PS3 blu-ray drive dead
4. January 2011 @ 09:34 |
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Originally posted by johnyb62: Originally posted by buaile: Originally posted by johnyb62: Could use some advice...
I am trying to help out my cousin whos PS3 stopped reading discs, so I took the unit apart and tried cleaning the laser (single lense version) but no joy. I noticed although the head moves along it's tracks the disc does not spin. Although I have read a lot of info and emailed part suppliers - I am not sure if the disk will only spin if the laser can pass the initial checks or that it could be the motor thats spins the disc at fault?
I have seen on ebay people selling the unit with the deck but I dont want to waste £40 on the wrong part so would appreciate a steer...
Sounds like the laser to me. To be honest from my experience the main problem people have with a PS3 are down to the laser. It is worth risking a few quid to see because unless you know anyone with a spare laser to check it out you are not going to know for sure until you try a new one.
Thanks for the advise, I risked it and went ahead with the laser & deck (just in case) and it worked fine. Not sure the deck was required but it was only a couple of quid more and cannot be purchased on its own so worth doing.
Good news so. The deck is not required as such but it gives you much less work to do once you have opened up the machine so is definitely worth the extra few quid. Glad it worked out for you.
5. January 2011 @ 01:17 |
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Im sure this is an old thread and wont get many replies... well anyways my original ps3 from 2007 got the ylod. So i reflowed a few times and it worked at first but i think after a few times of reflowing it either my heatsink plates are not making perfect connection or the heatsink is just burnt up. It always dies when playing fallout new vegas...
Well anyways i bought an 80 gig ps3 with the same serial # as my old one. I got it on ebay and it works fine just the disc drive doesnt work. So i take the disc drive out of my old one and plop it into the newer one and it doesnt read anything ,games, cds, movies, last i knew it worked fine in my old one. There is no load symbol in corner of screen. I think its like a disc drive on a computer and it needs to have driver info on hard drive.. idk ive restored system files and currently am restoring system.... any help??
5. January 2011 @ 14:57 |
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Wow, this is a long thread. Lots of great info, and I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but i want to make sure I didn't miss anything.
I have 2 PS3's, both 80gb CECHE01 models. PS3 1 works perfectly, except the usb ports do not work, I tried doing the system restore to see if that would fix it, but ended up unable to pair any controllers with it, so I can't use it at all.
PS3 2 was bought on ebay, and functions fine, except that the blu-ray drive will not accept or read disks.
So I decided to put the blu ray drive from PS3 1 into PS3 2. It accepted the disk, spun it up, everything was fine, except it wouldn't read. I figured out this was due to the blu ray control board not matching the system.
So I switched the control board from PS3 2 onto the working drive from PS3 1, now it won't eject or pull the disk in, but it can tell when I push one in cause it flashes, and will turn on the ps3 if it's off.
Looking at the control board from PS3 2, i see one burnt spot on the board. it is right between the power connection and the nearest 4R7 bit. on the good board it's a very small metal rectangle with a grey stripe in the middle (forgive me, i'm no electrician, it might be a resistor though). on the bad board (PS3 2) it looks like it melted or exploded or something. it's not more than 2mm long, so I can't imagine replacing the component, however it could be bypassed on the other side, but i'd guess that's asking for trouble.
so this leaves me with what I imagine is an impossible to repair controller board, paired with a fine PS3. And I know the NAND chip is fine, because it lets me play games and demos off the HD.
Now my questions are these:
1. I know that the NAND chip can be swapped from controller 2 (broken) to controller 1 (working) and if done properly i'll be set. however, it seems much easier to me, if it's possible, to copy and flash the NAND info. Is this possible?
2. Is there something i'm overlooking that i could try to repair this board? replace the burnt out part, bypass it, anything?
3. If the NAND from the controller can't be read/written, could it be done to the PS3, for example flash PS3 2's motherboard with PS3 1's NAND info, allowing it to pair with the working controller board (and hopefully hard drive too, would love to keep my game saves)
4. Is there any hack/jailbreak/downgrade/firmware/anything that can help me get around this, or anything coming in the near future I should look into? I really don't want to mess something up swapping chips and find out 3 weeks later that they've figured out how to flash NAND or bypass the pairing.
