I would like to point out that I am not exceptionally stupid, and I am usually the one helping people fix their Azureus, so it's not that I don't know how to open/use it. Just getting that out of the way before people ask if I know how to use it in the first place...Here is my problem, I have been using Azureus just fine for a long time. All of a sudden, I stopped using it for a while. I don't think there was a reason that I stopped, I just stopped. I tried to open it today, and it will not open. I click on teh icon to open it, and nothing happens. I figured maybe it was a problem with the program files, so I uninstalled, and reinstalled it. Same problem. I uninstalled, cleaned out ALL files associated with Azureus, reinstalled, and the problem prevails. Then I tried installing a different version. Then a different directory. I even tried to install it on a different hard drive! No matter what I do, Azureus will not execute. After I attempt to open, I look in task manager, and neither Azureus.exe or javaw.exe are there...They are not opening at all, even in background. Any suggestions? I thought of maybe doing a registry fix, but does anyone know if that would help? Where could I get one for Azureus if it did?
OK hippies, here's some joints, and a guitar.
The number 23 is everywhere.
I am a firm believer in the theory of The Matrix.
ayamaya: "Razor, thank you for the comments, this world needs more people like us to make earth a better place to live, well, a better place to play PS2"
Thanks ayamaya!Defianetly need more people who appreciate my help instead of being rude when I reply=)