Dbox In Ireland
21. June 2007 @ 06:37 |
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21. June 2007 @ 06:43 |
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Junior Member
21. June 2007 @ 07:01 |
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Originally posted by jamesdavi: hey, hopeing you guys can help.. i'm looking to buy a dbox for a while and see this guy is selling 1 on boards.ie - http://www.adverts.ie/showproduct.php?product=26319&cat=32
is is the rigth spec and everything for Dublin?
Mike Hunt's (good name) Nokia is way too expensive at ?250 Cathaldub's sagems seem more reasonable.
Junior Member
21. June 2007 @ 07:15 |
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anyone know where i can get a uk cable.xml from
Junior Member
21. June 2007 @ 07:30 |
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Junior Member
21. June 2007 @ 12:06 |
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Originally posted by mgb17:
Upload the irish cables.xml to /var/tuxbox/config, delete the file scan.conf in the same folder, pull the plug.
Try NTL Dublin bf.
Ok i got the FTP running , i had to reset the ip address on the dbox using this guide http://techno-source.co.uk/Joomla/index....d=33&topic=28.0
I transferred the new cable.xml into the var/tuxbox/config/zapit folder where the bouqeut and old services file were. and deleted scan.conf in var/tuxbox/config. i then pulled the mains and connected the box to the tv.when i go to the scanning menu the choices of providers are the same, no ntl dublinbf. i have tried FTP a few times but i cant get it sorted. anyone know what im doing wrong? thanks.
21. June 2007 @ 12:40 |
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Flashed it perfect with just cross over cable. basically have the dbox pluged out until the flashing starts and then plug it in and only then.
nothing to say
Senior Member
21. June 2007 @ 12:46 |
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Originally posted by mgb17:
Upload the irish cables.xml to /var/tuxbox/config, delete the file scan.conf in the same folder, pull the plug.
Try NTL Dublin bf.
Ok i got the FTP running , i had to reset the ip address on the dbox using this guide http://techno-source.co.uk/Joomla/index....d=33&topic=28.0
I transferred the new cable.xml into the var/tuxbox/config/zapit folder where the bouqeut and old services file were. and deleted scan.conf in var/tuxbox/config. i then pulled the mains and connected the box to the tv.when i go to the scanning menu the choices of providers are the same, no ntl dublinbf. i have tried FTP a few times but i cant get it sorted. anyone know what im doing wrong? thanks.
The cables.xml goes to var/tuxbox/config and I posted it several times.
Junior Member
21. June 2007 @ 12:57 |
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i put it in var/tuxbox/config once too and the new providers didnt show up when i reconnected the box to the tv and searched the provder line.I have set it up like it was before again
are you saying that all i have to do is tranfer the new cables.xml to var/tuxbox/config. delete scan.conf and pull the plug. then reconnect to the tv and search the provider line for ntl Dublin bf?
I've tried that already but if that seems right i'll try it again. thanks for your patience m8, I know i must be driving you crazy by now!
Senior Member
21. June 2007 @ 13:02 |
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In some braindead modded images the cables.xml goes to /share/tuxbox.
Check if there is a cables.xml.
If you FTP to the box you are landing inside the var folder. You have to go one step higher to see the share folder.
Junior Member
21. June 2007 @ 13:17 |
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Originally posted by mgb17: In some braindead modded images the cables.xml goes to /share/tuxbox.
Check if there is a cables.xml.
If you FTP to the box you are landing inside the var folder. You have to go one step higher to see the share folder.
Yeah, there is a cables.xml in the share/tuxbox folder. so what do i do send the new cables.xml there? do i have to delete anything?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. June 2007 @ 13:23
Senior Member
21. June 2007 @ 13:22 |
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Right and delete scan.conf in /var/tuxbox/config.
Junior Member
21. June 2007 @ 13:33 |
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so far so good scanning on ntldublin bf now.
Junior Member
21. June 2007 @ 13:58 |
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Result! working fine now! mgb17 you are the man! next time your down this neck of the woods i'll have to buy you a few pints! Thanks a million. some channels jump a little when i flick channels but the settle down quickly ........... oh no! just im typing, one of the channels starts to freeze flicked up and down now its ok again. i'll leave it for a while and see how i go. it's way better than it was anyway! might need a bit of messing around with the cams. Anyway, cheers for sharing the knowledge man, I'll make sure i try to pass it on.
Senior Member
21. June 2007 @ 18:10 |
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Senior Member
22. June 2007 @ 07:16 |
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Originally posted by mgb17: In some braindead modded images the cables.xml goes to /share/tuxbox.
