the ole catch-22 saying
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21. May 2006 @ 14:08 |
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i cant help but see all the negative or disspointing posts from people who no matter what always find something to complain or put down. I say this for both microsoft and sony. whether you like one of them, both or neither is irrelevent. I find it somewhat understanding yet disturbing at the same time. To get my point across basically there is nothing that sony or microsoft can do to make everyone happy. there are always going to be haters. if for example sony incorporated EVERYTHING that they ever promised into the ps3 AND even if the price was say $450, people would still find something to bitch about. if its not the idea that sony is forcing blu ray on them, its the price...if its not that; its the stolen motion sense idea, or the cheap dumb down version, or waste of disc space for the blu ray format, many believe mircrosoft had a better showing at E3, games on both systems look the same, games on xbox look better, 360 is easier to develop for, 360 is going into its 2nd year,ETC...ETC. believe me the same can be said for microsoft, i just follow the ps3 more than the 360. so im only curious, someone please tell me what any company can do that will make people happy, because the more i see things it just doesnt seem possible.
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21. May 2006 @ 15:19 |
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"so im only curious, someone please tell me what any company can do that will make people happy, because the more i see things it just doesnt seem possible."
It's not possible ,which you know ,but your right though.Like the ps3 controller everyone hated the boomerang and now that they changed it people are saying it's the same ole controller, they fail to realize that that controller is the most copied and loved controller of all time.It's a double standard.
The same goes for 360 and wii.Everyone wanted wii to be inovative but now that they are people have a negative tone about it.You can't please everyone.
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Senior Member
21. May 2006 @ 15:22 |
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yo it happens when 360 fanboys try to speak about ps3 and visavera or nintendo fans try to put down the 360 and ps3.IF YOU LIKE 360 GO TO THE 360 FORUM THE SAME FOR PS3 AND WII.But instead they come to the other to complain.
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21. May 2006 @ 15:26 |
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Its sad but we live in a world where people is never happy.I think the talk on PS this go around is just hater talk thats all.Because you have guys that have the 360 but deep down inside they know that PS3 is going to be a better system they just tryin to cope with it.Dont get me wrong the 360 is a awsome system im bout to buy one but i just dont think its going to be on the same level as PS3 in the long run.
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21. May 2006 @ 15:32 |
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I notice that its more people bashing the PS3 than people bashing the 360.If you go to the 360 or X-BOX forum just about all these guys come to the PS3 forum for some reason.But if you go back and look at all the hate people have put on the PS3 which is MS fanboys they never say in what way the 360 is better.
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21. May 2006 @ 15:46 |
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I know man look....
"This forum is meant for Playstation 3 -related discussion only. No topics related to the original Playstation or PS2 or any other consoles allowed here."
But now look and the #1 thread is "in game footage of super smash bro.s"
shouldn't this be on the wii forum.I myself am guilty of speaking about other systems here because ms and nintendo fanboys make it impossible to not talk about them.They want to argue so bad that there's no escaping it.And I agree that they come to the ps3 forums more b/c I post on the wii and 360 forums and hardly ever see ps3 gamers complaining.
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21. May 2006 @ 16:06 |
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I agree with all the points made above.Its impossible to please people and thats just the world we live in.I am also one who bashes the ps3 but i dont think the 360 is better nor do i think the wii is better.THey are all good in their own rights.BUt one thing i noticed is ps3 fans bring the 360 up and bash it in comparison to the ps3 so you cant really complain that they are speaking out back at what SOny fans have started.Dont start something u cant finish.As for ps3 fans not bashing the 360 in the 360 forums its becuase they dont bring up the ps3,all they do is talk about the 360 so fanboys have no reason to defend their precious ps3.Your right this is a sony forum but you see people starting threads with 360 being questioned or comapring them so yet again u cant complain if your instigating it.IM not speaking of any one person when i say"you" but just responding to the posts.These froums are all about debate and no HUMAN likes to lose a debate so of course they are heated words so just dont expcect 360 or nintendo fans to sit idly by as their respective gaming consoles are put to shame.AS for the people being upset either way this is true,but the less u lie the less people have to bitch about it and sony lies a lot.They sat around for a yr and poached ideas which in response i'll hear that borrowing happens all the time but its al little ridiculous to the extent sony "borrowed". I think the ps3 will be amazing,so will the wii and the 360.AS long as your not comparing them or bashing them then their wont be problems but once you start comparing you cant complain about it its just that simple.For example dont u see a thread started by a SONY fan that compares specs? Ok so why then complain that 360 fans are standing up for or justifying their purchase its just illogical.If i go to the 360 forum and bash the ps3 all day im sure id see sony fans over there a little more often.BUt guess what u dont see that over in the 360 forums but they stick to themselves for the most part.Forums are obviously outlest for some angry people to debate,dont take it persoanlly and rememeber we are talking about video games.
