My HONEST opinion on the XBOX360 v's PS3
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21. January 2006 @ 17:07 |
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In my honest opinion I have always disliked the Playstation format. At every point of their incarnation I have found a better console spend my time and money on.
However, I am NOT stupid.
People can go on and on and on about which console is better, the real fact is 'who cares which console is better???'
We are talking about people! and people believe what they are told!
and more people are told what to buy through the best advertising, and that is one point NO ONE can argue with!!! SONY (yes, the Playstation is NOT of its own conception) has realised this, and has had the best marketing and advertising for a product in our generation. (Why they then screw up so bad with their other products is beyond me)
So, regardless of how powerful each machine is, it really comes down to who is gonna get the best companies to make games for them, because it doesn't matter how good your machine is if you have rubbish software running on it! And on this front I believe SONY have ALREADY won the battle. If you dissagree, thats up to you, just do me a favour. Go to your local game store and see how much wall space is given to each format (including PC). I think you'll find that the PS2 comes out top.
Now these may not all be top games, but the public generally doesn't know or care as they are pretty lame at games. It is only an elite few who are 'gamers' that can tell the difference between games and quality.
So, anyway... I believe that no matter how powerful each machine is, the PS3 will come out on top as I believe it will be the biggest selling console of ALL time, and whether you like it or not, THAT DEMANDS OUR RESPECT!!!
And here's to the future and the ones that will take the crowns from SONY and MICROSOFT like they did from SEGA and NINTENDO.
Junior Member
21. January 2006 @ 17:58 |
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what I didnt like about the last to playstations was the controler, just could not stand them. I liked the xbox controler, but the new one dosnt seam to feel as good. havent held the ps3 one yet (dont think many have). If I cant stand a controler then how can I play for hours on end lol
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21. January 2006 @ 23:56 |
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Easy, use a controller converter (use a ps3 control on an xbox360 xbox360 control on a ps3 etc). They aren't that deer.
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22. January 2006 @ 01:06 |
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firstly just b/c people are stupid to think that a bigger libary is good does not make the games console better, it just means that its been released longer.
also you said just b/c the console sells more means it deserves our respect, well i think not, the only time it gets peoples respect is when it has good features and produces good games (not masses of games but good ones, like sega, n64, ps1 and xbox, and now even xbox 360.
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24. January 2006 @ 09:22 |
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To fazyninja:
Buddy, I NEVER said that a larger library of games made a better console, so get your quotes right! And on the same topic it also doesn't mean that it has been out longer either. PS2 had way more games than the Dreamcast and that was out almost a year before the PS2.
Secondly, I wasn't talking specificly about respect for the console, more the overall concept of the console (product, marketing, games etc...). You also go on to mix your own argument by putting the likes of the PS1 with Nintendo (varioous machines). Nintendo is renowned for making the games THEY want to make and not flooding the market with rubbish (regardless of whether you like them or not) unlike the PS franchise who have more individual releases than the rest of the console market for the past 10 years.
Just remember why these people and companies are doing what they are doing... at the end of the day its about making fortunes, not ideals. So, we should respect them when they achieve above and beyond just making money, and make an iconic product, again whether you like it or not.
To Ascarta:
I'm the same as you buddy, I've liked various consoles over the years but I have tended to buy ones that I thought had the best controller. I too like the XBOX-S controller and also dislike the new 360 controller. But I do have to admit that I had a Dreamcast and that controller was a BRICK!!! lol
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. January 2006 @ 09:24
Senior Member
25. January 2006 @ 12:33 |
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man some of the posts on here are such bs.
"firstly just b/c people are stupid to think that a bigger libary is good does not make the games console better, it just means that its been released longer.
also you said just b/c the console sells more means it deserves our respect, well i think not, the only time it gets peoples respect is when it has good features and produces good games (not masses of games but good ones, like sega, n64, ps1 and xbox, and now even xbox 360."
man, a larger library means a few things typically. the more games you have the higher the chance that there is going to be better/worse games available. lets face it game developers not consoles do put out some pretty pathetic excuses for games, but either way its funny you dont mention ps2 in your list of elite systems.
i mean how many systems had backwards compat..., play dvd/cds??? in all fairness i do think a system that has shipped over 100million units does deserve some respect. ESPECIALLY when it is the so called inferior console (xbox did have better graphics/live). so are you trying to tell me that the extra year sony had to push their console made all of the world as far as its success. i think you made it quite clear which console has the mass library and lesser games in your opinion. but obviously what made the ps2 into what it has become (leader) is no other than it's game line ups and its mass array of games. Dont forget the ps2 is 2 consoles in one.
