Where are you sat?
Senior Member
21. July 2007 @ 10:40 |
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It doesn't really bother me knowing how much money I could have saved then if I would have waited and bought it. But it bothers me that I could have gotten a 1080p LCD 46" for the same price as my 42" 720p plasma.
21. July 2007 @ 12:38 |
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AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
21. July 2007 @ 14:29 |
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Wow!!! You actually have a working 360??? Mine has been dead since january and I have sent it in for repair 10 times and it has came back dead on arrival all 10 times!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
21. July 2007 @ 14:46 |
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Why am I sceptical of that statement?
I think 10 times is probably an exaggeration Domreis. Ours still works, I'd photo it, but it's currently hooked up to my parents' TV, which is OK I suppose, but nothing special (Sharp Aquos LC26GA5E)
Tybro, you broke the golden rule! Not to have bigger speakers than your TV!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. July 2007 @ 14:46
Senior Member
21. July 2007 @ 16:09 |
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I think the actual size of the woofer is bigger than the TV.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
21. July 2007 @ 16:16 |
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Not quite, but almost. 30" monitor versus 10" sub, nah I'm not quite going to cut it!
Senior Member
21. July 2007 @ 16:21 |
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I'd say his are 15" woofer, maybe 20" TV. However I'm no where close either with satellite speakers and a 42" TV. If somebody wants to come over and help me clean up my setup I'll post a picture, I'm just too lazy to clean.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
21. July 2007 @ 16:23 |
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Lol cleaning? Bah, I'm so lazy I posted the pictures anyway!
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
21. July 2007 @ 18:41 |
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Originally posted by sammorris: Why am I sceptical of that statement?
I think 10 times is probably an exaggeration Domreis. Ours still works, I'd photo it, but it's currently hooked up to my parents' TV, which is OK I suppose, but nothing special (Sharp Aquos LC26GA5E)
Tybro, you broke the golden rule! Not to have bigger speakers than your TV!
No it is not an exaggeration... I have been sent 9 refurbished units and all have been dead on arrival... and with my original that makes 10 units... (when I say dead on arrival I mean not fully functional, e.g. freezes, wont load games ect.) I have been fighting with M$ since january 14th!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
22. July 2007 @ 02:52 |
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What I'm about to tell you may or may not come as a surprise, given your experience:
All replacement Xboxes are refurbished broken ones, and since MS aren't too great at reparing them, they usually still have issues.
The best thing I can recommend you do is to sell off your broken one (or claim a refund from where you bought it given your experience with the replacements) and then buy a brand new one (preferably from another store to avoid embarrassment) that way you'll get an updated version that doesn't suffer the glitches of the older models.
Very few 360s are perfect, but it'd be far better to settle for one with as few issues as possible. Ours can't read half of PGR3 (the disc is immaculate) but that's just what we've had to accept, since most of the other stuff works.
Senior Member
22. July 2007 @ 06:28 |
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Mine has worked flawlessly since I got it a year and a half ago, just until the other day when I had a problem getting past a race in Forza Motosport 2, the game freezes and it's unable to read the disk (although it is new with no scratches). But I've heard this is a problem with the game itself not my 360. I figure if my 360 can handle the 1 hour endurance races then it can't be that bad. My test for my 360 will be when halo 3 comes out and I play it constantly, then we'll see how long it last.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
22. July 2007 @ 07:05 |
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I expect ours will be subjected to that!
As for the disc, possibly, but it seems true of several games. Can you name a game on any other format that has issues like that? I can't think of one...
Senior Member
22. July 2007 @ 21:36 |
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have you guys notice that no one has plasma TV. GO LCD!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
22. July 2007 @ 23:53 |
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Senior Member
23. July 2007 @ 04:45 |
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I have a plasma, but I hate it so I don't count.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
23. July 2007 @ 05:12 |
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Lol why, what's wrong with it?
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
23. July 2007 @ 06:50 |
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I also hat plasmas... I am always afriad of having an image burn into it...
Senior Member
23. July 2007 @ 07:41 |
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Quote: what's wrong with it?
Well the burn in issue bothers me quite a bit so I don't play video games on it at all (except for Wii occasionally) just because I can't stand to play games like Wii sports on a small screen. But right now I'm really not happy with it because, when there are colors being displayed like red, orange, yellow, or skin colors (it's really bad on close ups of peoples faces), they all have a greenish tint over them and all of the colors are off. I can't send it in because my 1 year warranty is up and I assume it will cost quite a bit to fix it. Some people don't notice it at all but I think it depends on what you happen to be watching at the time. Some People see it right off, others don't. It isn't as bad with HD content, but I still feel like for what I paid for it, it should look alot better than it does.
