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Why do I come across PS3's in stock?
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9. January 2007 @ 16:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I bought my daughter an XBOX 360 and really like the system. However I am a total Sony Freak and want the 60GB PS3. I've been holding off on buying one because I heard the first few batches have bugs. Please help me with some questions I have. First, evertime I go into Best Buy I'm able to buy a 60 GB at will. Today they had 15 on the shelves. Does this mean that Sony's new system is a flop? The second thing is the ability to play PS2 games on it, is it possible or do you have limits with it only playing certain games. And third, 600 dollars for a system is a lot of money, is it worth every penny? One more question, should I wait until about June or July to purchase a PS3?
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9. January 2007 @ 17:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
600 is alot of money. but it does come with blu ray which cost 1000 by itself. my ps3 doesnt seem to have any problem with it yet while im using it. your luckey to see that theres alot of ps3s in your local stores. if you have a chance, you sould probley get one.
AfterDawn Addict

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9. January 2007 @ 19:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can play all PS2 games on the PS3 exept Guitar Hero! I love my PS3! It is not a flop! If you see them instock at Best Buy I would buy their 3 year replacement plan! It cost me $59, I had to camp at my Best buy to get one! Do you live in a town that has a poor economy? That may be why you see them at your local stores! My town is a logging town I and we have PS3s and Wiis at every store, I only camped out because I wanted to get it at best Buy and saves the sales tax!

10. January 2007 @ 11:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've seen them in many stores too, here's what IGN has to say on the subject:


I work at Gamestop. In the past two weeks we have seen a steady shipment of PS3's in small quantities. First it was three. Those didn't sell so a few days later it turned into seven. A week and a half later we have over 20 PS3's in our back room that we just can't get rid of. We even changed our phone greeting to let people know about our 12,000 paperweights. No one wants them, and with good reason in my opinion. Just to let you know that the "rumors" flying around the internet are indeed true. Thanks.

-- Reid
$600 for a new gaming machine is a lot to ask, especially when there's only one great exclusive game on the system. Sales will almost certainly pick up in the Spring when more exclusive and promising games start to hit the system.

Or maybe not.

-- Chris

Of course, these are all opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt, it's usually best to form your own conclusion and not let others make decisions for you.
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10. January 2007 @ 11:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Maybe sonys price was to high?
Senior Member
10. January 2007 @ 12:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by babaloo:
First, evertime I go into Best Buy I'm able to buy a 60 GB at will. Today they had 15 on the shelves. Does this mean that Sony's new system is a flop?

Nah probably not. I think a lot of people are holding off on the ps3 for either more games, a price cut, or some indication of how the High Def movie format war will end up.

The second thing is the ability to play PS2 games on it, is it possible or do you have limits with it only playing certain games.

Not sure. I know at launch there were a number of ps1 and ps2 games that weren't working. Maybe someone with a ps3 can give you an update. I know sony has issued patches to fix this, but I don't know about every game.
And third, 600 dollars for a system is a lot of money, is it worth every penny? One more question, should I wait until about June or July to purchase a PS3?

Eventually, I think it will be worth it. (Especially if Blu-ray takes the format war). Right now, though, I don't see enough reason to spend that much on the ps3, especially if you already have a 360. I think waiting until this summer is a great idea.

just my 2 cents.
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10. January 2007 @ 14:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks fellas for all the information. I'm grateful that you took the time to answer my questions. I think I'll try to be patient and wait for more games to be released. Plus if I get one now the boss, I mean wife would kill me because of the money we spent for X-mas. Thanks for the great info.
AfterDawn Addict

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10. January 2007 @ 14:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, If you get one be sure to get an extended warranty!

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10. January 2007 @ 14:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I see alot of 360 stock pile in the store does that mean its not selling...NO this is the dry time of the year because the Holidays has past and people are flat out broke.But its good to see that some place does have it then not to have it.

Far as the PS3 having bugs i question that because i had mine since launch not problem what so ever.It funny that on any console when someone has a problem how far it get over blowed.