i am humored how you manage to throw the 360 into the list of your favored consoles (although your list does pretty much suck, n64 for one was way inferior to the original NES). im not sure how you can quite say that the 360 has good games, i will agree with you that it has some really nice graphics and features but as far as games?? lets see...the madden game is nice but nothing new or special especially if you already had madden 06 on xbox/ps2. CO2 has had several plagues of rugged/laggy play on live and DOA4 has had some problems as well. both these games have/had the potential to be really nice. Im not sure its fair to say the 360 is all that even though they had a fairly reasonable launch line up, if you consider the problems with CO2 and DOA4, unless of course you are just willing to sit and wait for those companies to make available their patches for the games so you can get something that finally works. seems to me that the 360 is already headed done that mass library console as many would say the games/console was definately rushed.
try not to be so biased about things and i for one hope the future of games for the 360 are a little bit more reliable.
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25. January 2006 @ 13:41 |
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ok look you guys got me wrong, what i mean is that even if the console has more games does not mean they are good games and personally i determine weather a games console is good or not by the games it produces, so fine your correct when you say that by having more games means that the chance of you finding a game you like is better but that does not make me respect the console.
also the reason i did not add the ps2 into my list of best consoles is b/c i felt it was too similar to the ps, by this i mean it still had only 2 player, a lot of the good games were sequals, and the graphics had not improved that much.
i know xbox 360 is not exactly perfect or anything near, but i like the controller, it feels a lot better than the older one and also the XBL button in the middle is pretty cool. the graphics are ok for the moment but after seeing what they are bringing out in 2006 i am pretty confident i made the correct decision when buying the xbox 360. as for games ans their gameplay, i love xbox games, i know some people do not like them that much but those are the games that appeal to me. i have completed cod2 2 times now and working through pgr 3. for some reasone i have never really enjoyed the ps2 games, games like ff and mgs are not my kind of thing. also the features that the xbox 360 has are really cool, like the market place, xbox live arcade and xbox live itself. i know you mentioned that they have had problems with the XBL in some games but all in all its very cool if the game devs get it right like with halo 2 and as you said they are creating patches for some of the games with lagg probs.
all in all i go for the console with best games and best features, and for me at the momment that will be xbox 360 and nintendo rev (super smash bros melee online) and if the ps3 releases i find the games to be different then i will most likely get one, but i doubt that will happen b/c 100 million people who owned the ps2 are gonna want to see similar games which they found fun for the previouse console.
p.s if this makes no sense then its b/c its really late and i am tierd. lol.
Senior Member
25. January 2006 @ 19:12 |
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i think its safe to say i know what you mean now lol. different people like different genres/types of games and for me playstation in general has fulfilled that demand for me better than any other format, and from the looks of things will continue to do just that.
i actually fell into the 360 hype awhile back but after the release and rapid reports of problems and recently reading how a couple of games wernt quite up to snuff (COD2/DOA4), dont get me wrong two great games (actually have COD2 pc) but things in my eyes just seem to point to one conclusion - the 360 was rushed a tad too early, people shouldnt have to wait for patches to release to finally be able to play glitch free games. i really do hope the 360 does well and has some great games because lets face it, more competition means more pressure on competiting companies which should result in new/better innovations for the customers..you n me..
i will also say that nintendo is looking better and better. the idea of dl and playing the old classics is pretty sweet. i must say no matter how great madden is, tecmo super bowl is still the best football game ever... im a little old school i must admit.
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25. January 2006 @ 20:36 |
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Since microsoft owns xbox I can't really say that it will fail but it defenitly won't do as good as ps3 because it doesn't have blue ray. You can do so much more with blue ray. Imagine how much bigger grand theft auto will be and a lot of other games. I mean yeah xbox 360 might seem cool to some people right now but later down the road when more games get released for the 360 and ps3 people are going to start seeing the difference in the games. The ps3 games will be a lot bigger and will be able to do more things where the 360 won't be able to do. Remember the ps2 having the ability to play dvd's was really big at the time since dvd players costed a lot. That's what lead to the end of the dreamcast. Dreamcast had nothing special and it just couldn't compete with the ps2. Same thing that will happen with the 360. It has nothing special and the only thing that people can really look forward to is halo 3 but where do you go from there??
ps3 with 20gb hard drive
xbox 360 premium edtion with vga/hd hook up to my dell 20.1 inch widescreen lcd.
White and black 1.5 psp's
I'll take this down WHEN micro$oft decides to stop being lazy and make the capcom fighting games backwards compatible with the 360 dammit!!!
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25. January 2006 @ 21:44 |
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