Official Movie Thread - Discuss movies here
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7. November 2006 @ 09:21 |
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Originally posted by rihgt682: click is good movie go watch it.
mission impossible 3 is also good movie but not good as click.
Gonna see Click soon.
Senior Member
7. November 2006 @ 15:55 |
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watch the sentinel. It's just same as regular movie. You'll know the story within 10 minutes of watching it.
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16. November 2006 @ 13:34 |
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just finished watching borat. hilarious movie.
X2 3800, A8n deluxe motherboard, 7800GT, Xion 2 case
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games Im looking forward to: bioshock, SSBB, enemy territory quake wars, halo 3
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16. November 2006 @ 15:39 |
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flushed away was really good actually, very witty ;)
Senior Member
17. November 2006 @ 05:59 |
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Borat was kinda funny, its worth a watch, Imdb gave it 8.4/10.
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18. November 2006 @ 05:48 |
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I wanna see Borat, Click was good but my favorite was Cars..excellent movie.
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19. November 2006 @ 04:09 |
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Managed to stay awake long enough (I am real tired by the weekends) to watch "Miami Vice". Have to say that it was a real let down, hardly no action at all apart from the shoot out at the end, I think it could have been so much better! My wife fell asleep during it!!
Going to see "Casino Royale" this afternoon, I know that it has rave reviews but I do not think that this new dude who plays bond is up to the mark. Prefer Moore/Connery and lastly Brosnan.
Senior Member
19. November 2006 @ 17:32 |
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have anyone seen the new 007 movie? how is it?
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20. November 2006 @ 04:25 |
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Well, went and saw "Casino Royale" and I would say its not that bad. Without giving away to much of the plot its starts pretty well (action wise) but if you are looking for car chases etc and lots of shoot outs it could be dissapointing. There are no plans for world domination in this movie (unlike many Bonds) but there is plenty of suspense.As to Daniel Craig he plays the part well but as far as I am concerned he is just not suave enough to be Bond, but thats what I think the makers wanted. Go and see it!
20. November 2006 @ 22:01 |
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done and done
i did see Borat and it didnt disappoint.funniest film ive seen in scene in particular had me,along with the whole cinema in stitches for 10 minutes ribs were killing me after.those that have seen it will know what scene im talking about but i wont say what it is because its funnier if you dont expect it.
Quote: Borat was kinda funny, its worth a watch, Imdb gave it 8.4/10.
yeah,but that score is very inflated due to the thousands upon thousands of kids who see a film,really like it and automatically give it a ten and all the people who are determined to get the latest film that they saw and liked into the Top 250.
Click took me by surprise.i didnt expect it to be half as good as it was.
Quote: Going to see "Casino Royale" this afternoon, I know that it has rave reviews but I do not think that this new dude who plays bond is up to the mark
yeah,i have the same feelings about him.i really liked him in Layer Cake but i cant see him in the role of Bond.but then again,i said ther same thing about Moore and Brosnan and then warmed to them later on so i guess time will tell.
Senior Member
23. November 2006 @ 08:23 |
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I saw jon tucker must DIE. It was crap movie. Unless your some 13 or 12 years old. Saw accepted. Good movie for high schoolers like me. saw fast and the furious tokyo drift it was i would give c-. Ice age 2 review will come up soon.
7. December 2006 @ 19:56 |
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Anyone know what the title of the theme song of Miami Vice the Movie? The song that is played when the trailer is shown. Im having a tough time locating it.
Please let me know.
Much appreciated.
Senior Member
8. December 2006 @ 12:11 |
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Originally posted by target7: Hi,
Anyone know what the title of the theme song of Miami Vice the Movie? The song that is played when the trailer is shown. Im having a tough time locating it.
Please let me know.
Much appreciated.
