it was needed!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. March 2004 @ 15:08

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27. March 2004 @ 16:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey guys dont think much on the underhanded ness of the RIAA but did come across this link, want to check to see if you are on there hitlist check this out!!!!!

Staff Member
27. March 2004 @ 17:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ye i know, the eff have some pretty good services running over the whole thing. I wont be on the list anyway since im not in america + i dont share copyrighted music online!
27. March 2004 @ 19:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dela....mad props to you....i actually put up a "supposed" website called F.T.RIAA, i think you can figure that one out. if you get a website going put a sign-in book to act as a petition and i will gladly be the first to sign it.....i don't download music i don't care if they try to come after me.....but in retaliation, i don't buy music anymore best, i'll borrow the CD from a friend and IF it's any good i MIGHT buy it......but not if they support the RIAA....i have always loved music...but since this "illegal" download crap started....i have sworn off paying for music till they get their shhhhhhhh...act together

i mean the nerve to put out an entire album with, at most, 2 or 3 good songs and the rest is crap but still take our full $15. i issue this challenge to labels, artists, and the RIAA......start selling music song for song over the net.....if the whole album is good, then the $1 per track is worth it, if not they only get money for the 2 or 3 good songs they have.....will it happen....HEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO......but i'd love to hear their response to that....Dela more power to you and i am behind you 100%

-One Love-Seek God-
"You are not educated as long as you have prejudices against anyone for any reason other than his or her character." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Senior Member
28. March 2004 @ 00:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

even deep inside the music industry now they are turning on themselves
I remember a few years ago when george michael got out of his deal with sony

his first song he released after he wore a pair of headphones with the word FonY
on the side exactly like what sony do
read into that what you will
he has now decided to release his music in future via online for free I think he is wise n already has adapted to the future
Madonna is suing warner brothers for over 100,000,000$ because they have screwed her over
Prince made his name slave because he felt he was being treated like one by the big studios
the days of the riaa domineering are OVER the power now is in ALL OUR hands if we are wise ernuff n use it correctly we will bring the riaa and the bpi and the others to there knees
imagine no one in the world buying a cd for a WHOLE FUCKIN WEEK!!!! what would happen then

and it could be done

We have the knowledge now not them
knowledge IS POWER so spread the power

My rant over~heh~

::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. March 2004 @ 00:53

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28. March 2004 @ 11:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The artists know its a shitty deal,. they just wont go against their label's, which I can kinda understand really!
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28. March 2004 @ 11:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i dont know if someone already posted this article:,1412,62830,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_1 but here it is. just another example of how the riaa is lobbying, and using propeganda to get there way.

edit- they even go as far as calling p2p users, terrorists. last time I checked most p2p users are inexperienced internet users, looking to get some that copy of office xp they dont want to pay $600 for so they can write a ******* paper to pass there english class, not Kadafi.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. March 2004 @ 12:01

Staff Member
28. March 2004 @ 11:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
see now thats exactly what I'm talking about, and why the hel are the public just not being listened to in the U.S.??? Thats one thing I will say for Europe, it takes a lot more to make a law change than it does in the U.S. when it comes to computers!


In defending the Pirate Act, Hatch said the operators of P2P networks are running a conspiracy in which they lure children and young people with free music, movies and pornography. With these "human shields," the P2P companies are trying to ransom the entertainment industries into accepting their networks as a distribution channel and source of revenue.

"Unfortunately, piracy and pornography could then become the cornerstones of a 'business model,'" Hatch said in a statement. The illicit activities of file sharers "then generate huge advertising revenues for the architects of piracy."

This should be seen as an example of how lies and propeganda are being used to destroy p2p!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. March 2004 @ 12:06

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28. March 2004 @ 12:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah, we got bush the right wing devil worshipper for a president, everything in the name of business. Forget the voice of the people, republicans only care about there best interest, there pockets. no dis to republicans, but bush can suk it
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28. March 2004 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not the biggest fan of George Bush but, whatever! lol I'll leave it up to the americans to slam or praise him!

However, changes being made like this in america do show how corrupt the U.S. is! I mean, the statement i pasted earlier is complete lies. Most p2p networks dont have operators, like the donkey network, the only real operators there are the ones nice enuff to run public servers! Conspiracy my ass!
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28. March 2004 @ 13:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sad but true...

I have been helping a small recording lable here in melbourne... P2P is not the only ones that the record companies are after, over the last few months, several of the production staff of the website, cover art, as well as marketing have been either successfully lured (unfortunately not many say to this company UP YOURS) across to a large multi-national recording company.

The company now has less and less staff to get on with the job of producing and publishing underground and music form non-top40 mainstream artist.