5. If nothing exists for number 4, is there a way currently or in the near future I can play backups of my owned games off of the hard drive, so I can bypass the blu ray drive while I wait for a better solution to be developed?
any answers to any of the questions would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
8. January 2011 @ 07:34 |
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Hey fellas,
I was hoping to get an idea of how bad my ps3 is, it currently won't accept any discs so I was going to replace the blu ray drive. I then tried to download a couple of free games from psn but they wouldn't play either. So is my ps3 more stuffed then what I first thought or do even downloaded games require the blu ray drive to run.
Thanks for any help.
P.S Internet, downloaded movies, music etc. all work fine.
8. January 2011 @ 09:41 |
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why dont you change the blu-ray optic like ps2(of course the methde to replace it different)
9. January 2011 @ 21:25 |
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Hello I have a 60 gig CECHA01l, with a A 3 main board and a kem-400aaa laser. While trying to replace the laser I broke a connector on the main board, the one i broke goes to the DVD Sensor. From all that I have read I must take the chips off the old board and put them on a new replacement board. The problem I'm running into is how to get these chips moved over. I can not do it my self.
Any help out there or some ideas?
I miss my ps3 and really want to fix this 60gig I love it, no need to buying some new one if this one can be fixed.
Thanks for any help.
18. January 2011 @ 17:50 |
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I recently got a CECHH01 that had the YLOD. Well I got the system to start up but the drive needed to be realigned due to the previous owner taking the disc out of the drive. Well the problem is that the drive seems to be the newer model of drives. The metal arm on the back does not have a pocket on both sides. This causes the laser tray not to raise because only one side is moving. I have taken it apart and have tested that the disc still spins and the motor works because it lifts the tray once the gears are engaged. I just need some help with knowing how the metal arm on the back can move both of the sides of the tray if only one has a pocket for it to fit into.
20. January 2011 @ 22:39 |
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- The system accepts/ejects discs properly.
- The blue light on the console works properly.
- I see the loading "bubble" on the screen after a disc is inserted.
- The laser mechanism does move (tested by moving the laser all the way back and watched it move to the front as I loaded a disc).
- The tray does move up to hold the disc.
- The laser moves vertically 3 times and shines a light (only red light).
- Discs DO NOT spin.
- The motor is not obstructed, as I can freely spin the spindle with my finger.
- I tried with a complete and new KEM400 assembly from eBay, and both are acting the same way.
- BUT when I installed the new laser it was acutely reading GT5 first try, but stopped the game to test a blu-ray movie, the movie icon appeared on screen, and I entered it, but when loading the movie, ps3 froze and I had to restart it. Now it?s all the same again, CAN'T read ANY discs.
Do you guys think it?s the controller board, IC or maybe just a bad laser?
I?m a bit confused cus someone says that when the ??loading bubble?? appears it?s most likely the laser, and some says IC, what the hell to believe?
21. January 2011 @ 04:00 |
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Originally posted by HMD86: - The system accepts/ejects discs properly.
- The blue light on the console works properly.
- I see the loading "bubble" on the screen after a disc is inserted.
- The laser mechanism does move (tested by moving the laser all the way back and watched it move to the front as I loaded a disc).
- The tray does move up to hold the disc.
- The laser moves vertically 3 times and shines a light (only red light).
- Discs DO NOT spin.
- The motor is not obstructed, as I can freely spin the spindle with my finger.
- I tried with a complete and new KEM400 assembly from eBay, and both are acting the same way.
- BUT when I installed the new laser it was acutely reading GT5 first try, but stopped the game to test a blu-ray movie, the movie icon appeared on screen, and I entered it, but when loading the movie, ps3 froze and I had to restart it. Now it?s all the same again, CAN'T read ANY discs.
Do you guys think it?s the controller board, IC or maybe just a bad laser?
I?m a bit confused cus someone says that when the ??loading bubble?? appears it?s most likely the laser, and some says IC, what the hell to believe?
