Dbox In Ireland
Senior Member
20. May 2007 @ 12:48 |
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Would somebody be able to email me that image also?
I downloaded an image and got it working ok but would like to try another image also.
There are some images available here. Link checked 20/05/2007 http://netwave.redirectme.net/RED-DWARF/
Anybody got a link to instruction on removing channels by editing the services file? As basic as possible!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. May 2007 @ 12:50
20. May 2007 @ 14:42 |
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Can you upload the image to rapidshare.com or megaupload.com for some of us to test please?
Senior Member
21. May 2007 @ 01:32 |
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Originally posted by Meath: I've been spending a lot of time searching, I'm looking for images etc. Almost every link is broken, I've registered for millions of sites, seems like there's link after link to forums, guides made by people that are networks/dbox experts, and after 5 days my dbox is about to get thrown across the road!
Offer you a hundred euro for it, before it gets thrown across the road!!
Senior Member
21. May 2007 @ 01:55 |
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DBoxes for sale
€160 each or very nearest offer
Were reconditioned with new screens and front flaps and new remotes
can be collected in dublin anytime
UK Shipping €25 registered - €20 not registered
Ireland Shipping €20 registered - €15 not registered
Will post up pics thursday
Tested in dublin and picking up all TV 143 channels with commando 8
Cams and keys will not be on the boxes for legal reasons but if your on here you probably already know where to get em and what to do with these boxes
Have 2 with broken fron panels will sell for €100 but one is missing a remote control
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2007 @ 11:16
Suspended permanently
21. May 2007 @ 08:40 |
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Could anyone please give me some information regarding which sat box i would need to purchase in order to receive the C***** signal in Kildare and also what file or files i would need to put on the box and how easy is it to put the files on the box also i know i am asking a lot but surely someone out there has gone thru this and can help me out with the information i require thanks in advance
Senior Member
21. May 2007 @ 11:08 |
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the dbox's i'm sellin above would do ya
it must be true cable and not mmds for ch00ru5
as regards the questions
read through the whole thread as all this stuff is repeated on a daily basis or have a look ovfer on techno-source
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2007 @ 11:10
21. May 2007 @ 12:45 |
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hi guys,
some good news for all those in the cork area, on chxrus cabill.
Started last friday and got the star v1ew box working in cork city then
spent the wkd writing freq's and editing the Irish cables.xml for dbox and managed to get this sorted must have been all that coffee put the brains cell in overdrive?
i have updated this with an extra 11 transpnders which now gives us a total of 13 transponders. once you do a scan with the edit cables\scan.conf \services \ bouq.xml files =140 channels.+
Image sportster1.73 ultra, did have some freezing so i had to upload new cam-alpha.bin and ucodes 001a, ucodes 00f0.
did still have some freezing so connect cable directly which did solve this. the box has been on test since 16.00hrs sun and only had to restart once due to some noise coming from the picture, but chxrus signal isnt always the best as this also happens even if you are paying for the service,, so will try a booster just to improve the signal strength..
I have another box with sport3rs 1.10 camd2 is picking up all the channels but some are locked \no picture \sound ..and will mess around with other images but it looks like 1.73 is the one to use for now
Will keep you update on progress..
21. May 2007 @ 13:43 |
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Does the Dbox2 have the black pillars on the side of the screen when watching a 4:3 programe on a widescreen telly? I have a starview and it does this, appearently you cant fix it either. My dad now wants one so should I go for the Dbox2 or will I have the same thing?
Senior Member
21. May 2007 @ 13:44 |
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Camd2 support only premiere cards. You need evocamd or mgcamd or newcamd and the matching keys.
The latest irish cables.xml support chorus cable.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2007 @ 13:46
21. May 2007 @ 14:11 |
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i will try and change camd settings to one of ones you have mentioned..
irish.xml had only 2 transpond3rs ( in chxrus k bill ) and was not pickin up all channels in cork city . i have added so more transponders a scan now finds all chanells ,, i can send this onto you if you want ..
thanks for all the help ..
