PS3 release date or just another rumor?!! BE THE JUDGE!!
17. February 2006 @ 07:53 |
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Junior Member
20. February 2006 @ 01:15 |
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Thanks man I beleive that sounds about right. It seems sony is biting its tongue since they said the PS3 would be ready by spring.
Junior Member
20. February 2006 @ 05:42 |
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I think that it might be a true release date.GameStop has already started to let people preoder PS3 games,so why not launch Sept.
Senior Member
20. February 2006 @ 09:34 |
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That sucks for the people who just figured they would wait a semester and get a PS3 will end up waiting for almost twice as long.
But at least there won't be such a long time between Japan release and the US release.
21. February 2006 @ 03:24 |
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1. March 2006 @ 13:32 |
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Ugh that's too long from now. They're taking way too long to make this console.
2. March 2006 @ 02:13 |
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It's not really that long to wait and considering that it'll be cheaper than most Bluray players and can play games too it's worth waiting for.
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2. March 2006 @ 06:23 |
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Maybe it will be out in the US then but it will be out sooner in Japan than that. They said that a spring release was still what they were aiming for so id say earlier in Japan but about then in the US!!
Still to far away tho.. :(
AfterDawn Addict
23 product reviews
3. March 2006 @ 10:02 |
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So far sony has not said any releasedates. They're just saying spring 2006 for Japan, but they're having major problems with bluray format, so it's delaying the release even further. Anyway even if it is launched in spring (what might be sony's concept of spring?), we'll have to drool all over our keyboards, while looking gameplay videos from Japan. It's going to take at least 6 months from Jpn launch, until it's released in the US. And we europeans have to wait even longer ^_^ But what the heck, I'll play my 360 while waiting.
4. March 2006 @ 08:39 |
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I'd like to agree with arcanix about oh well I don't care about when the PS3 comes out but I don't have a lot of money to spend on both the PS3, xbox360, or revolution. I want the systems to come out so I can figure out which company gets my $400 plus $60-$180 for 1-3 games to play on it.
Senior Member
4. March 2006 @ 10:52 |
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Anyone have April Game Informer yet?
It might tell us about the released date.
Be the way, they NOT going to released it December.
I read that it needs to be released by Thanksgiving.
I hope it lands on my birthday (24th Nov.)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. March 2006 @ 10:55
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4. March 2006 @ 12:07 |
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Ugh how annoying. PS3, Nintendo Revolution, and Halo 3 all on the same day. Just release it now and make millions.
Junior Member
16. March 2006 @ 07:07 |
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from gamestops website halo 3 is slated for a Pre-Release
ETA: 10/3/06.
A ps3 newsletter i recieved had interview notes from sony and ps3 is slated for, i can't remember the exact date and my firewall at work wont let me check it, but something like sep 21.
and for revolution, there hasnt been a release of any sorts but last i heard they were going to release the same day gamecube did when it came out. october 12 or 21, something like that.
sorry i cant remember the specifics but it is still pretty narrowed down compared to "fall 2006"