As of now I'm saving and hopefully by the end of the year I can buy a new 1080p LCD, PS3, HD-DVD add on for 360, upconverting 1080p A/V receiver, and 7.1 Klipch surround sound. I would love to get it all at once, but I'm so impulsive I'm sure I'll buy the cheapest item off the list as soon as I have enough money.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
23. July 2007 @ 07:45 |
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That lot in a year? There's a lot of that I won't be able to afford for several years, let alone it all in a year. However to be fair in the last year i have bought a 30" monitor, a 500W 5.1 speaker set, we communally bought an Xbox 360, and I've since built (or at least tried to build) a Media server PC.
23. July 2007 @ 08:38 |
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Plasma burn-in issues are quickly becoming a thing of the past with the newer backlighting tech that is evolving but, as with everything else ..You get what you pay for. Buy cheap crap then expect to see just that in the end result.
The only Plasma on the market today I would consider is a Pioneer Elite, but the prices are ludicrus comparred to whats outthere DLP wise for about half the price. LCD is still fairly worthless imho when it comes to video quality, but they are dirt cheap and that seems to be about the only thing most U.S. buyers are worried about.
I will take quality over savings anyday as Im usually happier in the end.
I just recently upgraded my projector again from an Optoma HD70 to the HD72 and Im pretty happy with it, Im still not ready for a $5K model but I will probably get there someday :)
I will definitly be sticking with DLP though, projector or not.
NeoGeo ..... 2D goodness at its finest !
Senior Member
23. July 2007 @ 10:34 |
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I figure 3 grand should cover all of the stuff I want. The TV I'm looking at now is $1,699 and the price should drop some more. The price of the PS3, HD-DVD drive, should make the total come to around $2,400. Actually now that I think about it I don't know if I'll have enough for a new surround sound system, I would have about about $600 left, but I don't think that will get me what I want exactly. Surely they won't make me pay the sticker price for everything if I spend that much money though. I don't know theres too much math involved in this right now and it's about 5 months away, so I'll figure it out later.
Quote: Plasma burn-in issues are quickly becoming a thing of the past with the newer backlighting tech that is evolving but, as with everything else ..You get what you pay for. Buy cheap crap then expect to see just that in the end result.
I will say I don't think burn in is the problem I'm having with my plasma right now, and it isn't that bad, I play video games for as long as I want with no problems that I can see, but I still worry about it. Also my TV wasn't "crap" when I bought it, it might have not been the best but it wasn't the worst either, I assumed at the time it would last atleast 5 years.
The only Plasma on the market today I would consider is a Pioneer Elite, but the prices are ludicrus comparred to whats outthere DLP wise for about half the price. LCD is still fairly worthless imho when it comes to video quality, but they are dirt cheap and that seems to be about the only thing most U.S. buyers are worried about.
Plasmas aren't as good of a deal as they used to be, when I bought mine LCD was only up to 720p which was the same as plasma, only the LCDs were alot more expensive and didn't come in very large sizes. I thought plasma had better color anyway. But now I can't say anything bad about LCD because they are alot cheaper, don't get burn in, support 1080p, and look just as good (color wise) or better, than plasma. I can't see how you can call LCD worthless now, most all of the big flaws have been worked out. DLP is fine but their not bright enough for me, their alot bigger than LCD or Plasma, and the viewing angles are alot worse. Their fine if you have a nice big room with not much light, and have the seating set up for the TV.
Sorry that has nothing to do with the topic, but I had to prove a point. I'll go get the camera now, maybe I can get some pictures up before I procrastinate any longer.
23. July 2007 @ 23:44 |
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Originally posted by Domreis: Wow!!! You actually have a working 360??? Mine has been dead since january and I have sent it in for repair 10 times and it has came back dead on arrival all 10 times!
DOA 360 FTW! Lol j/k, i shouldn't say that, mine's going strong about 5 months.
fugg it
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
23. July 2007 @ 23:59 |
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$600 not enough for a surround sound system? I paid £150 for mine and it's awesome!
Senior Member
24. July 2007 @ 04:47 |
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Yeah, it would be normally but with a 1080p TV, I wanted an upconverting receiver which would set me back probably $500 itself. If I don't get a receiver I can get some pretty nice speakers. I already have a good reciever I bought a few years ago but it's only 5.1 and only supports Dolby Digital (not DTS or any new formats). But it sounds really nice and is a good receiver, just doesn't have many features compared to newer receivers. But right now anything would be better than what I've got. $300 HTB system from Yamaha.
I took the pictures but I've never put pictures on here before, so I had no idea how to do it?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. July 2007 @ 06:29
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
24. July 2007 @ 06:51 |
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I think that's a bit of an exaggeration, I have a 505W system from Logitech for £150 (the equivalent of $300), and I would have no problems using it with any home theater setup. I don't really see the need for 7.1 personally, 5.1 is more than enough for me!