321RIP! DVDXcopy (all versions) RF to Ripper Enabled file patcher
1. June 2004 @ 18:46 |
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Sorry had to change my first post I have to think before I type.
The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask. If you don't ask you will never know.
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Junior Member
1. June 2004 @ 20:30 |
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I was just trying to give him exact directions as he asked again and again exactly how to do it and PsiDOC had already explained it time and time again. Some people just don't know much about how to do things in the program folders and are afraid to screw with the files. I know alot of people who can never seem to get the hang of it and spend more time reformating their computers after screwing them up then actually having fun with the computers. I got my first computer in 1999 with Win 98 and learned more than I wanted because it was always crashing. I've built 6 computers in the last 6 months for myself and others but I can still remember when I didn't know crap and had nobody to help me out.
I mentioned PsiDOC in all of my posts as having mentioned how to do the patch. My mistake for not mentioning you in them also.
By the way I did use "your" idea with the bouducon.dll file but wasn't that actually "321studios" idea which was always in the original program?
Thanks for discovering the key to reinstalling the ripper function. I don't actually use the program anymore though it is on my computers. I found through this site that DVDShrink with Nero or DVD Decrypter worked better and cost a whole lot less (as in free). More reliable also though I've come across 1 or 2 DVD's that can only be backed-up with XCopy.
Of course it is people like you that help us all out by taking the time to discover how someone elses program really works and improving it for the rest of us.
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1. June 2004 @ 20:38 |
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Thank you for the fix xbadboy2. Not everyone had AnyDVD to run with their RF versions.
2. June 2004 @ 04:33 |
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I'm not asking for everyone to thank me and I'm not asking to be thanked in every post about it. I just don't want people acting like they have some big secret when some one is trying to find out about it (321rip) thats all. If I didn't want people to know about it I would never went to Psi about it. Thats all I was talking bout I'm sorry I didn't explain it better.
The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask. If you don't ask you will never know.
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2. June 2004 @ 06:06 |
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Definitely no secret anymore. And as PsiDoc did an elaborate explanation of your find and supplied a patch, all the little newbies do and will continue to think he did it. The mold has been cast, things will probably continue down the same path. And as people figure out that there are rippers that run in the background for all decryption needs, they will realize this was just an exercise in fixing a particular problem. If they used the correct software, they wouldn't need to scamper after a fix.
2. June 2004 @ 06:42 |
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I said what I wanted to say and I'm dune.
The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask. If you don't ask you will never know.
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Junior Member
2. June 2004 @ 09:57 |
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Look mate. This was your discovery, as I have posted in both threads. I just refined it with the patch. Never have I tried to imply this was my discovery and never will. I can understand you feeling a little put out.
PsiDOC... Poking the DMCA with a stick, then running away.
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2. June 2004 @ 12:34 |
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thanks everybody finally learned how to get 321rip and xpressrf in one folder to get 321rip and xpressrf to work together again many thanks mr thicko
2. June 2004 @ 15:50 |
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Good news Micks!!
Junior Member
3. June 2004 @ 17:46 |
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Hi; anybody know where to find a thread or list of Movies you can't back up, couse I can't seem to get to back up "Pirates of the Caribeen", It says it's Encrypted, my DVD Copy Xpress Platinum and DVD Decrypter don't work! THank's in advaced!
3. June 2004 @ 17:50 |
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djesusjay, I was able to back up Pirates of The Caribbean. Try playing the dvd with PowerDVD or WinDVD, play it for a few, then close the program. Then try to rip.
3. June 2004 @ 17:53 |
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Junior Member
3. June 2004 @ 17:53 |
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You mean just try to play the original movie? Please explain!
3. June 2004 @ 17:56 |
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Yes... Play the original first.
Junior Member
4. June 2004 @ 08:31 |
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It worked flip218 Thank's for your help! Is that proceduce done to select DVD Region on your DVD-ROM>? and another question. Is their any way to take that annoying DVD-Back Up screen from the begining of the movie?
4. June 2004 @ 15:23 |
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Quote: Is that proceduce done to select DVD Region on your DVD-ROM>?
I was told... it is a way to unlock your drive.
Quote: Is their any way to take that annoying DVD-Back Up screen from the begining of the movie?
Yes, there is two ways. 1) Get 321gone (When using XCopy Express). 2) You have DVD Decrypter ... so now get DVD Shrink. Use Shrink to rip and Decrypter to burn.
