dumpster diving !
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
2. May 2007 @ 13:46 |
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your the man. cant wait to take my 4yo and 2yo out with me... they will be fighting to get in first..lol im off work friday think i will take them out.
AfterDawn Addict
2. May 2007 @ 13:53 |
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Want ya'll to know that I think about my kiddies and don't let them go in without something to wash them up afterwards. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. LOL.
Take paper towels and hand cleaner, those boys will get dirty I guarantee it. ;P
2. May 2007 @ 14:03 |
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Just watch out guy's, people throw everything in the dumpsters. Wear gloves at least. And, yes, bring something to clean up with.
Junior Member
2. May 2007 @ 15:36 |
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He's teaching him the value of a dumpster.
"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
Senior Member
2. May 2007 @ 16:36 |
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Don't Think My Grandkids would go gor it ? Dumpster Diving I mean ! The oldest Turns 15 in July ( Born on the 4th of July ) Just like the song ! And he's Just too cool ( Or Thinks he is ) & His voice is changing Right Now & that makes being cool even harder ! The little one ? well Younger one he's getting bigger everyday Would probably Enjoy it ? But I don't Think That a My wife Would let him !Granny Rules ! Or My Beautiful But Petite Step daughter would allow it ? And Given the choice I would rather Juggle Chainsaws and pitbulls than to get that girl Mad !!! Trust me ! Her Mom ( The wife ) can get mean But My StepDaughter Can get downright Evil !!!! LOL! Myself I Use a Hook made out of Rebar , a Reacher Gadjet & Some hand sanitizer among other Tools !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. May 2007 @ 05:43
Junior Member
5. May 2007 @ 04:05 |
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BT....I guess I'm just a purist. My gear consists of a snorkel...flashlight...extra garbage bag. I'm like a hasidic diver...minus the curls and funky hat.
"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
Senior Member
5. May 2007 @ 04:57 |
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@ JVC & Bigtoxy69 thank you for the info on BB this morning at 4:15 found me knee deep in a dumpster [home made gaff hook wouldn't lift out the boxes] with net results of 250 movies in cases and a 150 empty cases.Damn I was in hog heaven most were nicely boxed but about 75 of them I'll have to wash after my shower. Anybody know if their dish washer safe? Chris
Senior Member
5. May 2007 @ 05:09 |
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Great haul, ChrisC586!
250 movies? I've not been so lucky. There's bound to be some good ones in there?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
5. May 2007 @ 05:11 |
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hey chris nice haul buddy.
you dont have to worryb bout the dishwasher.if you have a cold cylce on it just dont use any hot water.. i have a china setting on mine very delicate cycle i guess... most of the time i just use some windex and spay them down and just hand wipe them...
as far as the ones you found that were boxed up.. ive found a few hundred of them like that. ive never even thought about wipeing them down.. thats just me.. havent had a problem with them haven anything on them...
once again good haul
nice to see ya. its been awhile.
yea i forgot 250 movies still in the cases.. WOW. most i ever found was 2..lol
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2007 @ 05:12
Senior Member
5. May 2007 @ 05:27 |
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RippDogg- You'd look Kewl in the Hat ! Just like Boy George Only Much, Much More Butch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! My Urban Survival Dumpster Diving Kit Consist of a Reacher /Grabber like the older folks use ! , a Pulling Hook made from ReBar That I dumpster dived from work !,A Plunger cup ona six foot Broom handle ! My two hands Garbage bags and Lots Of sanitizer !!!!!!!!!! . Most of the time I just use the Grabber & my hands With occasional turns with hook to snag boxes & bags ! The plunger Idea does'nt work as good as I thought iot would in the field! OH yeah! I almost forgot I got a Collapsable three Prong garden rake just incase it might work ! ChrisC586 - Congrats on your successful dive ! I would say they -the dvd cases shuld be Hot & soapy water safe although I have yet to try them in a Dishwasher !!!! If you are willing to experiment I would try only one at first & then only on the top shelf of the dishwasher!!! & I would also probably just go the air Dry cycle vs. the heated drying cycle ! Perhaps you could try putting a few in a Pillow case and running them through the washing machine on warm ? Probably get beat up though? Just like you would if your wife, Girlfriend or Mom catches you doing that!!!!!!!!!! Whichever category of female personages applies to your case Pun not intended ! Though You could possibly try the washing machine route at a laundromat Just don't run''em in the dryer & bring lots's of Quarters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL! Things that make you go HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Will try my Local Blockbuster Today weather permiting But Unless they dumped this morning It 's probably a Big Green Above ground pool Becuase of the local rainfall the last few days !!!! But hey It does'nt hurt to look anyway ? Who knows ? maybe those wonderful Bags full of Dvd Cases that JVC Mentions will have floated to the top & be easier to get to ? It could happen !!!!! Nice to see the Thread active again anyways Good luck everyone Happy Cinco De mayo !!!!!! and Safe Diving !!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
5. May 2007 @ 05:34 |
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cincyrob- Hey Bud !!!!! _ On the Movies thing If your counting Undestroyed Movies still in the case I've found them 30 odd at a time least twice usually all following a theme Like all halloween/scary or all Christmas Comedy ! But if your counting cases with the disc in them destroyed I found about 115 Copies of the movie crash with all But two destroyed By Scratching them with a knife or scissors or something !! But it's okay you usually out do me in dvd Cases so it all works itself out !Ciao!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Junior Member
5. May 2007 @ 05:43 |
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I picture ChrisC reading the newspaper, humming a happy tune as the cases go round and round...
