I need PS2 V12 Help Please!
Junior Member
15. February 2006 @ 13:30 |
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First of all much respect to this forum and the very smart people who post great messages and suggestions.
Okay I have a PS2 V12 and I know a little about the laser problem that can happen. I am looking to play torrent backups. My question is should I go with the solderless dms4 or just use swap magic? Im afraid of screwing this V12 up by playing backups so do I need to solder the laser fix? Any help of suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
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15. February 2006 @ 14:36 |
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If you have any questions that have not been awnsered send me a private message ASAP.
Newbies guide to backing up and playing ps2 DVD games:
visit i_suck's ps2 website http://ps2burns.host.sk
Before posting search for awnsers throughout the sight.
Understatement: All information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge. The 100% accuracy of the information I give cannot be guaranteed.
Proud Senior Member
15. February 2006 @ 15:26 |
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dms solderless is not compatible with V12+
Junior Member
15. February 2006 @ 16:06 |
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Okay I hav the V12 which the top opens so I can easily open it. Will I still need the tool to open the cd bay. Also will playing backups make my laser burn out faster because its a v12 version. I have a laptop cooler on the bottom of the ps2 v12. Will that help any?
Junior Member
15. February 2006 @ 16:13 |
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also I got the swap magic 3.6 from a torrent, will that work or will I still need the originals plus the tool?
Senior Member
15. February 2006 @ 17:20 |
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6. Q. Can I burn Swap Magic, Breaker Pro, HD loader, or HD advance?
A. No the only way to boot a backup of these is with a modchip, an original version, or a MC exploit.
from tokijins thread
AfterDawn Addict
15. February 2006 @ 19:04 |
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You need an original copy of Swap Magic. The only way to a backup is with an original copy or modchip. The best solution is a quality modchip like the DMS 4 Pro SE or Matrix Infinity. They cost a little more in the short term, but you'll never need to rebuild a game, shrink a DVD-9 to DVD-5, or patch a PAL game to NTSC. If you get a modchip for a v.12 PS2, make sure you get a laser fix installed as well.
5. Q. What modchip should I get?
A. Matrix Infinity (Green Dot), DMS 4 Pro SE, or the Crystal Chip 1.1. The DMS 4 Pro SE has a HD Loader built into the flash and all the feature's you'd expect from a quality modchip, I recommend the DMS 4 SE Pro, because it has a 2MB flash built into the chip, and it's only about $10 more than the DMS 4 SE Lite. If you're interested in playing games off a HD, take a look at the DMS 4 Pro SE.
The Matrix Infinity is the grandfather of auto boot modchips. It was the first modchip to auto boot backups/imports with no swapping/resetting. It's feature packed and simple to use. Matrix Chips are probably a little more durable than the other two, and extremely reliable. There are a lot of Matrix Infinity clones out there, make sure you order from one of the reputable installers listed in this thread.
The Crystal Chip 1.1 is the latest contender to graduate to the top flight chip category. It is feature packed, simple to use, and effective. The CC auto patches DNA ID's so you'd never need to bother with Windip, Winimage, or Disc ID Insertor. Definitely recommended if you play your backups online alot. To boot backups/imports the Crystal Chip requires the use of "hacked" firmware. It's simply the official firmware modified so the chip can boot backups and imports. Everyone who uses the CC uses the hacked firmware, so fear not. The only feature that the CC doesn't share with the other two chips is support for cheat devices like ARMAX or Game Shark.
http://teammodders.com/ps2_mc.php?ex=2#31 CC 1.1 Hacked Firmware v.19: http://www.forumconsolas.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1213
I personally have a Matrix Infinity and it works great. I have no regrets as to getting a modchip over Swap Magic. Once you have a quality modchip, you'll never go back to disc swapping again. It cost's a little more in the short term, but think of all the time you'll save rebuilding, shrinking DVD-9 to DVD-5, patching PAL games to NTSC, and the like. If you haven't noticed, most people who have trouble getting games to boot are Swap Magic users. This isn't nearly as frequent a problem for people who have modchips. Just some food for thought.
