My emule wont download above 30kbs/s anymore, the strange thing is i have sources downloading 0.0kb/s and quite a lot of them on different downloads so its not a conincidence i have my settings set for 16kb/s constant upload and 50kb/s constant download, for 3 months i have used it 24/7 and never gone below 45kb/s in all that time so this is a shock. I need to get back up to speed please any ideas for me to try things out will be appreciated. Thanx:-) Pz Out
yep ive checked the settings but not the connection, i dont know how to but im going to try a full reinstall see if that makes any difference if its still the same it probaly is a connection issue(maybe my isp have capped my bandwith?) and ill have to get my connectionb sorted. But in the meantime if anyone else has had the prob let me know please. Thanx
Man, even after i've been using emule for couple of months now and my downloads never and I mean never exceed 30kb/s! That is bullsh£3! I mean then I go into Kazaa and download at 130 kb/s. I've got a 1mb/s cable line. What gives? Also I have also not changed any of my settings.
I have been trying Overnet for the opast 3 days now and I must say i looks quite promising!
How do you find out if you ISP has capped your bandwidth?
Try changing the ports emule runs on. Might be your ISP is throttling the common emule ports. Try upping them to over 5000, in both udp and tcp. Seemed to work for me one day. I'm not sure if changing the ports on the emule client, or if all data coming through the isp to you, gets changed to that port?
I sorted the prob out although i cant pin-point the cause, i ran spyware checks and uninstalled programs i have to configure my dsl connection then reinstalled emule 30a instead of b. It seems to be back to normal now. I contacted my isp to check if they capped my bandwith and they said they had not so i guess to check that fassa just ask your isp. I was reading from a website called and was wondering if any here had tried it and if it was any good(they say its linked up to 4 p2p networks).Fassa all i can recommend is uninstalling it and trying it again maybe that might might work but it does seem that emule works different for everyone for some reason and that people on the same connection with the same settings dont get the same results?????? Powa i tried that aswell dude i heard that in a forum aswell before somewhere but thanx guys for the advice. Pz Out
Thanks for the input guys! Can anybody advise me on what port numbers to use? Cause I mean can you just use like any port number like eg. 5005 and then connect? IS there port ranges which works with emule and some that don't? Sorry million questions again today!
Quote: I have been trying Overnet for the opast 3 days now and I must say i looks quite promising!
Quote:I have a 1.5mbps line, and guess what, Overnet did wonders for me. But that was probably due to me leaving on the computer with Onet still downloading.
If I had done that with eMule, I would think they would both work as well.... but at the moment, I can't be pissed to test it out.