Im in the uk and i have just got my ps3 2 days ago(23rd march) and i have a dsl wireless modem (router), and it connects fine to my ps3, eccept, my pc is downstairs and my ps3 is in my room upstairs, when my ps3 was on a desk the signal strength was only 60% roughly and kept chucking my offline because of connection errors, so i put it on the floor and the signal strength is 90% but sometimes chucks me offline again, so do i need to perhaps higher the modem or gettin a better modem with 2 atena's cus mine only have 1, this is the modem i use, just copy and paste it......
plz i need help with this cus its p***ing me off now
What you need is a router (not a modem) that is capable of superior range. My wireless network is similar to yours. My cable modem, along with my router (obviously) is in the basement. My room, along with my desktop PC and laptop, are 2 floors up.
My laptop signal strength never falters. It is constantly "excellent." My desktop PC sometimes falters. It'll range from a temporary "low" to "very good" and occasionally, "excellent."
To combat this, I upgraded my netgear router to the rangemax one they offer. It really does help. While my immediate signal strength on the desktop PC is "low," it quickly shoots up "excellent." It remains that way, as well.
My PS3 20, which is in my room, too, is plugged into the linksys game adapter and is internet enabled that way. I have had no issues whatsoever with it. My connection never drops (like some people reported with the linksys game adapter) and I've had no complaints about it.
All you need is a stronger router. I'm quite certain your modem is not the problem.
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I have the zoom x6 which is a modem with an in built router and i use adsl broadband, my connection to my ps3 is normally in the 90%'s mostly around 100%, but when i play fight night 3 online it lag's and jumps slightly and sumtimes boots me off the network, same with resistance fall of man, that sumtimes boots me off the network but that game never jumps its allways smooth, isit to do with ea servers on fight night 3 or the host's internet speed and isit anything to do with me?
I have found that this one works best. Yes I know that it is a Mac Router, but it works with PC's too, you can even configure it with a PC. I got the best signal with that one.
It has about the same Range as the Airport Router above, I just love the AirPort because I am a Mac guy.
My third favorite is this one. I like this router although it get complicated during set up when you want to change/configure things uskc as the DHCP sever, other than that it is comparable to the Lyksys
Originally posted by bobbyhall:thanks for the reply
I have the zoom x6 which is a modem with an in built router and i use adsl broadband, my connection to my ps3 is normally in the 90%'s mostly around 100%, but when i play fight night 3 online it lag's and jumps slightly and sumtimes boots me off the network, same with resistance fall of man, that sumtimes boots me off the network but that game never jumps its allways smooth, isit to do with ea servers on fight night 3 or the host's internet speed and isit anything to do with me?
Yes, it has plenty to do with the server/lag. In fact, there are some games that the lag is so horrendous it makes playing it almost unbearable (at least to those that have reviewed them). MLB 2k7, supposedly, is one of those games. I haven't tried Resistance online yet. Motorstorm, however, plays online quite well. I didn't have any network problems with it. The only problem I have is waiting for a damn race to open lol.
So, yeah, it's not your problem. It's most likely EAs server and/or the game itself while online.
If you're signal strength is strong, you're in the clear.
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