Note: v.12 PS2's will need a laser fix like the neo fix. This is necessary to keep the laser from burning out.
From KC36330, a professional modder and member of AD:
If your modder didn't install a laser fix then most likely your laser is now on its way out. All V12 PS2's require the laser fix, especially modded consoles. Even a new unmodded slimline v. 12 PS2 can burn the laser out in as little as a few hours of game play.
Laser fix info: http://www.modchip.com/ps2/v12laserfix.htm
Also be wary of this if you have a v.9 or 10 PS2, you will require what is known as a "Romeo Mod."
From KCC36630:
It's not really a DMS related mod, it is a V9/10 laser issue and is often refereed to by modders as 'Version 9/10 syndrome.'
As is the V9/10 has 12v driving the LA chip which feeds the focus coils for the laser. When scratched or low quality media is used the LA chip will feed a voltage to the focus coils. Anywhere from 0-12v (in an unmodded setup) and this voltage can cause coil burn out, damage to the LA chip from overheating, and even cause the ribbon cable to the laser (coils) to deteriorate which can lead to them shorting together and taking out the LA chip all together. The 'Romeo Mod' removes the 12v feed to the LA chip and replaces it with 5v. this is done by lifting pin 17 on the LA chip completely off the PS2s motherboard and soldering a 30 awg wire to the lifted pin and attaching the wire to any 5v source on the mobo.
One of the first tests on a V9/10 (prior to modding) that I do is to check the coil resistance, it should be 4.5-5 Ω each.
26. Q. I'm in the market for a modchip or premodded console. What are some reputable sites I can order from?
A. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/251223 In addition http://www.modchip.com and http://www.norcalmods.com are supposed to be reliable. http://www.Xmodds.com is another quality mod site. If you're interested in a premod or modchip, be sure to order from one of these high quality sites.
Junior Member
15. February 2006 @ 22:31 |
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Thank you for the help! I think I am going to go through the Team Modders and have them hook up everything for me. My ps2 v12 works great so before it takes a crap I will purchase a mod chip and the laser fix and send it to them. I wish I new about them before I purchased this ps2 from ebay. I would of purchased a pre-modded ps2 from them instead!!
AfterDawn Addict
16. February 2006 @ 01:56 |
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Good Decision. What chip did you decide on? Getting your PS2 modded after the fact doesn't cost you that much more money. I know for a fact that almost all teammodders.com's business comes from after market mods. Welcome to the modchip club. Next stop, limitless fun with the PS2! Cheers!
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AfterDawn Addict
16. February 2006 @ 11:52 |
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i of course will agree with Tokijin 110%
Get a good mod chip installed and you will be much happier
than if you went with Swap Magic.
No rebuilding, swapping or screen cut off just for starters.
Teammodders does a great job and stands behind what they do.
If you have a V12, you need to buy a laser fix when you get your chip and have them also inatll that, or you WILL be sorry later.
And to add to the above Summone and Comsoft V4 are 2 other good laser fixes.
Junior Member
16. February 2006 @ 12:47 |
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I will be sending it to TeamModders on tuesday feb 21st. They will be doing the laser fix and installing the Crystal 1.1 chip. I have heard great things about them from your forum so im going with them because you guys are very talented in what you do. They are giving me a great deal on this! I will give you guys a update when I get it back from them.
Thanks again!
AfterDawn Addict
16. February 2006 @ 15:40 |
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Yeah the Crystal Chip is a good chip, the auto patching of DNA's is pretty nifty. The only real draw back to it is the fact it doesn't support cheat devices. Obviously that's not a big deal if you don't cheat. I don't, so wouldn't matter to me one iota. Cheers!