Sounds like you replaced a bad laser with another bad laser. Happened to me too but that has all the symptoms of a faulty laser.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
14. March 2011 @ 23:20 |
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hello all, I need a little help. I purchased a cecha01 ps3 recently. It was not reading discs. I replaced the laser. the drive won't spin up. Now, before anyone jumps and says 'get another laser!' please read on. I had the drive apart and watched for light or movement. It had both. The laser homes, and checks for a disc but will not spin up. I had an extra bluray controller board, and decided to check it out with the other board. It spun up and read the disc fine. However, it could not communicate with the motherboard to play a disc. At this point, I figured it must be the bluray ic chip. I replaced that as well. I work on many MANY electronic devices, and have for years, and this was an easy task for me. Anyway, the board still does not spin up. At this point I am at my wits end. I believe the nand bga chip is either bricked up, has gone bad, or just needs transplanted to a new board. Does anyone here have any ideas of anything else I can check or can anyone here reccommend someone who can check my board and if needed, transplant my nand chip? Anyhelp is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Mike.
Senior Member
14. March 2011 @ 23:25 |
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5. June 2011 @ 03:33 |
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I'm assuming these are the symptoms some people are getting:
I had just finished replaced the sensor wire, but before I could see if I had fixed my BD, the PS3 shutoff because the PSU decided to stop working randomly. It still works, but I don't know what made it stop working. I'm having a hard time diagnosing the problem considering all of the things that could be causing this (sensor, control board, faulty ribbon cable, etc.). I'm at the point where I want to give up and see if Sony will replace my PS3 for free if say that it was the update's fault.
With the remarrying process, I can expect it to be able to work with OFW 3.61 in the very near future if that is my problem? Would I have to switch to CFW permanently even if I had a low enough firmware?
7. June 2011 @ 03:36 |
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Originally posted by PoisonJam: I'm assuming these are the symptoms some people are getting:
I had just finished replaced the sensor wire, but before I could see if I had fixed my BD, the PS3 shutoff because the PSU decided to stop working randomly. It still works, but I don't know what made it stop working. I'm having a hard time diagnosing the problem considering all of the things that could be causing this (sensor, control board, faulty ribbon cable, etc.). I'm at the point where I want to give up and see if Sony will replace my PS3 for free if say that it was the update's fault.
With the remarrying process, I can expect it to be able to work with OFW 3.61 in the very near future if that is my problem? Would I have to switch to CFW permanently even if I had a low enough firmware?
Something similar happened to me. It turned out when I was reassembling the unit one of the screws nicked one of the cables in the box leaving the wires lightly exposed. The exposed wire moved around but every now and again it would move back and touch off the screw and everything powered off. It would start and stop at random depending on where the cable was in relation to the screw. Check it out and if it has happened to you just a bit of electric tape around the exposed wire should do the trick.
7. June 2011 @ 23:47 |
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Do you remember what cable it was? I think before I broke my sensor wire I was having a similar problem. I cleaned the lens, but didn't get to try it until 2 weeks later. This would be a lot easier to diagnose if I wasn't having so much horrible luck with my poor 60 gb :\
I have a feeling it might just be my sensor wire because of how far I have to push in the disc, and how the motors spin automatically when I turn the PS3 on. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I ordered my wire from China. I'm only now thinking it might be the problem because I broke it again while trying to unplug from an awkward angle, and it didn't affect anything.
If at all possible, could someone try unplug their sensor wire to see if that causes the same symptoms as what my PS3 has?
E: Did some more reading, and that's probably not the main problem. Just something I noticed, I guess.
E2: I'm going to skip the reason, but my PS3 turns on randomly when I forget to unplug my controller. I didn't unplug my controller and a started up with this horribly gross scratching noise. I forgot I left my FFVII disc inside, so naturally, I was more worried than happy. I could have been the drive checking for a disc, but it's never done that before. I'll see if I can replicate the instance tomorrow...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. June 2011 @ 00:38
8. June 2011 @ 03:50 |
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Originally posted by PoisonJam: Do you remember what cable it was? I think before I broke my sensor wire I was having a similar problem. I cleaned the lens, but didn't get to try it until 2 weeks later. This would be a lot easier to diagnose if I wasn't having so much horrible luck with my poor 60 gb :\
I have a feeling it might just be my sensor wire because of how far I have to push in the disc, and how the motors spin automatically when I turn the PS3 on. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I ordered my wire from China. I'm only now thinking it might be the problem because I broke it again while trying to unplug from an awkward angle, and it didn't affect anything.
