Max Drive Pro
Junior Member
28. February 2006 @ 15:22 |
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I managed to pick up a Max Drive Pro for like $40 the other day and now I need some help.
I already seen the MDP guide posted here, that isn't what the problem is.
I am on dial up, I won't be downloading any ISOs off the web, instead I wanna make my own.
I read the PSO guide and I own a print of PSO 1 and 2, the problem is I can't find that stupid file PSUL v1.1 for the life of me. All I get is forums and web pages talking about it when I search google.
There was a few links posted around the froums, even some FTP groups I guess, all those links are dead.
That and Mod that Cube is down, or Id check out that place.
Where the hell else can I get PSUL V1.1? I am at my freaking wits end here.
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28. February 2006 @ 15:55 |
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Don't even bother with PSUL. Just run GCOM off your MDP and backup games with that.
28. February 2006 @ 21:29 |
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Junior Member
28. February 2006 @ 22:13 |
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Hmm I am curious about GCOM now, I am a bit new to the Gamecube scene.
With GCOM do I just you know, choose back-up and then swap disks and thats it? Instead of having to do all sorts of port bull crap like the Phantasy Star Online exploit?
Another thing is, does it still go through the model via a cross over cable? Or does it do it by USB?
And, the biggest question of all is, does it back stuff up faster then the PSO exploit?
28. February 2006 @ 22:25 |
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from the gcom nfo:
./+:-` ./+:. -/+/-` y. `-``/ `- :-
` /dMNNMMd/ ` `omMMMNdo` `omMNNMmo``-` hMN+M/ :MMdNo
:ohMs. -dMh h.NM+. :hMN- ./:NNo` `/dNNo hMMMNh. `NMMMMo
/NMM. .mm. `NyMm hN+ ++dMm+ +NmMd hMMMM-h` hMMMmNo
/MMM. `NhMm ++mMd. +dmdMm.` hMMMM/.` +MMMMydo
/MMM. `NhMm ++mMh``/`/mdMm hMMmMm` -sNMMMMy+o
/MMM. .+hs-` `NhMm ++mMh . /dhMm hMN/MMy sMNo.MMy+o
/MMM. .dNMMM: `NhMm ++mMh-` :dhMm hMN/NoMshNMd. NMy+o
/MMM. -MMM:` `NhMm ++mMh-` :dhMm hMN+NsMMMMms NMy+o
/MMM. -MMMs` NhMm ++mMh` -dhMm .dMMmm--MMm` NMy+o
.mMM. .sMM: hhMm `.:o. ./mMh -+hMNsssomMm-d +m- NMy+o
./MM/..`--yMm` .o`/MN. .MM: sMd dMh` hMm-h NMy+o
:-+oomMMNymmNMNmo+hs oNNmsshNN/ oNNmsosmNs` hMm ` NMy``
hMNsoo+++sys/----.-` `/syyo:` `/syyo/` :o: +o-
sNh` .
??-------------------------------- [ GCOM 2.4 ] ----------------------------??
??--- [ Archive Contents ] ---??
GCOM24.txt This file :)
GCOM24Config.exe Windows 32 Console Executable
GCOM24Config Linux x86 32bit Executable
??--- [ Features ] ---??
* Disc Ripping up to 2600kbps
* DOL Sending up to 1800kbps
* Game Backup Booting
* MultiGame Backup Support
* ISO 9660 / Joliet DVD dol loading
* Still fits as a Viper Plugin - just!
* Z PAL mode
* Action Replay Backup
* GC-Linux Homebrew Bootable DVD Compatiblity
??--- [ What's new ] ---??
* GC-Linux Homebrew Bootable DVD Compatability
??--- [ Hardware Requirements ] ---??
Nintendo Gamecube
NGC BroadBand Adapter
??--- [ Recommended Software ] ---??
GNU wget 1.8.2 or newer
You simply can't beat wget for speed under Windows or linux.
GNU netcat
The quickest way to get your DOL on your GC!
