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10. May 2006 @ 17:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what do u guys think is the best system and why?

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10. May 2006 @ 17:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, I'll bite on this one. Sure. But I bet it's not the response you're expecting.


There. I said it.

Actually, in all honesty the Wii will be the first system I buy, just because I'm genuinely excited about it. (And that's where my loyalties lie)
I'm not going to say it's the best system, though. My roommate will get the ps3, and I think I'll just have to wait a couple years to let the games sink in and what not before I'll say which console I feel is the "best". Hopefully I'll get a lot of 360 playing time along the way, and if the Wii is a shitbomb, than I'll definately re-consider getting a 360. The 360 is pretty high on my priority list as it is, I just have zero extra cash. Well, most of the extra cash I have goes towards beer or gasoline - Which are basically just as expensive >:o

And I'm sure the majority of this debate will be 360 vs PS3, so I'll leave it at that.

Edit** although I am predicting that Sony will still capture most of the market, but not as much as PS2

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. May 2006 @ 17:47
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10. May 2006 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
RED STEEL! looks like a GREAT game. and of course mrio galaxy i'm only afraid about the wii because i don't wanna play 5 different marios. i've gotta x360 but i'm gonna say in the next 1 x360 will be the best, but when the ps3 starts really developing games the ps3 will be the best in the long run, also ps3 has a built in Blu-ray disk. and the x360 has that huge extension for hddvd.

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11. May 2006 @ 07:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i don't understand why this
we all know when christmas comes microsft will start an ad campaign about the 360 being cheaper but since you willmore than likely buy a hd dvd drive its actually around the same price

currently have these consoles

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11. May 2006 @ 17:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
a BIG thing about the ps3 is the exclusive games ff, mgs, ratchet and clank, jak, ut2007 will not be on the x360, tekken, killzone, GRAND TURISMO!, assasins creed, warhalk, etc.

now x360 has some GREAT exclusives, but the ps3 is really sticking to the japanese games which i love and alot of other people like.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. May 2006 @ 17:31

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12. May 2006 @ 01:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think the race is going to come down to PS3 & Wii yes baby nintendo is back ! ! But i think PS3 is going to win hands down. i watched the Microsoft Press conference and was not inpressed at all.They did a horrible job i think.They should have gave the price of the HD-DVD drive but they know its going to cost a pretty penny.
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12. May 2006 @ 02:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
and i watched the sony press confrence and i can not even remember them talking about the blue ray player, whcih as i keep saying is meant to this this godly sent hardware whcih will mean the END for xbox 360.

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12. May 2006 @ 04:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im not tryin to Bash Microsoft in noway but during this console war your going to pay for what you get.I think Wii is going to do great i think im going to get one also.I think Sony has sat the Bar high this year & Microsoft just cant meet it.
12. May 2006 @ 04:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL sony walked head first into the bar, and hasn't been right since.

I honestly dont know how you can bash Microsft's press conference. According to almost all logical gaming sites/blogs the Microsoft press conference surprisingly gained refreshed excitement about the console although it's already out.

It's also a fact that Sony's conference didn't go down to well.

Sony's wonderful new controller never actually stole the idea from Wii either, the gyroscopic, motion sensing controllers where released by Microsoft and Logitech in 1999.

In an interview yesterday, Microsoft VP Peter Moore had this to say regarding the PS3's $500-$600 price tag: "Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3. People are going to buy two (machines.) They're going to buy an Xbox and they're going to buy a Wii...

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't
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12. May 2006 @ 05:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That come from a Microsoft guy he better say that because he want to sale systems.But he know that its a hill Microsoft cant climb.You guys make this a bash on Sony but i never hear you say whats so great about the 360..nothing you always say wait til this come out but the 360 is already out so tell me whats so great about it im waiting???????
12. May 2006 @ 05:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That was basically Microsoft saying an enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Good points? hahaha okay...

The 360 has a second to none online service called Xbox Live.

*The online community is thriving, and I personally love playing COD2, PGR3, GRAW, PDZ, Burnout Revenge, Top Spin 2 and FNR3 online.

*XBLA gives you the oppurtinty to buy cheap games and revamped classics in High Defintion, which will include - pac man, Lumines, Street Fighter and many more. It currently has a good selection including UNO, Marble Blast Ultra (personal favourite) and Bankshot Billiards.