Junior Member
4. June 2004 @ 17:18 |
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Thank's again Flip, I've been using DVD Decrypter along with DVD Shrink and Nero 6 Utra to edit, copy and burn for the past 1 1/2 years but just got a recent problem. 3 days ago while using those 3 programs I was starting to get a messege when I burn a DVD that said to "Set a Parental Guidance passcode" or some shit like that, every time when I tryied to play a burned DVD. I tried it on 2 DVD players in my crib and also my Playstation and got the same messege everytime a burned DVD would start. That is why I am now using DVD X Copy Platinum which I know little about. Any suggestions. I checked DVD Decrypter for the Parent Guidence and found nothing. ~"Any idea about this issue anyone"~! Although DVD X Copy Platinum has done it's job, I still like the old method with my 3 programs but that's just me!
4. June 2004 @ 19:42 |
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Hmmm ... never got that message yet. Did you try checking all your settings in Shrink and Nero? I also like using Shrink/Decrypter.
Quote: I still like the old method with my 3 programs but that's just me!
Have you ever just tried the 2 programs.. Shrink and Decrypter? Maybe it's Nero, you could see if just the 2 work. Shrink to rip, and Decrypter to burn.
Quote: Is their any way to take that annoying DVD-Back Up screen from the begining of the movie?
I forgot to mention another way of removing this. If you can find it, v4.0.4.15RF doesn't give you the backup warning. And there is a patch to make it a ripper version.
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5. June 2004 @ 05:33 |
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The patch is great and I have now got over being really pissed off when I found that my newly downloaded ExtremeDVD package didn't include a ripper or encoder. However, I had a copy of the earlier XpressDVD. Just as well because the new XPress program doesn't include bounducon.dll so the patch couldn't work until I copied that file from the older version. The old dll needs to be included in the zip file with the patch so that people getting the new version can install the patch. I was just lucky I had the old version.
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5. June 2004 @ 05:57 |
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For those programs needing a Decrypter, there are programs like AnyDVD that make the Extreme programs function like the old rippered programs. DVD43, the freebie, does about the same thing. DVD43 has been known to cause annoying problems in the XP OS. Still think everyone should be going from 321 to Nero. The Recode 2 is a good package.
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Junior Member
5. June 2004 @ 08:04 |
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Hey flip218
I'm trying to burn a movie just using DVD Shrink first and then DVD Decrypter like you said but, How do I get the files from DVD Shrink? Or how do I get DVD Shrink to make and ISO image so DVD Decrypter finds the image and burns it. Couse I Opened or Shrunk the Entire disk with DVD Shrink, edited, and It gave me the DVD files instead of an Image. So when I went to Decrypter, all's I got are files. What procedure do you use when just using these 2 programs. Teach me!, teach me! lol
5. June 2004 @ 08:51 |
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After you open Shrink and the disc, you'll click "backup!". Here you wanna change the target destination to "ISO Image File", then at the bottom you'll wanna check the box to Launch DVD Decrypter.
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5. June 2004 @ 09:19 |
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Good way of doing it if you want the total freebie pack. The best way to use shrink is with Nero. Wonder why it was set up to burn with Nero as the default setting? If you don't have Nero, try the free trial and see how it works with Shrink. I'd almost bet you'd only use decrypter to burn as an exercise of 'can I do it?' Decrypter is still one of the best decrypters around, just not as flexible as a burner.
Junior Member
5. June 2004 @ 10:35 |
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ok, flip;
"After you open Shrink and the disc, you'll click "backup!".
1. After I hit Back-up it says Targeting Folder and in the Middle it says Region Free with a check mark and at the bottom is says Provider ID.
"Here you wanna change the target destination to "ISO Image File",
2. Is that Target Destination still in the program DVD Shrink couse that's all I found in step # 1
"then at the bottom you'll wanna check the box to Launch DVD Decrypter."
3. I don't know where to find this. If you have AIM, Yahoo MSNGR or MSN please let me know! So we can chat couse I'm really lost!
Thanks in advanced flip!
5. June 2004 @ 12:34 |
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Are you using the most current DVD Shrink 3.17? When you click "backup!" a window pops up entitled "Backup DVD". In this window there will 4 tabs: Target Device, DVD Region, Backup Options, and Burn Settings.
Quote: 1. After I hit Back-up it says Targeting Folder and in the Middle it says Region Free with a check mark and at the bottom is says Provider ID.
This is actually in the DVD Region tab. To the left of it click Target Device.