Junior Member
18. February 2006 @ 11:53 |
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I feel like a moron with the help of my son. We actually thought we were sending our ps2 to team modders when it was actually trustedmods.com. Anybody hear any good things from these guys? The other team took days to contact me. These guys sent emails pretty fast. Anyhow I hope they do a good job but im sure they will. There website looks great and they seem pretty reputable.
Suspended permanently
18. February 2006 @ 15:16 |
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One of my buddies had their ps2 modded from them. I heard they are pretty good.
If you have any questions that have not been awnsered send me a private message ASAP.
Newbies guide to backing up and playing ps2 DVD games:
visit i_suck's ps2 website http://ps2burns.host.sk
Before posting search for awnsers throughout the sight.
Understatement: All information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge. The 100% accuracy of the information I give cannot be guaranteed.
Proud Senior Member
AfterDawn Addict
18. February 2006 @ 17:33 |
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I've heard they're okay, but nothing definite. That name seems to be popping up more and more, maybe I'll do some checking.
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
22. February 2006 @ 16:36 |
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please help i got my dms pro se installed plus my hdconnect everythig working fine except i get lines on my tv screen plus buzzing sound from my tv speakers and its only happen when i plug power to my hdd
AfterDawn Addict
22. February 2006 @ 16:47 |
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Does the screen flicker and roll constantly?
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22. February 2006 @ 16:51 |
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yes it does
AfterDawn Addict
22. February 2006 @ 16:59 |
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You're trying to play a PAL game on an NTSC TV/PS2 or vice versa. You need to adjust the video mode in Toxic OS to whatever format your TV/PS2 is. If you're in the U.S. your TV should be NTSC, if you're in Europe, you need to adjust to PAL.
83. Q. I have a modchip. I downloaded a PAL/NTSC game and my TV/PS2 is in the the other video format. How do I force video mode?
With DMS 4:
Thanks to Doozerr2 from this thread: http://web02063.prolocation.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4198
-> Playstation 2 game video fix
There are 4 different modes for the PS2 video fix, as described below:
- Colour Carrier: The colour carrier of the video signal is changed to match the region of your console.
- Force PAL: Video mode forced to PAL (50hz), regardless of what video mode games try to set. Y-position fix applied.
- Force NTSC: Video mode forced to NTSC (60hz), regardless of what video mode games try to set. Y-position fix applied.
- Force PAL60: Video mode forced to PAL60, which is 60hz with PAL colour carrier. Y-position fix applied.
The y-position fix is used to shift the vertical position of the display to where it should be. For example, simply forcing PAL when a NTSC game is running will generally result in the display being far off center. The y-position fix corrects this and centers the display.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
22. February 2006 @ 17:07 |
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Tokijin im using toxic os dms4 pro se + hdconnect NTSC tv and NTSC games i and im sure my settngs r correct theres gotta b something wrong with installation but i check it and it looks fine
AfterDawn Addict
22. February 2006 @ 17:09 |
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I'm not sure you can adjust games off the HD with the Y fix. I'll look into it. Until then, burn the games to disc and see if the Y fix is functioning properly.
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22. February 2006 @ 17:47 |
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If you have any questions that have not been awnsered send me a private message ASAP.
Newbies guide to backing up and playing ps2 DVD games:
visit i_suck's ps2 website http://ps2burns.host.sk
Before posting search for awnsers throughout the sight.
Understatement: All information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge. The 100% accuracy of the information I give cannot be guaranteed.
Proud Senior Member
Suspended due to non-functional email address
22. February 2006 @ 18:25 |
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My Mother Board Gets Really Hot Is It Normal ?
dms4 pro se
toxic os
v12 250gb hddconnect
AfterDawn Addict
22. February 2006 @ 19:03 |
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According to KC, DMS chips should auto Y fix the game. I don't think there's any patch that will help. I'm still awaiting word for some more info. Stay tuned.
Junior Member
23. February 2006 @ 11:20 |
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