Microsoft: Ps3 cant do 60fps on 1080p. Guess what they were WRONG!!!!!
(11/19/05 - 9/19/06) Microsoft: Sony's 1080p support on PS3 is all Hype and Not Needed.
(9/20/06) Microsoft: Xbox 360 to add 1080p support.
AfterDawn Addict

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10. January 2007 @ 14:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, I am just saying remeber the PS2 drives quit about 3 years into their life!

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11. January 2007 @ 12:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well i live in Calgary Alberta. Where people literly have moeny to burn. And there are PS3 in stock everywhere. The bestbuy by my house has said that they have never seen so many returns.

Look at ebay, even right before xmas, the PS3 was not selling. And if it did it was for retail or less. Right now there is no demand, and before you fanboys jump on me (Looks up two posts)you have to realize that with all the bad publicity Sony has got, consumers are very sceptical. And they are probably also waiting for the game library to get better.

Also many gamers like me, that still want the PS3 are waiting to see if this ship is going to sink or float. The money is not an issue, but who want to be stuck with a console that didnt take off (Not saying it wont, but who knows)

I dont have a cystal ball, so im not going to try and speculate if the PS3 will finally take off. But in every console generation the magic number to reach has been 10M. Also, the PS2 sold most of its consoles after the price dropped.
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11. January 2007 @ 13:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well i live in Calgary Alberta. Where people literly have moeny to burn. And there are PS3 in stock everywhere.
You can't speak for every household there so your point is not true or vaild.

Games sale systems point blank.There only one game on the system that is worth buying thats RF of man.If we get to this point in late Spring then there might be something to worry about but right now this is a non-issue it to dam early.PS3 launch was better than the 360.At this time last year 360 only had 600,000 console sold Sony has over 1 million.This is U.S. figures im not going to add japan because 360 as of yet can't even break 500,000 consoles in the biggiest gaming market.

Microsoft: Ps3 cant do 60fps on 1080p. Guess what they were WRONG!!!!!
(11/19/05 - 9/19/06) Microsoft: Sony's 1080p support on PS3 is all Hype and Not Needed.
(9/20/06) Microsoft: Xbox 360 to add 1080p support.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. January 2007 @ 13:55

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11. January 2007 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is the Wii in Stock? Was the 360 in stock last year this month? I think people are being wise and waiting for the ps3 to fall in price. Believe it or not, sony is loosing money atm for every PS3 being sold. So this might in fact be a good thing:P, (I'm not sure, but I've read this on gamespot a long time ago), anyways, I really doubt PS3 will flop... Final fantasy nor MG has come out yet.. Only time will tell us the truth.

11. January 2007 @ 14:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is U.S. figures im not going to add japan because 360 as of yet can't even break 500,000 consoles in the biggiest gaming market.
PS3 didn't break 500,000 in the supposedly biggest gaming market either:

Sony has managed to sell just 466,716 PS3 units to Japan. This figure covers the period from the Japanese launch on 11/11 to the end of the year.

although 360 did have like a year's headstart :) I think they did get about a 100k boost with Blue Dragon though.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. January 2007 @ 17:45

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12. January 2007 @ 02:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL the PS3 sold more console in a month in a half than Microsoft sold in a whole Plus there was a had a handicap and still didn't more with farless time you can't even argue this so stop.

