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27. July 2007 @ 08:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not too crazy about any of Dells other products, but I do love their monitors. I have always wanted use a HD TV as my monitor, but couldn't because of my plasma getting burn in. My TV upstairs is a rear projection CRT (50"), I connected my laptop to it once, and the picture looked terrible. I assumed it was because the I was outputting 720p from my computer, and the TV probably displays in 1080i. On top of that I never could get the whole picture to be centered, it looked as if it was zoomed and you couldn't see everything. But then again, I was in a Bestbuy one day, and I saw a computer hooked up to a Sony 1080p LCD. I thought it looked pretty good, but I wouldn't want to set far away from a display anyway, if I'm on a computer especially playing a game, I want to be right next to it. I can't even play console games (except Wii) setting far away (hence why I have my 360 connected to my 22" monitor).

Wow, just looked at Dells website to check the US price on the 30" monitor. Apparently it went down quite a bit, I don't keep up with prices that well, but it seems like last time I looked it was around $2,400, now it's listed as $1,499. I could be wrong But I thought it was atleast $2,000 at one time.

Not that I would have enough money to do this, but is it even possible to have a dual monitor setup with 2 30" monitors at that res. I've heard something about one monitor taking 2 DVI cables just to connect it.
AfterDawn Addict

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27. July 2007 @ 08:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it doesn't, but it needs one Dual-Link DVI cable to do it. Therefore you need a dual-link compliant graphics card. As far as I know All GPUs (that aren't integrated) from generation 7(nvidia) or 11(ATI) and later are, only a select few from the previous generation.

However, it's not possible to dual monitor the 30" screens in 3D mode. In other words, you can't expand your desktop onto it. You can't play video files over both, and you can't play a game that uses both. Unfortunate. However, what some people have been doing is using a 30" widescreen, with one or two 20" normal aspect Dells on the side. They rotate 90 degrees to portrait, and that gives them 1600 vertical pixels, like the 30", expanding from 2560x1600 up to 4960x1600.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
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27. July 2007 @ 08:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That would be nice to have, but for an average person unnecessary.
AfterDawn Addict

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27. July 2007 @ 08:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree it's unnecessary for the average person. However, I'm contemplating having a single side 20" in order to monitor a different PC.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
AfterDawn Addict

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27. August 2007 @ 12:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just got my new 24 Inch iMac for School...


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30. August 2007 @ 01:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
eww mac, jk it looks good
AfterDawn Addict

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31. August 2007 @ 07:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A Mac, a Dell dimension and a WD Mybook. I see you'd rather get everybody else to do the work for you? lol

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
9. September 2007 @ 21:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK, I've a camera now.. I'll post my digs up in a bit \o/
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10. September 2007 @ 05:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Lethal_B:
OK, I've a camera now.. I'll post my digs up in a bit \o/
Cool, I do too but I'm not posting mine yet. Lets see yours then.

Yours Truly; Rav
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. September 2007 @ 05:54

AfterDawn Addict

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10. September 2007 @ 06:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
left my camera back at 'home' home.... AGAIN.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
10. September 2007 @ 13:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, let me just tidy up and i'll post
12. September 2007 @ 03:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok here we go

and what person is complete without their qpr season ticket? (-:

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. September 2007 @ 06:51

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
12. September 2007 @ 03:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A packard bell, shame on you! :P

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
12. September 2007 @ 04:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by sammorris:
A packard bell, shame on you! :P
lol.. i bought it years back ;-)

it does me.. i don't have the time to build my own :-(
26. December 2007 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well Santa's been and gone, and a good old tidy up was on the cards, plus a new desk and a few bits of kit that Santa was kind enough to drop off, so time for a couple new pics..

Main desk (had to buy a new one just to get the new Quad Core PC off the floor away from the dust bunnies); was going to retire some of the old kit but have rigged most of it up again, have to have enough machines for when the kids want to hit the 'net -

Previous desk moved to other side of room -

TV area, where i try to spend most of my time now, much the same as previously posted pictures except for the addition of my main xbox with the ultra sexy XBMC (Xbox Media Centre) running on wireless so it can access all my tunes and movies on my main PC; most of my games are now installed on the xbox hard drive (250GB though it's full now!) -

Believe it or not this PC is virtually silent, even this near by, can't even hear the 5 hard drives, which reminds me.. the 6th needs hooking up -

Oops need to remove the dust from when the case was on the floor -

And finally what it looks like in the dark -

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. December 2007 @ 04:15

28. December 2007 @ 10:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
AfterDawn Addict
7. January 2008 @ 15:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
creaky that rig is too sexy for you dude! and whats with the IBM deoderant can?

and that humungus big MOFO Zalman fan - awesome

Nothing here to see, move along folks.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2008 @ 15:55

AfterDawn Addict

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7. January 2008 @ 15:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lol you can tell a man who likes technology but doesn't know a lot about PCs... "It's got a big fan!" Hehe I jest Rotary.

On a side note, I've noticed something interesting about your 900, Creaky. The fans in mine have black blades but a transparent surround, yours have a black surround as well. Interesting, as black-surround fans are known to vibrate less (and therefore be quieter) than transparent ones.
I guess they don't do Benq burners in black eh?

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
7. January 2008 @ 16:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's a posh water bottle i was given at a computer expo a year or 3 ago;
just awaiting another 120mm blue LED fan for the side of the PC case and it's virtually complete; plus need to buy a SATA hard drive enclosure as there's no free connections for the 6th 500GB drive but they seem to be like gold dust. Oh and 2 new wireless routers to see if i can get better coverage with 2 routers linked together instead of the one i have now.

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
7. January 2008 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
7. January 2008 @ 16:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't mind the Benq standing out as the odd one out; as to the Antec case, yep, that confused me at first, some googling turned up the answer, mine's the early version, they redesigned (and i think were supposed to have recalled the first generation cases) the case due to the uppermost PCI slot opening as it was blocking access to high-end graphics cards or something; i'm perfectly happy with it though as i don't do PC gaming anymore; too many other gadgets

edit- cheers Sam, i'll check it out, i do like the look of those type of enclosure, the only ones i'd found so far were cheap crappy looking ones

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2008 @ 16:06

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
7. January 2008 @ 16:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ah right, that makes sense. Mine's an earlier generation than most, but after they solved the PCI bracket function fortunately. It doesn't have the rubber mat for the top section and doesn't have a hard disk LED or case speaker.
As for the IcyBox, they're the only enclosures I've used that worked solidly apart from an Akasa one I had for a while. A lot of IcyBoxes are a bit naff, but I've never had any issues with the IB-351s, but for the fact they scratch easily.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2008 @ 16:14

Senior Member
14. January 2008 @ 21:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sam, lets see a pic of your rig!

Here are a few of mine, although I couldn't get everything in as the monitor is far away for the desktop itself, as well as the speakers, keyboard, etc.

Also have a few videos on youtube in the link in my sig.

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
15. January 2008 @ 06:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
These are two photos of the LAN party I was sat at and indeed will be again this weekend:
My 30" Dell is the one on the right, Jon's is the one on the left - FYI it was his that made me go "I want one of those" and then buy one! :D

As for my current setup, I have a <slightly blurry lol> photo on my
profile page, these two I've just taken are slightly better IMO.
(Left as URLs for obvious reasons)

Edit: Oh yeah, not forgetting the all-important window shot!

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. January 2008 @ 06:57

Senior Member
15. January 2008 @ 09:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sam, which pc do you bring to the LAN parties? The Lexa? > forums > general discussion > safety valve > where are you sat?

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