All i have been seeing lately and from the time i have first started coming to AD i see this question asked the most times and it seems to me that it is happening more and more as the time passes, the question Why cant DVD Shrink rip or backup this DVD? or something similiar to that, and most often it is a newer dvd they are trying to do. Now with that said i'm not sure how AD can give this message, maybe a sticky? although there are still questions (every once in awhile) about the Error n Cannot connect TRF even though it is the top sticky in the forum.LOL
I think it will save more time for the amazing members of AD, and i do realize that there will always questions like that but maybe not as much with a warning or something like that.
PS maybe one in the dvd ripping forum would be good too.
Just my opinion
@300bowler - 'fraid a sticky wouldn't help. we have stickies for all manner of similar things and it just doesn't help the flood of similar questions. Just like people will never stop endless multiposting. We just have to keep at it and try to keep all of it under control. I think part of the problem is sheer traffic, ie the volume of people asking all these questions; another part of the problem is the bulk of them don't/won't read stickies, never mind the fact they won't even look on the same forum page where there are countless similar questions to theirs. Now we can't unfortunately explain this phenomenon away by saying they don't understand the subject material because the majority won't/don't look at the absolute alladin's cave of info that's already here.
so...i hear you, and not saying a sticky isn't worth doing, it's just that there are so many stickies that get ignored (which reminds me, some forums have way too many stickies but i digress, and even then those ones still get ignored too)
Quote:we have stickies for all manner of similar things and it just doesn't help the flood of similar questions.
Yeah, you are sure right about that
Quote:it's just that there are so many stickies that get ignored (which reminds me, some forums have way too many stickies but i digress, and even then those ones still get ignored too)
Yes, totally agree with u again, i didn't think that there would be a sticky, but it was worth a shot. i guess it wouldn't be that bad either if noobs would just use the search too.
@ guyrus,
I believe that Recode will have the same problem when trying to rip a new dvd, or backup with out help from other programs first. Right?
i RARELY burn many actual dvds as i like to buy my manga for my collection as originals.However anything i download as an AVI etc i encode with convert x and the burning app is mostly recode had any trouble .I dont even think i have an updated AnyDVD .