G'day all,
I have been using DVD Shrink 3.2 for quite a while now to back up my ever increasing DVD collection but more and more I am getting an error message when I try to open certain DVDs. Most DVDs are fine but the odd one comes up with the same message as follows:
DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue.
Failed to read file "C:\Documents and settings\....\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.VOB"
Invalid access to memory location.
It doesn't matter whether the file is off my origonal DVD or off my HD as in the example above, I still get the same error. I believe it it a coppy protection problem. I usually use DVD Shrink with Nero but I also have the DVD Decrypter. Regardles neithor come into effect until I can actually open (rip) the files.
Yep you need more than Shrink and DVD Decrypter
There are odd occaisions that the above proggys wont do the job, coz they are out of date. If you want a more up-to date decrypter then use THIS LINK DVD FAB HD Decrypter is FREEWARE ......enjoy
You'll find all you need on that site as far as software and guides are concerned. Post your queries on this thread, or start another, it's your call.
PS: Keep those proggys you have....they will come in handy, especially shrink.
Originally posted by Berryone: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/428611
As Berryone has posted a link to a credible solution, i ask you to try the other software as suggested. DMA settings and CRC errors may come as a result of other complications. Not that i'm disregarding the info that Berryone has provided in any way.