"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
Senior Member
5. May 2007 @ 08:53 |
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Just got done unlocking all the cases, the movies were all fine about twenty decent movies.Just like they took them off the shelf and went straight to the dumpster.The bottom of one box had about 60 movies out of the cases all looking good. I'll post pics tonight onhome page,yeah good thing girl freindis out of town.I'll try a couple out of the bottom of the dumpster in the dish washer, they're bad from floatin on the bottom.Goin back again tonight. Chris
Senior Member
6. May 2007 @ 07:07 |
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ChrisC586- You Done good son! you done Good !!!! Made a Dumpster reach yesterday It was full of trash but Managed to rescue six Pirates of Rge Carribean Dead mans chest Poster's all Shrink Wrapped and full size ( Not Cut in halfsies or anything ) would have preffered movies or a Nice Bag of Cases But " Free is free " as Jvc says !!!!!Will Probably frame 1 for me & Give the grandkids & my Sister a few ? The Dumpster was full of cardboard & Trash & water ( rain) so the Truck is gonna have fun when the dump this one !!!! Well that's My .02cents anyways !!!!!!!!Ciao!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
6. May 2007 @ 10:04 |
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Rain, It was more like Noah's flood here. Over 6" at my house on Friday. The rain gauge was full to the top, so don't really know how much over 6" we got.
Senior Member
6. May 2007 @ 11:44 |
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The dish washer didn't work out so washed by hand.Haven't found any posters yet.Nothing last night so I'll have to wait until Tues.Our Best Buys a triler hooked right to the compactor.Chris
Junior Member
6. May 2007 @ 16:34 |
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You need to look at the rain positively. It cleanses the cases, eliminates the need for that weekly shower I'm always dreading, and best of all I get to use my snorkel. Scares the hell out of the Blockbuster girl...
"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
Senior Member
7. May 2007 @ 06:50 |
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Went to BB last night got 2 empty cases.On the way to work this morning and at the bottom of the dumpster of course a box with a 134 case with movies in them and 1 cut in half movie poster. [ wonder what the school bus and other people thought about an old man in the dumpster] Spent the morning at work taking out the locks. RippDogg that gave me a chuckle if this keeps up I'll need to put a rain barrel along side the house for the cases and my monday afternoon monthly. Chris
Senior Member
8. May 2007 @ 05:32 |
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Stopped to check yesterday at a couple of places and only found bags of those case inserts with the company logo on them. Less than worthless.
Stopped today and scored two bags of cases, 150 in all. Nice and clean in double, clear trash bags. There were 2 with movie disks still in them, both in like new condition. Nowhere near the 250 movie haul though. No need for the dishwasher trick.
Haven't taken any pictures, you all know what empty cases look like. But, I am going to need to rent a storage facility for all the cases. lol.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. May 2007 @ 08:19 |
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Originally posted by rulisky: Stopped to check yesterday at a couple of places and only found bags of those case inserts with the company logo on them. Less than worthless.
Stopped today and scored two bags of cases, 150 in all. Nice and clean in double, clear trash bags. There were 2 with movie disks still in them, both in like new condition. Nowhere near the 250 movie haul though. No need for the dishwasher trick.
Haven't taken any pictures, you all know what empty cases look like. But, I am going to need to rent a storage facility for all the cases. lol.
yea i thouhgt the same thing when i got my first 500 or so.. there are friends that would take some.. good to spread the wealth..lol i went lastnight nothing in the dumpster other than a few WWE mags.. yup i gottem
AfterDawn Addict
8. May 2007 @ 08:56 |
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Originally posted by cincyrob:
yea i thouhgt the same thing when i got my first 500 or so.. there are friends that would take some.. good to spread the wealth..lol i went lastnight nothing in the dumpster other than a few WWE mags.. yup i gottem
I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not. LOL. I guess that means that I'm your friend? NOW I could have left the WWE mags tho. NOT my thing because the acting is terrible. hehehe.
I've come up dry the last few trips and haven't been for a couple of weeks so I guess I need to try again soon. :)
@Rulisky - nice haul buddy, keep it up and you'll have to open your own store. ;)
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. May 2007 @ 09:32 |
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well hell yes your a friend. and good friend.. guess i did say that kinda wrong..lol but wasnt ment that way...
gonna go again tonight should be a load of them tonight.i got that feeling....
Senior Member
8. May 2007 @ 10:46 |
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Went this morning and only a box of case inserts and posters all cut up.Hopin your right about tonight Rob.This is sure turning into a past time. Only reason for the pics is because of a doubting Thomas plus something else to play around with.Chris
8. May 2007 @ 12:51 |
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I haven't dived in maybe a year. My best dumpsters are in citys that passed laws making dumpster diving illegal. I have boxes and boxes of sorted and cleaned blockbuster cases. So I don't need any but the urge is very powerful. I am jealous. There is only a couple things better than the feeling of pulling up to that dumpster and finding the mother load. Dive on people.
AfterDawn Addict
8. May 2007 @ 12:56 |
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Move! LOL