n64 Emulator on ps3
Junior Member
25. December 2005 @ 02:26 |
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would the ps3 have a n64 emulator ??
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25. December 2005 @ 08:31 |
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No, nintendo wouldnt let them. It is possible if ps3 comes with linux pre installed.
Junior Member
26. December 2005 @ 23:28 |
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nintendo wouldnt let them ؟؟
so how there is a . SNES . emulator for the ps2
27. December 2005 @ 17:13 |
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Quote: No, nintendo wouldnt let them. It is possible if ps3 comes with linux pre installed.
do you actually think that all of those companies (Nintendo, Sega, etc.) actually give permission for emulators of their consoles to be made for their rival's consoles? no way, Sony doesn't even make them. Those emulators are homebrew applications developed by everyday hackers and coders. and whether or not linux is installed shouldn't matter.
Quote: would the ps3 have a n64 emulator ??
it's most likely that someone will develop an N64 emulator for the PS3 because of how popular it has become to play emulators on other consoles. also because they couldn't make one for the PS2 because the current gen systems never get emulators for the systems that came right before them.
27. December 2005 @ 17:31 |
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Nintendo won't let them, but coders are going to make one anyway, itscalled Homebrew people.
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
Dual Shock Controller
Dual Shock 2 Controller
8MD Memory Card
Burner: Sony DVD RW DW-D26A
Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
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27. December 2005 @ 17:58 |
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Dude, Sony isnt going to use illigal software. Nintendo can sew them this way cant they? Its like saying, oh will the rev have sony ps2 games? NO
28. December 2005 @ 03:59 |
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Quote: It is possible if ps3 comes with linux pre installed
As far as I know it will come preintalled in the HDD that will most likely be sold as an add-on. Remeber that a version of Linux for the PS2 was sold for a limited time, so I'd put my money on the PS3 HDD including Linux.

28. December 2005 @ 04:20 |
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Quote: Dude, Sony isnt going to use illigal software. Nintendo can sew them this way cant they? Its like saying, oh will the rev have sony ps2 games? NO
Sony won't, but the people like me will once someone codes the software.
Junior Member
30. December 2005 @ 07:33 |
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thanks for replaying
and . esco600 . is right with all what he sid
i know that the ps3 is powerfull enogh to play N64 games with a emolator . so do you think there will be a Gamecube or Xbox emulator
for the ps3 . can the ps3 handle it ??
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30. December 2005 @ 08:13 |
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What are you talking about? Of corce any consol will handle any previos gen consol.
30. December 2005 @ 19:41 |
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Quote: i know that the ps3 is powerfull enogh to play N64 games with a emulator . so do you think there will be a Gamecube or Xbox emulator for the ps3 . can the ps3 handle it ??
not likely, it just isn't common for current gen consoles to emulate previous gen consoles.
Quote: What are you talking about? Of corce any consol will handle any previos gen consol.
you must be thinking of the gamecube emulating the n64 for "the legend of zelda ocarina of time" and "majora's mask" on that special edition disc a couple years back. that's different. but the PS2 couldn't emulate n64 or at least nobody's succeeded at it yet. and i highly doubt that someone will create a ps2 emulator for the xbox 360, or an xbox emulator for the ps3.
Senior Member
8. January 2006 @ 20:11 |
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Its very strange how ps1 was able to play those final fantasy games and chrono trigger for the snes. So it is possible to run snes games at full speed on a ps1 but no one can code that good.
9. January 2006 @ 13:41 |
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Quote: So it is possible to run snes games at full speed on a ps1 but no one can code that good.
exactly, only the professionals can do that.
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9. January 2006 @ 13:43 |
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Huh, did it run any other game than FF?
Senior Member
10. January 2006 @ 14:33 |
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Chrono trigger.
ps3 with 20gb hard drive
xbox 360 premium edtion with vga/hd hook up to my dell 20.1 inch widescreen lcd.
White and black 1.5 psp's
I'll take this down WHEN micro$oft decides to stop being lazy and make the capcom fighting games backwards compatible with the 360 dammit!!!
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13. January 2006 @ 13:55 |
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Apparently, someone did figure it out but got sued.
PS3 will be backwards compatable with PS2 and PS1 so it will have NES and SNES (as these emulators are avalible for PS2)
Of course, this will all require a mod-chip.
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18. January 2006 @ 01:17 |
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You have it wrong. The PS1 did not emulate the SNES. If it did, Sony would get sued. What they did is make the FF and Chrono Trigger software ported (adapted to PS1 hardware) so it ran that way. I wrote a quick little snippit on emus here... please read it.
i explain how emus work there... if you have more questions im free to answer them
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18. January 2006 @ 01:24 |
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Yeah in reading more in depth to all your previous post many of you are confusing a "port" and an "emu" emulation is explained in laymans terms in my link above. A port is when a game is officially redone by some game publisher to be "ported" to a new console. This is different than emulation because hardware is not being emulated by software. The original software is simply being reconstructed to fit with a new set of hardware. Thus a game like Legend of Zelda Ocarnia of Time, was not emulated on Game Cube, but rather ported to it. I am wondering how exactly they are going to do the programming for the new Revolution because I dont think it will have the power to emulate Gamecube games. That is unless Nintendo themselves developes an internal hardware emulator set in the system to run beyond the RAM similar to what Sony does with the Playstations. They trick the machine to go into an alternate method of running ie underclock the processor etc to essentially turn the PS2 into a PS1 briefly. You can imagine that everytime a new console comes out the software programming gets messier and messier because you need to have more and more alternate states for the system. Ive babbled too much already.
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18. January 2006 @ 01:25 |
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And yes. Given homebrew eventually runs on a PS3 (it will require some sort of mod) an N64 emulator will be easily achievable. You can bet your ass however that Nintendo will fight it because they are releasing their retro program with the revolution and emulation is going to step on their toes.
18. January 2006 @ 03:27 |
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What is the charge for the older console games on the REV? anyone know?
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