Ulitmate Bit Torrent Guide (Links and pics)
Junior Member
21. September 2005 @ 19:30 |
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Junior Member
21. September 2005 @ 19:33 |
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Junior Member
21. September 2005 @ 19:34 |
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ops too big,why all my speeds is 0b/s
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21. September 2005 @ 22:14 |
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Im not sure but i think those are who your downloading from...... or uploading to??
Here is your download speed:

Junior Member
22. September 2005 @ 00:42 |
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yeah but it will become 0 after a few second @.@
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22. September 2005 @ 02:41 |
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Ohh i see, hmm thats weird will have to leave that 1 to j-kwon :)
Junior Member
22. September 2005 @ 03:27 |
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yeah this is my top speed ??? good for nothing...!!! so i need someone to help me
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22. September 2005 @ 03:40 |
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Hey, thats around my top speed im on 512 dsl, but im speed capped so i download when i go to dial up sppeds, when im on 512 it goes up past 20kb.
aslo see the sign click that if you make a mistake in writing or a pic so you dont have to create a new post to correct, its also good for double posts :)
Junior Member
22. September 2005 @ 06:03 |
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??? i don't know what you mean !//
Senior Member
22. September 2005 @ 10:20 |
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Hmmmmmmmmm chaingeg, could well be the file.
So to test that theory.
Go to http://www.bitsoup.org then register with them, It's free
Then download a newish well seeded & peered torrent, 50+ seeds, Films or PC Games usually carry alot of seeders.
Download that and open it up azereus, set your global max upload to a decent upload speed for your connection, DON'T BE A SELFISH LEECHER
leave it a good while then post your speed.
Out of intrest have you opened your ports up?
If you have make sure there random port number up not 6881-6889 because your ISP may be blocking them ports, If unsure which port to use stick 65535 in Az and then open that port up
Hope that helped
Junior Member
22. September 2005 @ 19:14 |
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yeah what this mean after i register it said to enable my account go to my e-mail and click the mail for account activation but this picture comes out ?? do you have any idea for this ??
Junior Member
22. September 2005 @ 21:13 |
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yeah every kind of firewall or anti-virus is offff and still gets the speeds like this?????? and why my nat cheack fail ! ?
23. September 2005 @ 04:04 |
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i have a SB5100 MOTOROLA surfBOARD MODEM, but can't seem to access the settings to open the port i want to use on it. i have set a static ip, and also opened a port in the firewall... nat test says ok, but still only get download speeds of about 5 kb/s???? Can anyone help me with this problem please as i am getting a little frustrated with the slow speeds.
23. September 2005 @ 04:31 |
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j-kwon, i've opened up the port 65535, but failed check at NAT. problem is the site say i have not forwarded my port or i have no torrent client running on that port. hmmm.. can help me out? thanks... oh, my upload limit is 10K, just in case.
Senior Member
23. September 2005 @ 09:34 |
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Try signing up again, strange that you can't. Site might be down on registrations
Quote: i have not forwarded my port
You need to.
If you can't get onto bitsoup try another private tracker.
Man i really don't get what youve done. write a list like this
with what your trying to do and what youve done.
Make your pictures smaller! please for the people on dial up viewing this thread. them beasty pictures will put them right off
Oh and try BitTornado that will probably be easier for you
Change your upload speed to 20 KB/s if your on 1mbps broadband
Download from a private tracker such as
http://www.filelist.org (need to register)
http://www.filemp3.org (need to register)
http://www.torrentbytes.org (need to register)
http://www.pisexy.org (need to register)
http://www.oink.me.uk (need to register)
http://www.torrentit.com (need to register)
http://www.bitsoup.org (need to register)
And get a file with lots of seeders
Then tell me what speeds you get
23. September 2005 @ 09:38 |
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Can sombody help me PLEASE i dont have a router you see & i'm having problems with bitlord i followed all of your advice using port 65535 & i've opened it in my firewall (Mcafee) yet i'm still getting really slow downloads i have a sagem 800 modem with 1mb connection but im lucky if get 10Kb.Any ideas?
Senior Member
24. September 2005 @ 11:27 |
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i use Azureus on a mac. i do have a pc but i do the DL on the mac. if i have Azureus on the pc and i forward the ports, will that affect my DL speed?
is there any known way of doing this on mac?
Senior Member
24. September 2005 @ 12:59 |
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HMMMM woundn't you be better of with purpose mac clients?
Tomato Torrent
Rather than azi?
You had to open ports on your mac, i have no idea how to do that.