Microsoft: Ps3 cant do 60fps on 1080p. Guess what they were WRONG!!!!!
(11/19/05 - 9/19/06) Microsoft: Sony's 1080p support on PS3 is all Hype and Not Needed.
(9/20/06) Microsoft: Xbox 360 to add 1080p support.
12. January 2007 @ 04:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by BobbyBlu:
LOL the PS3 sold more console in a month in a half than Microsoft sold in a whole Plus there was a had a handicap and still didn't more with farless time you can't even argue this so stop.
I obviously wasn't argueing it when I pointed out in my post that the 360 had a year head start. My point of posting the numbers were in comparison to the benchmark of 500k that you set.
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12. January 2007 @ 13:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by babaloo:
I bought my daughter an XBOX 360 and really like the system. However I am a total Sony Freak and want the 60GB PS3. I've been holding off on buying one because I heard the first few batches have bugs. Please help me with some questions I have. First, evertime I go into Best Buy I'm able to buy a 60 GB at will. Today they had 15 on the shelves. Does this mean that Sony's new system is a flop? The second thing is the ability to play PS2 games on it, is it possible or do you have limits with it only playing certain games. And third, 600 dollars for a system is a lot of money, is it worth every penny? One more question, should I wait until about June or July to purchase a PS3?
I got a new 60gb ps3 and didn't run into any problems so far. People have gotten really pissed off at Sony for such a delay and huge price and thus we're all seeing them more in stores. Some are even selling them at cost to get rid of it. It does suck for Sony.

I've tried some PS2 games and it did play fine. However, like you heard, many still don't play correctly. I'm sure they'll fix the problem soon enough.

The PS3 is worth the money if Blu-ray is the next majority format. Only time will tell, but right now it seems HD will win as it's cheaper to produce (like for DVDs). Blu-ray will be good for massive storage (as it will be able to hold up to 50gbs, when double-layer discs are produced).

Don't wait till summer. Get it now and be happy with it. Better games are coming out this year. :)
12. January 2007 @ 19:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've seen at least 2 or three PS3 units at several Wal Mart stores. My friend works at Best Buy and they had quite a few PS3 returns after Christmas. I don't think it's because of faulty units, they just jumped on the PS3/Ebay bandwagon a bit late.
AfterDawn Addict

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13. January 2007 @ 21:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have seen alot of PS3 in WalMarts and Targets, but no Wiis

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17. January 2007 @ 14:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my bro in law wanted to buy a ps2 last week for FFXII and they were sold out everywhere, but best buy had 1 ps2 left. it was easier to find a ps3 than a ps2 stores in my area gets wii in every week and they don't stay on the shelf long enough for me to even see one. i plan on getting a ps3 in a couple weeks. ill get a wii too if i can find one. id lay away a ps3 but wal mart don't do lay aways anymore...

17. January 2007 @ 14:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ps3's will definitly pick up towards the end of feb, imo. There are many games comming out
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18. January 2007 @ 04:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i would wait

here is why

the ps2 and ps1 backwards compatibility on the ps3 has now illeminated 250 titles for each console now this wouldn't bother most people if they didn't nail out final fantasy in the process also the console has had issues with displaying graphics correctly also the console has died on several occasions not just in display models at your local gamestop but all of the display models even in walmart are crashing and they have the console running the latest firmware

untill sony truly works out the bugs in about 5 to 6 months i would wait also the only good game for the ps3 is rfom so it kinda is limited right now
AfterDawn Addict

2 product reviews
18. January 2007 @ 13:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by tabletpc:
i would wait

here is why

the ps2 and ps1 backwards compatibility on the ps3 has now illeminated 250 titles for each console now this wouldn't bother most people if they didn't nail out final fantasy in the process also the console has had issues with displaying graphics correctly also the console has died on several occasions not just in display models at your local gamestop but all of the display models even in walmart are crashing and they have the console running the latest firmware

untill sony truly works out the bugs in about 5 to 6 months i would wait also the only good game for the ps3 is rfom so it kinda is limited right now
Thge reason why the consoles at gamestop die is because they are in a Metal Box under the TV, with no ventalaion, the consoles that are freezing ar only freezing because they aren't geting enough cool air!


18. January 2007 @ 14:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
everyone that wants the ps3 at that price got it the excess amount are the people waiting for a bugg fre ps3 or for better games or features and some are waiting for hacks while some are jus waiting for price drops

the p3 will start slow but like the ps2 when the price drops u won't find ps3 's in any stores :-)
21. January 2007 @ 09:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Get A Sony3 Its The Best Plain And Simple. i heard what you heard. i have no problems with my PS3. plays all my PS1 (except MK3 PS1 due to crap load of scratches) and PS2 Games.

Take A Word From A
Sony Fenatic.
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