If at all possible, could someone try unplug their sensor wire to see if that causes the same symptoms as what my PS3 has?
E: Did some more reading, and that's probably not the main problem. Just something I noticed, I guess.
E2: I'm going to skip the reason, but my PS3 turns on randomly when I forget to unplug my controller. I didn't unplug my controller and a started up with this horribly gross scratching noise. I forgot I left my FFVII disc inside, so naturally, I was more worried than happy. I could have been the drive checking for a disc, but it's never done that before. I'll see if I can replicate the instance tomorrow...
As far as I remember it was the power cable connecting the dvd drive to the mother board. The screw was the one in the front middle so it was whatever cable is near that.
8. June 2011 @ 16:18 |
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Originally posted by buaile: As far as I remember it was the power cable connecting the dvd drive to the mother board. The screw was the one in the front middle so it was whatever cable is near that.
Thanks for the suggestion. I looked into, but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary :/
However, I did get my games running again. Apparently, I have to manually spin the disc (magnet piece) when my PS3 starts up in order for for it to read the disc. Ghetto as hell, but it works! If it is the sensor wire, then it must do more than just pulling the disc in.
e: The game drive idled on me, so I had to shut the game off. Narrowing it down to either sensor wire or spindle motor. The only thing with the motor is that it was spinning the disc fine once I got it going. The adventure continues.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. June 2011 @ 17:48
20. August 2011 @ 12:00 |
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Hey People I have the same problem that,
I replaced my faulty laser with a new one
with slide from ebay.
But after starting up the new laser,
i noticed that it just turns on with a purple laser
and tries to read the Disk by moving up/down in 3 times
Could the new one be faulty aswell?
Is there a way to return it even if it was sold privately?
A little Info about my System:
PS3 60gb CECHC04 Datacode 7C
Blu-ray Drive:
No modifications made on the console or firmware.
Any help would be appreciated.
14. September 2011 @ 04:41 |
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Hi Everyone,
Well, I have read the entire thread (phew!) and so much valuable info - thanks people.
Just wondering if someone can just clarify my issue.
Again, my PS3 cannot read discs.
Model: CECHK02
Now, my machine has the KEM-410 CCA (yes, CCA not the typical ACA) twin laser mechanism.
Ebay appears to list the KEM-410 CCA, as being compatable with the KEM-410 ACA mech.
So, another seller had the KEM-410ACA for sale so I asked the question, "is the KEM-410aca compatable with my KEM-410cca?". His reply, was "Sorry, it is not compatable".
Can anyone shed some light on this?
I am yet to find the KEM-410 CCA mech for sale and I don't want to wast my $'s buying the ACA mech, if it is not compatable with my CCA mech.
Your comments will be most welcomed.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. September 2011 @ 04:56
3. October 2011 @ 23:10 |
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Hi every one!!!. After a long, very long search on many foruns about ps3 hw failures, finally i have found a nice place to discuss about techical problems of PS3. First of all, i apollogize for my bad english level. I´m from Brazil and i have a CECHA 01, bought on march 2007.
My console got YLOD on June this year. I replace the thermal paste for Artic Silver 5 and use a heat gun, following Gylksy turotial.So again, my console had back to life. After 1 month, another YLOD. And again,YLOD after 3 weeks. Finally after 1 month, my console is working, BUT my blu ray drive stops working entirely. I have seen many videos on youtube about this failure, but not success at all.
Blu Ray Drive does not swallow, eject any kind of disc. Only the blue sensor flashes if i try to insert a disc. So i put the disc forcing swallowing, drive does not recognize disc inside on XMB. If i keep pressing eject button for more than 15 seconds, i listen a low noise, but disc dos not eject.
My cousin has a same model ps3 and we did some tests, but we cant find where the problem is. My BD player works nicely ok on his PS3, swapping the controler board. Bellow i will post all the tests we dis. If someone has a suggestion, please try to help me:
1) Power source is ok, +12v, 5+v.
2) My controler board is ok, i can access the demos on HDD. I´just upgraded fw to 3.72. If i use my cousin board on my drive, i get black screen. So my ps3 recognize my board key.
3) My BD drive works fine on his ps3, so drive is ok.
4) power -eject circuit mini board is ok.