P.S take a quick glance at the names of the threads and far too many of them are started by sony fans and have the 360 incorporated in the title. It is Sony fans who bring this upon themselves.I myself dont care what is spoken of either way,its a free country.SO you dont mind being lied to and so on? But just dont talk badly about the ps3 in a ps3 forum(or dont refer to the 360 in a ps3 forum even though its being instigated by for a lack of a better word by your "team"
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Senior Member
21. May 2006 @ 16:09 |
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Quote: But now look and the #1 thread is "in game footage of super smash bro.s"
shouldn't this be on the wii forum.I myself am guilty of speaking about other systems here because ms and nintendo fanboys make it impossible to not talk about them.They want to argue so bad that there's no escaping it.And I agree that they come to the ps3 forums more b/c I post on the wii and 360 forums and hardly ever see ps3 gamers complaining.
While constantly complaining about fanboys is fun enough, it ultimately is hypocritical, which is why I don't like to throw the fanboy insult around like i'm any different.
I don't know why the smash bros brawl thread is in this forum, but it could be that this forum tends to get a bit more traffic, which can be a good or bad thing.
Take a look into the Nintendo forum, and you'll find it seems pretty negative as well. The 360 forums are now littered with modding stuff.
Anyways, I don't see the problem. I like discussing all the consoles.
Senior Member
21. May 2006 @ 16:19 |
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"BUt one thing i noticed is ps3 fans bring the 360 up and bash it in comparison to the ps3 so you cant really complain that they are speaking out back at what SOny fans have started."
Dude it's a ps3 forum.We should be able to talk pro about the ps3 without having to worry about xbox 360 fans.From what I've seen it's the opposite.The reason you don't see ppl bashing 360 on the 360 forums is because the ps3 isn't owned by us yet ,but see you all already own the 360 so your trying to bash it to justify because you know it's going to be good.
oofrome :I like discussing all consoles too. I like all the consoles but there are separate forums for each console so why not respect the rules that say no other consoles allowed here.
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21. May 2006 @ 16:26 |
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its one thing to bring up the ps3 but to talk in a good way doesnt mean u have to bash its competetion now does it?Please read what i say before u respond.Talk postively about the ps3 all u want but its a little of keep my "game: out my mouth or you know the rest.You are like most sony fasn picking and choosing what they want to respond to and genrally making NO sense what-so-ever.You come back at me in response that just was idiotic,it was like u twisted my words but dude people saw what i wrote and know that i didnt say dont talk about the ps3 in a good way.I'll say it again and qoute me but get it right this time, Its not that 360 fans care if you talk about the ps3 they just dont like when u bash the 360 IN A PS3 forum or wherever for that matter and cry when they retaliate!
p.s your involving yourself in a forum that is bashing other fans,guess what this forum is started by a ps3 fan so go figure. ITs amazing that fans of the 360/wii are responding when insulted isnt it?kinda strange but hey some people do have pride. Their is a thread comparing the 360's specs against the ps3,so should 360 fans not stick up for their console.Your argument deserves to have someone pop a squat over it!!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2006 @ 16:30
Senior Member
21. May 2006 @ 16:36 |
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I didn't quote you wrong.Maybe you should take your own advice and read your own post (if you can)
"You are like most sony fasn picking and choosing what they want to respond to and genrally making NO sense what-so-ever"
This is exactly what you just did and always do.I'm not a sony fan and how many times do I have to say I'm in it for myself not any company I LIKE ALL THE CONSOLES but in a ps3 forum I talk mostly about ps3 call me crazy.
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Senior Member
21. May 2006 @ 16:41 |
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go ahead and go to the wii and 360 forum and read some of my previous posts.You'll see I like all the consoles o that's right you never go to the 360 forum.
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21. May 2006 @ 16:44 |
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The bottom line is that these forums aren't fanboy explicit forums. No where does it say that only positive comments about *insert console forum here* can be made. The ps3 forum is open to anybody, haters and fanboys alike.
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21. May 2006 @ 16:45 |
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im not going to get caught up arguing with an illiterate nOOb
SPectacular point Oofrome!!!
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Senior Member
21. May 2006 @ 16:53 |
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Why not rik? You have so much to say until someone calls your bluff then you back down.Illiterate dude have you read your own posts lol.
Hey oofrome the forum is open to anyone I know and I like the fact that xbox and nintendo fans are here because I'm one and wouldn't want myself excluded to these for forums either, but It does say no other consoles discussed here and when you see a smash bros. thread I mean come on.
If people want to bash ps3 here that's cool i guess but don't cry and run when I offend you.Read my 1st post on this very thread did I bash any one .nope.I gave all the consoles respect.
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21. May 2006 @ 19:05 |
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Tycobb, I would just ignore RikJames. I am new as well but I notice he just trolls around in mostly every Sony thread there is, trying to say somethign negative about Sony. I can't stand people like that. They just use afterdawn to bash Sony for whatever moronic reasons. He doesn't have anything better to with his life I guess.