GNU md5sum
Nice and quick way to check the validity of your backup.
??--- [ Running GCOM 2.4 ] ---??
Transfer the GCOM24.DOL file to your GC in the manner that best suits you.
GCOM24 will now attempt to automatically set the line speed for your network.
There are three modes it will try, before failing.
1. AutoNegotiated
This is the preferred setup, as it chooses best fit for your network.
2. 100Mbps Half Duplex
This is second best, and offers the same throughput as option 1.
3. 10Mbps Half Duplex
The old fallback! - Same speed as most other rippers - so don't get
If GCOM cannot make a network connection, you may still be able to use the
new Boot options!
Pressing B during detect will skip detection, but your network may be
??--- [ Network Functions ] ---??
1. Loading a DOL file
To send a DOL file over to GCOM, simply use ->
"nc your_gamecube_ip 4000 < yourfile.dol"
So assuming you have the default IP of, and you want to send
over a homebrew DOL, Tetris.dol for example, use:
nc 4000 < Tetris.dol
2. Backing Up An Original GC Disc
Select 'Backup Original Disc' from the onscreen menu. The disc will stop
spinning. Insert the disc you wish to backup in the GC, and press A. GCOM will
now display the game banner and title in the information bar at the top of
the screen.
Use wget to capture your backup by typing:
Obviously, substituting the IP you have chosen!
??--- [ Boot Game Functions ] ---??
If you want to test a backup made with GCOM, select 'Play Game Backup' from
the main menu.
GCOM will stop the disc spinning, and prompt you to insert your backup disc.
Press A, and GCOM will try to load the disc for you.
I have left the default option of forcing PAL/NTSC on the boot menu, but in
reality, they are pretty pointless! Very few games accept being in the wrong
video mode!
However, this pause is useful if you intend to use Action Replay or GCNRD.
You can also play games created with VMBIC, COBRA Multiboot Discs.
??--- [ Z PAL Mode ] ---??
I added this to allow GCOM to be forced to PAL mode, if it's detected
incorrectly on your system.
Just hold the Z key as GCOM boots, and PAL mode will be set.
??--- [ Load DOL from DVD ] ---??
This should be pretty self explanatory. When prompted, insert your ISO DVD and
follow the prompts until you are at the file browser.
Highight the dol you want to run, and press A.
When used from a gc-linux Homebrew Bootable DVD, the option to change disc on
dol loading is disabled. However, you can browse and run any dols which are on
the disc.
??--- [ Known Limitations ] ---??
There is a limit of 1000 files per directory in the browser.
Use X/Y to fast page up/down.
??--- [ A note about NICs ] ---??
Your GameCube comes with a pretty poor Macronix NIC, so you're starting off
with a not-so-great base.
The choice of NIC you buy for your PC makes a huge difference. I'd
recommend 3COM or Intel, as these seem to work just fine.
Don't expect a cheap Realtek or D-Link to come close. The 2 quid you saved
on those would have made a huge difference now !
??--- [ Technical Credits ] ---??
GCOM 2.4 softdev
DevkitPPC r12 wntrmute/shagkur
lwIP Adam Dunkels/Swedish Insitute of Computer Science
DVD Magic Ninjamod Team/Whisperin
GCOM 2.4 Testing softdev (core) / Xboxmodder ( XenoGC )
??--- [ Miscellaneous ] ---??
GCOM was developed on linux using the DevkitPPC cross-compiler.
??--- [ -------------------------------------------------------------- ] ---??
Suspended due to non-functional email address
1. March 2006 @ 13:58 |
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Quote: With GCOM do I just you know, choose back-up and then swap disks and thats it? Instead of having to do all sorts of port bull crap like the Phantasy Star Online exploit?
Yeah, just load it with MDP and place the game you wish to back-up into the GC.
Quote: Another thing is, does it still go through the model via a cross over cable? Or does it do it by USB?
