Dbox In Ireland
Senior Member
4. July 2007 @ 01:49 |
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Originally posted by brock8769: OK have downloaded IFA. Will try this evening again.
One question. I used a normal network cable to connect from my laptop to dbox. is this sufficient or should I get a specific cable. It worked, as you pointed out when FTP ing.
If it worked with FTP to the dbox then I am pretty sure it is a crossover cable and not a "normal" one.
Kein system boxes can be stubborn so follow this guide
Quote: 7. If you get lucky "flashing" will show on the Dbox screen. If after a few seconds it doesn't turn it
off at the mains.
8. The window should minimize so click on it to get it back. Select the "Settings" tab and change
the IP to
9. Click "Start"
10. Turn on your Dbox.
11. It should now come up flashing first time. If it doesn't try turning the dbox off then back on
again a few times. If it doesnt work after a dozen goes start from the beginning as it should really
work first time
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4. July 2007 @ 01:54 |
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Hi folks, can some kind person help me setting up a Nokia dbox....got it from germany and have no idea how to flash it or whatever else i have to do with it, if no help available ...does anybody want to buy it. contact me at, edwardkavanagh@msn.com or pm me
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4. July 2007 @ 04:55 |
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Please help me!
I am on CableIE NTL MMDS BF and using a normal scan I can get about half the channels no problem. However using a services.xml file from any of my friends, the settings are all different because they are using Cable 6887. Therefore their services.xml files don't work with my cables.xml setting.
Can someone tell me if there is a services.xml file floating around specifically for CableIE NTL MMDS BF??
If anyone has It I would GREATLY appreciate it and will paypal you a pint.
Halfway there.
4. July 2007 @ 05:13 |
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E-mail me an address and I will send you the file....
4. July 2007 @ 05:16 |
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4. July 2007 @ 05:19 |
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Thats cables.xml
I need the services.xml file specifically for the cable frequencies on "CableIE NTL MMDS BF"
Junior Member
4. July 2007 @ 11:09 |
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Originally posted by blobert: Hi guys,
Having a very strange problem, hoping someone could help.
I have a perfectly working Sportster 1.7 image on one of my Nokia D-Boxes. I copied this image on into the temp folder by write one partition/flash without bootloader (its called mtd3 by default). FTPed it to my computer and flashed it using IFA to another (identical) Nokia box. It seemed to work fine and the box loads up but when it comes to the channels it says "Waiting for time" and then "Error, channel not available". This really confuses me as it should be a direct copy of an image that works fine with my cable connection.
I tried on another box and the exact same thing is happened.
I tried flashing one of the boxes with another image that previously worked and the same thing is hapening. I was previously flashing boxes with no problems so I'm really confused with what's going wrong.
I thought there might be something wrong with IFA or my computer but this seems unlikely as it seems to flash the image fine, the box loads up, but I get the error message then as though there was no signal.
It's driving me mad, any advice would be much appreciated.
I should add, when I do a scan, it comes up as an error saying no channels are found. Like I said this, identical image is working fine in another box so when i flash it, it should work straight away.
As regards the signal, BER is at 26,000 right up the top. SIG and SNR are both about 44,000
Like I said, I'm baffled as to why this is not working so any advice would be much appreciated.
Junior Member
4. July 2007 @ 12:36 |
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Originally posted by blobert: Hi guys,
Having a very strange problem, hoping someone could help.
I have a perfectly working Sportster 1.7 image on one of my Nokia D-Boxes. I copied this image on into the temp folder by write one partition/flash without bootloader (its called mtd3 by default). FTPed it to my computer and flashed it using IFA to another (identical) Nokia box. It seemed to work fine and the box loads up but when it comes to the channels it says "Waiting for time" and then "Error, channel not available". This really confuses me as it should be a direct copy of an image that works fine with my cable connection.
I tried on another box and the exact same thing is happened.
I tried flashing one of the boxes with another image that previously worked and the same thing is hapening. I was previously flashing boxes with no problems so I'm really confused with what's going wrong.
I thought there might be something wrong with IFA or my computer but this seems unlikely as it seems to flash the image fine, the box loads up, but I get the error message then as though there was no signal.
It's driving me mad, any advice would be much appreciated.
I should add, when I do a scan, it comes up as an error saying no channels are found. Like I said this, identical image is working fine in another box so when i flash it, it should work straight away.
As regards the signal, BER is at 26,000 right up the top. SIG and SNR are both about 44,000
Like I said, I'm baffled as to why this is not working so any advice would be much appreciated.
There is definitely a problem with the software as when I turn the box on without the tv cable plugged in it gives the same signal readings (even when there is no signal).
The box that is working when plugged into the same source gives BER of about 200, Signal of 46,000 and SNR of 64,000 and works fine.
The problem is not with the signal and I dont think it is with the boxes either. The image that I am flashing to them is working fine on one box but not on the others.
I cannot work it out.
Junior Member
4. July 2007 @ 14:29 |
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Thanks guys.You are fantastic with all the help. Bbox is running again but I now have another prob. I did a service sccn despite all channels been there when reflashed. It only picked up two transponders. now only have 15. Should I reflash or is ther something else I can do. I can FTP to box. Using commando 8 which BrenIRL graciously supplied to me. Also in the N*l dublin area.
Again Bren and Ruperect thank you for you assistance to date. Holding my head up with a little less shame now.
nokia dbox2
Junior Member
4. July 2007 @ 14:52 |
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Originally posted by brock8769: Thanks guys.You are fantastic with all the help. Bbox is running again but I now have another prob. I did a service sccn despite all channels been there when reflashed. It only picked up two transponders. now only have 15. Should I reflash or is ther something else I can do. I can FTP to box. Using commando 8 which BrenIRL graciously supplied to me. Also in the N*l dublin area.
