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PS3 release = blast from the past?
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13. May 2006 @ 18:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my friends, allow me to enlighten you.

maybe some of the more experienced gamers agree with me when say the story on the PlayStation 3 seems uncomfortably similar to that of the Sega Saturn.

How? Well you'd think that sony would have learned from sega, but think about this: Sega annouces that it is developing a new 2D 32 bit console with 3D capabilities (the keyword is "capabilities"). Not so soon after a little company by the name of Sony announces that it is developing a new console that is not only 32 bit, but will support full 3D motion (keyword here is "full"). worried that the sony console might stand a chance because of it's superior 3D support, sega scrapped the almost complete saturn and rebuilt it to have improved 3D capability.

How does this relate to ps3?

Microsoft releases it's xbox 360 in two models: a full system for $399 and a core system for $299. After months of delay and revision (lots of revision), sony announces that it too will realease two models of it's next gen console, a full version for $599 which brings tears to my eyes everytime i think about it, and a cheaper (not really) version for $499. that makes me wonder just what the hell it would have hurt to release just one version for either $499 or $599.

if you don't see the bad decision making similarities between sega and sony, then i'll leave you with one more relation.

Sega released the Saturn four months earlier than they originally planned, for $100 more than the ps1 in order to try to steal some market share. well, you probably know how that turned out for them.

Sony plans to release the ps3 versions almost a year after the release of the xbox 360 versions for about $200 more than both the premium and basic packages respectively. this is what jumps out at me.

the bottom line is that the ps3 could hurt sony if they don't make a change. even if it does not hurt sony right now it might happen in the long run. a prime example once again, is the sega saturn. the saturn didn't sell very well, and as a result, many sega fans flocked to sony. when sega released the dreamcast and sony released the ps2, sony had already gained a large fanbase due to the fans it took from sega. the result is sega dreamcast not having enough sales, sony's sales skyrocketing, and sega almost going bankrupt, while now making games for sony. if sony is not careful they too, will lose fans. I myself, am a loyal sony fan, but i may just find myself doing the logical thing, and buying an xbox 360 pretty soon.

by the way, my sig was set like this since the first ps3 photos were released.


13. May 2006 @ 18:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is nothing like Saturn, you miss two key things.

1) Sega had let down previous fans with crappy add-ons like the 32x, and Sega CD.

2) Sony hasn't let fans down.

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13. May 2006 @ 19:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if i may turn the tables. i think the x360 hasn't learnd from sega because it's like the dreamcast.
they both launched a year before sony
both tried to make headway in japan and both FAILED!
both used a primitive form of disk.
both strugled to compete with current gen systems.
both had bald headed spokes people
both used online play as as a key element.
both had medioker launch titles.
both had worse graphics compared to sony
both have shenmue on it.
both went from the color black to white

coincidence? i think not

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13. May 2006 @ 19:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thats what i have been seeing also
i'm no 360 fanboy but
sega put ALL of its cards on dreamcast and when it failed
they quit the console game
neither sony or microsoft are in this position
the only one that could go the way of dreamcast is nintendo

REMEMBER sony and microsoft are megacoorperations with different chains and bring in tens of billions of dollars
while nintendo bearly makes 4 billion


I really don't know what would make you think this
but use your brain next time though okay man
i'm not trying to be mean or anything either

currently have these consoles


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. May 2006 @ 19:55

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14. May 2006 @ 01:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well think of it this way, ps3 is sold at a lose, right, around the same lose as xbox 360 is going for, but the only main difference is that to make a profit sony need to sell accesories also like M$, but when the console already costs 600 bucks how much more are people going to spend, i mean with the xbox 360 the average buy was 4 - 5 games. also blu ray disks are more expensive to make so if they make the price hiegher not many people will buy games but if they make them lower then they are making less profit, thats what i think anyways.

"Sony hasn't let fans down." - what happened to killzone and all the other cgi movies, the price, the fact that blu ray does not help with graphics (so whats the difference why not just have dvd9), and to be honest this is from as unbaised as i can get, all of the games shown at e3 apart from assins creed, do not match up to the best looking games for xbox 360, and before you say mgs4, well what about mgs4, well i thgouht the same until i watched the trailer again yesterday, and its got really bad face animation, look at snakes armour in some parts looks like its been stuck to him in segmants.

"both used a primitive form of disk." - i would not call primitive something we use everyday accros the world. and if you want the link again to show you that blue ray means nothing as it will only mean empty space.

"both had worse graphics compared to sony" - HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT XBOX 360 HAS WORSE GRAPHICS, i can get you at least 2 developers quoates saying that xbox 360 will have slightly better graphics. and i can get you at least 2 roundtable discutiones from e3 that say they were very disapointed with ps3 and that it had no better grahics then xbox 360. BUT NO B/C SONY SAY IT WILL HAVE BETTER GRAPHICS YOU BELEIEVE THEM, you guys are still going on the bull shit that sony fed you last e3. this is e3 is here and everybody at e3 is disapointed with sony, so stop listening to sony and listen to the people with unbasied views.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. May 2006 @ 01:46

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14. May 2006 @ 21:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BUT NO B/C SONY SAY IT WILL HAVE BETTER GRAPHICS YOU BELEIEVE THEM, you guys are still going on the bull shit that sony fed you last e3. this is e3 is here and everybody at e3 is disapointed with sony, so stop listening to sony and listen to the people with unbasied views.
unbiased,most of the pepole who were saying thet were m$ fanboys so how could they not be biased(360 sux)
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14. May 2006 @ 22:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

you are so wrong

nintendo actually has one of the better business models
they always make profit off of their concoles (besides virutal boy)
even tho it may not look like it nentendo does very well
with such a small market share in the video game industry compared to sony they make pretty much just as much as sony.
They even made money on the gamecube which everyone thought did bad.

The way nintendo's business model is setup they can stay in the same position they are now for another 100 years and still be making money.
They are a very profitable company. Not to mention they own the handheld market.

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14. May 2006 @ 22:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"unbiased,most of the pepole who were saying thet were m$ fanboys so how could they not be biased(360 sux)"

lol, i am talking about the people at ign etc etc etc, those kinds of people.

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15. May 2006 @ 01:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
' ' nintendo actually has one of the better business models ' '

omg this nintendo fanboys ,damn it no matter how you put it nintendo as a company will never come close to billion dollar companies like microsoft or sony.

nintendo makes alot of money thanks to their hand held monolopoly like microsoft and the OS.

the allmighty mudearies...

79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
15. May 2006 @ 01:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You have to look at Nintendo with a 'business size compared to profit' ratio. I'm not personally a big fans of there 'child orientated' games but I think they certainly do very well.

Nintendo make educated decisions, researched investments etc. into there technology. Whereas MS and Sony pour money into there consoles and make sure there muscle makes an impression on the market.

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