It requires a BBA, which can be used with either a cross over cable or through a home network. GCOM doesn't support USB, as that's a ViperGC Extreme exclusive at this point.
Quote: And, the biggest question of all is, does it back stuff up faster then the PSO exploit?
Of course it does. Not to mention it takes less time to get up and running.
Junior Member
1. March 2006 @ 15:07 |
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Ok good, I did a few back-ups with PSO last night and its slow, tedious and troublesome.
Junior Member
1. March 2006 @ 22:19 |
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Heh all right I think I got all my answers questioned that I needed. I bought the recommended style of blank disks to buy and I got the Max Drive Pro coming in the mail also.
I do have 3 final questions.
1. Do you HAVE to use Nero or will any DVD burning software work ok? I got Roxio Easy CD and DVD creator on my system right now.
2. I read you will have better luck with a DVD-R/RW drive that has an updated firmware. How can I check up on this?
3. I have had my gamecube for almost 2 years now. How possible is it then that I am going to have to adjust the POT and how hard is it? The reason why I went with Max Drive Pro was so I didn't HAVE to open my NGC up.
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2. March 2006 @ 10:57 |
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1. Just get Imgburn and burn at 4x.
2. 3. This is based completely on your GC and no one can give you a definite answer. Basically, the only for you to find out is to try playing a back-up and see what happens.
Junior Member
4. March 2006 @ 03:45 |
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Heh, hey guys, I got a new question or two now. Bascilly I am waiting for my Max Drive Pro in the mail still. So while I am waiting I have been reading up on everything and making sure I understand everything.
I am WILL be using the bios GCos V1.5 and the back-up notes say:
"...Rip discs from http://GCIP/backup.iso..."
I am not sure what they mean by that, and I do not know if the back-up meathod is the same as the PSO meathod. What happens? I choose the back-up option and then use like firefox or IE to open that location "http://GCIP/backup.iso"? If anyone can shed any light on that Id be thankful.
My next question is that apperently you can get Gamecube images smaller then 1.4GB, and you should use the software Wiped GCM. Problem is the file I downloaded did not tell me the command or how to use them. So if someone could explain to me how to use Wiped GCM Id be thankful for sharing.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. March 2006 @ 03:58
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4. March 2006 @ 06:54 |
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Quote: "...Rip discs from http://GCIP/backup.iso..."
It means that you need to go to http://GameCube's IP address on home netork/backup.iso
Which could be for example.
Use Internet Explorer since FireFox tends to ruin the iso for some reason. Or use wget if you can figure out how to use it.
Quote: My next question is that apperently you can get Gamecube images smaller then 1.4GB, and you should use the software Wiped GCM. Problem is the file I downloaded did not tell me the command or how to use them. So if someone could explain to me how to use Wiped GCM Id be thankful for sharing.
Don't wipe GameCube images unless you plan on playing games by streaming or you plan on storing games on your hard drive and wish for them to take up less space. If you burn wiped images (garbage data removed from the iso) then it might not play right and can cause excessive wear on your GameCube's laser assembly. The garbage data is there to help it read discs easier and faster, so taking it out is a bad idea.
If you plan on wiping images so you can keep them on your hard drive, make sure you get fstfix so you can put garbage data back into the iso before you bun it again.
If you were trying to get more than one game on a disc, just get Viper Multiboot ISO Creator and use that to automatically put multiple games into a single ISO file that works with Viper, Qoob, and GCoS (at least I think it does).
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13. March 2006 @ 11:56 |
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For those of you waiting for the Max Drive Pro in the mail, it's not coming anytime soon. Unless the website specifically says that it has been shipped, the item is actually out of stock. You may be lucky and orderd it when it was in stock, but for me it isn't the case. Stupid thing is that thecodejunkies site has been listing it as in stock for over 2 weeks now, even though its not. The support line is stupid. I hate them.
Speaking of that, you know where else I can get it? Seems like some of you got it in store, but I dunno what store sells it.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. March 2006 @ 11:57