You should Not Capture at 12mb sec because the DVD standard Has a Max Bitrate of 9800kbs for audio and Video Combined and any Bitrate Higher than this will cause the Captured File to Not be DVD Compliant....
You should set your Bitrate Based on How Long your Movie is so that it Fits on a DVD perfectly as you will Get Better Quality Captureing at the Correct Bitrate than Captureing at the Highest Bitrate you can and then Re-encodeing it so it is Smaller ...
Also you should Not use DVD-Shrink or Recode to Put these Mpeg-2 files on to DVD, You should be useing a Proper DVD authoring Program so you can Add Chapters and your Own Custom menu"s ect.....
Try something like "Tmpgenc DVD author" or "MediaChance DVDLab Pro" both will Accept your Captured Mpeg-2 Files and let you add menu"s and Chapters and author them to DVD without re-encodeing the Files and Ruining the Quality.....
To Figure out what Bitrate you should be Captureing at based on the Length of your Movie you should use a Bitrate Calculator....The one I use is Called "PowerBit" and all you Do is Put in the Length of your Movie and it will tell you what Bitrate to use so the Movie Fits on a DVD without Going over and then you Capture the Movie useing that Bitrate and when you are Done you should have a Mpeg-2 file that is just under 4.38gb that you Can Load into a DVD authoring Program and add your Menu"s and Chapters and Burn to DVD...
Captureing at the Highest Bitrate you can and then re-encodeing the Files totally defeats the Whole Purpose of haveing a Hardware Mpeg-2 encoder Card....the whole Advantage to useing Hardware Mpeg-2 compression is so you Don"t have to re-encode the Files because they are allready in Mpeg-2/DVD format......
PS: You should also maybe Try the capture software that came with your card....
P-4 2.6ghz (Overclocked to 3.2ghz)
Abit IS7
1gb Dual Chanell DDR 400mhz
Zalman CNPS7000-CU Cooler(Modded with 50cfm Fan)
XFX Gforce 6600GT 128mb GDDR3 (500/1000)
Pinnacle DV500 ADVC Editing Card
RaidMax Scorpio ATX Case + 5 Led
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. January 2006 @ 12:50