It wouldn't make a difference if you opnened your ports on your comp as I'm guessing they different I.P's
Senior Member
24. September 2005 @ 15:08 |
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25. September 2005 @ 17:14 |
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J-Kwon excellent guide...........
can you please check your PM box, i need some help with bitsoup.org,
bascially I have forgotten my password and the sites reset feature aint working, im hoping a regged user could contact an admin or something on my behalf, my pm explains all.
any help much appreciated.
25. September 2005 @ 18:42 |
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ok this could get slightly complicated. I have two routers one is a Netgear WGR614v3 and the other is a FVS813. The WGR is connected to the FVS and I use wireless to connect WGR. I my computer only shows as being attached to the Wireless, but I am attached indirectly to the FVS. I have opened the ports on both routers so that i can use bitsoup.org, but when i check to see if the ports are open it shows that they are in stealth. I when I dowload directly from the internet I get 125Kb/s, but I used to get about 300 or so. When I download a torrent I rarely get over 15 and am usually stuck at below 10. Can anyone help me figure this out? I consider myself tech-savvy so don't dumb stuff down for me if you don't want to.
Junior Member
26. September 2005 @ 06:38 |
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J-kwon don't angry with me ok ? i don't have time to respone maybe weekend i can respone bye !
27. September 2005 @ 01:26 |
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woot. went from 6-46kbs on the normal bt client to 60kbs-118kbs (so far runnign 30 minutes).
Great info man.
Junior Member
27. September 2005 @ 05:18 |
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i followed ur guide and ive set it up and im gettin a flat out speed right now i think it could be cuz this files ratio is 196 seeds to 124 leaches but when i did the port thing i dont have a router so i went thru the network connections and in interent connection setting add a port that was 65535 tcp and then in bitlord i made the listen port 65535 but when i use the port checking program it detects the port but instead of open it says closed why? and with the nat check i type in 65535 and the hash id of the torrent and i get cannot connect and it says something must be wrong with ur port forwarding config
Senior Member
27. September 2005 @ 07:30 |
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found this thru google.
for those mac users.. i may set up a guide of some sort.. or at least a list of URLs to help out our mac users
this is an unofficial guide to known mac ports
this google just gets better and better.... here's a piece i found.
Quote: Tip-o-the-week: Port Forwarding
Since we?re dealing with network problems, we might as well end with a networking tip. If you use a router to allow multiple computers access to the same internet connection, you may have encountered times when you wanted access to file sharing on your home computer, or you wanted to host a network game and found that you were unable to. Your router is the problem, and I?m here to provide the solution.
Here?s the crux of it: when trying to access your computer from the outside world, you likely only have one IP address. That means that when you access this IP address, it?s going to go to your router. Since the router has multiple computers connected to it, it won?t know to which computer to send the request. So if you try to access file sharing, for example, you?ll get an error when you put in your home?s IP address.
The solution is port forwarding ? it instructs your router to send requests to certain computers based on the port of the request. Since certain ports are tied to certain applications, you can often guarantee access to your computer, even from the outside.
Here?s how to do it: first of all, look at your router?s manual to figure out how to do port forwarding. Mine involves accessing the router using a web browser, and then going to the ?Virtual Server? section. You?ll also need two other pieces of information ? the ports you want to forward, and the internal IP address to which you want to forward those ports.
To get the ports, you can often just do a Google search on the application name and the word ?port?. If you?re looking to forward a service like file sharing, you can consult a list like this one from Apple?s website or this unofficial list.
To get the internal IP address, just choose [Apple menu ?> System Preferences? ?> Network], choose your internet connection in the ?Show? popup menu, click the ?TCP/IP? tab, and then note down the IP address listed at the top labelled, appropriately, ?IP Address?. Note, however, that if you use DHCP configuration, you?ll want to note down all the numbers and change it to manual so that you can keep your internal IP address constant. Otherwise, the next time your IP changes, your port forwarding won?t work anymore.
Now just go back to your router configuration page, and on a single line, put in the port number and the internal IP address to which to redirect. (If it asks for the protocol, UDP or TCP, then use the ?Both? option if you can, and ?TCP? if you can?t.)
(Another note: this whole section applies if you use an Airport Base Station. An AirPort base station acts as a router for your wireless computers, meaning that you need to forward ports to your wireless computers if you want to host network games and such. Port forwarding can be accessed by opening the AirPort Admin Utility located in /Application/Utilities/ , selecting your base station and pressing ?Configure?, and then going to the ?Port Mapping? section.)
and that's from...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. September 2005 @ 07:36