Guide: Create Torrents Using Azureus - No extra software required
1. November 2005 @ 11:46 |
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Are you one of those torrenters thought it was a hard & technical thing to make a torrent? That is just a myth - It is in fact simple!
If you have a lot of media content on your PC, whether it be music, video, or games - it can only benefit the Bittorrent community.
I have pieced together here a guide that I hope will benefit you and show you the ease in which it is to create a torrent, and hopefully help you to increase the amount of files available! :)
I will show you how to create using Azureus (my personal recommendation)
Before I do this, though, I would like to point out that (if you haven't already), you should install peerguardian2. It is a software which blocks out I.P addresses of a lot of major corporations, the sort of corporations that you could get sued by should be caught uploading their software.
The download of peerguardian can be found here;
And so we begin...
- Open Azureus, then
1. Hit the `File` tab at the top of the window. Cilck on `Create a Torrent`.
2. In the box next to `Announce URL`, put in the URL of the tracker you are using. Note this is not the same as the main URL for the site. Each site has it's own upload section and the tracker URL will usually be listed there.
Note that most (not all) tracker URLs end in `announce.php`
3. Uncheck `Add Multi-Tracker information to the torrent` and `Add hashes for other networks` (e.g. Gnutella2, eDonkey2000).
4. Depending on if your torrent consists of a Single file or a whole Directory, select one of the two options. Let's assume we are making a torrent out of a directory for the rest of this tutorial. The steps are the same for a single file only instead of choosing a directory you choose a single file.
5. The comment field is open for you to type in what ever you feel is necessary. But it is better to maybe put a release date and some details about the torrent, rather than just putting ripped by (your internet tag) - because that doesn't really help anyone. Once you have done this, click `Next`.
6. Next you choose your file/directory you want to share. Click on the Browse button and browse to the file/directory you want to share. Click on it, then click OK/Open. Then Click Next.
7. Choose where you are going to save the torrent file you are creating (the one you need to upload). I suggest you create a folder dedicated to your torrent folders, so you know where your torrent files are.
8. Now save the torrent there (click Finish on the Azureus `Make a torrent window`). Don't mess with the Piece Size. Azureus will select the most appropriate size for you. (Unless you know exactly what you're doing). It can make things really difficult for peers if you make the pieces too big or too small.
9. Azureus will now `hash` the files. When it's done you will get a message that says Saving File... File saved. Click on the Close button.
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Suspended permanently
1. November 2005 @ 17:43 |
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i live in the US. Do you get more chance of getting caught by uploading torrent?

AfterDawn Addict
1. November 2005 @ 23:20 |
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Good guide Lethal. There are company's paid to monitor peoples IP addresses and download habits. In rare instances this may result in getting a threatening email. Let's say you downloaded an episode of Entourage. You may get an email like this from HBO. "We have been informed that this IP address has illegally downloaded copyrighted material. This is illegal and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law if the user at this IP does not cease from downloading further copyrighted material, you have been warned." Now aside from being a total crock of shit, it may cause naive users panic. No company would bother to supeona your ISP for your IP logs. It's time consuming, not cost effective, and wouldn't deter anyone anyway. I mean who actually doesn't download music because they fear the RIAA? The IP address simply tracks the computer, and in no way can determine who was using it at the time the copyrighted material was downloaded. They track people's IP addresses by paying firms or companies to montior P2P networks like Sharman (kaaza) or Gnutella (Limewire, Bearshare) and bit torrent. That's where Peer Guardian 2 comes in. It blocks like 65 million known IP addresses which monitor your download habits. It's a good thing to have if you download copyrighted music, games, or shows. Azureus has a Safe Peer Plug in built in. You can get PeerGuardian 2 here:
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2. November 2005 @ 09:18 |
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That is an excellent point there with the pg2 thing, i think i will add that into my guide! damn, knew there was something missing! ;)
AfterDawn Addict
2. November 2005 @ 10:04 |
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Thanks. I just don't want people quaking in their boots every time they downloading something. For instance most of the RIAA lawsuits have been against college students living on campus, downloading songs off the campus network.