Jay-Z Ft Linkin Park - Numb/Encore (I think that's the one your talking about). Had it ages ago, was actually surprised to see them use a Jay-Z song... :-p
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17. December 2006 @ 18:07 |
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Went to see Eragon this afternoon! Can't see what all the hype is about frankly, my 16yr old enjoyed it (otherwise would not have gone). I think that the 'problem' with it was that the boy who plays 'arrogant' seems to think that he is the golden child!He thinks (or doesn't) that he can do anything and seems to put precious little thought into anthing he does (for those that have seen it I refer to the castle scene) and then needs to be helped othewrwise he would not have succeded. Jeromy Irons plays a convincing part, the effects arn't bad, storyline is ok, it just fails in my book due to 'arrogant'. INMHO Willow & Labrynth were much better movies with more likeable characters.
Also saw a trailer whilst there for a movie called Ghost Rider with Nicolas Cage, now that looks interesting comes out in 07
18. December 2006 @ 13:45 |
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cool, i used to love the Ghost Rider comics as a nipper, your post got me finding a few Ghost Rider wallpapers, cheers
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18. December 2006 @ 16:22 |
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No worries, I did not know until I looked around that it was a comic book character (I must have had a sheltered childhood I guess!!). I used to buy spiderman myself but funnily enough I have not seen any of the movies, must be my age LOL!
19. December 2006 @ 09:34 |
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new to this posting
CARS loved it .
Casino Royle going tomorrow
the last 2weeks watched nearly every one
will let you know what I think.
AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2006 @ 15:08 |
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Jet Li's Fearless: Awesome movie. A little screwy by starting out in 1910,then going back to 1880. Lots of great kung fu fight scenes.
I'm too poor to go to the theater's, LOL..
My 3 month old Kinzie's favorite flick is The Ant Bully. She's watched it half a dozen times. A very funning movie and I don't watch too many flicks below the R rating, LOL
I got a hold of a dvd that was converted from bit-torrents: Casino Royale. What a waste. It's like watching a 1-dimentional movie with the special effects of 1970's budget flick, LOL
I'll wait till the dvd comes out to watch it again. I'm sure it'll be 10 times better than that bogus copy that I watched, LOL
Seeing all the movies that are being re-filmed again,here's a list of some movies I'd love to see newer versions of:
Food of the gods-entire set
Phantasm-entire set
Prophecy-the one about the mutated bears,not christopher walken, LOL
It's alive-entire set.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
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19. December 2006 @ 16:13 |
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FEARLESS! hell ya :)
jackass 2 and borat and lil miss sunshine were funny.
lady in the water wasnt bad ;)
naked mile was hilarious.
i have blood diamond, need to make some time to see it :P
20. December 2006 @ 07:54 |
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Havent been to movies for 2 years
there is nothing like watching a action flick
on the big screen.
my car was being serviced so I took the chance.
The new bond will have take time to develop his own
character sean, roger,Pieace,the other 2 we wont mention
I should have watched Casino Royal.Before Layer Cake.IMO
he was wimpish in LC.
BIGGEST disapointment no Q departement no bond special GADGETS.
maybe next time .
Senior Member
21. December 2006 @ 21:19 |
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I don't go to movies often either. saw invincible boring. saw my super ex-girlfriend really boring. (expect that hot blond chick). Who saw that new rocky movie? is it good as the old one?
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22. December 2006 @ 23:51 |
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Just got a copy of After The Rain which has Paul Bettany in it. He plays a monk in The Davinci Code so it will be interesting to see how he does in this one. Also bought the Narnia 4 disc set as I am a big fan.
24. December 2006 @ 14:21 |
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. December 2006 @ 09:09
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30. December 2006 @ 09:54 |
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Going to see "Pursuit Of Happiness" with Will Smith this afternoon, anyone seen it already?
Junior Member
2. January 2007 @ 00:12 |
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Dude, I just found out that there is a DRAGONLANCE movie that is nearing its final production. I used to read that book series when I was in High School and I always wondered why no one made a movie out of it. Keifer Sutherland and Michelle Trachtenberg (that really hot chick from Eurotrip) are just two of the voice roles. Info is here:
I think this could be better then the LOTR trilogy since in my non-expert opinion the story was a lot deeper. Dang, I think I might just go and get some of those old books I used to read for some nostalgia.
Happiness is not having the things you want, its wanting the things you have.