Hello, I have a question regarding dvd shrink-I've been using it on my old pc (with nero) for a couple of years, and never had a problem playing back dvd's. I recently purchased a new PC, and installed shrink, but was unable to install nero due to compatibility issues with windows vista. As before, I used shrink to back up dvd files, then used my new burning program to burn the disk. When complete, the dvd will not play on my Panasonic unit, but will play on my cheapo player I bought at wal mart for $20. This seemed to be the case with several disks I burned. When I burn a non copy protected dvd without shrink, they play perfect on both my players? Can someone tell me what the problem is here? Thanks....
Do you have Shrink linked to burn with DVD Decrypter or ImgBurn. DVD Shrink really doesn't have anything to do with burning itself unless you use it to link to the other programs and make the burn settings in Shrink.
What program are you using to burn the disks? I'd recommend ImgBurn.
Only the last several versions of Nero 7 are Vista compliant.
Usually when disks play in one player and not another, the problem is related to (1) burn speed (1/2 or less the rated speed of the media) or (2) media quality (Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, and Made in Japan labeled Fuji/Sony are preferred). You might also use +R media and booktype it as DVD-ROM if your burner has that feature.
Thanks for the help! I am using NTI DVD maker 7, which came loaded on the pc. As for media, TDK -r, which I've used for over a year, and never had a problem with the disks not playing on certain players. What seems odd is that the dvd's play fine in both players when I don't use shrink. When I put a dvd in my panasonic unit after using shrink to extract the movie, the display panel reads "unsupported disk"???
I can't imagine what might be causing that. I'd uninstall DVD Shrink and then do a fresh reinstall. Maybe somewhere the settings got changed. Uninstalling and reinstalling should put everything back at default settings which should work. DVD Shrink has its own uninstall, so use that. It's in the DVD Shrink folder under Programs on the Start Menu.
have you been using the same spindal of TDK discs?
i say this because they use different manufacturers which could be why you are getting mixed results.
i would also recommend that you use IMGburn to burn instead of NTI program.
I didn't have a choice of OS when I got my laptop, so I am stuck with Vista Home Premium - however, when I try to create an ISO image, DVDShrink locks up, then I have to use Task Manager to kill the program, and when I do that, my DVD drive no longer shows up as a device. I also have to reboot the computer just to get the DVD out of the drive. Any suggestions????
There's a conflict somewhere. Uninstall DVD Shrink by the using the Shrink Uninstaller located in the DVD Shrink folder under Programs on the Start menu. Then do a fresh reinstall of DVD Shrink. Here's a link to a fresh copy.
The problem may be with Nero since only the last few versions of Nero 7 are compatible with Vista. So make sure you disable burning with Nero in the DVD Shrink preferences:
You can also setup Shrink to autoburn with ImgBurn the same way you can autoburn with Nero. Make sure you install ImgBurn first and then download and install: