PS3 Facts
22. May 2006 @ 14:16 |
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Theres alot of shit talking going on in here about which console is best and whatnot but i dont care about all that I like PS end of chat but what are the facts? can people post some facts about PS3 for me here to stop me going to the dark side and buying an Xbox360.
EG What will the REAL price be....
What games will be exclusive to PS3
Whats the controller like
And any other interesting FACTS about the console.
Cheers :D
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22. May 2006 @ 14:56 |
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well gta 4 is not exclusive anymore sorry :<
exclusives would be
Heavenly Sword
Assasins: Creed
Killzone 2
people also say ut 2007 but ive been hearing its also coming to 360 dunno?
theres alot more just cant think of them at the top of my head
22. May 2006 @ 15:08 |
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UT2007 is for the 360, PS3 and the PC
Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......
Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.
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22. May 2006 @ 15:12 |
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I am a huge Sony fan but MS is not the darkside man. They have great exclusives and so does Sony. You won't go wrong getting a 360 then save up and get a PS3. For facts on Sony without all the mess, just go to and search for PS3.
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22. May 2006 @ 19:02 |
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to me (total opinion) the ps3 exclusives are MUCH better exclusives. they have many outstanding sequals to great games. also sony games are really good at encorperating beautiful stories that really get you involved and really feel something fo all of the charectors and really get to know the charectors over the years. the x360 is really missing that and i think thats why the dont have as big of a fan base.
22. May 2006 @ 20:11 |
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i have to disagree with what you said about the smaller fanbase for xbox. microsoft just got in the videogame business not too long ago, play station has been around for quite some time now, so would it make sence that play station has a larger fanbase?
oh and the controller once again remains the same as it was when the analog was put onto it for PSone, exept that there is triggers where the R2-L2 buttons are, and also it looks like there is a power butoon on it where the logo is, man that would be so cool, i wish all controlers were like that!!
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Senior Member
22. May 2006 @ 20:19 |
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microsoft has been in the game business for awhile, i mean havnt they been distrubing games since the mid 90s?/, just not the console business, so if you transferred the fanbase from the pc world into the console world, microsoft should stand pretty tall, BUT for whatever reason their game lineups just dont go punch for punch with sony.
22. May 2006 @ 20:24 |
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true microsoft has been distributing games since the 90's, but really it wasnt microsoft getting the kudos for it, it was mostly the games developers and such, but while they were distributing games, if you wanted to play the most up to date ones youd have to buy some kind of chip or something to install in your pc, like a new vidocard, right?(im not a pc wiz so correct me if i am wrong)
edit... wait i forgot where i am going with this,,, damn... if i remember ill re-edit
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Senior Member
22. May 2006 @ 21:52 |
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"if you wanted to play the most up to date ones youd have to buy some kind of chip or something to install in your pc, like a new vidocard, right? "
I'm a pc gamer and the answer to tybro9 is no.Actually that's now.Back in the day pc games relied almost entirely on cpu and ram NOT graphics cards.Graphics cards like ati and nvidia were not a big deal until about 2000.In fact both companies were 2bit and didn't even have stock I don't think.
Yo I looked in the control panel of a intel p2 the other day, it had a 4mb graphics card!!!!
Microsoft was given kudos as well.Flight simulator was given to school's free and quickly became the most popular and successful flight franchise in the entire world.
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Senior Member
22. May 2006 @ 21:54 |
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So anywho back to the ps3 lol.I also think the sony platformers are better than any other console.Ratchet and clank,sly cooper and jak.I'm a big third person perspective fan.
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22. May 2006 @ 23:58 |
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I don't think the 360 is getting UT2007 anymore. I heard this rumour a while ago, and when I checked a games retailer for the up-to-date release date, it had gone.
For me...
a strong 360 exclusive is Gears of War.
A strong PS3 exclusive is GT:Vision.
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23. May 2006 @ 00:19 |
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For me since halo 3 will be dropping the same time ps3 will be released that would be it on the 360.
as far as ps3 resistance :fall of man is making some buzz but my personal longing is for ratchet.
23. May 2006 @ 00:29 |
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I'm slightly fed up of looking at sequels, but Devil May Cry should be fun.
I'm a bit different from everyone in that i'm not too fussed about Halo 3 and MGS4, PERSONALLY both have been slightly bland in the past.
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23. May 2006 @ 00:38 |
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yeah devil may cry 3 kicked a$$
Halo is overated but really it's fun to play b/c the difficulty is pretty easy and the way the bugs splat is cool.I'm still not sure what's so special about it though.
23. May 2006 @ 00:46 |
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I commented on a 360 game and PS3 game I didn't like, but you still only put the 360 down. Sony has weak points to... lol hello?
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23. May 2006 @ 01:07 |
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Oww please.Really I didn't like god of war that much.Some parts were awesome some parts sucked kinda like halo.I wish they would put out another twisted metal black.But all in all I like sony exclusives.And I like halo but am not blow away.
23. May 2006 @ 01:12 |
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Twisted Metal was cool 'back in the day'. Pure classic. The format is wearing a bit thin these days though, e.g. Full Auto
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't
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23. May 2006 @ 01:16 |
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Yeah like none.I remember vigilante 8 and rouge trip too.They were great but not as good as twisted.
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23. May 2006 @ 06:05 |
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twisted metal would be brilliante on line the problem with full auto is people tuning around to shoot at you. twisted metal is pure mayhem also on the ps3 or x360 the maps could be INCREDIBLE!!!!
23. May 2006 @ 06:58 |
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to everything tycobb said, i stand corrected
23. May 2006 @ 09:47 |
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well the controller sells it for me i thought they were changing it but if itd the same then cool. PS2 controller was the best controller ever made XBOX controller is pants and the main reason i wont bu7y one.
23. May 2006 @ 10:08 |
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The 360 controller si good though, but i still dont think as good as PS2.
23. May 2006 @ 10:55 |
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to be honest, i like the xbox contorller better than the 360, i like the black and white buttons on it, and its more comfortable, maybe i am weird
23. May 2006 @ 10:57 |
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are they still planning on haveing the 7 player multiplayer for the PS3?
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23. May 2006 @ 10:58 |
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Nah i like it alot more also. Like once said its great because of the weight, the weight to size ratio is perfect, not to light not to heavy. Also i prefer the placement of the 360 analog and dpad.
As for the 7 multiplayer i think you will just have to wait and see. I mentioned b4 that there are only 4 lights on top of the ps3 controller corresponding which player you are prob. If there were going to be 7 i would think they would put 7 lights but u nvr know
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