Senior Member
21. May 2007 @ 14:20 |
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
22. May 2007 @ 02:23 |
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Anyone know is there a Star View box that works with NTL MMDS Aerial? If so, which one & how do you connect it up?
22. May 2007 @ 06:11 |
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Hi All
I have a Sagem 2X and have tried
Sportster 1.5, 1.7 and 1.8 beta
Pacino 1 (apparently suited to jittery Sagems)
Commando xx - forget version - am at work (pretty sure not 8 though - duno where to download 8)
I have tried each of these with and without the cable and services files provided by various people (from the Ireland 6 zip file if memory serves) in this discussion thread.
I also have bought an adjustable gain signal booster from Maplins and tried them with and without the booster
I have tired a variety of CAMs etc (not exhaustive however)
I have no difficulty picking up all channels - BUT after a variable amount of time (dependent on the channel perhaps) the image starts to jitter/go black and the sound starts to chirrup quite badly
Most people on this thread seem to either struggle to get anything or everything works perfectly after dropping tin the cable file or whatever. I however seem to be stuck in the middle. My wife wants me to sell it but I have spent so much time playing with the damn thing that I am reluctant. Anybody have any suggestions?
Senior Member
22. May 2007 @ 06:12 |
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think all starviews work with mmds
Try commando 7.5 - but I can seem to fix the time on this image
PM Me later and try my image
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Senior Member
22. May 2007 @ 07:49 |
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Try ucode 001A and reboot your box.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. May 2007 @ 07:50
22. May 2007 @ 09:46 |
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I have 2 dboxes one running a cork city pacino 2.1 march 2007 version working perfect 143 channels and another with an old version 65 channels and freezes alot can someone tell me how to take the image from one and load it on to the other one.......all help greatly appreciated.
22. May 2007 @ 11:07 |
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hi mgb17
I have indeed tried each of the Ucode options with each of the CAM settings (admittedly not in every image to date). I have pretty much tried everything tried or suggested in this tread to date before caving in and making a post. The annoying thing is I don't even watch TV - it's for my daughters Sccoby Doo obsession :-)
BTW I am in D3 on basic NTL .
Senior Member
22. May 2007 @ 11:46 |
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If you are unlucky you got a sagem with a enx chip problem.
In such a case try a image with gbox emu.
22. May 2007 @ 11:56 |
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Excellent - very interesting even if I have no odea what it means :-)
Any idea here I might acquire such a beastie?
22. May 2007 @ 12:20 |
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22. May 2007 @ 12:42 |
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Jaysus, thats raised the learning curve a tad or two.
I must admit the lazy sod in me through the posts looking for a link to a Sagem 2X UK version for download but I didn't see one. I'm so paranoid aboout keine system or whatever it s called that I'm not my usual cavalier self!!
22. May 2007 @ 13:23 |
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Ok I've had a proper read of the thread and I've downloaded the various files. Just one question or perhaps point me to a link . What does
"Install here /var/bin and make sure you change via telnet to chmod 755 *.*mean?
Cheers for all help to date - much appreciated
22. May 2007 @ 14:34 |
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Ok forget the chmod question - some reading has cleared that up.
Senior Member
22. May 2007 @ 23:16 |
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Originally posted by KinchJes: hi mgb17
I have indeed tried each of the Ucode options with each of the CAM settings (admittedly not in every image to date). I have pretty much tried everything tried or suggested in this tread to date before caving in and making a post. The annoying thing is I don't even watch TV - it's for my daughters Sccoby Doo obsession :-)
BTW I am in D3 on basic NTL .
When you say 'basic NTL' does that mean basic digital or do you not have digital just the 'basic NTL' if you know what I mean.
I thought you had to have the Basic DIGITAL pack to use a DBOX on?
Am I mistaken?? (Hope I am!!).
22. May 2007 @ 23:51 |
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Basic as in basic non-digital 17 channels (ish)