If you can't afford the small price of these games you can still get a play at them with the free demo's.

*Game Demo's. Almost all the games released appear on XBL in demo form for FREE, so you get to try before you buy.

*Exclusive content. I've been keeping up with E3 with the flood of demos/trailers/keynote speeches and interviews which have appeared for download this week.

*Exclusive content. COD2 maps, GRAW content, PGR cars, PDZ updates. There's plenty of new content to keep games fresh.

*Upcoming releases. There is going to be a strong line up of games available by the end of the year (160!) including -

Gears of War (simply breathtaking)
Mass Effect
Too Human (KOTOR, but in the next-gen, and with a whole mily way)
Crackdown (GTA on Crack)
Saints Row (GTA Killer? maybe...)
Moto GP '06 (photo realistic)
Enchanted Arms and Blue Dragon (Jap style games)
FEAR and Alan Wake (for horror fans)
HALO 3 (yall know what that is)
99 nights (Fight 600 people at the same time? why not..)
Splinter Cell:DA (for some stealthiness)
Lost Planet and Chrome Hounds (for mech lovers)
Forza 2
etc etc etc X10

*An already impressive array of games.

*The upcoming camera looks great (with the poker game you picture yourself from three angles and your own face is put on the character!)

*360/PC/Mobile connectivity

*Play Forza, win a car, transfer it to your PC, give it a paintjob, send it back, race it, send it to your mobile and show friends. Who says that doesn't sound cool?

*Games as graphically impressive as the PS3 (you know its true)

*the steering wheel comes with a tension spring and rumble feature (to accent your racing sims)

*A strong lineup of ORIGINAL games.

The 360 isn't a distant dream.

Nope, can't think of anything :)

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't
12. May 2006 @ 12:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
even though 360 is a great system... i'd have to say ps3. that thing is just crazy.
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12. May 2006 @ 16:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sony's wonderful new controller never actually stole the idea from Wii either, the gyroscopic, motion sensing controllers where released by Microsoft and Logitech in 1999.
Oh it's been around longer than that, but do you think Sony is immitating a failed 1999 Sidewinder controller? That's a tough point to prove, especially considering the fact that the boomerang controller didn't feature such capability, and only the rushed demo warhawk made use of it.
It is pretty clear that this was in response to the Wii controller.
12. May 2006 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lol no1 cares about the xbox360 no more its out and boring. AND I JUST CANT WAIT FOR THE PS3!!!

When you think about it the ps3 will cost as much or much much less then a TV! So i will get it!

I like Microsoft/pc computers and i like the Sony ps3. But ps3 is just a better console/game
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12. May 2006 @ 17:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oedekerk, i normally agree with all of your points but why do you keep saying that the xbox 360 games are on par and will hopefully keep up with ps3, from what i have read over the past year since the last e3, i now know from an unbaised point of view that hardware wise its true that the cell is a little more powerfull than the xbox 360 triple core but that the xbox 360 graphics card is slighly better than the ps3 graphics card, therefore i see no reason for saying that "(common you know its true)" just tell them straight, they are paying 600 bucks for a console that will be no better than xbox 360 in graphics.

the only reason i would see myself buying a ps3 for would be all of the great features like blue tooth, linex, etec, etc, etc, but apart from that i have seen no games so far that have exceeded the top games for M$ like gears of war, mass effect, etc, etc.

see i can also say the same thing about the wii, that its got crap graphics but like ps3 it too also has many great features like the constroller, etc. but in the case of wii, its cheap, so i get features, great games but for something like a third of what the ps3 will be going for.