Again Bren and Ruperect thank you for you assistance to date. Holding my head up with a little less shame now.
BrenIRL - I spoke too soon. Can I confirm that for FTP the pass word and user name is now dbox2.
nokia dbox2
4. July 2007 @ 23:07 |
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Could someone give me a dig out please, i was wondering if anyone has files for Limerick area on Ch*rus cable? i would really appreciate them.
Thanks in advance
5. July 2007 @ 00:35 |
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Originally posted by mossyd: Another newbie joint the thread :-)
I have read up on the whole thread to here (took some time) and have gone from knowing sfa about dbox / dbox2 to knowing a bit.
I am looking for the latest Galway NThelL MMDS services and bouquets files, and any other additional info that you may believe to be beneficial.
Just a FYI .. Running off a Nokia DBOX2 2X in debug mode with Neutrino Linux Sportster Software 1.10
Can anyone help me out with this?
5. July 2007 @ 02:07 |
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Originally posted by brock8769: Thanks guys.You are fantastic with all the help. Bbox is running again but I now have another prob. I did a service sccn despite all channels been there when reflashed. It only picked up two transponders. now only have 15. Should I reflash or is ther something else I can do. I can FTP to box. Using commando 8 which BrenIRL graciously supplied to me. Also in the N*l dublin area.
Again Bren and Ruperect thank you for you assistance to date. Holding my head up with a little less shame now.
BrenIRL - I spoke too soon. Can I confirm that for FTP the pass word and user name is now dbox2.
Nope...user name is "root" and password is "commando"
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. July 2007 @ 02:07
Junior Member
5. July 2007 @ 03:38 |
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Originally posted by mossyd: Another newbie joint the thread :-)
I have read up on the whole thread to here (took some time) and have gone from knowing sfa about dbox / dbox2 to knowing a bit.
I am looking for the latest Galway NThelL MMDS services and bouquets files, and any other additional info that you may believe to be beneficial.
Just a FYI .. Running off a Nokia DBOX2 2X in debug mode with Neutrino Linux Sportster Software 1.10
Can anyone help me out with this?
If you go back a few pages you will find mgb17's cables.xml in that I think there should be mmds W+G bruteforce, try scanning that. Im on true cable and w+g didnt work for me nthell dublin bf did, so try scanning a few of the different providers and you might get lucky.
5. July 2007 @ 05:11 |
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Guys- a problem.. :)
My girlfriend couldn't get Nokia Dbox 2 working this morning - all programs were locked and she managed to do something in Dbox harddrive folder - something with flashing/updating image and now dbox crashes on team commando photo and display says 'loading kernel'..
I think she was trying to update the image - but obviously didn't have the pc connected to dbox..
What can be done now?
Junior Member
5. July 2007 @ 06:59 |
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Sorry for been a pain. Just before I go and do anything else can you advise me.
I am only picking up two transponders in the N*TL scan. Used to get 14. Am I doing something wrong. Do I need to add a cables.xml file that I got when using origional image (sportster). If yes do I have to erase something from dbox when I put it on. Where do I place it.
Should I just reflash.
nokia dbox2
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5. July 2007 @ 09:51 |
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Sorry if this has been answered already somewhere else but I've spent the last two hours searhing and can't find anything.
I seem to remember coming across a message in a thread somewhere with a link to some "software" that can fix the missing lines problem on a d-box2 display.
Was I dreaming here or does such a thing exist?
If anyone has suce software or can tell me where to find it I would really appreciate it.
5. July 2007 @ 11:53 |
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Originally posted by brock8769: BrenIRL
Sorry for been a pain. Just before I go and do anything else can you advise me.
I am only picking up two transponders in the N*TL scan. Used to get 14. Am I doing something wrong. Do I need to add a cables.xml file that I got when using origional image (sportster). If yes do I have to erase something from dbox when I put it on. Where do I place it.
Should I just reflash.
Add these two files to:
replacing the originals.
Once done, right click on each one and set the "file attributes" to 755.
Reboot your Dbox for the changes to kick in.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. July 2007 @ 11:54
Junior Member
5. July 2007 @ 13:29 |
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Did as suggested. rebooted and went to service scan N*L cable Dublin. Only picked up two transponders. is there anything else to do.
nokia dbox2
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6. July 2007 @ 00:54 |
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Are N*L messing around with the signal this morning? RTE 1, 2, TV3, Sky Sports 1 etc. are all over the place... Like they are encoded.
Any ideas?
Junior Member
6. July 2007 @ 00:55 |
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Originally posted by htctytn: Sorry if this has been answered already somewhere else but I've spent the last two hours searhing and can't find anything.
I seem to remember coming across a message in a thread somewhere with a link to some "software" that can fix the missing lines problem on a d-box2 display.
Was I dreaming here or does such a thing exist?
If anyone has suce software or can tell me where to find it I would really appreciate it.
It's not software but this guide might be what you are after. I havent tried it so I dont know if it works. http://techno-source.co.uk/SMF2/index.php?topic=375.0
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. July 2007 @ 00:58
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6. July 2007 @ 01:08 |
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Thanks srevor... Looks a little tricky but I might give it a go on my dbox to see if it works.
I'll let you know.
6. July 2007 @ 02:01 |
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Originally posted by htctytn: Are N*L messing around with the signal this morning? RTE 1, 2, TV3, Sky Sports 1 etc. are all over the place... Like they are encoded.
Any ideas?
yep...since about 8 the channels are all jumpy....and thats with nlt digital....
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6. July 2007 @ 08:19 |
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Looks like everything is back to normal. Hopefully it was just the weather!! ;o)
6. July 2007 @ 08:28 |
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yeah...mind you its not what the support line said!
Anyway some of mine are still a bit jumpy (using the pace box)...need to observe and see what happens....