Senior Member
2. November 2005 @ 14:10 |
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How well does Peer Guardian 2 work? Am I guaranteed safe if I use it. I upload and download alot (shhh ) and am worried I'm gonna get a nock at my door from the RIAA police ;)
AfterDawn Addict
2. November 2005 @ 14:29 |
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Well you're never completely safe, even with Peer Guardian 2. Honestly I don't use it with BT, I use it with Limewire. It blocks like 65 million IP addresses, in fact you can see which companies are blocked, though the list scrolls very quickly. Let's use the RIAA as an example. There have been 10,000 or so lawsuits filed by the RIAA. Estimates are around 220,000,000 people around the world download files off BT, P2P, newsgroups, or IRC. So divide 10,000/220,000,000 and you get 4.5 repeating x10-e. Which means a ton of 0's followed by a .45 repeating. Almost no chance. Add Peer Guardian 2 and you reduce that greatly. On top of that most of the people who get sued are college students living on campus. Further I believe (I could be wrong about this part) that they only target specific songs when they track downloads (I think 12 or so for one of the recent rounds of lawsuits) so it isn't how many you download, it's what you download when they happen to be watching. Add all that up and that's why you have dead people and mentally handicapped people getting sued. The RIAA are idiots. They are a multi billion dollar corporation and they can't stop people from copying their music?! Maybe if they were'nt so concerned suing people and producing Britney Spears' Kwanza album, they could encode the CD's so they aren't so easily copied.
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Senior Member
2. November 2005 @ 14:51 |
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Thanks for the reply Tokijin. I've never used Peer Guardian, but plan on getting it now. Does it slow the DL speed at all? \
BTW the chances are 1 out of every 22,000 people, in fraction form :-D
AfterDawn Addict
2. November 2005 @ 15:00 |
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Yeah plus that's around the world, not America. I realized that after the fact. No I haven't noticed PG2 affecting download speeds at all. It runs in the background taking up hardly any space, highly recommended if you download alot.
3. November 2005 @ 10:24 |
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Hey thanks for the info guy's, much appreciated. I use Bit Comet and I have never had any issues with it, but I don't think it has an IP blocker installed on it as long as I know. Anyone know?
I still am going to download PG2 as I do use Limewire.
Once again nice guides and thanks for the info.
AfterDawn Addict
3. November 2005 @ 10:34 |
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Yeah me to and Limewire's been targeted by the RIAA recently, Download and use PG2 if you're gonna download with BC or LW. I have seen rare instances of people getting threatening letters from networks, the Entourage example was based on an actual post on a message board. Be safe.
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3. November 2005 @ 10:35 |
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Quote: Hey thanks for the info guy's, much appreciated. I use Bit Comet and I have never had any issues with it, but I don't think it has an IP blocker installed on it as long as I know. Anyone know?
I still am going to download PG2 as I do use Limewire.
Once again nice guides and thanks for the info.
No Problem, glad to help!
I am not sure if bitcomet has an i.p block mechanism installed, but all I do know is that Azureus does.
Good luck
Junior Member
12. November 2005 @ 03:06 |
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Good guide, Lethal, very helpful....
Now I can stick all my stuff into the bt community! :)
....i like roll deep, but this is just too funny....:D
12. November 2005 @ 03:32 |
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Thank's. That's what is was designed for! Glad to see it coming to some sort of use :)
15. November 2005 @ 02:51 |
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Okay, now what do you do with the torrent you created? You have to seed it yourself right? How do you do that. Do you open the torrent yourself?
And then you upload the torrent, does it matter where you upload it? It doesn't have to be the tracker's site right?
Also could you name some good trackers?
I created a torrent myself, but it doesn't seem to be working. Although I did upload 400 mb, well that's what BitComet tells me.
Thanks :wink:
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15. November 2005 @ 13:30 |
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It's working!
15. November 2005 @ 13:56 |
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Quote: It's working!
Excellent ! ;) If you upload it for as long as possible, your torrent will spread around the network.
If the subject of that torrent you link to could be copyrighted, I would strongly suggest removing it as the are against forum policies ;)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. November 2005 @ 13:58
AfterDawn Addict
15. November 2005 @ 19:04 |
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That's cool. I will use this guide to upload Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance, two older games I couldn't find active torrents for.
16. November 2005 @ 04:03 |
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"If the subject of that torrent you link to could be copyrighted, I would strongly suggest removing it as the are against forum policies ;)"
Ah, I see ;)