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21. May 2006 @ 19:41 |
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But if you look which i took time to do all the guys that hang out in the 360 forum come here and bring a bunch of negative things.I dont have a problem with people bashing but how can you bash something you dont own or know little about except what someone in a website say which they dont own one either. On top of that they bash PS3 but never say whats so great about the 360.I dont see Sony guys bashing people in the 360 forum all the time.I like both consoles but i like Sony more.You can call me what you want but im not steping down on that level like i did with that nut Samuels aka Hearldsun.
22. May 2006 @ 01:05 |
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You don't mind us when Sony is looking good and keeping promises. However, when Sony drop things out there console, have a joke of a performance at E3 etc. it's moan about the 360 and 360fanboy time. At least that's how it seems.
Why do you all become so bitter? It's a forum ffs. I personally like a forum where everyone can have a free opinion, and talk passionately about there favourite console, share info. etc.
The fact is, some people will diss off another console, and when everyone retaliates back, they moan about there attitude and go in a huff. Don't dish it out, if you can't take it.
It's a good passtime in work for me, to have a little debate about what spec/features/etc. are best, learning a little at the same time.
So, diss the 360 till you're blue in the face, but don't cry about it when you hear someone elses opinion.
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22. May 2006 @ 02:28 |
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My problem is when you got people that want to argue about something they dont know.Far as Sony lying to people thats true so does Microsoft its call Marketing.Not one Sony person will sit here and tell you that everything Sony say is the truth but its the Buyer job to do research fine out things that might be true or false, But if you look Micrsoft has a very big history of lying to people.Some of you guys(MS) act like you never be lied to in your life.You guys new to stop being so sensetive.
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22. May 2006 @ 03:01 |
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They just dont get it,sony fans must be the sheltered kids in school who always have to play games u cant lose in.Why do you and by you i mean damondash,ttownklwn,tycobb take everything so personal when i bash sony,i think its u who needs to get a life.YOu start talking in a forum bashing 360 fans and saying they should stay in the 360 forum and then cry when they/me say something back. Its a DEBATE i know its hard to grasp that, i like the 360 so i take that side,defend ps3 since that seems to be ur preference and dont cry and whine like little chilren when i disagree with you guys.The fact that u cliam this is a ps3 forum but hten start forums involving the 360 means it is you guys not following the forum rules and starting topics involving and comparing the ps3 to the 360 and i personally have no problem with it but u three do and thats kinda moronic since YOU THREE BRING THE 360 UP!Its a videogame forum so dont take it so personal when someone doesnt like ur console of choice which i hear you three claiming to be all consoles but clearly thats not the case do to the way your avidly defending ps3.Oh and as for lying being marketing...its better when u dont get caught with your pants down as sony've got some fans calling it lying but saying its marketing then otehr fans saying they never promised it...come on fellas which is it???
22. May 2006 @ 03:03 |
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HaHa i'm not sensitive, that why i'm finding this funny, and that's why I don't complain when fanboys start talkin sh*t about other consoles. I'm not as big a fan of MS as you probably think, I am a fan of the 360 though, and I think I received everything I was promised, with more to look forward to.
I think the 360's future is brighter than it looked when it came out. Peoplestarted saying it had problems with this, that and the next thing. I've had it since February and it has crashed about twice, THAT'S IT. Every other surprise has been a good one.
That is why I comment on the PS3 coming in sub-standard. I wanted one to begin with, but I don't think they're living up to the hype, whereas MS seem to be delivering. If it is as good as you all make out (which I doubt), i'll happily go buy one and rant and rave about how it's great - you can hold me to that.
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22. May 2006 @ 03:33 |
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Thats what i mean oedekerk its forum that is open to debate so im not sure what they dont get when someones defeding one side as they defened the other which for me i speak on behalf of the 360 and they the ps3.I have NEVER owned an XBOX and owned a ps2 lsat go round,i see now that MS makes a better product,lies less and has great customer service all which sony was not so good at for me atleast.All im saying is if your throwing stones intending to hit someone on the other side,common sense says to expect some stones thrown back your way.Thats obviously not at u oedekerk but at the 3 stooges.
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22. May 2006 @ 03:46 |
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I've threw stones, and I'm expecting a few back, I won't cry..... much.
I want to be in the stooge club too,
Lighten up, it's a debate, not a war...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. May 2006 @ 03:48
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22. May 2006 @ 04:16 |
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See i dont have a problem with oedekerk he makes good points.But the reason people jump on you Rikjames is your personal attack you make thats why you wont be around here long with that kind of attitude.rikjames you dont debate you make personal attacks.Ex:three stooge cmon you attack me when i never lash out at you.
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22. May 2006 @ 04:42 |
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oedekerk makes opinionated points and no real proof of why x360 is better.
and rikjames is just an ass.