Whats better: Graphics or Gameplay?
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7. August 2005 @ 20:26 |
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What y'all think, graphics or gameplay? I prefer graphics. Gameplay is important, but i lose interest quickly if the visuals are shite.
-"Most gangs want me to join cause im awesome with a bow stick"
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8. August 2005 @ 03:14 |
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It depends on the Game. For example, a game like Fable (very little interaction) graphics are important to the games success because it's kinda like a dvd letting you hit pause and play a few times.
But if you're talking about a heavily interactive game like Madden, Splinter Cell, or Ghost Recon gameplay is where it's at. What good is a Super Duper agent with a bunch of amazing gadgets that do nothing during the game.
Just my thoughts...
1 product review
8. August 2005 @ 06:09 |
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For us older gamers I remember playing on the first home consoles and I loved those early games with a passion and they were just a single sprite buzzing around the screen. That makes me think gameplay rules.
But then again I loved ICO on the PS2 and marvelled at the way it looked and find myself still looking for similar games even if the gameplay ain't that great.
So my answer is Graphics wins. Just ;)
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8. August 2005 @ 08:38 |
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i think its 60 for game play and 40 to graphics
xbox360.im going to get AOE3 every one should buy one when it comes out.
8. August 2005 @ 11:47 |
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I say 50 to gameplay and 50 to graphics. It just depeneds on the game.
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8. August 2005 @ 11:51 |
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I really do think that it all depends on the game. Why don't we post a game in particular and discuss what was needed, lacked, or good on graphics and gameplay.
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8. August 2005 @ 12:05 |
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Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, was good as it was, because it was a heavily interactive game, so I didnt really expect really good graphics. But the graphics it had was pretty good, for that game.
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8. August 2005 @ 12:06 |
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I agree with you 100%.
8. August 2005 @ 12:25 |
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Havent played it...
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8. August 2005 @ 12:29 |
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I thin kit's Microsoft's attempt to have their own version of Gran Turismo...FAILED in my opinion.
That's why I posted it, I was expecting sarcastic responses making fun of the game. Graphics aren't decent but I think it's gameplay needs a makeover.
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8. August 2005 @ 12:59 |
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Graphics or gameplay, Graphics or gameplay. hmmmm.
Well i would have to agree with others that state that gameplay and graphics are both related to how good a game is but the gameplay still has the edge. Gameplay is what keeps you playing and wanting to play again. Graphics are just nice to have and a plus when you have a game that can keep your attention. Combination of both is needed but let me open up some light on the gameplay here. A few people said their opinions were graphics. Ok then lets put this into play. Lets say you had the best graphics ever made on a game that you were playing. Just breathtaking designs and artwork but then you had only one button and fucntion to interact with that game. The graphics wouldnot really matter then. Gameplay would be so horrible that the game would gain everyones attention from the first look of graphics but then loose it soon afterwards when they realize that the game didnot keep them interested very long and didnot not have a good replay value. After so long even with a great game we get use to looking at the graphics and stop saying AWWWW, beautiful. But if the game has horrible graphics and good gameplay you would still be playing the game years later. A lot of gamers who were around when Atari, Tandy, NES, Mastersystem, SNES, Genesis were first released will understand me when i say that some of those games are classics now. I still go and play classic games on NES, SNES like the final fantasy series. Just look at all the emulators that have been made on these past systems. People are surely not still playing these systems and emulators today for the graphics as the graphics are decades behind and outdated so exactly what keeps gamers going back to play Mario bros 1,2,3 ???????? If you go to a resteraunt or store and they have only a few arcade machines there you are sure to find Ms. Pac-man or galaga and let me assure you the graphics dont make these classic but yet and still we are still producing these same old game on nintendo, snes, psx, gameboy advanced, PS2 and i guarantee that decades from now when we look back on the graphics of the PS3 and xbox 360 and laugh that on the new sytems of the future some one is still going make these classics for the video gaming systems in the future b/c of the gameplay, not b/c the graphics are still top notch. Dont get me wrong as to thinking they graphics dont matter b/c they do. They go hand in hand with the gameplay. It just that good graphics are not going to keep gamers coming back to play years from now nor will it place a game into legendary or classic status. Graphics will fade with time but gameplay remains.
Gameplay 60%
Graphics 40%
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8. August 2005 @ 13:03 |
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Very well put.