Maybe its a conspiracy, however if we want to crawl up Bill Gates bum for anti-trust behavior, there are companies that penetrate our lives more than Microsoft. (DO NOT MAKE THIS MESSAGE THE START OF THE MICROSOFT FLAME)

As a programmer, I am trying to contribute to some of the opensource P2P projects. We can all do our bit, if by nothing else we contribute a few cents towards these projects, draw an icon, or just inform others of these opensource projects.

Meanwhile, I will get on with the website that I am working on, and listen to quality music from independant artist trying to make an honest living.

:: LZ ::

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28. March 2004 @ 13:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They are sneaky! they dont care whats in their way or what way to get it out of the way, they dont want music to change, they'd rather then internet was made completely illegal! Corporate assholes should never have been able to start this shit in the first place. Oh but it will end one way or another! All the shit they've thrown at people will come straight back and smother them!
28. March 2004 @ 13:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
TO: gotisos & Dela

Uhm, can we leave US Presidential politics out of this?

This is a subject more serious than political preferences. I stopped reading "posts" at GEEK.COM because they had gotten too political & juvenile.

I enjoy AFTERDAWN because it is more of a technical site. I can get all the political stuff I want or need on the radio.

The RIAA & MPAA are organisations that need to be held accountable for their thought processes. Part of which is their ongoing campaign for denying the consumer "fair use" of what we pay for. If they had their way, they would charge us everytime we played a music CD or watched a DVD.

So, please, no politics. Unless it about all politicians who are servants of the MPAA & RIAA



This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. March 2004 @ 13:32

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28. March 2004 @ 13:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

The problem is that comeuppance* seems to be a rare miracle these days. Instead we will see good people, companies and organizations go to the wall long before the "evil" are dealt with. Maybe the queue to the comeuppance angel is too long, because I have been waiting for too many people that really deserve to get struck by lightning not get struck while others that deserve to be bound by the wrists and ankles to four wild horses get more successful, and richer by the minute.

*come·up·pance - A punishment or retribution that one deserves; one's just deserts:
Usage: ?It's a chance to strike back at the critical brotherhood and give each his comeuppance for evaluative sins of the past?

:: LZ ::

Staff Member
28. March 2004 @ 13:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thats the way of the modern world i guess, but its people who need to stop it!

Buik, no problem, it aint a political thread so i wont be mentioning anything else about politics unless i really have to :-)

I like your comments on fair use, thats jkust another one of the things on the RIAA's black list!
Senior Member
28. March 2004 @ 14:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hiya guys,

Do you all want to know of a way to deal with the corruption in politics/big business/local govenment etc. etc. etc.????

Have a read of something called Assasination Politics by Jim Bell:

Ok, I know he is one of those "Libertarian" types, but try and keep the emotional, knee-jerk reactions in check while you are reading it, and concentrate on the MECHANISM he is proposing, the technicality and anonymity...

What a wonderful result could come out of such a thing...

The RIAA/MPAA etc lot would REALLY be in trouble then ;)

Imagine the MILLIONS of people who would "make a cash prediction" on that lot :o

We can but dream *sigh*

Have Fun....

Life is just more of the same:
Staff Member
28. March 2004 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, I'll give it a read later when I have the time!
Suspended permanently
10. April 2004 @ 16:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no more mass suits for the riaa tent_ID=76604

there's also a link on

maybe this will make them think before suing 12 year olds

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. April 2004 @ 16:09

11. April 2004 @ 17:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

It is about time that the courts started to figure out that "companies" or "organizations" are not entitled to the same investigative & prosecutorial powers that have been entrusted to our governments.

My government has a responsibility to protect me.

That the DMCA would allow for corporations to "eavesdrop" or monitor my commucations, of any sort, in any way, shape or form is infuriating.

My government has a responsibility to protect me.

Because of that responsibility to protect me, I allow it to do certain things.

I do not submit to corporations & other non-governmental organizations having the same powers entrusted to government. Non-Government entities have only one motive. Profit.

I am a proud capitalist and am not ashamed to to say so. Capitalism is Progressive in nature. It spurs on the advancement of inovation. Do it better/cheaper/faster to make a profit.

When government & the laws are attuned only to the benefit of the non-government entities, then we start to have a big, big problem. At that point, our elected leadership has passed off their powers to govern to an un-elected {by the people} corporate governing body.

Maybe this should have been in the "safety Valve".

Peace be unto everyone.

Suspended due to non-functional email address
27. April 2004 @ 01:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i got an email from my ISP telling me to stop uploading.
is stopping my only option?
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27. April 2004 @ 03:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes... if you are in Australia, check your Acceptable usage policy ... if they don't say anything about unacceptable upload traffic, talk to the ombudsman... They cannot dictate to you how you use your bandwidth if it wasn't in writing... Failing that change your ISP... There are a lot of friendlier ISP who won't get sucky with you...

:: LZ ::

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