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12. May 2006 @ 19:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oedekerk your forgetting that ps3 will also have online play and ohh yeah to all the money concious people saying 360 is cheaper their not adding up all the dough they have to put out for the monthly subscription.ps3 online will be free and there is no problem with the ps2 network so why would there be one with the ps3.

the download old games thing is said to be on the wii as well as the ps3 and ps3 also has great franchises like dmc, ridgeracer ,gts and many more

the xbox is nice if you have windows media center (wich i have but it still dosent convince me) and the ps3 is nice if you have a psp they are well mached in features the only thing that will set them apart is the games
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12. May 2006 @ 23:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ jorgemarr: great point that is true.When Microsoft was unveiling there plan to play oldschool games i was thinking thats old & a tired idea.
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12. May 2006 @ 23:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lol no1 cares about the xbox360 no more its out and boring. AND I JUST CANT WAIT FOR THE PS3!!!
gaming wise, I don't think the ps3 will satisfy you either if you are that dissappointed with the 360. I'm not ragging on either console, but you'd have to be a little delusional if you're expecting ps3 games to be that much better than 360's.
unless you're a huge fan of metal gear or killzone... then I guess you have a point.
13. May 2006 @ 09:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No I am a huge fan of GTA/GTA4 we have a thed on this (ps3 might be a better version).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. May 2006 @ 09:34

13. May 2006 @ 09:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How come people cant tell that the PS3 is better in terms of graphics? have you looked at the games? and remember most of these are LAUNCH games.

Put anything from MS's Launch up against a PS3 launch game and it is no comparison(the only one that can possibly compete is PGR3)

these are just FIRST GENERATION GAMES for Sony's platform, you must remember this when comparing the two to each other.

Just wait till we see PS3 SECOND GENERATION games, they'll blow anything the X360 has to offer out of the water during their second generation.

hell, i mean most first generation PS3 games are holding their own against second generation 360 games, its plain to see how great the PS3 can and will look in the future.

13. May 2006 @ 09:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
YEAH! totaly the xbox360 has been around for almost 12 months! the ps3 in 12 months is going to have KILLER games lol.
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13. May 2006 @ 11:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hers another thing, allright a ps3 for 600$, blu ray and eithernet. an x360 with an external hddvd player=$200 and a wireless adapter=$100 so that would be $700 and only with a 20 gig hard drive so with the ps3 you are saving money

all you are saying is opinion you could name GREAT ps3 games. i've gotta x360 and xbla is a waste of money and a joke. also the demo feature is nice, because i know what games SUCK. ps3 has totally improved its online features and it's free! the ps3 has alot of exclusives.

who cares about a steering wheel.

also if you wanna send the stuff to your computer you gotta have vista.

also for the ps3 play every game and transfer all your stats unlocked items video of your ps3 play your ranking right to your PSP!
also play simultaniously on psp and ps3. for example play gt for your ps3 and use your psp as your mirrors.

so my point is don't rant about stupid shit that the x360 has that the ps3 has improved on. talk about the hardware dumbass!!!

also i do have a x360 so i know what im talking about.

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13. May 2006 @ 11:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well although the these fgames might not be first generation games for the ps3 but the developers have had long enough, where as when the first generation of xbox 360 games were releaased they were rushed.

"How come people cant tell that the PS3 is better in terms of graphics?"

WHAT? just b/c you think they might be better or you want to be better does not mean you will get your way, lol,

first off every developer will say one thing, that the cell chip is more powerfull then the tiple core procsor and that the xbox 360 graphics card with unified shader technology is beter than the ps3 graphics card.

also i have to admit that there are some very nice looking games on tghe ps3 but nothing which can not be matched by the xbox 360.

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13. May 2006 @ 13:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I dunno... I've seen some awesome looking games. Assasin's creed, ut2007, gears of war, halo 3, etc. I can't really tell the difference between graphics. I thought AC looked amazing but then I went right back and saw a trailer for Fable and it looks equally as stunning.
I think that Microsoft did a lot of things right this time, and is poised for a much closer battle with the ps3 than the Xbox was with the PS2. It's hard to say Sony fixed a lot of problems, because the PS2 delivery was pretty flawless.
13. May 2006 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry, but the graphics are better, you take a toptier game and put it against a 360 game and there is no comparison(cept for Gran Turismo HD, that looks shitty so far)

but MGS4 is better than Gears of War(graphics)

And you may say, "Well that's just a movie of MGS4." and you would be technically right, but if you remember EVERY MGS HAS USED IN GAME GRAPHICS FOR MOVIES!

and i doubt Kojima would change that now, which means MGS4 will look just as good as that movie and even better in 1080p.

Although Mass Effect looks unbelievably bad ass.

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