Whats worse is they leave another cables.xml in the usual place so you have no reason to think it is not the correct location!
There was an article in todays daily mirror about Nokia dboxes, had some photo of some box I have never seen before. Said they were ?250 and that NTL knew about them. NTL spokesperson described them as "illegal" and "furthermore, NTL is constantly updating its encryption system which renders these devices inoperable in regards to accessing the cable signal". (shame it is their own pace boxes they also render inoperable while nokias are still fine!)
"as part of any company's corporate soccial responsibility, we must ensure that consumers are aware that the use of these devices to access teh NTL signal is not only illegal theft but also in breach of the broadcasting act, copyright infringment."
Blade version 2 is now available at www.digitalworldz.co.uk will test it on my sagems this weekend
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. June 2007 @ 07:18
Junior Member
22. June 2007 @ 07:41 |
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can someone scan that article and post it somewhere, please
Junior Member
23. June 2007 @ 01:19 |
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i found that article in The Mirror, all thats going to happen is that more and more people will look into DBox's, and in turn UPC/N7L/Ch0rus will implement more measures to counter act the use of these boxs.
I know that a Dbox2 will just spend 10 sec finding the new key/code, but what about a Dreambox accessing MMDS, will that automatically find the new code, or will the user have to rescan or reprogramme ??
i'm asking cos i've ordered a DM600-T for use with MMDS
23. June 2007 @ 22:54 |
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Ok quite a while ago I posted in desperation about my freezing, jamming, chirping total basket case of a sagem dbox2 which I was about to throw out the window.
One of the experts (mgb17 if I recall - thanks a lot oh wise one) on the thread suggested that I try a gcam-based image...
I tracked down a 1X changed it to a 2x and killed my dbox with a keine system. After that I left it for a month because I had neither a x-over cable or a null modem cable. Got both of these yesterday and rolled back to the previous image - this where it gets interesting...
Downloaded Blade2.1 for Sagem 2x (from techno-source)
Downloaded Irish9 (cables.xml - from this thread I think)
Flashed with blade
deleted scan.conf from /var/tuxbox/config
Inserted cables.xml into /share/tuxbox
Scan on NTL IE BF (quickscan off of course)
Left it on sky sports for 30 minutes.
Now have a ROCK SOLID signal which instead of freezing and chirping every 10/15 minutes will much less frequently go black for no more than 2 seconds and return to normal - much, much better - delighted. I also no longer need the signal booster ( which clearly wasn't the issue in the 1st place)
So having tried pacino, commando, and every variation og ucode and cam, boosted an unboosted, brute forces and imprted cable files etc. etc. ad nauseum - the solution for me at least was gcam embedded in blade 2.1 - I totally recommend it but be sure to follow the steps as detailed above
24. June 2007 @ 06:23 |
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Loking for cables.xml , services.xml and bouquets for chorus Cork. The latest one please as my current ones are a bit old. Please rapidshare.
nothing to say
2 product reviews
24. June 2007 @ 06:33 |
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Originally posted by romulet: Loking for cables.xml , services.xml and bouquets for chorus Cork. The latest one please as my current ones are a bit old. Please rapidshare.
the latest irish cables.xml is posted by mgb17 on this page
24. June 2007 @ 06:56 |
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Originally posted by romulet: Loking for cables.xml , services.xml and bouquets for chorus Cork. The latest one please as my current ones are a bit old. Please rapidshare.
the latest irish cables.xml is posted by mgb17 on this page
great all i need is the other 2 now please
nothing to say
24. June 2007 @ 10:08 |
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I Have to agree with KinchJes. The most Stable image for the sagems X2 is the new Blade 2 image. I suffered from freezing picture with commando 8.2 and sportster 1.7 uk tried a few others aswell Blade 2 is so stable on Sagem X2. Great will never need another image
Junior Member
24. June 2007 @ 10:28 |
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Same here, I've got Blade running on a sagem 2x, and with a lot of help from people on here ive got it running perfectly. I took a while to figure out the cables.xml goes into share/tuxbox and not var/tuxbox /config.
Senior Member
25. June 2007 @ 02:34 |
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Originally posted by baz25000: I Have to agree with KinchJes. The most Stable image for the sagems X2 is the new Blade 2 image. I suffered from freezing picture with commando 8.2 and sportster 1.7 uk tried a few others aswell Blade 2 is so stable on Sagem X2. Great will never need another image
NEVER say never!!