8. August 2005 @ 13:25 |
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Wow, very good! But I still have to say:
8. August 2005 @ 14:21 |
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great point
I believe that gameplay matters more than graphics because a game could have the best graphics in the world and still end up stupid, boring and sucky as hell without game play. It will be kind of like a nice beautiful car but with out any fuel. Lets take a good look at Halo 1 and Halo 2, Halo 2 has more graphics than Halo 1 and yet most people find Halo 1 to be somewhat more funner because of the game play and compelling story line. I still find old games from the past that are incredably adictive and fun to play and have bad graphics that are no way in comparison with the games of today. And oh yes how the great have fallen, If you can remmember the first dead to rights video game it was a great game that was a straight run and gun type of game. A second dead to rights game was later made with even better graphics but it just couldnt match up with the first and did not sell as well.
If you people think graphics are better than gameplay than let me give you a better example of a game with good graphics but real poor gameplay that makes the game only useful as fire wood...
Advent Rising!!
The only good thing to say about this game is that I dont have to play it anymore. This game even got one of the lowest ratings from gamespot.
So Id probably would say gameplay should be 60 or 70%. Now a days some people think its all about the graphics but graphics are nothing without good game play to support it.
Peace out!
"Ill Be Back"
8. August 2005 @ 16:38 |
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I say, if the games good, the graphics are good, then play it! But if the game is good, and the graphics are terrible, then I would still play it, but probably not enjoy it as much. But thats not the issue with the PS2 anyways. Overall the graphics are good. Unlike the PS1, except for the Final Fantasy's. (and some others)
8. August 2005 @ 17:45 |
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Both, a good game needs good graphics and good gameplay in this century.
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9. August 2005 @ 10:01 |
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i agree with Connolly, its the passion for the game makes them good. Im my opinion gameplay rules!!! I rather play a crappy graphic game with good gameplay. Just remember the classics
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9. August 2005 @ 14:53 |
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Graphics are like the attractiveness of a woman...
Gameplay is how well she treats you, etc, etc, etc,...
1 product review
10. August 2005 @ 00:28 |
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Nice metaphor uniique1.
The appearance draws you in and the gameplay keeps you going.
I don't think many of us would pick up a game at a store if the screenshots on the back don't look good.
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10. August 2005 @ 01:34 |
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Fa Sho!!
Quote: I don't think many of us would pick up a game at a store if the screenshots on the back don't look good.
That is so true.
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12. August 2005 @ 07:41 |
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For me gameplay is the most important aspect of the game. Think about the words and what they mean: Game and Play. They are what makes it a 'game'. Graphics are a visual representation of that game. But they are not vital (although with todays expectations this is arguable). Years back I spent weeks playing a game that described where you were and what was happening by text. The fact that you could not see any graphics did not matter. What happened in the game and the interaction you had with what happened made the game great (i.e. the gameplay). This is just my opinion and how I look at games. Don't get me wrong I also appreciate good looking games but I prefer them to have good game play. Getting both right is difficult these days. But what one person perceives to be a good game can be a rubbish one to other's. So at the end of the day it's down to you what you consider to be good or bad (such is life eh?). I guess I'm showing my age now! :oP
My rig: Intel Q9650 3.0Ghz, ATI Radeon 4870 X2 2048Mb, 6Mb DDR2 6400 RAM, Asus Rampage Formula X48 Motherboard.
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12. August 2005 @ 12:50 |
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I say 50/50:))
Q9550@4.0ghz,Gigabyte EP45-UD3P,OCZ Vendetta 2 cooler,VisionTek 4870X2,1TB Samsung Spinpoint SATA/3GB,4GB G.Skill DDR2 1066,LG Blu-ray/HDDVD combo drive,Corsair HX-1000 Modular,Hannspree 28" LCD,Coolermaster Cosmos S
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12. August 2005 @ 12:51 |
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I say 50/50:))
Q9550@4.0ghz,Gigabyte EP45-UD3P,OCZ Vendetta 2 cooler,VisionTek 4870X2,1TB Samsung Spinpoint SATA/3GB,4GB G.Skill DDR2 1066,LG Blu-ray/HDDVD combo drive,Corsair HX-1000 Modular,Hannspree 28" LCD,Coolermaster Cosmos S
2 Xbox 360 Jaspers(flashed w/Ixtreme LT), PS3, Wii
Samsung 4071,Samsung 4095, Samsung 245BW LCD Displays
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13. August 2005 @ 07:39 |
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I don't think many of us would pick up a game at a store if the screenshots on the back don't look good.Quote: GTA SA sold better then some better looking games
xbox360.im going to get AOE3 every one should buy one when it comes out.
13. August 2005 @ 07:56 |
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Even though I think gameplay is what matters most in this day and age a good game should have good looking visuals.
Peace out!
"Ill Be Back"