i just downloaded Rebuilder 0.97 edition. I need to know what to set my mode to. Right now its at HC encounter mode with one click mode. My CCE option is at basic and my HC encounter is at normal.
Anything I need to change?? I already decrypted the movie with DVD Decrypter, so i know thats my source path, but I need help with working path, can I just make my own folder and let it go there or any ideas.
I tried it out and it got locked up at about 2 percent, what am I doing wrong?
Make sure that working path and output path are located in two different folders. If you have them in the same folder, that will cause some problems. Don't forget that HC encoder is to be placed in DVD Rebuilder folder as well.
Here is my setting, the destination/temporary folder are the same but on a different drive. The source folder is different.
It is easier if you have your destination/temp folder the same. Just what encoder do you plan on using, as you can only use one, and that is the one you must check off in your mode tab. If you are using CCE Basic then you must have purchased it, otherwise you need to make sure you have the HC checked.
under mode uncheck enable output directory. This will enable rb to automatically use the same folder for work path and destination. Then all you have to worry about is a sorce folder and work path folder. Sorce will be the ripped dvd folder and you can make a new folder (titled anything you want and wherever you want) when you click work path. I don't know why this isn't a default setting since it is easier.