5) on stand by, if i try to insert a media disc on drive, ps3 turns on, blue light sensor flashes.
6) I did a back up and i ´ve restored ps3 system( hdd formated), but not solved problem.
7) Chance the ribbon flat cable, no success.
I´m completely lost. I think the problem may be on motherboard, but dont know where...
Is there a bga chip on ps3 motherboard that makes ps3 "sees" the blue ray drive?
Any help ?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. October 2011 @ 23:22
20. February 2012 @ 03:23 |
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Just ran into this problem last night.
No bluray recognition. (this had been happening randomly for a while)
Step 1 Cleaned lense. (still would not read. had cover off to observe. disc would spin for 1 sec then stop)
Step 2 Put regular dvd in drive. no issue.
Step 3 Cleaned lense again.
After step 3 blue ray works fine.
Morale: Before buying a new laser assembly, try cleaning the lense again. you may not have gotten all of the deberis/buildup.
20. February 2012 @ 04:25 |
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If you reassemble the drive, and the disc won't insert or eject:
Sometimes the various arms will not align properly when putting cover back on.
Take cover off of drive.
Loosen screws to take off top cover.
do NOT completely remove top cover.
Lift cover a small amount until you hear a click.
reinstall metal cover etc. without turning drive upside down.
should fix.
16. March 2012 @ 19:34 |
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Just throwing this out there, hope to get an answer.. Sent my ps3 to a shop last week to have the laser replaced.. System wouldn't read games at all.. Now I have it back and it worked great the first day, day 2 not so much.. System now reads games no problem but every game I try to play just either freezes during the intro or gets caught in a continuous loading screen during the intro with no progression.. Not sure if this is even the drive or another problem.. If someone has any knowledge on this any help would be appreciated..
7. September 2013 @ 12:23 |
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Originally posted by SoSublime: Just throwing this out there, hope to get an answer.. Sent my ps3 to a shop last week to have the laser replaced.. System wouldn't read games at all.. Now I have it back and it worked great the first day, day 2 not so much.. System now reads games no problem but every game I try to play just either freezes during the intro or gets caught in a continuous loading screen during the intro with no progression.. Not sure if this is even the drive or another problem.. If someone has any knowledge on this any help would be appreciated..
anyone help me on this one.
Got a console that failed on 99% update.
swapped the hardrive and the ps3 formatted it
Performed 4.46 update with sucess but now blueray drive not working.
Laser seems to be reading it and disk is spinning but wheel on top right corner no movement.
Wondering if bluray board is blown or a way to retrieve it.
I figure if it performed update and as we know it verifies the blueray drive it must be the correct board or is it.
I got this console faulty already with the warranty sticker removed and wondering if this can be salvaged
AfterDawn Addict
7. September 2013 @ 13:27 |
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Originally posted by onehanded: Originally posted by SoSublime: Just throwing this out there, hope to get an answer.. Sent my ps3 to a shop last week to have the laser replaced.. System wouldn't read games at all.. Now I have it back and it worked great the first day, day 2 not so much.. System now reads games no problem but every game I try to play just either freezes during the intro or gets caught in a continuous loading screen during the intro with no progression.. Not sure if this is even the drive or another problem.. If someone has any knowledge on this any help would be appreciated..
anyone help me on this one.
Got a console that failed on 99% update.
swapped the hardrive and the ps3 formatted it
Performed 4.46 update with sucess but now blueray drive not working.
Laser seems to be reading it and disk is spinning but wheel on top right corner no movement.
Wondering if bluray board is blown or a way to retrieve it.
I figure if it performed update and as we know it verifies the blueray drive it must be the correct board or is it.
I got this console faulty already with the warranty sticker removed and wondering if this can be salvaged
This definitely sounds like a missmatch. You can do an update with a non-fitting bluray drive, as long as it is just there.
Xbox 360: Slim untouched with a faked 320 GB harddrive for XBL, phat with LT 3.0, played Halo early, so going on live would be an instand ban, also with a faked 320 GB harddrive
PS3: Untouched 160 GB Slim, 60 GB Fat with latest Rogero and 160 GB internal harddrive.
PSVita: hardly ever play it
GameCube: Black with a Viper chip installed. With gameboy player. Trying to get a Wavebird controller.